The best lord of online games

Chapter 1486 Greatly Changed World Situation

Chapter 1486 Greatly Changed World Situation

The Holy War in Tianshui City is over, and the world is once again in turmoil!
The remaining power of the Temple of Tides was fully withdrawn from the major cities and towns. These vacated sites were immediately occupied by major forces. In addition, the Temple of Elements also announced to the public that it would dismiss the Temple of Tides. In the future, the Temple of the Elements There is no such force anymore, but the Elemental Temple has not weakened because of this. After leaving an Elemental Temple, they immediately joined two other forces, the Monster Race and the Mage Association!
In the past, many people always thought that the Association of Magicians was a subordinate force of the Temple of Elements, but now it has finally become a part of the Temple of Elements.It is a little surprising that the Yaozu joined the Elemental Temple. It seems that this is a complete plan to break with the Taoist sect.

However, these have little impact on Calabash City. What really has an impact on Calabash City is the damn Temple of Chaos!

After the remaining power of the Temple of Tides was fully withdrawn from the inland, it plunged into the West Sea. Now it is completely mixed with the sea monster, and the sea is bound to be even more chaotic in the future.Although the Temple of Tides went to the West China Sea, not the East China Sea, the meaning is actually the same, and it is not difficult for them to come to the East China Sea.

At this time, the emperor of the empire also issued an imperial decree, designating the Tidal Temple as a cult and putting it on the empire's blacklist.

Wu Yi didn't know exactly how much the Temple of Tides lost this time. The five divine bodies should not have been taken away. With the addition of the Temple of Tides, Zhou Yu's West Sea Fleet would definitely not be able to withstand it, and the mermaid saint stayed behind. There may be problems on the mermaid island, and those sea tribes in the West Sea, if they are found, they may also have to be destroyed.

In a word, big trouble!
It is impossible for Calabash City to live alone in the sea as before. In fact, Wu Yi has never relaxed his investment in the sea, but the growth of the general cannot be controlled by him, so he can only increase investment in armaments For this reason, Huang Yueying specially improved various war equipment suitable for naval warfare.In general, Calabash City's sea power is still the top, ranking alongside the Empire's two-sea navy.

Speaking of this, I have to talk about the situation in the underworld. According to the latest information from the underworld, the alliance of great lords' attack on Donghai City has been completely defeated by the strong intervention of the Underworld Temple.The winged angels in the underworld are not yet sure that they are the backhands left by the light gods, but they suddenly attacked the Lich City that served the Temple of the Underworld, so there must be a problem. The angels also withdrew, and did not continue to storm the Lich City, and the Temple of the Underworld wanted to deal with the so-called alliance of great lords first, and did not pursue these angels with wings.

The current situation of the Great Lords Alliance is very embarrassing. They don't want to fight with the Temple of the Underworld, and want to maintain the previous situation of non-interference, but the Temple of the Underworld is determined to solve this unstable factor this time. die!

For the backboneless lords of the underworld, there is actually no problem in surrendering, but the problem now is that there is an extra door in the middle, which makes the big lords think a little more, and they are still holding on.

Daomen didn't invest much power in the underworld, mainly to cause trouble for the Temple of the Underworld, otherwise it would be impossible to defeat Donghai City when the Temple of the Underworld was stumbled.

The issue of the underworld has not yet affected the specialty trade between Gourd City and the Great Lord, but the release of the Donghai Kingdom also indicates that the East China Sea Kingdom may come back from the underworld at any time, which will greatly affect Calabash city ah.But if we really want to talk about the influence, the Dragon God City should be the first to be affected!
The Chu army took advantage of their status as allies to forcibly take away Iron Tooth City. Guanchao Cliff is within the territory of Iron Tooth City. If Donghai Kingdom returns, he will be the first to bear the brunt!It's just that it's impossible for Calabash City to live in peace, and with Gao Xianzhi going south, the east will be "lively" again in the future, but relatively speaking, Wu Yi is more concerned about the fragment of the Phoenix Clan in Donghai Kingdom. It's a pity that he can't talk to Donghai country now, otherwise he would have to exchange things first if he said anything.

Wu Yi also basically knew the bottom of Dragon God City. Speaking of which, the sea monsters in the East China Sea have also flooded now. Seaside cities like Rising Sun City are not uncommonly attacked by sea monsters. Even the waters of the Rose River, There was also a sea monster that sneaked in, but the waters around Dragon God City did not see even a sea monster!This also means that Dragon God City has secretly taken refuge in Sea Monster or Tidal Temple, and only this possibility can keep him developing steadily.

It's a pity that Wu Yi has no evidence, otherwise he wouldn't mind sending troops directly to swallow Dragon God City!

All the current events indicated that Calabash City would open another front, and the conscription had to continue. Wei Qing's army had already entered the ruins of Antao, and was about to start another war with Zhang Han.In addition, Dongping City is also gathering soldiers and horses, with Wang Zhongsi as the commander, attacking Calabash City.Wang Zhongsi is a new character in Dongping City, a famous general in the mid-Tang Dynasty, if Li Longji was not too pitiful, this is a character who can cast myths, but when he met the super pig Li Longji, he just knelt down and died only 45 Years old, this is definitely a strong opponent.

Next, Wu Yi plans to remove the divination backlash on Xu Neg as soon as possible, so that she can restore her legendary strength. A powerful fortune teller is very sharp on the battlefield.Afterwards, I will meet Tu Shanye again. How can I say that he has some friendship with the Yaozu? Now the Temple of the Elements fully supports King Dongping, and the Yaozu has joined the Temple of the Elements. It is also a good attitude to visit the Yaozu.

On the other hand, after the fall of Cao Cao's power, Wang Mang quickly made a choice, and completely surrendered to Zhang Jiao before a group of wolves who wanted to "divide his food" attacked him, and the forces under his command fully accepted Zhang Jiao's rule.Whether Wang Mang will rebel in the future is temporarily unknown, but Wang Mang's power has become a thing of the past.

At the same time, Moshan King Xiao Qiheng announced to the outside world that all the people under his command believed in the way of peace, and his forces were fully merged with Zhang Jiao.Whether Xiao Qiheng will become the second puppet is temporarily unknown, but after a series of actions, he, Moshan King, has undoubtedly become the biggest force in the west!Looking at it now, Zhang Jiao allowed Cao Cao to be destroyed before, but it was just a way to force Wang Mang. Now even if Yingzheng goes south, he will not be able to win their combination for a while.

Yingzheng in the northwest is undoubtedly the greatest threat to the western powers. Although Li Mu had ventured out of the main theater to block Gao Changgong's victory, the general situation has not changed much. Without a large amount of foreign aid, it is impossible to defeat the invincible Yingzheng Bingfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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