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Chapter 1487 The Hongyu Empire, who made a sudden move

Chapter 1487 The Hongyu Empire, who made a sudden move

The changes in the Temple of Tides and the Temple of Elements, and even the integration of King Moshan's forces, actually did not have much impact on the Hongyu Empire. It was Yingzheng that really made the Hongyu Empire feel like a stick in its throat!

Yue Fei died in battle, and the defeat in the northern war had already caused the Hongyu Empire to lose control of the northern land. If the northwest was lost again, it would mean that the northwest, west, and north would all fall, which would mean losing half of the country!This is too serious, and the loss of the national fortune will be even more serious. As a result, the Hongyu Empire will become weaker and weaker, and it will become more and more difficult to regain lost ground.

Such a result is difficult for the emperor Xiao Chenguang to accept. Just one year after he ascended the throne, the empire has become in disarray, rebellions are rampant, and the land has been successively fallen. It is also getting bigger and bigger. If it is not for the strong support of the Temple of Light, his throne will be over long ago.

Xiao Chenguang, who was eager to prove himself, convened important officials in the court to discuss matters and discuss plans almost every day. However, important officials did not mean capable officials, and loyal officials did not mean they were capable.The plan finally negotiated was unacceptable to many people. Originally, at Wu Yi's level, he was not qualified to know the result of such a resolution. When he met Yunlin before, Yunlin probably thought that the matter was already in progress, and it would be okay if he missed it. It doesn't affect, so I complained.

When Wu Yigang heard it, he almost thought that Xiao Chenguang was crazy. Their plan was to send strong men to sneak into the Lost Mountains again, trying to break the seal of the cross-boundary space gate leading to the Demon Realm!This is an attempt to "borrow" the power of the Demon Realm to contain Yingzheng. This method is not uncommon in troubled times. It is very common to unite weak forces to attack powerful enemies, and even support weak forces to contain strong people. These are very common, but Xiao Chenguang now It's the Demon Realm!
In Wu Yi's view, this is completely stupid!Is Demon Realm so easy to control?I don't even think about it, what if Moyu crosses borders, but Moyu finally forms an alliance with Yingzheng, it will explode!You know, there are people like Su Qin under Yingzheng's command, so you really can't miss it?
The northwest of the Hongyu Empire is entirely supported by Li Mu alone. It has been confirmed that Li Mu is a military god with a "command" of over 99. Only in this way can Wu Qi, who has the title of "Soldier Saint" and "commander" [-], dare not They joined forces to attack the city, but Li Mu was restrained too much and couldn't deal with Wu Qi.Now let's see how the demon army will choose when they come again. If they fight against Yingzheng, it will be a good thing for the Hongyu Empire!
However, Demon Realm is also a realm, and it is said that there is also an empire. If Yingzheng can't resist, it will be a big trouble, but now there is a Great Wall around the Mitu Mountain Range, so it is not a big problem.

The northwest is too far away for Calabash City. Wu Yi only hopes that Li Mu will survive in the end so that he can take over. If he dies, then Li Mu may not necessarily belong to him.

Wu Yi has been very busy in the past two days. Because of the hidden dangers in the East China Sea, Hua Mulan's army can no longer go to Longjiang Estuary to reinforce Meng Ao. Wu Yi has already notified Wu Zhao that Hua Mulan's army will temporarily station in Dongyang City. The logistics were provided by Wu Zhao. From their point of view, the strength of the Chu army in Iron Tooth City was too weak, so they had to guard against it. Xu Wei was drawn back to Penglai City again. Her griffin knight army had formed. After training and growing up over time, this angel has finally entered the ranks of famous generals, with both leadership and intelligence over seventy.

As long as there is potential, even if it is a "0" character, it is not too slow to cultivate. As long as there are resources, it will not slow down until it is second-rate.

In addition to the Griffin, Calabash City also has another new army, a new ethnic group - five-color peacocks!

Speaking of which, Gourd City introduced the five-color peacock earlier than the Griffin, just to expand the group, Wu Yi has not let go of conscription, and now, one of the five-color peacocks has given birth to an individual with an elite template, which can also contribute to The direction of the development of famous generals, just like Yue Yingcai of the Tree Monster Race, the Griffin is not in the ranks of intelligence races, it is lower than the Monster Race, generally there will be no individuals who can be cultivated into famous generals.

Race: five-color peacock (monster)
Racial ability: five-color demon light——Attacks will randomly come with "armor-breaking (blue)", "melting spirit (yellow)", "burning (red)", "blinding (white)", and "corrosion (black)" The first-level state of the same kind cannot be superimposed. When the five-level states all appear on the same target, the magic damage of the five-color peacock will be +300%, and a certain amount of real damage will be attached.

Colorful enchantment - within a certain range, all spell effects except the self are weakened, and the self has a certain chance of being completely immune to spell effects, negative state immunity +75%.

Identity: Commoner of Calabash City, Hongyu Empire
Reputation: 0
Title: Son of the Five Elements - racial ability "five-color demon light" effect +50%, enhanced state hit rate, "intelligence" bonus effect +10%.

Talent: Five-color divine light—racial ability "five-color demon light" effect +25%, five-color light has additional effects, blue light—destroys magic (breaks special defense), yellow light—seals magic (temporarily seals basic skills with a certain probability) , Red light - burning soul (strengthening damage, deepening damage to the spirit body), white light - hallucination (creating hallucinations), black light - molten blood (burning health by percentage), five colors in one, with a guardian effect.

Specialty: Hex Mastery - Hex Effect +25%, Consumption -25%.

Level: Level 9

Command: 10
Force: 0
Intelligence: 10
Politics: 0
The racial ability of the five-color peacock is too strong. As long as the five-color light state is full, it is almost difficult for anyone to resist the damage that explodes.Moreover, Kong Ming not only directly possesses talents, specialties, but also a title. For a freshman template, this is definitely a well-deserved genius!
From the attribute panel, it is not difficult to see that this peacock has the potential of a super turret, racial ability plus talent, Kong Ming's attack may at most put ten status on the target, it is really not easy to survive if the status is full. , In fact, there is no need to fully hang it, as long as the five colors of light are all brushed, the subsequent damage will already explode, [-]% damage enhancement, plus real damage!
However, there are many ways to remove the status, from skills to items, it is not easy to get all the status of the five colors of light in the battle of the strong. Legend, he is the top existence in the legend, which is also the reason why the five-color peacock has a high status in the monster clan.

This made Wu Yi couldn't help thinking of Kong Xuan, who was almost invincible under the saints in the list of gods!
In general, this peacock is worth cultivating vigorously. In terms of foundation alone, it has surpassed the wise angel Xu Wei!
(End of this chapter)

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