The best lord of online games

Chapter 1492 Dragon Emperor Divine Blood

Chapter 1492 Dragon Emperor Divine Blood
The magic dragon was out of trouble, this is simply a terrible news for Wu Yi!

No, you have to run first!

how to run?Ice Dragon Tooth Crown?

Wu Yi glanced at the Ice Dragon Tooth Crown in his hand, and was instantly dumbfounded.

Ice Dragon Tooth Crown (God)—Forged from the dragon teeth faded from the deep cold dragon emperor mixed with dozens of divine materials, it can only be opened by dragons with pure dragon blood.

what the hell!

Isn't it that the dragon can't even see the attributes?
So what should he do now?
In a daze, the huge dragon's head had already come out of the vortex, but at this moment, the half-collapsed Fenglongtu exploded, and countless golden dragon shadows rushed into the vortex, some of which directly hit the dragon's head. On the ground, a piece of light and shadow exploded, and some rushed into the vortex, and the sound of explosions was endless.

Under the impact of countless dragon shadows, the magic dragon in the vortex became more and more difficult. He seemed to be resisting the huge suction force, and felt like he might be sucked back at any time.

With the final eruption, the Dragon Sealing Map completely collapsed, but there seems to be a treasure in the Dragon Sealing Map, or it could be said that it was left by the Deep Frost Dragon Emperor to prevent the magic dragon from breaking the seal.Twelve clusters of golden light, as bright as a small sun, rose above the vortex. Each cluster of golden light was only the size of Wu Yi's half-fist. For a giant dragon with a stature like a mountain, such a size might be the size of an ant in the eyes of humans. Not as good.

And among these golden lights, there is an extremely small dragon shadow in each group, and the golden light falls in groups against the magic dragon in the vortex. see bone.

so fierce?
Wu Yi couldn't believe his eyes. You must know that Feng Longtu's last outburst didn't hurt the dragon at all, which shows how terrifying its defense is.But right now, a small group of golden light can inflict serious damage to the magic dragon. What exactly is this?Is it a one-time consumable artifact?

Balls of golden light kept falling, and the magic dragon in the vortex was beaten miserably. It let out an unwilling and humiliating dragon cry, which almost completely collapsed the surrounding area. If Wu Yi hadn't been protected by the dragon god amulet, he would Probably already killed by this god-level Longwei.Following the attack of the golden light, most of the dragon's head that had already been drilled out retreated, and the dragon's head almost turned into a dense mass of bones, which was very terrifying.Most of the exploded flesh was sucked back by the vortex, but a very small part fell below the vortex.

At this time, Wu Yi, who was very powerless, had already looked away. Anyway, he didn't know how to leave, so he could just earn a little, even if he died in the end, he could still make up for a little loss.Speaking of which, this demon dragon is a god-level one. His flesh and blood are all treasures, not to mention that many flesh and blood still have scales, god-level dragon scales, which are the top materials for making armor. The soil and rocks soaked in dragon blood cannot be let go. This thing will only be handed over to Sun Simiao, and it is still possible to extract dragon blood again.

At this moment, Wu Yi is like a miser who wants money and life, desperately collecting the spilled dragon blood, dragon meat, dragon scales, and some broken bones in the violently shaking and collapsing seal. What a terrible injury.Soon, amidst the unwilling roar of the magic dragon, the vortex formed by the black mist exploded violently, and a rain of blood fell down, which made Wu Yi below surprised and worried.

Is the dragon finished?

There are still three clusters of golden light above, and the dense black mist around him began to dissipate. He is still collecting the flesh and blood of the dragon. In his eyes, these are treasures better than the dragon blood grass, and the surrounding collapse is even more violent. A lot of flesh and blood were buried by countless falling rocks when he was in no hurry to collect them. At this time, Wu Yi was also in no hurry to dig the stones, so he glanced at the three groups of motionless golden lights above again.

What exactly is that?
Driven by curiosity, Wu Yi Yujian flew up to check the three balls of golden light, but what he didn't notice was that a small part of the scattered black mist got into his backpack and attached to the On top of the 36 "dragon statues - seal statues".

Dragon Emperor's Blood——The Dragon Emperor's blood contains divinity. After taking it, there is a certain chance to directly trigger growth and increase potential. At the same time, you will get the dragon's blood.

It was actually the blood of the Dragon Emperor!

This should be the biggest treasure in this seal, besides the two artifacts, the Ice Dragon Tooth Crown and the Giant Dragon Statue, the Seal Zun, right?

put it away put it away!

The blood of the gods is also divided into two types. One is ordinary blood. For ordinary people, although it is also a treasure, it is far inferior to the divine blood that contains divinity.Regardless of whether the divine blood is a supreme weapon to break through the bottle, it is higher than the divine essence, not to mention that the "Dragon Emperor Divine Blood" can also enhance the potential, and it is a bit of a waste for Wu Yi to use it to send out the dragon's blood.

But how should he leave now?
The surrounding area is collapsing more and more. This special space should be completely destroyed soon. He can't stay here to be buried with him, right?

Die back?
Not to mention the loss of 36% of the attributes of famous generals, but also randomly drop items. He is carrying [-] statues of giant dragons on his back—the Sealed Zun. All of them are waste products!
He can use the Ice Dragon Tooth Crown...wait a minute, the Frost Dragon Tooth Crown can only be used with the blood of a giant dragon, and the three drops of Dragon Emperor's blood in his hand can bestow the blood of a dragon, this...

Nima, fight!
Players have no hidden potential attributes, so it must be a [-]% loss for him to take the blood of the Dragon Emperor, but there is no better way now.

——System: You have taken the blood of the Dragon Emperor and obtained the "Primary Giant Dragon Bloodline", with strength +10, intelligence +1, and the special ability "Dragon Body", life +2000, skill +2000, and strength increased.

At the moment when the Dragon Emperor's blood took effect, the ice dragon tooth crown in Wu Yi's hand also lit up, and amidst a very majestic dragon chant, a dark passage was opened.Wu Yi didn't have time to think about it, and went straight into the passage, and the surrounding space was about to collapse completely.

At the same time, in the God Burying Sea Area of ​​the East China Sea, a huge force suddenly came from under the sea, and at the same time attracted the surrounding sea water, forming a terrifying sea vortex in a blink of an eye. Mo Shang, who had been guarding the entrance of the Dragon Cave, directly Caught in the thick water wall, even with his strength close to that of a demigod, he struggled for a while before breaking away. The other giant dragons stationed in the God Burial Sea Area were miserable, and they were caught in the vortex and were driven dizzy one by one.

But now Mo Shang is not in the mood to pay attention to his younger brothers. What he cares about is where the little lord of Calabash City is. The records of this dragon's lair are not very clear. After all, the time is too long. It is only known that it is the temporary residence of the Deep Frost Dragon Emperor. At the same time, the artifact Frost Dragon Tooth Crown was left in it, and the dragon clan was forbidden to enter. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Dragon Clan to find Wu Yi. The Dragon Cave has always been synonymous with treasure places!

But now, the little lord will not die in the dragon's lair, will he?
It's not a big problem for the chosen one to die once, but if the ice dragon's tooth crown is not taken out, and the dragon's lair undergoes drastic changes, it will be difficult to get in again.

(End of this chapter)

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