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Chapter 1498 Xu Negative + Dihuang + "Fortune General" VS Demigod

Chapter 1498 Xu Negative + Dihuang + "Fortune General" VS Demigod
The gap between the current Li Yuanba and the demigod is still too large. If he is allowed to fight with the demigod, he should be able to collect his body soon. If he hadn't died that time, then with the help of external forces, Li Yuanba could still fight against the demigod. The weakest demigod fought, but it is absolutely impossible now!
Demigods must be restrained on the battlefield, otherwise the coach will be in danger.

Li Yuanba couldn't resist, so he had to change the emperor!

In terms of pure strength, the Emperor of the Earth is far inferior to Li Yuanba, but the talent of the Emperor of the Earth allows him to have a stronger defensive ability on the earth, and he has retained many of the professional abilities of the guardian of the earth during his lifetime, as well as the legendary There is no more suitable "sandbag" candidate than him for the "Guardian Heavy Shield".Moreover, the Emperor is at the legendary level, one level higher than Li Yuanba, and the level suppression faced by demigods is less, plus the "gravity field" can control the opponent's actions to a certain extent, it is simply a generation of "dragging gods"!
However, relying on an emperor alone, facing a demigod, the result will not be much better than Li Yuanba, and he will be blown up soon. The essential difference cannot be changed by any attribute.

At this moment, Geng Yan decisively summoned the God of War, and at the same time, a fate coin with a thick golden light was hung above the Emperor's head, carrying a mysterious and mysterious aura.Since one person can't stop it, you can only use all the power you can!

Dihuang + Xu Negative + Geng Yan combined the strength of the whole army to summon the God of War. With the addition of Cheng Yaojin's "Fortune General", this is also the strongest combination that can be produced at present. Whether it works or not, Wu Yi thought in his heart No idea, this is the first time he has fought against the demigod purely with his own strength, without relying on the power of any external forces.

The only thing to be thankful for is probably that the opponent's demigod did not possess a divine weapon, otherwise Li Yuanba would not have survived just now!
At the same time, Wang Zhongsi also summoned the military God of War. Since there are demigods in the army, it is natural to make good use of this top-level combat power and let it play its due role. This is a battle between two armies, not a demigod. One-on-one army.All he needs to do is to restrain the opponent's military god of war, so that the demigod can do better.

Such examples of destroying the morale of the entire army by one's own power are not uncommon in the history of Hongyu Empire's wars, especially in the battle to suppress chaos that occupies the general trend.

Although Geng Yan has more troops than Wang Zhongsi, the confrontation between the gods of war at the same level will not have much impact in a short time. !Right now, we can only drag the demigod as much as possible into the battlefield where the two gods of war are fighting, but in this way, one side has two legends plus the god of war, and the other side is demigod plus the god of war. The advantages and disadvantages are obvious. !
The Emperor's "gravity field" was fully opened, and he became a corpse refiner. His stature was more than one-third of that of the original, and now the guardian's heavy shield was no longer enough to cover his entire body.It's just that there is a gap that is difficult to fill between the domains of the legendary level and the demigod level. When the two domains collide, the gravity domain is compressed to an extremely small range, which has little effect on the opponent.

At this time, Wu Yi finally saw clearly the appearance of the enemy's demigod. In the pale golden field, an old man with white beard and hair was not tall, and his figure was rather strong. There were no wrinkles on his face. An extremely exaggerated purple-gold coiled dragon stick, and a chic knight-errant outfit with blue patterns on a white background.

Knight class occupation!
Among the knights, swordsman and swordsman are the most famous ones. Those who use sticks are rare, and even fewer are famous strongmen among Qimen weapons.Although knights are a huge professional system, there is no top power with knights as the core in "The Prosperous Age". Most of the powerful knights exist in some ancient families that are hidden in the world. They were suppressed by the Hongyu Empire for too long before. Now I can't resist jumping out.

The scene was even uglier than Wu Yi expected. The Emperor of the Earth was "dragging" away by the enemy demigod, and he was extremely embarrassed. Even if the demigod's attack was completely blocked by the guardian's heavy shield, it seemed to be able to The damage caused by the collapse of the earth still cannot be completely blocked, let alone counterattacked. The battle is overwhelming.The phantom of the fate coin suspended above the emperor's head flips over from time to time to perform a new round of "fate judgment", which is also the strongest magic weapon for the emperor to save his life.

The Fortune Teller's "Fate Judgment" is not a real invincible skill. It is actually a probabilistic skill. If the judgment is successful, it will be immune to a large percentage of damage, or completely immune to damage. If the judgment fails, it will be blessed with some troublesome negative states. Like flipping a coin, heads live and tails die!
The stronger the fortune-teller's strength, the stronger the controllability, and the higher the probability that the favorable side will appear, but it can't be absolute. If the fortune-teller is not strong enough, he dare not use this skill at all, and it is easy to put himself The pit is dead.But right now, they have succeeded every time. It's not just a matter of Xu's negative ability, but also Cheng Yaojin's "Fu Jiang" talent is at work.

Only then did Wu Yi discover that the combination of Xu Negative and Cheng Yaojin is really "invincible"!

However, if this is the case, it still cannot change the essential gap. A "sandbag" that cannot even counterattack and can only be beaten passively, even if it has a truly invincible defense, it is impossible to win.And Li Yuanba, who was beaten out and lost face before, was extremely unwilling, appearing on the edge of the battlefield from time to time, but he couldn't find a chance to intervene.

Although he is crazy, he is not really brainless. It is obvious that he will die if he rushes up like this. He will definitely not do it. The field of demigods is simply a crushing effect for the holy rank.

Wu Yi was a little surprised by the battle between the two military gods of war on the other side. From the appearance of the military god of war, it is not difficult to see that Wang Zhongsi has also reached the top-ranking list. Under the same advance of "command", the upper limit of the power of the army that can be output instantly It is also equal, so that it is transformed into a confrontation of military power and war gods, that is a protracted war!War of attrition!What determines the result is the total strength of the army, and it is impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

But now Geng Yan's military God of War has a clear advantage, and it is precisely because of this that the enemy's demigod can be temporarily confined to the "enclosed" battlefield.

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Yi understood the reason. The value of Geng Yan's title of "third-rate all-rounder" was reflected at this moment. The attribute of "command" is indeed an important criterion for a commander, but it is not all. There are many things that can improve the bonus effect of the "command" attribute, such as "third-rate all-rounder" +10%, "The Book of Fighting the Rebellion" +10%, and the expeditionary army marshal's armor +10%. After a series of bonuses, the final performance The effect may be able to achieve the effect that can only be achieved with a command rate of 96 or 97.

At this time, there are not many things Wu Yi can do. He can only kill as many enemy soldiers as quickly as possible, reduce the enemy's strength, that is, reduce the total strength of the enemy's army, which is tantamount to reducing The upper limit of the time that the enemy's military force God of War can exist.It's just that this kind of efficiency is very slow, and it is difficult to see results in a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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