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Chapter 1496 The Second Legendary Refined Corpse

Chapter 1496 The Second Legendary Refined Corpse

When Fanzheng joined Calabash City, the disassembled dragon meat would naturally be handed over to her. However, if you want to maximize the effectiveness of god-level dragon meat, you'd better have the strength of a great master, or simply use it as an impact The ingredients of the great master, after all, this thing is hard to come by.

For Fanzheng, Wu Yi has no special arrangements. In his spare time while continuing to improve his abilities, he will study some high-quality and energy-producible military rations. Right now, military rations are definitely the most indispensable commodity in the market.Of course, the key is to break through the Grand Master as soon as possible, and all kinds of precious ingredients are openly available.

After a day of fermenting, the reappearance of the Demon Realm has become the hottest topic in the world. Even the civilians in Calabash City have many people talking about it after dinner. At this time, Wu Yi waited for another piece of good news. It was finally time for the refined corpse that Zhang Jiao had been asked to refine and placed in the corpse refining cave of Calabash City to come out of the coffin.

Although the legendary corpse of the Earth Temple was handed over to Zhang Jiao for refining, but Zhang Jiao wanted to borrow the breath of the underworld from Tianzun's view, so after the refining was completed, the "corpse raising" was arranged in Calabash City.Zhang Jiao also sent three mysterious ancient corpses, which were specially guarded by an old Taoist. He didn't know the reason, and he often made the old Taoist Mingying jump with anger, but he didn't dare to go back.

"Master Daoist!" When he got out of the corpse refining cave, Wu Yi felt furious towards the old Taoist priest who sat cross-legged on the coffin all day long, just like Mingying's old Taoist attitude. If there is no accident, this old Taoist should be a demigod.

The old man is still the same, not only does not pay attention to Mingying, but also the lord Wu Yi, he just throws a corpse control charm to Wu Yi, without even opening his eyes, the old man is almost motionless all day long, Fossil-like existence.

This communication can't be done, and Wu Yi doesn't force it. With the corpse control charm, the goal has been achieved, and his refining corpse is still in the old place.

Compared with before life, the body shape of the corpse will change, it will be a lot bigger, and the appearance will become hideous, the stronger and the more exaggerated.

Unnamed Corpse Refinement (Corpse Emperor):
Race: Corpse Refining (Special)

Racial Abilities: Immortal Corpse - Damage Immunity +30%, can quickly restore state by absorbing dead energy and dark energy, immune to all special effects of one-hit kills, +25% damage from Taoism.

Corpse aura is poisonous - the corpse aura in the body will spread towards the surroundings, and the target affected by the corpse aura will receive a certain degree of continuous damage, and at the same time, the attack and defense will be weakened, and the stack can be stacked up to [-] times.

Title: Superb Guardian of the Earth

Talent: Body of the Earth—combat power +65%, strength greatly enhanced, damage immunity +50%, when on the ground, bonus effect +50%, there is a certain chance of being immune to fatal damage, endurance recovery speed +300%, Strengthen the "gravity field".

Specialties: Divine Power, Immortality, Iron Fortification, Invincibility, Earth Element Strengthening, Guardian Will

Level: Legendary Tier
Domain: Gravity Domain - Manipulate gravity.

Command: 0
Force: 95
Intelligence: 0
Politics: 0
It was not in vain that he took the trouble to ask Zhang Jiao for help. The strength of this corpse refining was indeed stronger than that of the original one. Of course, this was also related to the higher quality of the corpse.This refined corpse has maintained a super-first-class foundation, and its domain is not damaged. Even if it is weakened, it will not be reduced to the level where it can only bully the holy rank.

With such a foundation, it is undoubtedly the best choice to return the legendary "Guardian Heavy Shield" that was seized to its original owner.Even if the combat power of this refined corpse is not as good as that of generals like Zhu Rong and Xiao Maha, it is still no problem to maintain the normal legendary combat power. , that is an indestructible bunker!
Generally speaking, Wu Yi is very satisfied with this result. After all, it is refining corpses, so it is very rare to have such attributes.As for the name, the previous legendary corpse was called "Emperor Corpse", what about this one? "Royal Corpse No. 2"?Just call it "Earth Emperor". The guardian of the earth has the power to control the earth. Although this name is a bit arrogant, few people will know it anyway.

Right now, there is a battle that is about to start, and this corpse refining comes at the right time!
The Baishui River on the east border of Dongping City flows in the middle, near the area of ​​Calabash City, this is Geng Yan's temporary camp, and Wang Zhongsi's army is about to arrive.After Wu Yi's continuous increase of troops, Geng Yan's army has become very strong. The military commander Xun You, the generals under his command include Jia Fu, Shi Wansui, Cheng Yaojin, Li Siye, Lu Xiangyun, and many middle-level generals selected from among the aborigines. The newly formed five-color peacock was also transferred. The only thing missing was a legendary powerhouse. Therefore, Wu Yi temporarily transferred Xu negative.

There are now four legendary powerhouses in Calabash City, Zhu Rong, Ma Zhong, Xiao Mohe, Xu Negative, three generals, a fortune-teller, and Shui Dongliu, who is not counted as a non-staff member, two legendary corpse refiners who cannot fight independently It doesn't count either.It's just that now Zhu Rong has temporarily gone to the Wu Clan, Xiao Mahe has gone to Dragon God Island, and Huo Qubing is still close to being super first-class. It is absolutely impossible without a legend to sit in the north, so in the end, he can only support Xiao Mo He's here.

Now that there is a giant dragon statue—the Sealed Zun, Wu Yi is more inclined to fight defensively on the border of Calabash City, so that he can use the power of the artifact. It's just that Geng Yan's talent is difficult to be expressed, but this can also be used as a backup , After all, they were fighting near the border, even if Geng Yan lost the battle, he would be able to return immediately.

Although Calabash City doesn't have a demigod who really belongs to him right now, Wu Yi has already received a guarantee from Zixu that the Daomen will not take the initiative to fight for him, but as long as other gods join the battle, the Daomen will fight back.Yes, other gods!

Daomen's current investment in Calabash City is limited to faith.In this regard, Wu Yi can't have more demands, after all, he doesn't want to give the Taoist sect more power in his territory.However, the Daoist sect has just won the holy war in Tianshui City right now, and it is the time when the momentum is intimidating, enough to deter the Temple of Elements. As for the power of King Dongping itself, it is difficult to guarantee. The family has already secretly bet on the three-party rebel king, which also makes the three-party rebel king's background continue to strengthen, and the momentum becomes more and more powerful.

Wang Zhongsi's army is not far away, the banners are flying, and the army is far stronger than the previous Huangfusong. Because of the previous defeat, it is said that Huangfusong has been transferred to the south line to garrison. The south line of Dongping City have what?Even the savages are almost caught!To put it bluntly, it is distribution in disguise!
Generals are like this, no matter how good their abilities are, they may be watery, but their military exploits are not, especially in troubled times!
Wu Yi also rushed to the Gengyan barracks, and brought Li Yuanba and the "dihuang" who had just come out of the coffin with him. They are the same now, wherever there is a big war, they will run wherever. Wu Yi's purpose is to raise the army to the sixth level as soon as possible Needless to say, Li Yuanba was able to add deputy generals to prepare for the last "Wu Mu Inheritance" copy, so naturally he wanted to restore his strength as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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