Chapter 1491
Most of the sealing formations outside of the Dao system are in the shape of a perfect circle or a star. The Dragon Sealing Picture is a perfect circle. With a fixed point, it is much easier to find it according to the established arc.

Wu Yi circled around the edge of the Dragon Sealing Picture, but in the end he only found 29 giant dragon statues, and the remaining seven were completely trapped in the collapsed area. According to the distance between the two giant dragon statues, it is not difficult to Identify those statues buried under rubble.Wu Yi decided to dig out the buried statues first. He must not let any of the 36 statues go. It will take a lot of time, and he doesn't know if moving these suppressed and sealed statues will cause any accidents.

But Wu Yi can't take care of so much now, he only thinks about the artifact now.

Fortunately, this is a game, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to dig things out from under the rocks by himself, let alone take them away. The 36 giant dragon statues can be regarded as combined equipment, which can be directly put into the backpack.When Wu Yi dug out the first dragon statue and put it in his backpack, nothing special happened. This strengthened Wu Yi's confidence even more. However, even the dragon statue that suppressed the seal could be buried. Obviously, there was something wrong with Feng Longtu, but he just didn't know the reason.

It was the first time that Wu Yi spent most of the day digging out the seven buried dragon statues with the Tiangang Thunder Sword.The rest of the statues that are not buried by the rocks are simple, just install them directly, but...

When Wu Yi moved the eighth dragon statue, which was the first giant dragon statue that was completely suppressed on the Dragon Sealing Map, the statue trembled slightly, emitting a hazy glow, and the faint sound of dragon chant swayed around, the thick and heavy The dragon's prestige instantly diffused, and then, a shadow of a dragon with a transparent body and a pale golden color rose from the statue.

Seal guard!

No, to be precise, it should be guarded by Feng Long!
There are usually guards in the sealed place to prevent outsiders. Before, because of the Dragon God Amulet, guards never appeared. However, now that Wu Yi moved the giant dragon statue that suppressed Fenglongtu, guards naturally appeared.The reason why there was no problem with the seven giant dragon statues collected before is because they were originally separated from the Dragon Sealing Map because of the collapse.

At the same time that Fenglong Zhenshou appeared, the dragon god amulet on Wu Yi's body also burst into light, and a golden beam of light fell on Zhenshou, who let out an unwilling roar, but finally merged into Fenglong's picture again.

"Huh, I scared my father to death, I thought I was kneeling this time!" Wu Yi, who was trembling in fear, heaved a long sigh of relief. Even if the guards in the Dragon Sealing Picture collapsed, they would at least be equivalent to the legendary level. This is definitely not something he can handle.

Fortunately, the Dragon God Amulet, which he thought was useless before, showed its power, and the power was a bit beyond his expectation.It's still too careless, the artifact is so easy to collect, but now there is the Dragon God Amulet, which can allow him to continue, but he needs to be more cautious.

When Wu Yi took away all 36 "Giant Dragon Statues - Sealed Zun", it was already the next day. With this artifact as a base, the sense of satisfaction is beyond words.However, after entering the Fenglongtu area, the black mist appeared more and more frequently. Sometimes he could still see the battle between Fenglong guards and the black mist. Now, it can be seen that the magic dragon was really not dead.

Wu Yi carefully probed towards the center of Fenglongtu, and from a long distance, he could see a rich blue light, which flickered continuously indistinctly. In the blue light, he could see the outline of a crown, which was the outline of light and shadow. , is very huge, Wu Yi can only see a corner, but the light and shadow are slowly turning clockwise, and more details can be seen. Holding the illustration book in his hand, it is not difficult for Wu Yi to judge that it is the one he is looking for. The Ice Dragon Tooth Crown!

After getting closer, he discovered that the light and shadow were emanating from the real ice dragon tooth crown, like a big cover. The crown was floating in mid-air in a complicated beam of magic circle light. Hide and show.

But how to take this thing away?

Shit!The dragon clan asked him to do something, but he didn't explain the matter clearly, which was simply too bad.However, according to the record of the half of the Sealing Dragon Figure animal skin he obtained before, through the Ice Dragon Tooth Crown, he can control the entire seal of the Dragon Sealing Figure. This is also the only way for him to leave here on his own. However, with his strength, There must be no way to control the artifact.

At this moment, the dragon god amulet on Wu Yi's body flew out automatically, and flew to the same height as the ice dragon tooth crown. The golden flame burned on the amulet, forming the appearance of a small pocket dragon. The Dragon God Statue on Dragon God Island.In the blink of an eye, the golden little dragon broke through the light and shadow outside the ice dragon tooth crown, landed on the real crown, and pulled the crown to move outward.

However, as the crown was touched, the entire world seemed to vibrate, and the surrounding light burst into flames. The entire sealing formation of the Dragon Sealing Picture lit up at this moment, countless intertwined lines emerged, and the loud and clear dragon chant sounded in the air. Constantly echoing around.

not good!

The power of the Dragon God Talisman intends to forcibly take the crown of the Ice Fang Dragon. This must be the main reason why the Dragon Clan prepares the Dragon God Talisman for him. However, because he took away 36 of them before to suppress the dragon map and strengthen the seal formation The "Giant Dragon Statue-Sealing Zun" now moves the ice dragon tooth crown again, causing the sealing formation to become unstable, and the formation is likely to collapse.

But the Dragon God Amulet is not under his control. To put it bluntly, he is running away for this mission!

Right now, Wu Yi can only pray secretly in his heart that nothing will happen to him, otherwise he may rush. It doesn't matter if he hangs up, but the loss will be huge.

As the crown of Frozen Dragon Tooth shifted, Fenglongtu shook more and more. As the crown completely separated from the beam of light of the magic circle, the feeling of "tug of war" disappeared instantly, and the little dragon transformed into the Dragon God Amulet held the crown directly. , fell into Wu Yi's hands.

However, before Wu Yi had a closer look at the attributes of the crown, Fenglongtu erupted with even brighter light, and the sound of the dragon's chant became more and more deafening. At the same time, a thick black mist overflowed from the light curtain of Fenglongtu, which was extremely exaggerated , as if the evil god is about to descend.

"No way!" Wu Yi's face changed drastically, and he took a few steps back unconsciously.

And as he retreated, the light and shadow of Fenglongtu began to shatter, faster and faster, countless shattered fluorescent lights scattered around, and the black mist became more and more dense, until the surrounding black mist was like a sea, The black mist gradually formed a vortex, and then, a huge black faucet poked out from the vortex.

not good!

The map of sealing the dragon collapsed, and the sealed old dragon really came out!
(End of this chapter)

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