The best lord of online games

Chapter 1483 The Hidden Secret of the Tides Temple

Chapter 1483 The Hidden Secret of the Tides Temple

No matter how much you suffer backlash and your strength drops sharply, as long as you step into the legendary realm, you will always be much stronger than before. Besides, it is always much easier to recover your strength than to break through the realm.Moreover, the growth of talent will not be sealed because of the decline of strength.

Wheel of Destiny - Divination success rate +50%, has a great chance to predict the attack that will cause damage to oneself in advance, own dodge ability +75%, has a certain chance to shake the enemy's belief, and can shield other fortune tellers from For the divination of people, things, and things in the territory, the shielding effect is based on the abilities of the fortune-tellers on both sides.The special ability "Fate Rotation" can be used at special times. (Destiny reincarnation: There is a certain probability that the words spoken will come true.)
Xu negative really lived up to her name as the number one female fortune-teller. If she cooperated with the "Pupil of Destiny" and "Field of Destiny", it would undoubtedly be even sharper.

However, the key now is, what exactly Yuan Laodao wants to do!
The light and shadow in the back map did not actually damage the city barrier. It should be just a manifestation of a special divination technique. There are also many phantoms in Tianshui City. They should be trying to stop them with all their strength, but they are too far away to see them. The specific situation of the Qing Dynasty.

Soon, the light and shadow of the twelve push back pictures merged with the golden gossip, reflecting the real scene after scene.It was a dim underground palace with faint blue light. The underground palace was filled with sea water, and there were five tall bodies in the center, all of which were exactly the same. In the ground, it is extremely weird, and in the center there is a statue of the goddess of tides, which is half the height of a person. The statue emits a magnificent light, but the light is not completely scattered, and it is completely absorbed by the five strange bodies.

That is no ordinary light, it is the power of faith!

This is a holy war, and the people present are naturally very familiar with the power of faith. You must know that people below the god level generally cannot use the power of faith.


The scene reflected above Tianshui City shocked the forces of the entire battlefield. What is that?Divine body?A complete divine body?How could it be possible to have five sea god bodies!

Also, the statue of the goddess of tides, the temple of tides is obviously using this statue to steal the power of faith collected by the temple, which is digging the roots of the goddess of tides!Although the God Realm has cut off contact with the main world, the gods can take away the power of faith collected in his name. Therefore, the power of faith in the Temple of Tides is owned by the Lord!
The power of faith is definitely the bottom line of every god, which is related to their strength. Similarly, the power of faith is also equivalent to the hard currency between the gods. Stealing the power of faith is undoubtedly a betrayal of the gods they believe in!This is to make it clear that the gods can't come down from the God Realm to clean up, but this is also equivalent to giving up a lot of cards on their own initiative. It is true that the gods can't come down from the God Realm at the moment, but the layout of the temple can be restored through the power of faith. At the critical moment, you borrowed the power of a certain god, but now you have already betrayed, how can you borrow it?
This is also the main reason why the mermaids turned against the Temple of Tides, but they didn't announce it to the world. After all, this is not a matter of long faces.

The scene reflected above Tianshui City just flashed by and exploded into countless fragments in the blink of an eye. Divination is not unlimited. To have such a result is already an inhuman performance by Yuan Tiangang, obviously This time, Xu Negative took Yuan Laodao's free ride and successfully promoted through the secret of the Chaotian Temple.

Wu Yi's vision is not enough. Through the previous scene, he can only guess one or two points. He is still not very clear about the real purpose of the Temple of Tides, but anyway, the five cultivated god bodies are absolute treasures. This undoubtedly made all forces more confident in attacking.

Now the only ones who feel depressed and want to vomit blood, and have the idea of ​​beeping the dog are probably the three temples of the earth, the flames, and the storm. This damn is a bit different from what was said in advance. They are obviously "teammates" by the temple of tides It's a trap. After forming a group for so many years, they have not received any news. This is their problem, but now they want to "get off the bus" is not so easy. Like Xiaoyue City, it is impossible for Lieyan Temple to escape easily.


Nothing can mobilize everyone's morale more than profit. The previous glimpse made those forces who were originally soy sauce suddenly feel like they were on drugs. At this time, they don't care about the layout of the door. Wanting to take a share in those five divine bodies is completely dreaming!

Many layouts of Tianshui City have been broken before, and the city defense is not as good as before. When is it not active at this time?Waiting to grab it from Daomen at the last moment?That is definitely more expensive than offending the Temple of Elements, and there is a great possibility that it will be wiped out by the Daoist Sect. The risk is too high.

The war broke out extremely suddenly. When Wu Yi and his party arrived at the camp of the Wu Clan, the Wu Clan had already joined the battle. The current situation is very delicate. The forces outside the city are all attacking the city. The tidal temple talk collapsed, wanting to quit, the scene was extremely chaotic.

Civil strife broke out in Tianshui City, coupled with the strong attack from the outside, the barrier of the city defense was quickly broken, and the outside even forcibly blocked the space temporarily with several artifacts, prohibiting all teleportation.When the barrier of the city defense was broken, countless people from the other three temples poured out of the city, and they no longer wanted to get involved in this mess. How easy it is to let them go!

What, are you deceived?This letter!
In this way, although the people from the three temples of the Earth, Lieyan, and Storm rushed out at the first time, they were blocked back later. They are now alienated from the Temple of Tides. With them, the battle will be easier.More than ten demigods fought high above the sky, almost causing the entire sky to collapse!

Wu Yi didn't see Liezi, so he might have already entered Tianshui City. His speed is the biggest trump card. Even if he goes deep into the enemy's line, he won't be in any danger. What's more, the magic sword in his hand is most likely inherited from the Taoist sect. One of the oldest artifacts, the genuine Zhengtian Sword!When meeting his enemies, most of them will be unlucky, and those who can survive in his hands must be the strongest among demigods.

Ma Zhong rode the Blood Crown Phoenix Island and left alone. His ability was not suitable for fighting with the masses, while Li Yuanba resisted the double hammers and charged with the army of the Wu Clan, smashing all the enemies he encountered!Only Zhu Rong has not moved for the time being, looking for a suitable opponent for her, under the special care of two elders of the Wu clan.

(End of this chapter)

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