The best lord of online games

Chapter 1707 Alliance Meeting

Chapter 1707 Alliance Meeting
At ten o'clock in the morning, the principals from all sides of the alliance came to Calabash City one after another. The smile on Wu Yi's face was extraordinarily bright, because yesterday he received a series of system information about the Northern Army. Generals and military advisers have grown to varying degrees. Among them, Huo Qubing and Lu Bu have grown up in "command" and "force" respectively, and have a staged improvement.

Now Lu Bu has entered the demigod rank, with 94 "command" and 99 "martial force"; Huo Qubing has reached the legendary rank, 96 "command" and 95 "martial force".Next, with these two people sitting in the north, plus Pei Min, as long as they are not attacked by the main forces of Xuerong City or Golden Wolf Kingdom, basically there will be no danger.

And Yu Dayou's "command" who had played soy sauce also grew a little bit. When he reached 96, Li Zuoche grew a little "intelligence". The remaining lieutenants such as Ma Chao and Zheng Chenggong grew even more. After all, their real attributes and potentials are too different. It is easier to trigger growth in a big battle. After a big battle, it is possible to trigger growth several times.

What made him even more happy was that, according to the temporary battle report sent back last night, it was the Desire King of the Seven Sins League who was beaten up by Huo Qubing this time, which can be regarded as revenge for the previous Mayicheng.Although this time it seems that he didn't kill any important person from the opponent, the amount of spoils is quite exaggerated. Losing this battle, livestock, prisoners of war, and armaments, is enough to hurt the King of Desire, right?Thinking about coming to this day of the gods, he will not live comfortably.

"What? Are you the only one who came to the Three Realms this time?" In the teleportation square, Wu Yi waited for the people from the Three Realms Guild. A guild composed of multiple forces, if only one person comes...

"They have important things at hand, and they can't adjust the time for a while, but don't worry, Brother Wu Yi, I can make the decision this time!"

"That's good! The only thing left is purgatory and eternity. Just now, the verdict has come and said that it will arrive soon. I will stay here to meet them. I will let the city guard take you to the Lord's Mansion first. Zhao Ziyun and Xue Miracle is already over there, you can chat first." To be honest, although it is a death alliance, Wu Yi has not had much contact with this "divine lord". "Take turns to attend.

As for purgatory and eternity will be delayed until the end, what it means is self-evident. Is this trying to jointly squeeze out the Three Realms?

In fact, for the Hulucheng and Changshan League, which have developed a blank area in the west, even if the two parties do fall out in the end, and one party wants to withdraw from the alliance, it does not make much difference to them. They will probably feel entangled. Xue Qiqi, who is also developing in the west.


Not long after the "divine lord" left with the city guard, the Wings of Judgment of Purgatory and the eternal Li Yunlong arrived hand in hand.

"It's up to you, let's go!"

"Haha, I'm sorry, I'm late." Judgment Wing patted his head and smiled. It seems that he has absolute confidence in this meeting.

"It's time to wait for the place to say this, let's tell everyone. But the Spring Festival is coming soon, is it really appropriate for you to make such a fuss?" Wu Yi complained. It's really depressing to worry about things.

"I can't help it. Who made those bastards in the Three Realms go too far? It's fine to fight for a resource or something on weekdays. This time, they even snatched up historical figures. How can you tell me to bear it?"

"Can't we compete peacefully?"

"Hey, Brother May Day, the Purgatory Guild is no more talented than your territory. There is no shortage of talents of all kinds. Even the Northland, which is not the main development direction, robbed a large amount of resources transported by the Seven Sins League yesterday. You know, we The guild is in urgent need of top-level internal affairs figures, and I will bear with it if I want to replace them with other types of celebrities, but I will never give in on the matter of Cao Shen." Judgment Wing said extremely firmly.

It seems that the intelligence of these big guilds should not be underestimated at all. They are well aware of the major events in the world. Huo Qubing's big victory yesterday, even he only has a rough battle report in his hand for the time being, and the forces in other theaters have already Received the message.

"Okay! Let's wait until the meeting to discuss this matter."

