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Chapter 1701 Blood Sacrifice, Seven Moons

Chapter 1701 Blood Sacrifice, Seven Moons
After sending off Princess Qingxue, Wu Yi rushed to the Red Leaf City battlefield with the shocking hammer immediately. Wei Qing and Li Jing, who were in Hongye City right now, were only constantly strengthening the defense line, and did not take the risk of a decisive battle at this time. It was the players from the two camps who played very fiercely.At this time, the side effects of "God's Drop" on Wu Yi's body will take nearly [-] hours to disappear, but he doesn't care if he goes wandering with those people in the nursing home.

"Good guy, you're strong enough!" Li Yuanba easily picked up the shocking hammer one in each hand, and threw it up and down without any pressure. Seeing the eyes of the people around them almost fell to the ground, the visual impact was too great. It's an exaggeration, the diameter of each hammer head is more than 1.5 meters. With Li Yuanba's height of more than three meters, he looks like a demon god in mythology.

Just looking at this image alone, there are not many people in the world who dare to take the hammer head-on!

"Haha, as long as you like it, I'll take that shield." Wu Yi pointed to the Mountain Shield that Li Yuanba was still carrying. Still, it's flimsy.

"This shield is quite good. It's very suitable for face-slapping. It's very cool!" Li Yuanba smiled and smashed the thunder at his feet, and took off the mountain shield on his back with his backhand and handed it to Wu Yi.

Slap in the face?

No matter what was in Li Yuanba's hands, it was always slapped in the face, no matter whether he won or not, he never lost his momentum.

Professions that use two-handed shields are also rare. Except for the Guardians of the Earth Temple, there are only the Extreme Wall Guards in the Imperial Guard. Although there are many other professions that use shields, they are all with one-handed round shields or arm shields. shield.

Before the Temple of the Earth wanted to take back this aegis, but Wu Yi thought it was dishonest to reject the offer. This time, I should just find the emperor. The collection of the imperial treasure house is quite rich, not to mention that the equipment of the swordsman is the most popular. , not hard to find.


The God of Death Palace in the underworld, a steady stream of prisoners of war and livestock were driven here through the gate of the underworld. The prisoners of war seemed extremely afraid of the legendary underworld, and they still didn't know their future fate.

"All the livestock were dragged to the No. [-] altar for slaughter, and the prisoners of war were dragged to the No. [-] altar."

In front of the shrine, a large number of priests of the god of the underworld were busy. The blood sacrifice magic array stretched for hundreds of miles. It was the strongest magic array for the god sacrifice in the shrine of the underworld. It not only required a lot of blood and souls, but also required a lot of faith Power.If it is not necessary, the Temple of the Underworld is absolutely unwilling to use it, the price is too high.

"A lot less than expected."

"No way, the snowstorm has seriously affected the roads in various places, plus the obstacles of the Imperial Army and some Golden Wolf Nation forces, it is already quite rare to have so many."

"Why don't you wait a few more days? If you start now, you will need too much power of faith."

Several hall masters of the temple stood in front of the temple, discussing with solemn expressions.The power of faith is the most important reserve of each god system, most of which need to be sent to the god realm, and only a small part will stay in the temple to compete with other god systems for the belief area.And this part of the power of faith that has been accumulated needs to be used to build artifacts. There are not many that can really be saved. It is okay if the holy war is not started. Once the holy war is started in an ordinary way, the power of faith will soon be exhausted. At that time, even if the newborn power of faith is no longer contributed to the gods, it will be difficult to accumulate again.

"No! It can't be delayed any longer. The new national teacher of Taoism has already started. The environment in the underworld is getting worse and worse. Every day we delay, the price we need to pay may be several points higher than now." Don't underestimate the mere numbers. Points, under the huge base, what a few points represent is also an extremely huge number.

"Then do it! But you must not let the Taoist sect continue to be so arrogant, this is the underworld!"

"Of course, this time, I will let the Taoist sect change to another national teacher!!!"

After paying such a high price this time, even the underworld has been turned into such a ghostly appearance, the Temple of the Underworld really hates it.Although they didn't want to confront the Daomen head-on before, they wanted to wait until they had laid a solid foundation before going to a decisive battle, but since they couldn't avoid it, let's fight!Both are god-line forces with a long history, who is afraid of whom!

In order to counteract the power of the earth fire that erupted in the underworld, the blood sacrifice will last for a long time, so any subsequent needs of livestock and prisoners of war, as for now, will be filled with the power of faith.

The blood sacrifice begins!
The nine demigods sit in the nine core altars respectively, and countless creatures are slaughtered in the altars. The blood pools into a river, and the magic pattern absorbs a large amount of blood, which is activated immediately. Almost filling the entire space, in the endless blood light, a faint black shadow suddenly appeared, and slowly turned into reality, it was a huge ghost-headed sickle, not too fancy, but the sickle on the sickle That faint light made even a demigod feel chills all over.

This is the main artifact held by the God of Death, the Slayer of Souls, the most evil artifact in legends!

The seals on the Soul Slayer Scythe were broken away by the power of the sacrifice, and the aura that devoured all living beings exploded instantly, and the corpses that fell on the altar instantly turned into bones, and there were more roads on the pitch-black sickle. Bloody texture.The Soul Slashing Scythe was strengthened by the huge sacrificial power and sent high into the sky until it sank into the dark moon like a silver plate.

Mingyue is the core of the underworld. After Soul Slayer Scythe entered Mingyue, from below, there seemed to be a "crack" on the bright Mingyue. Immediately afterwards, Mingyue's brilliance began to expand and stretch , and split into two circles of Mingyue.This didn't continue, the division continued until seven dark moons appeared in the sky.

Same day in July!This is absolutely unique in the underworld, and has never appeared before.

If you look closely, the six rounds are all exactly the same, only the middle round, the dark shadow of the Soul Slayer is reflected on the surface of the dark moon, and the six rounds are just the brilliance of the real dark moon inspired by the power of the sacrifice. The six round phantom formed by Qinghui is nothing more than that.Although these six dark moons are just phantoms and cannot last forever, they will disappear as soon as the power of sacrifice is cut off, but they still have part of the power and function of the dark moon.

On the same day in July, at this moment, all the undead in the underworld were greatly strengthened, and at the same time, the Styx river was also aroused, bursting into waves, and the endless "underworld" attribute power once again suppressed those who had awakened under the underworld. The power of the earth fire slowly "cooled" them, and once again fell into an endless "eternal sleep".

This post-continuation process cannot be completed overnight, so the blood sacrifice still needs to last for a while, when the earth fire subsides, and when will it end.

(End of this chapter)

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