The best lord of online games

Chapter 1706 Ghost God Lu Bu "Double Super" Huo Qubing

Chapter 1706 Ghost God Lu Bu "Double Super" Huo Qubing
Pei Min's astonishing sword, like a flying fairy from the sky, almost stabbed Bao Yue directly between the eyebrows, and the dragon-slaying sword hit the heavy halberd and small halberd, and a faint shock wave erupted between the two. Rubbing violently, a bright trace was formed in the center.Although he successfully blocked the sword, Bao Yue was still in a cold sweat from fright. He knew very well that it was somewhat of a fluke to be able to block the sword.

After the first blow failed, Pei Min withdrew instantly, and in a blink of an eye, he was behind Bao Yue, and a sharp sword aura followed.

Pei Min, who has extreme speed, is almost undefeated in the same level. Even if he can't fight head-on, he can rely on speed to fight, or retreat directly. If he wants to kill him, besides having faster speed than him, There are only three options left!

The first type is equipment crushing, either mastering some equipment with special confinement effects, or using high-level artifacts to burst out power far exceeding that of a demigod in an instant; Sealing means to trap him with a powerful restrictive effect; the third is that he himself will never retreat.

The power type is not impossible, as long as at the moment when the weapons collide, with a strength far surpassing Pei Min, he can be counterattacked in an instant. If the strength is strong enough, then Pei Min will either die or die under the huge concussion injury. hurt!But this method is too passive, and it needs to be able to keep up with Pei Min's speed. If it's a heavy shield or an oversized hammer, it's relatively easy to do.

After the first blow of the fight, Bao Yue knew very well that he had nothing to do with this person, not only that, but he had to work hard to save his life.He knows his own affairs, his family has no inheritance, it is a fluke for him to step into the demigod realm, it is impossible to go any further, it is just an extravagant hope to have full "force".Under such conditions, it is naturally impossible for him to master such luxurious equipment. In fact, the most powerful equipment of the League of Seven Sins is worn by Sha Luqi and Jing Ke.

With a plan in mind, even if Bao Yue rushed headlong into the chaotic army below, he wanted to use the cover of the chaotic army to avoid the opponent's pursuit. As long as he retreated to the central army and was supported by the commander of the army, he would safe.

On Yu Dayou's side, Pei Min crushed his opponent, while on the other side, Lu Bu, who attacked the enemy's rear army, was another situation.

Lu Bu grew up twice after joining Calabash City. The first time was when Mayi City was attacked. Although he lost most of his soldiers and horses, he almost killed the retreating alien army by himself in the end. grew up a bit.After that, he led the army alone in a small-scale battle, which made the "command" grow a little bit.

It's a pity that his current "command" 93 and "martial force" 98 have not changed in essence. The command of the troops is not super first-class, and his personal strength is less than half-divine. He is in a very embarrassing stage.

When he first came into contact with the enemy army, he directly tore a big hole in Cao Wenzhao's army formation with his indomitable momentum.Cao Wenzhao, who was the number one fierce general in the late Ming Dynasty, also developed both unified and military forces, but at this time, in addition to his ability to command troops has just stepped into the top-notch, his personal strength is still stuck outside the legendary threshold. If you fight with Lu Bu, you will definitely die.Obviously, facing someone like Lu Bu, the God of War summoned with a command value of only 95 is not easy to use, and he was forcibly blown up in just a few short encounters.

The military strength of the god of war was exploded, and the morale of the army plummeted. Lu Bu's unstoppable momentum may kill the commander and capture the flag in the next moment!

However, after Xia Luqi arrived, Lu Bu's offensive was stopped in an instant. The legend of "force" 98, and the demigod with "force" 99, even if there is only a little difference in force value, they are not first-class commanding ability can be made up.

As one of the four major battles in history, Xia Luqi, who had captured Wang Yanzhang alive, had no doubts about his strength.And Lu Bu's way of commanding troops is the same as Xiang Yu's. He himself is the "engine" of the entire army. As long as he is unstoppable on the battlefield, the army he leads will be unstoppable. If it is suppressed, various problems will be exposed to the army he leads.

The gap between the real body of the martial sage and the shadow of the martial sage was too great. For a while, Lu Bu retreated steadily and struggled to hold on.Fortunately, the previous two growths prevented Lu Bu from being instantly killed like he did when he fought Li Yuanba, but if there are no other changes, he still cannot change the end of his defeat in this battle. The only difference is whether he will be captured alive or not.