Since this meeting was chosen in Calabash City, it was naturally presided over by Wu Yilai. In the meeting hall of the lord's mansion, Wu Yi sat on the main seat, Zhao Ziyun and the divine master sat on the right side, Judgment Wing, Li Yunlong and Xue Qiqi sat on the right. On the left side, such a seat is quite delicate.Looking at it now, the distribution of forces in their alliance is somewhat unbalanced. There are three powers developing in the west, and even Eternity is in the southwest.

In the future, if Calabash City really defeats King Dongping, it is very likely that the entire south will be unified. At that time, Eternal will either give up the interests of the south and go to the west to compete with Purgatory, the Three Realms, and Xue Qiqi, or he can only surrender to Wu Yi. Attached to Calabash City.The reason why Purgatory and the Three Realms are fighting so fiercely now is because neither of the two parties has the absolute power to overwhelm the other. If they have the power to crush the other, things will be much easier.

"Okay, let's talk about it, both of you. What's going on? We also hope that the two of you can resolve this matter peacefully. After all, the Spring Festival is coming soon. If you really fight and hurt your muscles and bones, you will be killed in the next year." The ranking of the guild probably won’t look too good.” After all parties sat down, Wu Yi spoke first, after all, they were only mediators, and it was better to return to the incident itself.

"You Three Realms are too careless! Cao Shen was obviously discovered by us in Purgatory first." Judgment Wing immediately criticized the Almighty who was sitting opposite him.

"First find out that it belongs to your family? What's the reason? Are all the famous people in the world belong to your family?"


As soon as he opened his mouth, Shuangfang was already full of gunpowder, and Wu Yi had no choice but to stand up and interrupt Judgment Wing's words that he planned to curse back, "Okay, now is not the time to quarrel, Cao Shen's matter, only you two know ?"

"Currently." The Almighty nodded and replied.

"Did Cao Shen send you a mission?" Wu Yi didn't want to ask deeply, after all, Cao Shen's existence has not been exposed yet.

"It's not that easy to attack top people." Wings of Judgment said with a glare at the master unhappily.

"There are no missions, so what are you doing now?" Zhao Ziyun, who was sitting on the side, rolled his eyes and complained, why should he be so vicious.

Judgment Wing stood up, pointed at the Divine Lord and said, "If they hadn't been used as shit sticks in this matter, then Cao Shen would be [-]% in my purgatory!"

"..." Everyone was directly defeated by Wing of Judgment's God Theory, Nima, what you said is really reasonable!Exclusive information is indeed more advantageous, but now it has been exposed, and it is [-]% of the wool.

"Since the matter has come to this point, how about you two peacefully attack Cao Shen first, and when Cao Shen sends out the task of conquering, you each use your own means. If Cao Shen finally reaches the Three Realms, the Three Realms will give Purgatory part of the compensation, how about it?" Wu Yi thinks this is the best solution right now, and it doesn't make any sense if he really wants to die just to the end.

"I have no objection!" The Divine Master raised his eyelids, and said with a glance at the wrathful Judgment Wing.

"No, I don't agree! What kind of compensation can I get a Cao Shen!" Judgment Wing slapped the conference table and roared.

"Then what do you think?" Zhao Ziyun was also a little angry. The Wings of Judgment didn't want to talk about it at all. The Three Realms agreed to compensate. In his opinion, it was already a concession. What's more, Cao Shen was not 50.00% ready. will be snatched away. "If you continue to make trouble like this, Cao Shen's matter will sooner or later become known to the world. You should think about it for yourself. There is still at least a [-]% chance, and someone is willing to give you a guarantee."

According to Wu Yi's suggestion, if the Three Realms really won in the end, it would be tantamount to the Three Realms paying a high price to buy out the information on Purgatory, so that Purgatory would not have gained anything.

"Boss ruling, why don't we just use this method, if things get serious, maybe Cao Shen might be assassinated." Xue Qiqi reminded in a low voice, he is basically a foodie at this meeting. Melon masses, his strength is the weakest, and his words naturally have little influence.But staying in this league is still very important to him. As long as he keeps a low profile, almost no one in the West will beat him.

