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Chapter 1692 Zhang Yufeng takes revenge and invites the God of War to descend to the sun

Chapter 1692 Zhang Yufeng takes revenge and invites the God of War to descend to the sun

After completing the deal with Zhao Ziyun, Wu Yi didn't stay in the main world too long, and then turned back to the Twilight Barrier. Wei Huo and his party dragged a bunch of war equipment, it is impossible to come back so soon, and I can do something more during this time For small missions, his current combat exploits have exceeded 650 million. He only needs to wait for Wei Huo and others to come back and hand in the mission, and then turn in the batch of war equipment. The distance to 850 million is not far away. As long as there are no accidents, the complete goal is not difficult , after all, he hadn't spent much military exploits before.

In order to accumulate more military exploits, Wu Yi didn't even use the privilege of being able to learn some commander-in-chief specialties in the military camp given by the generals. The official rank is definitely the best choice.

Leaving aside Wu Yi who brushed skeletons in the Doomsday God Battlefield, Zhang Yufeng, who had been staying in Kowloon City for nearly a month, finally set foot on the Taoist holy mountain to the east of the imperial capital.

Zhang Yufeng has a special identity. His Zhang family has practiced Taoism for generations. The Fengshui peak master among the five peaks of the holy mountain has been from the Zhang family for five consecutive generations. It can be imagined that its inheritance is profound, which is even more exaggerated than those so-called thousand-year-old families.But such a colossus died inexplicably, leaving only two people, almost extinct and breaking the lineage.

Although Zhang Yufeng and his son Zhang Ruilin do not belong to Fengshui Peak now, they are still Taoist disciples, not to mention that the Zhang family has left a deep network of contacts on the holy mountain for countless generations. What's more, Zhang Yufeng held Fengshui Peak's "district master card", and no one dared to stop him.

The owner of this generation of Fengshui Peak is named "Luan Feiyun", who is close to [-] years old and is also a great master of Fengshui. However, the problems of the Zhang family have been going on for a long time. The first black hand was Luan Feiyun's sect, and those old fellows were already dead, so Zhang Yufeng could only find Luan Feiyun, the one who took the blame.

To put it bluntly, the tragedy of the Zhang family was caused by the power struggle within the Taoist sect, and the victims were far more than the Zhang family.The culprit was already dead, but Zhang Yufeng's revenge had to go on, because it was the insistence of several generations of Zhang's clan, and an explanation must be given to those clansmen who died tragically.

The environment of the holy mountain is always as magnificent as a fairyland. The highest point of the five peaks will be submerged in the thick sea of ​​clouds, and Fengshui Peak is no exception.Zhang Yufeng, with his hands behind his back, seemed to be very casual, and walked step by step to the "Dishi Hall" on the top of Fengshui Peak.The feng shui formation on the holy mountain was accumulated by the most outstanding feng shui masters of Jingdao Sect through countless generations. As a super family that has been in charge of Fengshui peak for five generations, Zhang Yufeng naturally knows the secret of the feng shui formation on the holy mountain.

But knowing is knowing, but it is unrealistic to want to break it, because each generation of peak masters will make certain modifications to ensure that the enemy will not find out the truth.Moreover, the main body of the holy mountain's defense is the array, and Feng Shui only accounts for about one-third of it, and it affects the whole body.

"Luan Feiyun, don't you plan to come out to meet old friends?" Zhang Yufeng is not the first time to go to the holy mountain. When he was young, he also met Luan Feiyun when he was training in the world, so he can be regarded as an "acquaintance".

"I thought I would never be able to wait for you in this life. Not long ago, I told my disciples to wait for your son." The door of the Earth Master Hall burst open, and an old Taoist with a Daofeng fairy bone walked out of it, his eyes fixed on On Zhang Yufeng's body, his expression didn't change at all, with a strong sense of majesty, he was worthy of being the master of Fengshui Peak.

"There is no need for my son. The enmity between our two branches will end with us." Zhang Yufeng's voice was like a rolling thunder that exploded in the clouds, and even the mountain trembled slightly.

At this moment, several figures rushed up Fengshui Peak from all directions. Zhang Yufeng's speed up the holy mountain was not fast before, and many people noticed that these old antiques knew a thing or two about the Zhang family's affairs. , they don't bother to pay attention to such nonsense, but now...

"Zhang Yufeng, do you have any sense of the overall situation? When is this, and this matter is in the background!" An old Taoist who must be furious descended from the sea of ​​clouds.

Among the five peaks of Taoism, the peak masters of Divination and Taoism are all in the underworld, and the peak masters of Fuzhuan Peak have not returned. Only the peak masters of Formation and Fengshui sit in the holy mountain.It's not impossible for these two people to fight each other. If one dies, the living one will be the pinnacle master. Zhang Yufeng's strength and inheritance are enough.But I'm afraid that if these two people die together, they will fuck up. After all, at this level, it is very difficult to tell the winner. If you don't pay attention, you will be pulled to the back.

The Taoist sect has already lost one Yuan Tiangang, if two more Fengshui masters die, the loss will be too great, and it is a troubled time right now, it is the critical moment to re-demarcate the sphere of influence!
"Suppression? The Zhang family's wronged soul can't wait until that time!" In Zhang Yufeng's heart, since it is impossible to punish the culprit, at least he must get back the position of Fengshui Peak Master belonging to his Zhang family.

"Yi Feiyun, did your master's promise back then still count?"

"You..." The old Taoist who was pushed back by Zhang Yufeng's words was so angry that his breath became thicker. At this moment, he couldn't help but wanted to do something.

"Junior Brother Zhao, this is a matter of this seat, and you don't need to intervene." Luan Feiyun gave the old man a cold look, and then turned his gaze back to Zhang Yufeng, "Of course! The ancestor once said that as long as the master of Fengshui Peak is still there We are one, so as long as someone from your Zhang family beats the peak master in the feng shui duel, the position of peak master will be returned to your Zhang family!"

"That's good! I'll be waiting for you at Zijin Mountain at noon on God's Descending Sun. I hope you don't embarrass your sect." After finishing speaking, Zhang Yufeng shook his head and left. Master of Fengshui Peak, this is definitely Fengshui As for the strongest person along the way, even if Zhang Yufeng has practiced the family inheritance to the extreme, he is not sure of victory.

"Hmph! I will be here on time. You should take advantage of this time to think carefully about whether your rotten son will be able to support Mrs. Zhang after you die!" "Arrogance", otherwise with the relationship between the two branches, Zhang Yufeng would not have survived to grow up. He has always believed that he is invincible when it comes to Feng Shui.

"Senior brother..." The old demigod who spoke before landed beside Luan Feiyun.

"Don't disturb me before the sun descends. During this time, I will be closed in the Hall of the Earth Master." Luan Feiyun turned around and walked back to the Hall of the Earth Master while talking, and the Hall of the Earth Master was closed again, leaving behind Several old Taoists who originally planned to persuade them had no choice but to do so. Luan Feiyun was the master of Yifeng, and even the other masters of Sifeng were just equal to him, and it was impossible to order him.

This battle is already imperative. All the Daomen can do is to protect the battlefield and ensure that they will not be attacked by other forces during the duel between the two.

(End of this chapter)

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