The proud and arrogant Lv Bu was so aggrieved that he roared again and again, and Fang Tian's painted halberd in his palm kept attacking like an angry dragon, but he still couldn't shake his opponent who was blessed by the real body of a martial saint.However, during the constant battles, Lu Bu's aura also continued to rise, and a faint glow began to slowly overflow from his body, and then, these glows suddenly burst out, forming a bright beam of light rising into the sky.

Promote the beam of light!

At this moment, Lu Bu finally triggered his growth and entered the demigod realm!

Under the desperate situation, people's potential can be most stimulated, and Lu Bu has no shortage of potential, and there are many additional potential bonuses in Gourd City. It is only a matter of course for him to trigger growth, and he can fight against enemies stronger than him. , On the contrary, it will force him to grow faster.

In the majestic beam of promotion light, the martial sage's shadow around Lu Bu's body, which was originally just a phantom, slowly became solid and became the real body of the martial sage. Some more advanced applications will be derived, such as "arming" the real body of a martial artist with the power of a large army!
This trick has appeared on Xiang Yu's body more than once, and every time it gives people a feeling of invincibility.However, Lu Bu's commanding ability is not yet top-notch, and the effect he exhibited is definitely inferior to that of Xiang Yu, but it is more than enough to cope with the current situation.

On the enlarged version of Fang Tian's painted halberd in Wusheng's real body, there are three golden dragon shadows formed by the power of the army. The painted halberd rushed out of the promotion light beam, and Xia Luqi's Wusheng's real body fought again, but this time the result was the same as before After a switch, the left shoulder of Xia Luqi Wusheng's real body was pierced by a golden dragon, and his body also flew back under the impact.

At this moment, Lu Bu really possessed the aura of "ghosts and gods"!

As Xia Luqi who has been staying in the north, he is too aware of what the current image of Lu Bu represents. In this case, unless he can also break through in battle, the "force" reaches the full value of [-], and the true body of the martial saint is promoted to the martial god Mami, otherwise there is no possibility of winning by one point.But is the Martial God Realm so easy to achieve?That's not just a little increase in force value, but an improvement in realm!

The risk is too high to fight forcefully, so Xia Luqi should take advantage of this impact to fly back, rush into the main army, and run towards the central army with Cao Wenzhao.This time is not the time for Gu Dajun and the livestock, life is still the most important thing, even if you die because of this, these things will not be kept, and the death battle will only increase unnecessary losses.

Lu Bu, who had just been promoted, was high-spirited and advanced all the way, directly killing the opponent's rear army. At the same time, he separated a side army and began to collect spoils around him.At this time, Lu Bu seemed to have seen the beautiful scene where he was famous all over the world and admired by thousands of people.

On the north side of the battle zone, where Huo Qubing was located, he entered the battlefield last and displayed the greatest momentum, so Yu Wenhu, who was in charge of the central army, personally dealt with it.Huo Qubing's army rushed into the enemy's formation with the effects of "surprising victory" and "crossing the sea from the sky". At the beginning, they also caught the enemy by surprise, but when Yuwen Chengdu came alone, the battle situation was quite bad.

Huo Qubing sent Pei Min, the only strong demigod under his command, to contact Yu Dayou's navy to cooperate with this battle. At this time, Pei Min was chasing Bao Yue to the sky and nowhere to go on the ground in the southern battlefield.Only Ma Chao was left, and even Ma Zhong was loaned to the Dongyue City battlefield.But obviously, to let Ma Chao, who is far from growing up, fight, is to give away the head, and it is better for Huo Qubing to fight by himself.

It's not that Wu Yi doesn't pay attention to Huo Qubing, it's just that the north is indeed not the strategic center of Hulu City right now, and Huo Qubing likes to make big news.

At this time, Huo Qubing's attributes were "command" 95 and "martial force" 94. No matter how he looked at it, he didn't seem like someone who could resist demigods, let alone someone like Yu Wencheng.Although Yu Wencheng is a pure romance character, there is no corresponding character prototype in history, and naturally it is impossible to superimpose potential, and even in romance, he has been abused by Li Yuanba all the time, but he is the second hero of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. , and the combat power is by no means comparable to those who are at the bottom of the demigods.

