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Chapter 1683 Zhao Kuangyin's beauty trick, Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao

Chapter 1683 Zhao Kuangyin's beauty trick, Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao

In the west of the Doomsday God's Battlefield, Wu Yi brought a group of strong men to the mission site and buried the "Seed of Light" in this black decaying soil. "Seed of Light" is a special alchemy object, with a total of 64 pieces that need to be buried in 64 different locations.When Wu Yi buried the last "Seed of Light" according to the map, suddenly 64 small transparent beams of light shot up into the sky, submerged into the death sky above, and surging sacred power was built in this area in a blink of an eye. A land of holy light.

So high-end?

Wu Yi was a little surprised that he could create a special environment in an instant. If it was on the battlefield, it would turn out to be a big advantage.And that's not all, after building the Land of Holy Light, 64 small beams of light rotated rapidly, and shrunk toward the center, fading.When they all converged in the middle, all the beams of light dissipated, and the remaining holy light formed a five-meter-high, slightly narrow door of holy light to appear.

The moment the Gate of Holy Light was completed, an angel in golden armor pierced through it, and after that, a steady stream of ordinary angels came over.

The effect of this "seed of light" was so strong that Wu Yi was a little shocked. Unfortunately, this thing has too strong characteristics of the gods, and it must be used by characters with sacred attributes. Even if Wu Yi can get this set of methods, it will be terrifying. It is difficult to use the power of Calabash City flexibly.

"It seems to be going well, this is your next task!" The golden armored angel who came out first looked around and handed another map to Wu Yi with great satisfaction.

——System: The second ring of "General Officer Assessment" is opened, (2/9) Capture the secret treasure jade box escorted by the undead escort team.

The combat mission is only the second ring, so it shouldn't be difficult. Wu Yi is a little curious about the land of holy light in front of him. What exactly does the twilight barrier want to do? If the land of holy light cannot be connected to the domain of holy angels If so, it seems useless.

"My lord, you are..."

"Do your job well, and you don't need to know about other things." Angel's handsome face darkened, and he said coldly, which made Wu Yi feel ashamed, so he could only call Wei Huo and his gang with an angry look.

Even if the chain of missions with nine rings goes well, it may take two or three days to get results. During this period, Wu Yi has been paying attention to the information of the main world. After all, there have been many major events in the main world recently, such as ascending to the sky. It's not unusual for the four bosses on the cliff. After all, Wu Yi has arranged a lot of intelligence personnel in Dengtianya, and what really caught his attention was the appearance of "Wen Tian Tu", one of the nine great soldiers.

For Calabash City, which has always been seriously lacking top-level equipment, the Nine Divine Weapons have always been one of the targets of the search, but now it seems that the other divine weapons whose positions are not yet determined are probably in the hands of the unworldly powerhouse. In the hand, the chance of getting it is almost zero.

In addition to climbing the sky cliff, there is another major event in Xihai, that is, Zhou Yu "fell" under Zhao Kuangyin's beauty trap, married his "official partner" Xiao Qiao with great fanfare, betrayed the Hongyu Empire, and switched to Zhao Kuangyin.In this way, Zhao Kuangyin not only easily subdued a great talent, but also took down Hongliu City without bloodshed, and took control of the entire West Sea Fleet, and his momentum grew again.

With Zhou Yu's talent, he would definitely not fall for such a simple "beauty trick". The relationship between him and Zhao Kuangyin had been very strange long ago. Since the West Sea Fleet retreated to Hongliu City, there has been no follow-up action. Even if the emperor came down to supervise the army, it would not have any effect. On the contrary, Zhou Yu easily emptied the power of the city lord Hongliu.

Zhao Kuangyin, who holds the West Sea Fleet in his hand, is almost on par with Zhang Jiao's power, even without external forces such as Sea Monster and Sea God Temple, and the speed of development is jaw-dropping.

Zhou Yu's rebellion also heralded the disappearance of the Hongyu Empire's last force in the west, the entire west fell completely, and the Hongyu Empire could no longer penetrate a single bit.Compared with other regions, the west has always been relatively "peaceful", but now it is the first to clear the Hongyu Empire out of the game, and now the main forces left in the west are the two forces, Zhao Kuangyin who holds the power of the sea, and King Moshan for the time being. Join hands with Zhang Jiao!Liu Bang and Meng Wu and Lian Po, who were sticking to Xuanwu City, were not in the west or westernmost area.

"My nephew, Sun Ce, your good friend has completely run away with someone." Wu Yi, who had just received the information before, secretly complained like this, and not only the friend flew away, but his wife might also remarry up.

Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao successfully completed the achievement of "official match", but with the relationship between Zhao Kuangyin and Xiang Yu, and the position of the power, unless Lian Po can snatch Da Qiao away, it is absolutely impossible for Sun Ce and Da Qiao to tie the knot Even reasonable.But with Zhao Kuangyin's current "counseling" behavior, he hardly goes to places without water. If it is a water battle, the current Lian Po may not be able to win Zhou Yu next.What's more, even in the game, Da Qiao can have a strong combat power, but it is unlikely to fight in the first place. It is really difficult to snatch her.

The events in the west have little effect on Calabash City. Even if Zhou Yu will lead the West Sea Fleet to help the Kraken and Poseidon Temple fight in the West Sea in the future, Calabash City will not be afraid of the West Sea Fleet!
In order to cooperate with the battle of Dongyue City, Calabash City had another new move. After the completion of the army reorganization, Wei Qing led the army to forcibly push the battle line to Hongye City.Although King Dongping's generals are like clouds and counselors are like rain, Li Jing is the only "soldier of soldiers" for the time being, and Li Jing is the only one who can fight against Wei Qing at the moment. Wei Qing is approaching at this time, just to restrict Li Jing to Hongye City, so On the one hand, it can also ensure that the commanders on both sides of the Dongyue City battlefield will not be out of balance.

After the first battle in Molten Fire City, there were some problems inside the Temple of Elements. It has become more and more obvious that the four sides are in harmony with each other. In order to avoid tragedy, the Raging Flame Temple temporarily sent the main force back to Dihuo Ridge where the main hall is located.

And the demon king of the monster clan disappeared when the witch clan set up the witch god towers all over the world. Therefore, for a while, the strong men that King Dongping could use became somewhat dwarfed by comparison. In addition, he had to guard against Sun Bin's resurgence. The defense seems a bit tight, but still not to be underestimated.The commander-in-chief of Dongping City's expedition to Dongyue City has been determined. It is Feng Sheng, the famous founding general of the Ming Dynasty. Although Feng Sheng is far inferior to Xu Da and Chang Yuchun in terms of popularity, his ability is not weak at all.

The number of strong men in Feng Sheng's army is temporarily unknown, so Wang Meng could only borrow Ma Zhong from Huo Qubing's army and Shi Wansui from Geng Yan's army, and temporarily went south with Shi Tianze. .As for Dongyue City, Wu Yi didn't force it, if he could take it down, he would take it down, if he couldn't take it down, he would treat it as a pawn to contain the Dongping rebels!Anyway, more than half of the officials in Rising Sun City have defected to him in secret. It would be best if they could drag King Dongping to death with space.

The territory cannot be digested by eating it!
(End of this chapter)

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