The best lord of online games

Chapter 1488 Deep Frost Dragon King's Lair

Chapter 1488 Deep Frost Dragon King's Lair
Wu Yi is busy adding troops to the commanders of the major war zones. The combination of troops in each army must be considered. The terrain and environment of the battlefield must be matched with which troops to maximize combat power. This is a problem that must be considered when taking the route of elite troops. , like cavalry is completely meaningless in naval battles.

No matter how Wu Yi thinks about it, the war that is due cannot be avoided. According to the battle report from the mermaid clan, the Kraken found the Zitian Sea Anemone's clan and launched an attack.Zitian Anemone was originally a minority of the Sea Clan, with a small population, unable to resist the sea monster's attack, the clan was destroyed, and the remaining power of the Zitian Anemone went deep, and sent a plea for help to the Mermaid Clan.

How to do?
Rescue must be rescued. The mermaid and sea clam tribe dispatched a coalition army, plus a fleet from Calabash City to rescue them. I think there will be another sea tribe in the five-color sea after that.

The case of the Zitian sea anemone is undoubtedly a wake-up call for the Sea Clan. In addition to these three, there are two Sea Clans in the West Sea, the Royal Whale and the Dragon Turtle. Whether you want to admit it or not, the Sea Monster has already threatened the survival of these Sea Clans. , not to mention that the Temple of Tides will join the battle of the sea in the future. Even if the sea people don't want to unite, they can't do it anymore. If they don't unite, they can only perish or be enslaved by the sea monster. There is no other way to go!
This is good news for Calabash City. Once united, the Sea Clan of the West Sea will definitely gather in the Five Colors Sea. This will make it easier for Wu Yi to "squeeze" the value of the Sea Clan. On the other hand, it will also strengthen the Ghost Crab. Island security level.

However, the forces still have no good solution to the sea monsters. Even in the East China Sea, the sea monsters have begun to harass the coastal routes. As a last resort, Wu Yi can only send Chen Lin's fleet to guard the caravan, which has greatly affected Without the efficiency of the caravan, Wu Yi was so disgusted that he wanted to poison the sea.

If you want to completely solve the sea monster, you must find a way to wipe out the sea monster. There is no point in chasing and intercepting the sea monster in the endless sea.However, according to the information sent back by those members of the Sky Eye Studio who have turned into sea monsters and developed in the sea monsters, the clans of the sea monsters are all on the backs of giant monster turtles, which are movable islands. Locate them by sea.

At present, Calabash City is really powerless in terms of high-end power, so we can only rely on the Sea Clan for the time being, there is no better way.

Just when Wu Yi was so busy that he was dizzy, Mo Shang, who had returned to Dragon God Island with him before, finally came back.

"Commander, what do the elders say?"

The matter of Burying the God Sea must be resolved, otherwise it will be a bomb. If the sea monster really touches the dragon's lair, it will be a disgrace to the dragon clan, and the "landlord" Calabash City will also be affected at that time.

"The elder agreed to the plan you mentioned, and I will discuss this matter with the mermaid clan in person, but before that, there is one more thing to ask Lord Lao."

"What's the matter? Commander, just ask, as long as it can be done, I will definitely not refuse." The relationship between Calabash City and the Dragon Clan is considered to be in the honeymoon period. The Dragon Clan has just agreed to increase the number of dragon knights on his side. Of course he couldn't say nothing.

"There is a sacred item of our clan in the Dragon Emperor's Nest. For the sake of safety, it is better to bring it back to the clan."

What do you mean?
After hearing what Mo Shang said, Wu Yi didn't understand. Is there a need to tell him about this?If the Dragon Clan wants to get something back, just go, it's their Dragon King, why don't you report to him!

"Because of ancestral precepts and some secrets, it is inconvenient for members of the Dragon Clan to enter the Dragon King's Nest, and foreigners who enter will be cursed by the Dragon King, but for the chosen one, there will be no such problems, so the elder hopes that the Lord can go there in person! Of course, this Things will not let the lord take risks in vain, and the thunderous knight has also become a legend, as long as the lord can collect enough materials, our family can be responsible for helping to create a legendary dragon gun."

This reward is exactly what Wu Yi needs. If it is for free to ask the dragon clan to build weapons, the price is not so high. Although this reward is a bit like adding "insurance" to Lei Ming, the third generation of dragons, it does make Wu Yi refuse. no.

"Is it dangerous in the dragon's lair?" Wu Yi is just a water saint now, completely incomparable with the strong ones in the dragon clan, and the Dragon King is even more of a god-level existence. The Dragon King's lair is equivalent to the tomb of the gods. The strength is really not enough, and he doesn't want to "die" when he reaches the holy rank!

"It's hard to say, but according to the family records, this is not the location of the Deep Frost Dragon Emperor's Palace. If the lord agrees, we have prepared an amulet for you. Even if there is danger, it will not be too much."

"Okay, what do you want me to look for?" Wu Yi thought for a while, and finally agreed. After all, the forging quota for a legendary weapon is very rare. What's more, his intelligence has reached 81, and it is impossible to grow up. It has become very difficult. If you want to reach 86, even if you have the Tianzhi Pill and the Goddess of Wisdom, you need to reach [-] at least. In the Dragon Emperor's lair, there may be a chance to grow.

"This thing!" Mo Shang took out a picture book, the pattern on it was a crown.

Ice Dragon Tooth Crown!

The whole body is crystal-like azure blue, with dragon-tooth-shaped fangs, simple, magnificent and gorgeous.

This should be an artifact, no doubt, right?

Saliva!It's a pity that the price of hacking this thing is too high, and it will definitely attract a strong attack from the dragon clan, and at that time, Mo Shang will definitely squat outside the dragon's lair.

"There is one more thing. I hope the lord will not touch the other items in the dragon's lair except for the ice dragon tooth crown. Even if the dragon's things are sealed, they can be easily discovered. I hope this matter will not affect us. The relationship between the two parties." Mo Shang raised a dark face.

Wu Yi was speechless, because he was afraid that he would steal from him!
However, he really had this idea before. Even if the Dragon Emperor’s lair is not the land of the shrine, there must be a lot of good things in it. The equipment produced by the Dragon Clan has always been synonymous with high-quality goods. Now it seems that this way is blocked. dead.

"Of course!"

"How do I get in?" The Dragon King's lair is not so easy to enter. Back then, if the Red Lotus Fire Dragon King's lair hadn't collapsed, he wouldn't have been able to get in.Now it seems that the lair of the Deep Frost Dragon Emperor is very likely to be intact, let alone him, if there is no correct method, it will not be easy for even a demigod to enter.

"Don't worry about this, the lord. I will personally send the lord in at that time. Once the lord is accurate, just let me know."

"That's good!" Wu Yi sighed slightly in his heart. If he couldn't do it casually, then his trip to the Dragon's Cave would be limited. Is there any other way?From the age of the gods to the present, there are not a few treasures of the Dragon Clan living outside, and they are not as awesome as Mo Shang said. They can find out everything, but his ability is limited, and he must not be able to escape.

 Here is an explanation of what I said before that there is no evidence for fighting Dragon God City. Some book friends think that it is just a game. What kind of evidence is needed? But the imperial camp is different, and the order is still there. This is the same as killing famous people in other games. Gourd City and Dragon God City are now both in the imperial camp. Going to war directly is tantamount to betraying the empire, and the price is too high.

  The former Wang Zhongsi was wrongly labeled as Wang Sizhong, which has been changed.

(End of this chapter)

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