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Chapter 1495 Master Fanzheng, the Assortment of the Rising Sun

Chapter 1495 Master Fanzheng, the Assortment of the Rising Sun
In the matter of Moyu, Yingzheng was obviously involved.

Back then, when the cross-boundary space gate was almost sealed, Ying Zheng sent Su Qin to contact the remaining demon powers, and the two sides formed an alliance in exchange for a stable development time.But later, after Ying Zheng decided to rebel, he swallowed the remnants of the Demon Realm, completely sealed the cross-border space gate, and completed the cleaning of the rear.

In the eyes of Ying Zheng, the Demon Realm is also a huge hidden danger. How can I put it this way?Those remnants of the Demon Realm must find a way to unlock the seal on the cross-boundary space door, but once the seal is completely opened, they will face a full-scale invasion of the Demon Realm. The power of an empire is definitely not something he can fight against. Who will be in charge at that time?Who is next?If you want to let the Demon Realm detour and invade again, why?
At that time, the most powerful demigod in the remnants of the Demon Realm went to Guanchao Cliff to hunt for treasure, and bumped into a big force for a "meeting". In the end, he didn't know which force chopped him off halfway. At the same time, he chopped up the demigod old dragon who stayed behind to recuperate, and completed the great cause of slaying the dragon. At the same time, he also harvested a lot of resources and advanced equipment, which greatly enhanced the foundation of the power.

But now it's embarrassing!

Although the cross-boundary space door was almost sealed before, it was not sealed after all, and it was still possible to send some small things, such as a letter.The letter sent back before still found a partner here, temporarily stabilized, and then it was wiped out in a blink of an eye.

The last movement of Demon Yu breaking the seal was too great, and he couldn't hide it. Turning his head, the news of Demon Yu's coming again has spread to the world.The three-way army that Yingzheng went south has returned in an emergency. Li Mu did not stop him. After all, he still has to rely on Yingzheng to resist the invasion of the demon realm. At that time, it will be worse than facing Yingzheng!So, letting the Demon Realm into the country is really a double-edged sword, and it will easily collapse.

No, when the seal on the cross-boundary space door is completely broken, this matter should have collapsed, and the power of the Demon Realm invasion will definitely be beyond imagination.At this time, probably Li Mu was also yelling at the empire's gangsters in his heart, and this matter might not end well.

Wu Yi, who also received the news of the demonic invasion in Calabash City, did not express anything about it. The incident happened in the northwest, and he was in the southeast. the masses.However, the reappearance of the Demon Realm will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the situation in the northwest, and even the west and north. Xiang Yu's Tielin Pass is also under the threat of the Demon Realm's soldiers.

Whoever is unlucky in this matter, whoever gets it, can only depend on the sky!
After asking the god beast to endorse, Wu Yi was finally able to display the 36 "Giant Dragon Statues—Sealed Zun" in a grand manner. The sooner this kind of territorial equipment is placed properly, the better. The scope is too wide, and the benefits generated by the bonus every day can be called terrifying, far exceeding the value of a combat artifact, and can greatly strengthen the foundation of power.

The two points of potential enhancement and territory fortune bonus alone are enough to make those talents who are blocked from the top gate have the possibility to take the most critical step!

The giant dragon statue is simple and majestic. It is like a work of art in itself. Part of its attributes are to resist invasion. Naturally, it should be placed in Gourd City. No matter how many subordinate territories Wu Yi develops, Gourd City is his foundation. Just because Calabash City has no external threats for the time being, it is absolutely impossible to ignore the issue of defense.

This incident also caused quite a stir in Calabash City. The civilians in Calabash City are used to a stable and prosperous life, and they don’t have the sense of crisis of living in troubled times, so they are more curious, gossip, and love to watch. lively.

After finally arranging the 36 giant dragon statues properly in Calabash City, Xiaochu Zhao came to the door, saying that Fanzheng had researched new dishes and invited him to taste them.

There have been too many important events recently, Wu Yi forgot all about them, Fanzheng, as one of the top ten famous chefs in history, has the potential to be a great master!This time she traveled to explore the road of the master, and stopped at the Ghost Crab City. A large number of precious ingredients were transported from the Gourd City. In Wu Yi's view, it is a certainty that Fanzheng breaks through the master!

"What? Miss Fan broke through?" He still has the task of Fanzheng on him, as long as Fanzheng breaks through to the master, he will join Calabash City.

Zhao Xiaochu gave Wu Yi a thumbs up, affirming his guess, "Your lord, I haven't seen it. That big platter is fascinating!"

"Let's go, it's not too late to wait for such delicious food." Wu Yi was overjoyed. Although his eyes have been set on the Grand Master now, it is only a matter of time before Fanzheng enters the Grand Master. This is the same as Sun Simiao. There are too few such characters in the world. If they can't even reach them, then what kind of person can become a great master?

Of course, if you die too many times and your potential is constantly being cut, then there is really no way!But it is not easy for such a non-combat talent to die three or five times under heavy protection without going to the battlefield.

The recent Ghost Crab Island is quite lively. More and more sea tribes bring their families to the five-color sea area, and they will inevitably come to Ghost Crab Island to trade. The population is too small, and it has only recently exceeded [-]. Even if the combat power of an adult dragon tortoise is comparable to that of a giant dragon, but under the absolute disadvantage of numbers, it can only be cowardly!
And the arrival of the Dragon Turtle Clan made it easier to go down the underground river in Calabash City.

The gourd building in Ghost Crab City has already gathered a lot of big figures, as the city lord Wang Meng, the city guard generals Yu Dayou, Zhou Tai, Wei Zifu and Li Shishi, as long as they are in the city, almost all the high-level people have arrived.There is a huge light blue ice tray on the main table. Inside the ice tray is a wonderful scene of the rising sun. The ice tray exudes a faint white mist, and endless waves seem to be hidden under it. A red sun is shining on the sea. More than half of it has risen, it is like a dream, it is intoxicating, so beautiful!
Fanzheng was dressed in plain clothes and stood in front of the platter with a smile. Everyone's reaction was undoubtedly the best affirmation of her works.

Rising Sun Platter (Purple): After consuming it, characters with Strength below 85 can get permanent +1 Strength and +100 Life, which will take effect twice at most.

The main ingredient of this platter is the meat of the demigod-level blood-patterned thunder dragon, which can be said to be an out-of-print recipe. Even if all the dragon meat is used for the platter, how many servings can you make?

For many people present, this platter is just a mouthful, like Wei Zifu, Li Shishi, including Wu Yi himself, because the attribute of "force" is not very useful to them, unless they can reach seventy.But Wu Yi is still very happy. At the Grandmaster level, it is very easy to change this kind of recipes. As long as there are ingredients of the same level, many of them can be replaced. What's more, he also gained a Grandmaster himself!
The role is secondary, this time it is a witness, witnessing that Fanzheng has entered the ranks of masters, witnessing that Fanzheng has officially joined Calabash City!With the addition of master-level chefs, Hulucheng can raise the level of "food", whether it is for personal use or for external sales.

(End of this chapter)

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