The best lord of online games

Chapter 1691 Manuscript of "Mengxi Bi Tan"

Chapter 1691 Manuscript of "Mengxi Bi Tan"
Calabash City is about to be promoted to the first class. This is definitely the biggest joyous event at the moment. Wu Yi is thinking about whether to invite heroes from all over the world after the promotion is completed, to celebrate with great fanfare, and to take the opportunity to gain his reputation again.

"Wuyi, what's the matter, so urgent?"

Zhao Ziyun's response was unexpectedly fast, and he only read less than one-third of the large pile of information, just right, the shorter the delay, the better.

"Of course it's a good thing! Let's talk about it!" Wu Yi put down the pile of information that he hadn't finished reading. Anyway, if there is anything he needs to know, he will extract it and give it to him. Since there is no information, it will be later It's the same again.

"Okay, I'll upload it to Calabash City right away."

When Zhao Ziyun came back from the Doomsday God Battlefield, he must be right next to the teleportation formation. Getting to Calabash City is just a matter of steps, and it will be there in a blink of an eye.Wu Yi invited Zhao Ziyun to the lord's mansion, and said straight to the point: "I have a secret order for the Fortress of the Underworld, which is about the Rift Valley Outpost. It's freshly released, and it's less than half an hour old. I don't need to say much about the value! "

"Have you read the inside of the secret order? What about the seal?" Zhao Ziyun took the secret order from Wu Yi's hand and glanced at the seal on it.

"If you don't look at it, how will you know it's valuable! As for the seal, you can rest assured that an expert will restore it."

"What good thing do you see in my hands again?" Zhao Ziyun smiled and issued a secret order. He had no doubts about what Wu Yi said. With the relationship between the two, one is one, and there is absolutely no problem of coaxing. So he didn't have to ask to open the seal to inspect the goods or something.

"Every one of you, you want to hide some good things in your bulletproof underwear. I don't know. Quote yourself, pay attention to the quality." Chang Shanmeng's progress in the Doomsday God Battlefield is quite different. Chen Qingzhi and Yue Yun have been resurrected. The commander-in-chief and the generals are all developing in one direction, cheap and affordable. As soon as the two super famous generals appeared, they immediately let the Changshan League win a few big victories in the north.

It is definitely impossible for famous generals to be traded. The high-end goods that can be traded, who knows what he has.

"You're a big landlord. You also have a soldier saint and a few demigods, and you still can't forget my family fortune." Zhao Ziyun kept tapping his fingers on the table, thinking about what price to offer. A secret order should be able to exchange for him a lot of military exploits. There are not many super famous generals who can be resurrected at present. If there is more military exploits, he may finally grab another famous general. This is something he will never give up.

"In this way, I will give you a manuscript copy of "Guide to Acupuncture". Some time ago, I got a lot of seeds of top-level medicinal materials from the forest elves, and I will share half of them with you. There are also "Invincible" commander-in-chief, "wind magic mastery" One extra long scroll each, that's all."

"Guide to Acupuncture Classics"? Who wrote it?" If this kind of manuscript is taken out, then Zhao Ziyun must have the authentic copy in his hand, but he doesn't know if it was written by a famous historical figure or an aborigine. There are many famous doctors in history. , he memorized only the most famous parts.

The two special scrolls are really good things. Although the commander-in-chief "Invincibility" is popular, it is very critical and limited. His subordinates have needed this training many times, and they are worthy of holding it.The "Wind Magic Mastery" is obviously for wind professionals, and he doesn't have top-notch ones in this field. It can only be used by Yao Yueshan, a general of the mermaid. Her profession is "Storm Controller". A specialty is not wasted.

"Dou Mo at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is definitely not as good as your Sun Simiao." Zhao Ziyun gave Wu Yi a tasteful look.There are only a handful of doctors in history who can be compared with the king of medicine.

"Isn't it a little bit worse? What are they?" Sun Simiao is currently writing a book behind closed doors, that is to say, there will be a real medical book in Calabash City soon, so this manuscript of "Guide to Acupuncture" Not much use to him.The medicinal seeds of the forest elves are really good things, many of them are unique products, but the forest elves are not closed to the outside world, as long as they pay a little price, they can definitely be obtained.

"Okay, let's replace it with the head office of the "Mengxi Bi Tan" manuscript?"

"I'll go, Shen Kuo is actually in your hands, you are really Yin, you have been hiding." Wu Yi jumped up immediately, Shen Kuo!Well, the tragic Shen Kuo, like Song Yingxing, has a book with a bigger name than himself. Both "Tiangong Kaiwu" and "Mengxi Bitan" are similar to encyclopedias, and "Mengxi Bitan" covers a wider range than "Tiangong Kaiwu". These two masterpieces must be top-notch Yes, it's just that the attribute bonuses are good, and they are all masterpieces of the territory, which have a huge impact on the territory.

""Mengfu Bi Tan" has just been written, and I originally wanted to use the manuscript to knock you out, but now everything has come to naught." Zhao Ziyun directly wrote "Meng Fu Bi Tan" with a look of "life without love". The manuscript was thrown to Wu Yi.

"Mengfu Bi Tan" (manuscript): An encyclopedia in handwriting compiled by Shen Kuo, transcribed by Shen Kuo.Adds 25% to the celestial phenomenon of the territory, +25% to the research efficiency of various industries, and the new formula researched has a certain probability of obtaining additional related attributes, the quality of pills and medicines +15%, the construction speed +15%, music, dance, Art-related +15%, production and manufacturing deputy ability +12%.

This attribute makes Wu Yi salivate a lot, but unfortunately it is not the real version, this attribute is at least twice as bad. If it is the real version, plus "Heavenly Creation", his territory can at least be able to The improvement is more than doubled. Books of this type are far stronger than a famous general.Territory is the foundation of a party's power. Only the stronger the territory, the more hopeful it will be in the later stage, otherwise the endless war will drag down any power to death.

Seeing that Wu Yi received the handwritten copy of "Mengfu Bi Tan", which also means that this transaction has been completed, Zhao Ziyun hurriedly returned to the Doomsday God Battlefield to maximize the value of this secret order, and did not want to delay, so he immediately got up and prepared to leave. "Someone will deliver the rest of the items later, so I'll flash them first."

"Wait, you've been in the Doomsday God's Battlefield for so long, you must have bought holy equipment, I'll replace it with undead equipment." Wu Yi immediately stopped Zhao Ziyun, he can get advanced equipment in the Doomsday God's Battlefield , other people can naturally.It’s just that the enemies on the Twilight Fortress are only undead, and the equipment they get will naturally only be of the “underworld” attribute, but what the Hades Fortress can get is relatively more complicated. After all, there are many foreign troops in the Twilight Fortress.

"Get out! It's useless for me to hold the undead type."

Awkward!These "devil" attribute things are really hard to sell. Because Chang Shanmeng has always been in the camp of Hongyu Empire, even if he is in the north, it is impossible to get many strong people of the undead system. Without the occupation of the undead system, what is the use of equipment? use?It seems that there is no other way but to get a manuscript copy of "Meng Fu Bi Tan" this time, which is already an unexpected harvest.

(End of this chapter)

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