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Chapter 1702 Under the Soul Slaying Scythe, there is death but no life, Zuo Ci falls

Chapter 1702 Under the Soul Slaying Scythe, there is death but no life, Zuo Ci falls
Before the start of the blood sacrifice, the first knight of the Death God Palace had already led a team to the location of Li Chunfeng, who was collecting "Tui Bei Tu" everywhere and at the same time further aroused the power of the earth fire.The Temple of the Underworld has put [-]% of its power in the underworld, so there is no shortage of strong ones, and the first knight of the Death God Palace has a unique advantage in the underworld.

On the other side, Li Chunfeng has collected more than half of the [-] "Pictures of Pushing Backs". If it wasn't for the purpose of making the power of the earth fire explode more thoroughly, he could have forced the remaining few back.What's more, the Taoist sect also wanted to use this as a bait to lure the strong men of the Underworld Temple to take the bait, and count as many as they can kill.

Now the Temple of Elements has existed in name only, and the Temple of Light has fallen into the muddy quagmire in order to gain the name of righteousness. If there is another round of "cutting", no matter which side of the main world will unify the world in the future, Taoism will still be the number one religion, and the status of the state religion will not be shaken.

At the beginning, the Taoist expedition did not value the interests of the underworld, but simply wanted to weaken the Temple of the Underworld!
The location where Li Chunfeng was located was already a terrifying lava lake. The terrifying high temperature and surging fire elements forcibly changed the environment of the ghost attribute into a fire attribute environment.In this lava lake, there are still many new fire elements wandering in groups.

But at this moment, Li Chunfeng, who was in charge of the "Force of Destiny", suddenly had a warning sign in his heart, and looked up into the distance. In the black cloud and mist of the death sky, a smear of blood continued to flicker.

Blood sacrifice!
Daoism is no stranger to blood sacrifices, but the blood sacrifices in the distance gave Li Chunfeng a very bad feeling, which made him unable to resist destroying the "Taotian Map" and began to calculate.

"Little guy from the Taoist sect, dare to destroy my underworld, I will turn your corpse into the strongest necromancer lich!" Four demigods from the Temple of the Underworld, plus dozens of legendary masters, surrounded Li Chunfeng. around.The leader is a death knight, this profession is not rare, the death knight is the main cavalry of the Temple of the Underworld, the real difficulty is the identity of the opponent.

The first knight of the Death God Palace has no name, only a code name, a code passed down from generation to generation, no matter what your name was before, as long as you take the position of the first knight, it will be changed to "death"!The guardian of the God of Death's Palace is also the first executor of the God of Death's resurrection plan, which was determined by the god of the underworld.

Obviously, the Daoist sect is completely blank about the existence of "Perishment", because "Perishment" in the past dynasties has never left the underworld, and the jihad started by the Temple of the Underworld has never spread to the underworld.

Li Chunfeng's expression didn't change at all in the siege. Since he wanted to trap and kill the strong man in the Temple of the Underworld, it was naturally impossible that he would not have a backup.When the powerhouses of the Underworld Temple appeared, the lava lake below suddenly erupted, and a series of mighty dragons made of lava roared to the sky, a total of 72 dragons.

Although the environment of the fire attribute will not have any bonus for the Taoist priests, the Fengshui and formations of the Taoist sect are the best at borrowing the environment. The "Earth Demon Flame Killing Formation" combined with the lava environment is far more effective than the "Nine Heavens". God Thunder Formation".The strong men of the Taoist sect have been hiding not far from Li Chunfeng relying on the formation map, and now they waited for their target, and immediately exploded.

Liezi Lie Yukou, the peak master of Dao Fa Peak, Zuo Ci, the strong man of Fu Zhuan Peak, a master-level Feng Shui master of Feng Shui Peak, and a group of legendary formation masters.In terms of numbers, the two sides are evenly matched, but the "Earth Demon Flame Killing Formation" has been activated, as long as the Temple of the Underworld is blocked within the range of the lava lake, their advantages will be enormous.

"Yo, there's an ambush!" "Fen" not only didn't panic at all, but called out in surprise as if he had won a big prize.Now that "Scythe of Soul" has been activated, there is no reason for him to fail!

And at this moment, the seven rounds of the dark moon above the sky have taken shape, and the powerful power of the dark attribute is photographed like a tide. Unknowingly began to slowly decline.

"Huh? This feeling..." Li Chunfeng glanced at the vision of the same sky in July above his head, his face changed slightly, and he shouted loudly: "Go!"

"Haha, want to leave? It's too late!" "Fen" raised his head and laughed loudly, "I thought there was only one peak master of Divination Peak, but I didn't expect there to be so many fish.

While speaking, Liezi had already instantly killed four legendary enemies with unparalleled speed. The speed was so fast that even the demigods on one side were not in a hurry to rescue them.

"The 'flame killing array' was blown up, retreat quickly!" Li Chunfeng did not explain in a hurry, and he couldn't explain clearly, but he felt a deadly threat.It is very difficult for a fortuneteller to be in charge of the "Force of Destiny". It is difficult for him to feel a fatal threat. This is the first time he has encountered it so far.

When Li Chunfeng retreated, he did not forget to mobilize the power of fate. At the same time, "Tui Bei Tu"'s own ability forcibly summoned the few remaining "Tui Bei Tu" that were not in a hurry to collect.Now he must concentrate all his strength to deal with the next changes.

Zuo Ci burst out countless talismans in an instant, some to assist allies and some to attack the enemy. The burst in this instant surpassed that of Taoist priests of the Taoist system.Liezi had a brief fight with "Fade". The death knight's defense could not be called the weakest, but with the strength of "Fade", it was enough to block Liezi's assassin-like instant-killing sword.


With a huge roar, the Earth Shayan Killing Formation was completely detonated by the Feng Shui master, and even the entire lava lake was blown away, and the two sides also took this opportunity to distance themselves.However, an irregular black pendant hung on the neck of "Perishment" produced bursts of gloomy light at this time, and under the traction of this mysterious gloomy light, the Soul Slaying Scythe that was originally integrated into the dark moon fell into the sky. In the palm of his hand, he let out a loud roar, swung the Soul Slaying Scythe with both hands and slashed out obliquely, and a gray-black half-moon-shaped slash flew towards the position of the Taoist door.


Li Chunfeng was frightened and angry. He felt that this blow was irresistible, even if the set of divine equipment from the Earth Temple came. To the location of the people in the Temple of the Underworld.

Li Chunfeng avoided the range of the slash in advance by relying on his ineffective "prediction" at that time, Liezi also needn't worry, with his speed, he wanted to run for his life, no one in the world could kill him.But Zuo Ci, the great Fengshui master, and some of the legendary formations were not so lucky. They were directly pierced by this gray-black slash, and their life force was instantly emptied. The same goes for the bodyguard, the body turned into off-white powder in mid-air and drifted down.

(End of this chapter)

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