Chapter 1681
Wu Yi didn't know if he was at odds with Mermaid Island. Every time Mermaid Island was hit by a catastrophe, he could always arrive at the back foot immediately. This time he really didn't get any information, it was just a coincidence Hit, he was planning to return to the Doomsday God battlefield after sending Wei Zifu the fragments of the godhead, and if it dragged on, the first batch of angel generals would have nothing to do with him.

"This...Your Majesty, what's going on?" This time, Wu Yi planned to follow the situation of the sea with the Mermaid Clan and change from passive to active. He was worried about his empty island, so he naturally didn't want to procrastinate like this.Gan Ning has already tested the Storm Seagull to a good extent. As long as the Sea Clan is willing to cooperate, he doesn't mind using the Storm Seagull as a bridgehead to go to the West Sea. At that time, the empty island will increase the treasure ship, not to mention the attack, the defense is absolutely proper.

However, Wu Yi is obviously asking questions now. Looking at the sea clans around who are helping each other, they almost include the nine branches of the sea clan. It is impossible for these sea clans to come from the East China Sea. Beast carcasses, so their origins are self-evident.

"The black dungeon in the Trench is completely over!" The mermaid queen arrived immediately afterwards, but it was of no avail. Not only her, but half of the sea clan's nine emperors had arrived. At this time, the mermaid island was full of powerful people.

"How come!!" Although Wu Yi had some guesses in his heart, he didn't expect it to be so tragic, but after a second thought, it seemed that this would not do any harm to Calabash City. As long as the Sea King Beast's sea monster was blocked in the West Sea, it would be fine. spread to the East China Sea.On the contrary, now that all the power of the Hai Clan in the black prison of the trench has been released, so Wu Yilai won't have to waste his time talking, right?
"Your Majesty, what should we do next? Catch those sea emperor beasts again?" Wu Yi looked at the huge sea emperor beast corpses that were too late to deal with. These sea clans would only leave some high-level materials, and the rest All the orders will be dealt with at a low price to Calabash City.

"It's easier said than done!" The Mermaid Queen shook her head, the Trench dungeon could no longer be recovered, and the saintesses have yet to contact the Goddess of the God Realm, which makes the Sea Clan feel a little unstable. "By the way, the lord, our family plans to rebuild the mermaid's hometown, and the lord will help with some of the materials needed."

Rebuild the mermaid hometown?

Sure enough, he doesn't need to waste his time talking. Although rebuilding the mermaid's hometown will disrupt his plan to "raise" the sea clan on the Ghost Crab Island for defense, but now that he has an empty island and pushes the battle line back to the West Sea, it will undoubtedly be more exciting. favorable.

"No problem!" It's time for the Storm Seagull to make a move. Unfortunately, there is no "Soldier Saint" in the navy to suppress it. To be on the safe side, the Storm Seagull can only join the main force of the Sea Clan if it wants to participate in the battle.Coincidentally, Yu Dayou wanted to sit in the East China Sea, so he simply let Gan Ning bring the boat to Mermaid Island. Gan Ning's current ability is a bit weak, but with the strong support of the sea clan, as long as the strength of the battleship itself is used, it is not bad. It was fulfilled the original promise with Gan Ning.

After that, Wu Yi met Wei Zifu again. She will continue to stay on Mermaid Island for a while, and learn some secret knowledge of her own family from the Mermaid Saintess. Going back to the Doomsday God’s Battlefield, although there have been many things that have happened in the main world recently, none of them must be done by him. It is better to do your own division of labor and lay a better foundation for the future.

——System: The Wolf Alliance outside the Great Wall formed the "Golden Wolf Kingdom", and Boerzhijin Kublai Khan was elected as the "Sirius Emperor", and the capital was set in Daducheng.

Founding! ?
These two words are undoubtedly very attractive to current players!Jianguo, what a name, who wouldn't want it!And there are many benefits, but no one knows what the conditions for the founding of the country are.Not to mention the founding of the country, now there is not even a first-class city that is promoted by the players themselves.

