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Chapter 1482 Destiny divination, the ups and downs of Xu negative

Chapter 1482 Destiny divination, the ups and downs of Xu negative
Huo Qubing finally came back. Although the harvest this time was not as good as last time, he also brought back a lot of horses and prisoners of war.

Wu Yi is very satisfied with Huo Qubing. As long as he grows up step by step, he will be a famous general in the world, but others can't, so Wu Yi has to worry more about finding opportunities, resources, and suitable training places.Zhu Rong's "force" has reached 97. Wu Yi wants to raise a demigod first. She is undoubtedly the best choice. After the attribute of a famous general reaches 95, the effect of every increase is extremely significant. Although Zhu Rong's ability to single out Not top-notch, but as her force value continues to increase, this will gradually change.

It is said that this time, Yu Wencheng suffered a little loss under her hands at the end, which was something that was unimaginable in the past.

Not to mention Ma Zhong, Wu Yi can only provide him with a suitable platform for his growth. If you really want to say how much resources Wu Yi can spend on him, there is really no, because the ratio of investment and gain is too low.

So this time Wu Yi only planned to take three people to Tianshui City, Zhu Rong, Ma Zhong and Li Yuanba, and originally planned to take Xiao Mahe along with him, but Lei Ming's further study in Dragon God Island has been fruitless, and he, a knight, can only Can temporarily stay in Dragon God Island.

This time coming to Tianshui City is completely different from before. The current Tianshui City battlefield gives Wu Yi the feeling of seeing the doomsday god battlefield for the first time. Of course, Tianshui City is not the twilight barrier, and the gap between the two is too large. Even if it is an unclaimed corpse, they will collect it for them.It's just that the atmosphere here is completely different. Even the outer wall of Xiaoyue City has many new traces. One can imagine how tragic the battle was.

"This is even more astonishing than the Great War in the North!" Zhu Rong had seen the world, but he was still taken aback by the scene in front of him.

"Indeed, the way of the battle is different from what we usually experience." Ma Zhong nodded. The battle they experienced was more about cooperating with the commander, but the battle in front of them, not to mention the flying city, even held There are not a few demigods with artifacts, and the role of the strong has surpassed that of the commander.

Li Yuanba didn't speak, just resisted the double hammers, his eyes like a tiger descending a mountain recklessly looked at the positions of the strong people everywhere on the battlefield, a little eager to try.After turning into a witch clan, his stature has undergone a huge change. His height alone is close to three meters, and his muscles are like rocks. Anyone can feel the explosive power contained in it. The arrogant and domineering temperament is stronger than before. Sheng!
Li Yuanba's current "martial power" has recovered to [-], and he has unlocked the seal of a first-class general. The recovery speed is not bad. As long as there is a strong opponent, I believe he will return to the super first-class soon. At that time, he will be the enhanced version of Li Yuanba Yes!
Wu Yi is already looking for suitable metals. Forging a pair of suitable heavy hammers for Li Yuanba, but if he wants to forge legendary weapons, at least he needs a master blacksmith. There is no such big boss in Calabash City. For a big guy like Heavy Hammer, he might have to find the Dragon Clan, they are better at this kind of thing.

"Junior Brother, you are finally here. This kind of big scene is rare. I also said, if you don't come, it will be too late!" Yuan Chong's hearty laughter came over.He also came with two elders of the Wu clan. They were able to receive special reception mainly because of Zhu Rong's face. Since Zhu Rong was promoted to a legend, her status in the Wu clan has risen sharply. More than one letter has mentioned to him not to let Zhu Rong go to too dangerous a place.

Wu Yi didn't quite understand this. The Witch Clan is not like other gods. They need to propagate doctrines. What's the use of saintesses?
"Senior Brother and the two elders are here." For such a result, Wu Yi is still very happy to see the result. Following a large army, the danger is much lower.

"Please ask the saint to move to our camp with us."

Zhu Rong was going to the war zone of the Wu Clan. I heard that even the head of the Black Earth Tribe came in person this time.The Daoist sect obviously has other ideas about the Wu Clan, and they are extremely "pleasing" to the Wu Clan. Not only have they assigned an easier war zone to the Wu Clan, but they have also specially sent a group of Taoist priests and talisman priests to assist these militant Wu Clans .

Back in the age of the gods, when the Daoist sect, the witch clan, and the monster clan were still one family, the monster clan was responsible for this kind of special nurse work.But now... the Temple of Elements is fighting a jihad with the Taoist sect. The Yaozu wish that the Temple of Elements can be thrown away entirely, and it would be better to let the Taoist sect hurt their muscles and bones by the way, so that they can monopolize the superior resource of King Dongping.

The general attack has not yet started, only sporadic battles are still going on, along the way you can see the sword shadows in the sky, and the dark army of demons on the ground.

At this moment, there was a sudden change in the sky. The originally thick cloud layer was forcibly broken through by a mysterious force, followed by scrolls of light and shadow, surrounding Tianshui City, which supported the barrier.There are twelve picture scrolls in total, and they are extremely blurry. The naked eye can only see some fuzzy lines flowing continuously. Soon, a huge golden gossip appeared in the center of the twelve picture scrolls.

"Push the back picture?" Yuan Chong, who was flying in front of Wu Yi, exclaimed.

Is this a pushback?
Wu Yi was also a little surprised. Twelve pushback pictures fell in Tianshui City at this time. Yuan Tiangang was going to expose the background of the Temple of Chaos!What does Yuan Laodao do?The national teacher who can calculate the fate of the country, he has now come up with the Tuibei map co-authored with Li Chunfeng. Although the Tuibei map has not been completed yet, the bonus to divination will not be low. He is not trying to dig out the secrets of the Temple of Chaos what is it
Immediately afterwards, Wu Yi received another series of system messages.

——System: Xu Negative performed destiny divination, opened the corner of fate, intelligence +2.

——System: Xu Negative's intelligence attribute reached 95, he obtained the special ability "Pupil of Destiny", the title "First-class Fortune Teller" was promoted to "Super First-class Fortune Teller", and his reputation increased by [-].

——System: Xu Negative was successfully promoted to the legendary level, the talent "Wheel of Destiny" was grown, and he successfully comprehended the field - the field of destiny, and his reputation increased by [-].

——System: Xu Negative's reputation has reached "Famous".

——System: Xu negative was backlashed by destiny divination, and his strength dropped sharply.

When he heard the system information that Xu Negative was promoted to Legendary, Wu Yi almost jumped up with excitement. A Legendary fortuneteller and the first female Fortuneteller of Legendary rank have extraordinary meanings.But this legendary fortune teller was "sealed" before he could show off.

Wu Yi had seen this before when his strength dropped sharply after being backlashed by destiny divination. Xu negative had this negative state when he first joined Calabash City, and it took a long time for him to recover. How long will it take to recover this time?
However, what Wu Yi is more concerned about is that the system information said that Xu Neg saw a corner of fate through fortune telling. What did she see?What exactly did she perform fortune-telling on?

wait, it won't be...

Wu Yi looked forward fiercely, the light and shadow of the twelve push back pictures had completely invaded the enchantment of Tianshui City, Xu negative could not have hitched a ride with Yuan Laodao, right?
(End of this chapter)

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