When the "command" is below 97, it doesn't make any sense to fight against the demigod with military strength, so Huo Qubing can only choose to bless himself with the strength of the army and fight with his own force.Li Chezuo, the military advisor, is already a top-notch strategist. Although he failed to learn the "Four Elephant Sacred Realm", the effect of strengthening the power of commanding the army is still no problem. In this way, Huo Qubing is equivalent to a bunch of enhancements hanging on his body. BUFF.

But no matter how many buffs there are, it will not change the nature of being pushed down to two ranks. Huo Guangbing's fight against Yuwen Chengdu is even worse than Lu Bu's fight against Shaluqi before he was promoted.If this fight continues, it won't take a few rounds for Huo Qubing to return to the sky. Fortunately, Huo Qubing's growth was successfully triggered at a critical moment, and he entered the legendary realm. Into the super class, won the title of "Peerless Famous General"!

However, even so, it is impossible for Huo Qubing to have the ability to destroy Yuwen Chengdu, but as long as he can hold it back, it is enough, because the enemy's battle on the other two sides has already collapsed.

When Lu Bu and Huo Qubing triggered their growth one after another and took a crucial step, in fact, the battle was almost a foregone conclusion. If King Lust and Yu Wenhu had no other backers, no one could stop Lu Bu and Pei Min from the rest of the game , It can't stop Yu Dayou's navy, which gradually turns the battlefield into a water environment.

Player forces have always been based on preserving their own strength and protecting famous generals from death. At this time, it is even more impossible for the troops of the King of Desire to stay and fight to the end, and Yu Wenhu also has not lived enough, so the two sides ran quite fast. With Yuwen Chengdu protecting Yuwenhu, as long as Lu Bu and Pei Min don't join forces to hunt down and kill him, it is basically difficult to kill him, and the same is true for the people on the king's side with Xia Luqi's broken desire.

But Huo Qubing's purpose this time was only to plunder supplies, so he didn't pursue deeply. After leaving behind a large number of slow-moving soldiers from the two enemy troops, he gave up the pursuit and began to collect the fleeing livestock.Such a large number of various types of livestock represents a huge amount of wealth. The forces around the battlefield have already appeared around the battlefield, and it is not fun to drag cattle and sheep, but they obviously could not have imagined that such a large-scale The battle ended so quickly, so it is equally important to stop these small forces and get back the spoils.

It is certainly impossible to bring all these livestock back to Mayi City to raise them. The pastures in Mayi City cannot accommodate so many livestock. Although Mayi City was robbed by the Seven Sins League before, that time Huo Qubing returned with a lot of spoils on the way.So although Mayi City lost some livestock that time, after Huo Qubing returned with his army, the livestock on the pasture did not decrease but increased.

It was quite troublesome to deal with this batch of livestock. They belonged to the imperial camp, and it was impossible for them to run to Xuerong City with their cattle and sheep.In fact, in the successive battles in the Northland and the actions of the Temple of the Underworld this time, it is not difficult to see that livestock are far more than food or transport power. There can be no excess of these things!


And just when the fierce battle in the Northland became more and more intense, the chief hall master of the Sea God Temple finally brought some of the crystallization of divine power extracted from the body of the Sea God, and started contact with a Sea Emperor Beast in the deep sea of ​​the West Sea.

Sea Emperor Beasts belong to an incomplete race created by gods. Except for their special racial abilities, those below the holy rank have no intelligence like ordinary sea beasts, and rely entirely on instinct, or obey the orders of high-level Sea Emperor Beasts.But even the sea emperor beasts of the god rank, their wisdom can only be regarded as average. This also has an advantage, that is, these sea emperor beasts will never betray. Obviously, this result was also intentional by the sea god back then.

It is also because of these reasons that the first contact between the Sea God Temple and the Sea Emperor Beast ended in failure, but it is not a complete failure, at least this time the Sea Emperor Beast did not attack him like a mad dog, did it?

Since the Seagod's divine power alone is not enough to "explain" these mindless Seagod Beasts, then it's better to find more bargaining chips. With the foundation of the Temple of Tides, they also know the exact location of several special Seagod relics. Compared with the benefits that may be reaped, taking a little risk is nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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