There is a lot of system information about the founding of the Wolf League. Except for Kublai Khan who miraculously bypassed his father Tuo Lei and became the first generation of Sirius Emperor, the leaders of other ministries were mixed with a little king, like the queen of the Jurchen Ministry. Taiji, Murong Jun of the Xianbei tribe, Maodun of the Xiongnu tribe, Shi Le of the Jie tribe, Yao Chang of the Qiang tribe, Fu Jian of the Di tribe, etc.

There are a lot of talents in the Wolf League, but they are not well known to the world. Now that the Wolf League has established a country, the internal coordination will be far better than before, and the situation in the Northland will obviously change a lot in the future.

"Jianguo! Tsk!" Wu Yi is also very concerned about this. The territory currently controlled by Hulu City is not small. Now with the addition of an empty island, it is enough to build a country.The East China Sea country that is jumping up and down now, how big was the country back then?It is almost the same as the current Calabash City.

Wu Yi is not saying that he must continue to cling to the Hongyu Empire and not let go, he is going to rebel now, the Hongyu Empire can't do anything about him, Wu Zhao is at most pretending, if he rebels, he can pacify Zhenhai City in the first place And the East China Sea Fleet, by the way, and Rising Sun City!The territory can be expanded by another circle. The only disadvantage is that the network of contacts will be affected to a certain extent, but not too much. It is not only the Chosen One who puts interests first, but most of the aborigines as well.

But I can't find the mission of Jianguo!
At this time, the Wolf League established the country, and the Hongyu Empire had the greatest influence, which indicated that the Hongyu Empire's control over the world would further decline, and with the "model" of the Wolf League, I believe that the next world will soon be "a group of countries." together."Although the world was in chaos before, only the Hongyu Empire could be called a country, and the Donghai Kingdom was a product of the previous era.

Compared with the aborigines, the system generally imposes some restrictions on players, whether it is so-called to distinguish the player's level, or to increase the life of the game, this has always been the case.Therefore, if the player forces want to build a country, the path should be different from that of the aborigines.

"Sister, you don't want me to destroy the East China Sea before you give Jianguo the task?"

There is no rush for this matter, and we can only take one step at a time, without even a direction to attack. Next, the Golden Wolf Kingdom will definitely re-arrange the north and allocate the battle lines. Huo Qubing has returned to Mayi City. In order to improve the defense ability of Mayi City, the next step Two acropolises will be built in the northeast and northwest directions of Mayi City. Before that, Huo Qubing will not continue to go out for the time being, and Lu Bu will go out to roam instead.

At the same time, in the depths of the West Sea Ice Field, the Sea God Temple finally opened the ancient seal, and got their first trump card to fight the sea, a super battleship inherited from the end of the Age of Gods. , a super battleship that follows the goddess of tides on an expedition to the sea.The sea clan does not need warships in the sea, so it is impossible for this warship to be built by the sea clan. The blueprint of the warship is still kept inside the temple, but due to the lack of main materials, the second one cannot be copied.

And the Dragon Soul Guild that developed on the West Sea Ice Field ushered in their new spring!Originally, following Wu Yi's suggestion to develop this ice field far away from the inland was to develop the Yandeng clan, one of the Sea Clans, but just after some improvement, the Yandeng Clan was forced to retreat to the East China Sea by the sea monster, and now Sea God Temple Coming to pick up the offer, on the contrary, let them pick up a big bargain.

Now Sea God Temple needs believers, Sea God Temple serves as a backing, and the development of Dragon Soul in West Sea can be said to be unimpeded.And Dragon Soul is an affiliated guild of Calabash City, which is equivalent to Wu Yi hitting a nail in the Sea God Temple. Even if it is impossible to win the Sea God Temple's belief for a while, he can still get some information.Because Calabash City is not a guild, and Wu Yi does not have a guild, so the affiliated guild is just a kind of attached language, and the affiliated guilds also have distances. The affiliated guilds with shares will naturally be much closer than those with only one agreement. Naturally, it is impossible to find such "outside the game" things. At most, they know that the Dragon Soul Guild had a good relationship with Calabash City before it moved to West Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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