"Then tell me, what compensation can you give?" Judgment Wing calmed down the anger in his heart, and sat down again.Originally, he had already thought about it, that is, to unite with Eternity to clean up the Three Realms, but Cao Shen's matter is really not suitable for making a big fuss.

"If my Three Realms wins Cao Shen, our guild will withdraw from Gulou City, and the entire Gulou City will be yours!" The god master offered the price without even thinking about it. Gulou City was brought down by their two guilds. At that time, Three Realms was missing a move, Purgatory occupied the main city, and the remaining villages and towns were all from Three Realms.

Once the two sides really tear their skins apart and break up completely, Gulou City will undoubtedly become the center of their battle. In fact, even now, the secret battle between the two sides in Gulou City has never stopped. It was too close, and the surrounding enemies were too strong, such as Zhang Jiao, Mo Shanwang, Zhao Kuangyin, Liu Bang, etc., couldn't do it at all, so the two of them "squeezed" together as a last resort.

As one of the top ten guilds, it is impossible for them to be salty fish like Xue Qiqi. They must constantly expand and strengthen themselves. Under such a situation, they naturally have to find a way to break the situation.At this time, it was too late to develop an "enclave" in other theaters. Coupled with their status as rebels, there were even fewer choices.

"That's how it is. Each of you depends on your means. You'd better be cautious when selecting candidates, and don't mix in some traitors planted by unknown forces." Judgment Wing hesitated for a moment and agreed, since the allies came forward to mediate , this bit of face still needs to be given, not to mention continuing the stalemate, it is indeed of no benefit to him, as for the supplementary conditions given by the Three Realms, hmph!
"Each each other!"

Now that the most important issue of this meeting has been resolved, the next step will be much easier. The main thing is that all parties exchange or purchase special products and commodities, such as Wu Yi's "Tiangong Kaiwu" The manuscript and the manuscript of "Mengxi Bi Tan" in Zhao Ziyun's hand belong to the more sought-after category. Dahao of the Eternal Guild is waving banknotes to buy extravagantly. Even grain and grass have been purchased in considerable quantities.

For the internal communication between the alliances, the price given by everyone is not too much.

Generally speaking, this meeting was quite satisfactory. The Wings of Judgment and the Divine Master both left in a hurry at the first time, probably because they were in a hurry to go back and make arrangements.No matter what their original plan was, after this meeting, at least until Cao Shen's matter is over, they must proceed according to the agreement, otherwise it would be slapping others in the face!Although they are far away in the west, if Calabash City and Changshan League support one or two demigods at a critical moment, it will be quite fatal.

"It's really troublesome. It seems that these two guilds have other ideas." Zhao Ziyun understood this time. It is impossible for these two guilds to continue to live in peace.

"Let's have it. We can't force them in this matter, as long as the impact is minimized." Wu Yi said without hesitation. His biggest ally in the west is Zhang Jiao, isn't it? These two guilds, even if all the two guilds leave the alliance in the end, he will lose some business at most.

Wu Yi changed the subject and said, "By the way, I have a batch of livestock that I need your help to deal with."

"Is it the group that snatched the King of Desire?" Zhao Ziyun smiled. Those animals were quite eye-catching in the whole north. The reason why he didn't do anything was mainly because Su Lie didn't return from the expedition.

"Yeah, Mayi City can't keep so many, so let's send them to Xuerong City for rewards." In the name of Calabash City, it is indeed impossible to transport livestock to Xuerong City for rewards, but Lingquan City of Fendudu Studio But it is the rebel camp, so there is no problem at all if they change hands.Even if the empire sees something tricky about this kind of thing, it will just turn a blind eye and close one eye.

"No problem, but in terms of transportation, your army has to send a section. The power of Lingquan City has basically been transferred to Changshan League. They can't keep those livestock." Ever since he married Wu Jiutian, Ling After Quancheng had to jump to the rebel camp, Zhao Ziyun continued to transfer the essence of Lingquan City to the Iron Cavalry City of Changshanmeng. Now Lingquan City is almost an empty shell.

"This matter is easy to handle. Later, I will ask Huo Qubing to drag the livestock to the direction of Xuerong City first, and wait for the people in Lingquan City to hand over to him."

(End of this chapter)

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