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Chapter 1477 Western Wei Yu Wentai

Chapter 1477 Western Wei Yu Wentai

Cao Cao's matter has caused a lot of trouble in the world. This matter has undoubtedly set a good example for the people of the world. Opponents who cannot be beaten by themselves can find help. Even if they join forces with the enemy, it is not a problem, as long as they can reach unity in terms of interests. .This undoubtedly further exacerbated Wang Mang's tragedy. Who told him to be the best now? If it weren't for the fact that the sea monsters in the East China Sea are too powerful now, Zhao Kuangyin would not be able to escape, but Lao Zhao is not a weak chicken now.

At the same time, the northern rebels finally sent their troops south, but the commander was not Bai Qi, Bai Qi was still in Meteor City, and the one who went south was Gao Xianzhi, a famous general of the Middle Tang Dynasty!At the beginning, Yue Fei and Temujin fought to the detriment of both sides, and finally both died in battle, but the rebels in Xuerong City not only did not suffer any losses, but also captured a large number of prisoners, war horses and supplies, and took the opportunity to take down a large piece of land. Keeping pace with King Dongping in the south, they are known as the strongest twin kings.

Meng Ao had already garrisoned at Longjiangkou to prepare for the war, while Wu Zhao sent several letters to Calabash City, urging Wu Yi to send reinforcements. This was agreed in advance, and Wu Yi would naturally not refuse. Speaking of which, Gao Xianzhi must have fought But Meng Ao, follow the thigh, not to mention safety, there are many opportunities for growth.There is nothing wrong with Hua Mulan guarding Mayi City right now, so let her come over to take charge of this side. As for Mayi City, let Ma Teng watch first, and nothing will happen.

Hua Mulan's current legion is not yet level six, and it's not time to become a lieutenant general, but she can prepare first. As long as there are battles, the level of the legion will increase quickly, at least before the seventh level.In addition to the pre-determined Cao Chun, let’s count Ma Yunlu as one. Let’s not mention Ma Yunlu’s ability for the time being. Her unit Rouge Flying Cavalry is also a female soldier, which can receive more bonuses from Hua Mulan’s ability. Hua Mulan’s army is destined to be prosperous Yang decline.

But there is no rush now, let Cao Chun lead the troops to Dongyang City first, and then there is no rush for Hua Mulan's northern army to turn around.

Now there is a problem. There are more and more alien slaves in Gourd City. It is too wasteful to keep these people as coolies. Wu Yi plans to select soldiers from these slaves to build an independent new army, but there is no such thing for now. A suitable commander's choice.There are too many precedents in history for exchanging military exploits for status, so it is definitely not a problem.

The matter of the Cao family has come to an end. Cao Zhi succeeded in worshiping F4 as his teacher, so he temporarily stayed in Ghost Crab City. As for Cao Zhang, he was not idle. He went to the army with his uncle Cao Chun to practice, and vowed to take revenge with his own hands in the future, but Wu Yi is not optimistic about him, there is no way, the opponent is too strong.

And Wu Yi finally got the first manuscript of "Tiangong Kaiwu", which took a long time.

"Tiangong Kaiwu" (manuscript): An encyclopedia compiled by Song Yingxing, transcribed by Pan An.Agriculture +25% in the whole territory, fishery +25%, animal husbandry +25%, mining +25%, the ability of production and manufacturing deputy workers +8%, the efficiency of manufacturing industries +8%, the quality of all output items +8%, Production success rate +8%, new coordination R&D success rate +8%.

This attribute is completely incomparable with the real version, but if you don't read the real version and only look at the manuscript, this is undoubtedly a top-quality livelihood equipment!

Wu Yi, who was holding "Heavenly Craftsmanship" and "Manuscript", almost died of laughter. With this artifact, how many people would come to his door to "rob" him.

On the other hand, the partnership between Su Lie and Huo Qubing has finally begun. Since it is a joint venture, there must be a priority and a priority. Even if it wins, it is difficult to completely wipe out the target.At this point, the ability of the commanders of both sides has already been determined. Although Su Lie is also very good at surprise attacks, he has not yet reached the point where Huo Qubing can come and go without a trace. In addition, as the first commander of the Changshan League, Su Lie, With more resources, he entered the super class one step earlier than Huo Qubing. If he is not right, who is right!

Su Lie led an army to "seduce" the target on the vast plain, but Huo Qubing was nowhere to be found. However, after many days of "seduction", the target of Su Lie's plan finally became "interested" in him.

Speaking of the target chosen by Su Lie, it is quite well known. Now it is not easy to find a weak foreign race in the Northland. This time, Su Lie is targeting Xianbei Yuwentai!Xianbei can be regarded as a big family that is not weaker than Mongolia, and has jumped out in several periods in history. Even if Tuoba Tao was cheated to death by Helian Bobo before, it is still not a serious injury to Xianbei, and the current momentum is the most powerful The two Xianbei armies are the Murong family and the Yuwen family!

Su Lie's target this time is Yu Wentai!
Yuwentai has a temple title of "Taizu", but he did not really ascend to the throne. He did the same thing as Cao Cao, setting up a series of puppet emperors, and he controlled the government. He can be said to be the actual ruler of the Western Wei Dynasty. After his death, Yu Wenhu ended the Western Wei Dynasty, promoted Yu Wentai's son Yu Wenjue as the emperor, and respected Yu Wentai as the Taizu Emperor.

Maybe many people don't know much about the so-called Western Wei and Northern Zhou, and they may not even be able to tell the time period, but two or three people can be used to sort out the timeline. Yu Wentai is one of the eight pillars of the Western Wei Dynasty, the head of the pillar kingdom, The other Li Hu of the Eight Pillars Kingdom is Li Yuan's grandfather. It is conceivable how much time can pass between the Western Wei Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and the end of the Sui Dynasty?

Yuwentai's power is not comparable to that of Tuoba Tao at the beginning. Yuwentai has a series of famous generals such as Yuwenhu, Yuhuaji, Yuwen Morale, Yuwen Chengdu, Yuan Xin, Duhuxin, Hou Mo and Chen Chong, especially Yuwen Chengdu, who has been promoted to a legend in fierce battles, is the number one fierce general in Yuwentai's army.However, the current Yu Wentai is not at his peak. When he and Murong Chui blocked Xiang Yu's eastward army, Lian Po couldn't clean him up, and his strength was severely reduced. Now he is traveling eastward and intends to return to the temporary residence .

In order for Su Lie to reach the peak faster, Chang Shanmeng spent a lot of money. The elite army alone dispatched 15 people. In addition, Qin Liangyu from Fendudu Studio led a team to support him , because it is impossible to determine the time and exact location of the battle, so there are not many players accompanying this time.

If you want to continue to grow after reaching the super-class level, you must find enemies at the "hard bone" level. Don't think about any luck, opponents who can be easily dealt with, it is no longer possible to make them go further, so this time, Changshan League It's a fight. Relatively speaking, Huo Qubing's crisis hidden in the dark is much smaller.

However, crisis and gain are relative, Huo Qubing takes less risk, and he will get much less in the end, unless he can turn the tide with his hands, but the probability of this is very low.

(End of this chapter)

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