The best lord of online games

Chapter 1481 A group of people who want to become gods and go crazy

Chapter 1481 A group of people who want to become gods and go crazy
Tianshui City, here has become the focus of today's world. Although the resistance of the Elemental Temple is extremely tenacious, it still cannot change the situation of losing.Of course, there are also reasons why the three-party temples of the earth, the flames, and the violent wind did not do their best, but the most important thing is the participation of those forces who took advantage of the fire.

After all, this is related to a top-level power. The collapse of one top-level power involves too many interests. This kind of thing has not happened for thousands of years. If those sub-level powers want to go further, they must Are you sucking the "flesh and blood" of these veteran forces to take over!

Originally, the Temple of Elements wanted to ask the Temple of the Underworld to help. After all, it is no secret that the Taoist sect planned the underworld, the back garden of the Temple of the Underworld.But right now, the Temple of Light and the Temple of the Underworld are in the same situation. Given the location of Tianshui City, if these two temples are brought into the game again, the situation may be even worse than it is now.

Wu Yi also wanted to get a foothold in this prosperous world, but Huo Qubing hadn't returned to the army for a long time, so he could only wait, but it should be soon.The Changshan League has sent back the latest battle report, a big victory, but some important figures have not been able to stay, and there are too many strong men in Yuwentai's army.

Prior to this, Wu Yi had already asked the caravan to bring the secret weapon. Huang Yueying had already improved the previous enchantment generator, and the performance of each main surface had been fully improved. Tests can be evaluated more accurately. Tianshui City Battlefield is undoubtedly an excellent choice, and it can be regarded as a disguised form of supporting Daoist Jihad.

At the same time, in the imperial capital of Kowloon City, in a grand hall in front of the North City Element Square, seven old magicians dressed in different styles of magic robes sat in a circle, discussing the next major event.

This is the Association of Magicians, which is also an old-fashioned force. It is only one line behind the Elemental Temple, but because of the existence of the Elemental Temple, many people will ignore this organization unconsciously. What's more, many members of the Elemental Temple Believers all believe that the Association of Magicians is a subordinate organization of the Temple of Elements.

It is true that there are magicians from the Temple of Elements, but not all magicians come from the Temple of Elements!

"What do you guys think of the request for help sent by the Temple of Elements? Anyway, we must make up our minds today!" The leader, Old Magic, coughed lightly for a while, and said, he looks really old, with crisscrossed lines on his face. Said that the white beard is almost hanging down.

In fact, the composition of the Mage Association is more complicated than that of the Temple of Elements. In addition to the most common four branches of Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire, there are also three branches of Thunder, Space, and Seal. Therefore, once the Mage Association encounters any major events, It has always been the Big Seven voting decision.

"If you want me to say, it would be best if the Temple of Elements is over. Thinking about the few resources they took away from us back then?" A middle-aged woman in a magic robe with flame patterns was the first to express her opinion unhappily. This is not the first time It was a discussion, but the people in charge were not present, and the final decision was not made. In fact, the relationship between the Magicians Association and the Temple of Elements is not harmonious, and there are often conflicts. It is just that the price offered by the Temple of Elements this time is very attractive. .

"That's right! The Temple of the Elements' behavior in the past was too deceitful. The collapse of the Temple of the Elements is only good for us."

"The bid for the Temple of Elements is not bad. Anyway, regardless of success or failure, I think this job can be accepted."

"I don't have much interest in being a mercenary."

A group of bigwigs lazily expressed their opinions, most of them opposed.

"Zhou Han, what do you think about this?"

As the name "Zhou Han" fell, the chaotic scene suddenly quieted down, because this Zhou Han was originally a traitor from the Temple of Tides. Although the letter this time was sent by the Temple of Elements, the key is still the Temple of Tides. No one can compare to him in his understanding of the Temple of Tides. You must know that before he rebelled from the Temple of Tides, he was only one step away from reaching the top of the Temple of Tides!

"Those five old fellows are all crazy, completely crazy. I advise everyone that cooperating with the Temple of Tides is undoubtedly seeking skin from a tiger! Even if it is profitable for a while, it will eventually cause problems." Zhou Han was silent for a moment, speaking in a low voice. said the voice.

"How do you say that?" Everyone naturally knew who the five old guys Zhou Han was talking about were the five most powerful head masters of the Temple of Chaos. They were called the Five Elders of Chaos. The demigod space magician was even older.

Speaking of which, the power level of the Temple of Tides has not been changed for a long, long time, more than 500 years, right?This is unique among all the top forces. Not to mention other things, it is already a miracle that the five can live for such a long time.

"They want to become gods! In order to become gods, they betrayed their beliefs. In order to become gods, they can do any terrible thing, even if it costs the entire Tidal Temple. Is it okay to cooperate with such people? "

It can be said that the five main hall masters of the Temple of Chaos are a group of crazy people who want to become gods, and the long years have made them crazy!
But Zhou Han didn't know their secrets. The reason why he defected at the beginning was because his existence threatened the status of the "five elders".After thousands of years of operation, the Temple of Tides is no longer the temple of the Goddess of Tides, but a tool in the hands of the "five elders". It is also for this reason that the Temple of Tides has been extremely low-key over the years.

"Becoming a god?"

This reason is incomprehensible to everyone, becoming a god is the pursuit of all demigods, but it is unheard of to do this step in order to become a god!Where can one go after becoming a god?God Realm!In order to become a god, betray the belief in the gods, and destroy the gods left by the gods, this is going to enter the gods, and you will be hung up by the previous boss to dry out immediately!
Could it be that the five old guys have lived too long and have gone completely crazy?
But becoming a god is not so easy, can betrayal of faith increase the chance of becoming a god?I've never heard of such a game. What secrets does the Temple of Tides hide?
"Since this is the case, why don't we get involved in this matter too! We don't need the Temple of Elements to give us benefits, let's get it ourselves!"

"That's right! We should take back those things that should belong to us!"

"Hmph, I've seen those bastards in the Temple of Elements not happy. Last time that fat pig Yanfeng dared to send flowers to the main hall. This time he must look good."

Everyone was extremely speechless looking at the woman who was almost emitting flames behind her. This matter has something to do with the Temple of Elements. This is free love. I fell in love with this one.

(End of this chapter)

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