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Chapter 1497 Demigod descends, battlefield crisis

Chapter 1497 Demigod descends, battlefield crisis

The main force of Dongping City has always been on the battlefield of Molten Fire City, and with the addition of Red Leaf City Zhanghan, the number of troops assigned to Wang Zhongsi can barely reach 15.As far as some soldiers, even if they are all elite, they cannot pose a threat to Calabash City, at least Wu Yi thinks so.

On Geng Yan's side, after several times of increasing troops, the number of troops has exceeded 20. Among them, infantry is the main force, and there are also many special arms.However, if there are too many troops, it is inevitable that the combat power will be limited when they are piled together. Therefore, Geng Yan selected Cheng Yaojin, Li Yuanba and Jiafu as the forward battalion, one "fortune general" and two strong men, and the combat area will not be out of the control of the coach. , even if it hits the main force of the enemy, it will not be directly crushed.

Shi Wansui brought a team of cavalry, as a mobile force, the logistics didn't need too much ability, as long as the ability to speed up the march was enough.

The war is rising, the flags are covering the sun, and the mountains and rivers are moving!
Cheng Yaojin's vanguard battalion has already been dispatched first, and Wu Yi is also fully focused on it. After all, he can be regarded as an important combat force now, whether it is an army or an individual!Xu Negative will work with the coach Geng Yan to protect the coach, and at the same time be protected by Geng Yan's personal guards and the army. Although the fortune-teller is not completely incapable of facing the front, it is obvious that she will play a greater role in the rear.

The deafening sound of killing came from the front, and it could be clearly heard even several miles away. Obviously, the vanguard battalions of both sides had already started fighting!

Li Siye's Modao Squad, as the "sharp knives" of the Chinese army, began to march at an accelerated pace. Li Siye, who became a Wu clan, was even more oppressive. The original Modao was already a bit short in his hands, but now he used a sword from the Wu clan. The holy-level black-winged long knife is more powerful in chopping, let alone a war horse, even a small earthen wall can be split with one knife!
It's a pity that those Mo Dao fighters want to turn into Mo Dao soldiers of the Wu Clan, it is a luxury. With the current population of the Wu Clan, it is impossible for him to recruit soldiers in the Wu Clan.

Wu Yi led [-] Heavenly Venerable Taoist soldiers with his swords. Speaking of which, he is also a mobile force. The advantage of flying makes it easier and more convenient for him to support all parties than cavalry.

Cheng Yaojin's "Fortune General" talent has very few attributes that are really added, but the effect it exerts is not much worse than that of the top commander's talent. In addition, fortune tellers also have the ability to "seek good fortune and avoid evil". Existence undoubtedly maximizes Cheng Yaojin's ability, and when luck reaches a certain level, it is quite incomprehensible.

Therefore, when Wu Yi arrived, Cheng Yaojin had an absolute advantage in the battle between the vanguard battalions of the two armies. This was undoubtedly a perfect start. It seemed that the battle was half settled!Wu Yi, who entered the battlefield, could already vaguely see Wang Zhongsi's handsome flag from high above the sky, and the real battle was just about to begin.

Shi Wansui had already had several rounds of confrontation with the cavalry on the other side's flank, and they all went at one touch, looking for opportunities to break in.

During the fierce battle in the vanguard battalion, the Chinese armies of the two sides fought with great momentum. Geng Yan's commander had more special flags on his platform, one representing the power of the "Battle Banner of Polu", and the other from the "Expedition Flag" obtained from the East China Sea Kingdom. Army flag", a legion flag of "Geng's Army", a flag representing the character "Geng" as commander-in-chief, and a "Golden Gourd" flag representing Gourd City.

The last two sides are more of a formal expression, without special attributes. The faction flag hung by the opponent is the king's flag, which must crush the Polu battle flag in terms of attributes, but one more expeditionary flag should be enough to bring the gap back .

Li Yuanba's fighting style is always so unique. A high mountain of corpses has been built around him. The terrifying power makes the enemies facing him cringe unconsciously. More and more It is directly bypassing his location.His current "power" has returned to 92. Relying on the foundation of having entered the legend, no first-class general can resist his attack. Existence, it is impossible to take him down in a short time.

He has always been on the battlefield, fighting against the morale of the army with his own strength, as long as he can't suppress him, then he can hit the enemy's morale with two hammers, and the morale of the enemy will continue to drop!If he can become a demigod, it is not impossible to reproduce the scene of him running wildly with a million troops in the novel.

However, the advantage laid down by the vanguard battalion disappeared instantly after the arrival of the Chinese army. Before the military gods of the two armies appeared, a powerful figure entered the battlefield. The arrogant Li Yuanba was naturally the best target to stand up. , that figure appeared too breakthrough and fast, and by the time Wu Yi noticed, Li Yuanba's figure had already been thrown away.

Was blown away?
This has almost never happened to Li Yuanba. He was the only one who could beat his opponent into the air, and no one could beat him. Be synonymous with "power"!
However, this time is different. If Geng Yan hadn't used the strength of the army to help Li Yuanba block it before, and Xu negative had added the state of "seeking good fortune and avoiding evil" to him, under that blow, he might have died again. up!

Demi god!

No matter how strong the legend is, it is impossible for the current Li Yuanba to be helpless. The one who comes can only be a demigod!Before Li Yuanba's "power" returns to 95, the legendary strength will not be released. Therefore, the current Li Yuanba is still equivalent to the holy rank, and can fight against the legendary holy rank to a certain extent. In terms of rank, he is two full degrees behind the demigod. A large level, just the suppression of the level and the suppression of the domain, is enough to make Li Yuanba's seemingly exaggerated basic attributes come to naught.

I'm really afraid of something!

Leaving aside the strength of the demigod, the equipment alone is not comparable to the legend, and there will be holy equipment on the legend, but the demigod is at least the base of the legendary equipment!The overall combat power is stronger than the legend by more than 01:30 points. Under normal circumstances, even if it is not the top demigod, there is no magic weapon, and there is no pressure to pick four legends.

It seems that King Dongping's tolerance for Calabash City has reached its limit, and he wants to speed up the pace of unifying the south.In fact, the overall strength of Calabash City is stronger than that of Melting Fire City. The main reason why Melting Fire City is strong is because of the existence of Sun Bin. Other than that, the rest are far inferior to Calabash City.

Xiao Mingsheng wants to unify the south, and Calabash City is an obstacle that cannot be bypassed no matter what!After experiencing a jihad, the reorganized Temple of Elements still supported Xiao Mingsheng, and at the same time, some hermit families also bet on him in exchange for benefits and status after the troubled times. Obviously, the demigod right now , not from the Temple of Elements!
(End of this chapter)

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