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Chapter 1682 Celestial Master Zhang Daoling, Divine Soldier "Question of Heaven"

Chapter 1682 Celestial Master Zhang Daoling, Divine Soldier "Question of Heaven"

Time flies, and three days have passed. Using these three days, Wu Yi has finally accumulated 500 million military exploits in the Doomsday God Battlefield, and has the qualifications to participate in the assessment of angel generals.He has already given away all the advantages in the early stage. According to reliable information, before him, no less than five or six people have already accepted the general officer assessment task first, and this does not include those who have not been found out. Zhao Xueyin is still doing her job. Single mission, according to her, this mission of hers includes rewards for generals, so there is no need to go to the military headquarters to pick up missions.

——System: Congratulations on successfully receiving the first ring of the "General Officer Assessment" mission, (1/9) bury the "Seed of Light" at the location marked on the map, and activate the Seed of Light.

It's still a series of tasks!There are nine rings in total. This difficulty will be much more difficult than ordinary missions. I can't say whether it is good or bad. After all, the mission is difficult, and it is impossible for him to be the only one.

"Brother, how is it?" Wei Huo's team has been taking on missions for the past three days, leading Wu Yi to make military exploits. In order to allow him to get the qualification earlier, they did not touch those higher-yielding but time-consuming ones. Task.

"The task has been received, the difficulty is so high!"

"Are there any requirements that must be performed by one person?"

"This is not enough!"

"Then don't be afraid! We have so many brothers, are you afraid that we may not be able to handle a small general officer's assessment?" Wei Huo is very concerned about Wu Yi's assessment task this time, and he has to say that he is quite loyal. At the same time, he also wants to pay back. Wu Yi's love for helping him back then.

"After this, I'll invite my brothers to go to the ninth floor to eat the best noodles!" Wu Yi put his arms around Wei Huo's shoulder and said with a smile, what's the fear of bringing a group of strong people to help out!
"This is what it should be." Wei Huo smiled boldly, but changed the subject, "By the way, this matter must be done as soon as possible. Those angels may not be able to sit still, and the decisive battle is imminent."

"So fast?" Wu Yi was a little surprised. The decisive battle is undoubtedly the best time to gain military exploits, but right now, the development of players in the Doomsday God's Battlefield is far from enough. The strong players in the Doomsday God's Battlefield are more exaggerated than the main world.

"Who says it's not, but the military's top-secret battle plan is said to have been stolen."

"Can this be stolen?" Wu Yi no longer knows how to describe it, how did he do it!Even if there are spies from Hades Fortress in the Twilight Fortress, given the characteristics of these two races, it is impossible for spies to be too high-level in the other party. In other words, spies are not qualified to see this so-called top secret plan, let alone Don't say steal it.

"Don't look at those angels who are good-looking, but they really don't have enough brains! I'm sorry, I'm not talking about younger siblings, younger siblings are still very smart." Wei Huo changed the subject in the middle of his speech, a little embarrassed.

Wu Yi rolled his eyes, you are a reckless guy who still has the face to despise other people's IQ.Forget it, none of this has anything to do with them. When will the final battle start?


In addition, in the past three days, the sea emperor beasts that have returned to the sea have had a considerable impact on the various forces in the West Sea. The range of attacks includes the neutral force "Dengtianya" located on an isolated island in the West Sea!
The foundation of Haihuang Beast is very high, but Dengtianya is not a vegetarian. Which of the four big bosses sitting in Dengtianya—Fei Wei, Nie Zheng, Zhang Daoling, and Bian Que—is the most fuel-efficient lamp?Especially Zhang Daoling, although he is not a well-known general and capable minister, but his status in the Taoist sect is absolutely important, the first generation of celestial masters taught by the celestial masters, a true fairy figure.

When a group of sea emperor beasts attacked Dengtianya, the four bosses of Dengtianya shot together and almost crushed and killed these sea emperor beasts. Among them, Zhang Lingdao was holding the legendary magic weapon. "The Map of Asking the Sky" is like a banished fairy coming to the world.Players focus on people, while aborigines focus on magic soldiers!
The nine divine weapons recorded in the "Shen Bing Illustrated Book" have been eulogized for thousands of years. The divine martial arts sword, the dragon-patterned golden armor, the three-character money of heaven, earth and man, the burning wheel, the sleepy dragon lock, the shocking hammer, and the sword of the holy angel are recorded in it. The sword, the sky-asking map, and the Duankong mirror are the nine great weapons that have long been memorized by people all over the world.But except for the Shenwu Sword, also known as the Son of Heaven Sword, and the Dragon Pattern Golden Armor, these two pieces have always been in the hands of the royal family of the Hongyu Empire, and the rest have disappeared. The sword, also lost in a holy war.

The reason why these nine divine weapons are strong is that apart from being divine weapons themselves, they also have the attributes of ninth-level divine weapons that can be inherited.It's hard to get promoted to a magic weapon. Take Wu Yi as an example. With his terrifying reputation, the Tiangang Thunder Sword is only a seventh-level magic weapon, and the eighth level is still far away, let alone the ninth level. He has reached the ninth level of inheritance.

This kind of legendary equipment will naturally attract much attention!

And when Dengtianya was attacked, Nanhua Laodao also acted as a lobbyist and went to Dengtianya.

"Brother Dao, you are also aware of the current situation. It doesn't mean that if you want to be neutral, you can be neutral!" Nan Hua is running around for his apprentice Zhang Jiao, it's not easy.

"But even if I ascend Tianya to cooperate with Dao brother, what can Dao brother help us? What will he give us?" Zhang Daoling shook his head. Although Deng Tianya lives far away overseas, he is very clear about the situation in the world.He is a wild Taoist priest, and if he wants to cooperate with the Taoist sect, he may become a Taoist sect himself in the end.

"Brother Dao's concerns are clear to the poor, but in the final analysis, the Taoist sects in the world are all one family. Even if there are differences in doctrine, it is not a big deal. Isn't the holy mountain divided into five branches? Isn't the young disciple also preaching his Dao?” Nanhua’s words are correct, on this point Daoism is very free, and this also has a lot to do with the gods of the Dao system in the God Realm, whether you are a celestial master or a Taiping Dao, Or the Quanzhen Sect will rely on one of the gods in the God Realm, no matter where the power of faith goes in the end, it will not break away from the Taoist god system.

At this point, other gods only recognize the main god!

Zhang Daoling is not Lu Dongbin, he is the master of a sect, it is impossible to be truly secluded, he needs to preach, no matter what method is used.

"This matter needs careful consideration." Zhang Daoling said after hesitating for a moment.His choice was far more than Zhang Jiao. If he had to take Dengtianya into consideration, Zhang Jiao was not a good choice either.He needs to talk to the other three about this matter. Nie Zheng is fine, like Fei Wei and Bian Que, they really have a heart to hide from the world.

"The poor Taoist will wait for the good news of Daoist brother." Nanhua smiled on the face, but felt a little bitter in his heart. The matter of Yuan Tiangang's ascension caused many old antiques in the sect to have different ideas, and the more intense In the battlefield of the underworld, and in the southeast of Calabash City, Taoist sects can give Zhang Jiao less and less support. If he can't find a strong ally, Zhang Jiao may have to be forced to give up all the water-facing areas.

(End of this chapter)

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