The best lord of online games

Chapter 1718 The lost statue, the possibility of brushing contribution points

Chapter 1718 The lost statue, the possibility of brushing contribution points

Shengquan Village is completely different from Huangyang Village. It is located on a small oasis, and a stream like a white snake passes through the center of the village.However, at this time, this beautiful small village like a lost pearl in the sea was surrounded by hundreds of monsters. A knight in navy blue costume and holding a long sword was fighting hard among the monsters. Two fists are no match for four hands. When Wu Yi arrived, there were already several bloodstains on the swordsman's body, and even his hair was broken. This is not just embarrassment. It's time to go to the ground.

This person should be the knight "Yang Luo" referred to in the mission!

Wu Yi Yujian rushed up, and five thunder sword shadows fell into the group of monsters. The endless thunder exploded, and dozens of little monsters were instantly swallowed by the thunder and killed!Without the Thunder Anti-Treasure, his lightning-type Taoism is still extremely powerful, killing all the monsters below the holy rank in seconds.Among these monsters, there is a giant monster with the head of a lion wielding a huge axe. This is the main force to suppress the swordsmen!

"Another holy rank!" I don't know if this lion demon is one of the three demon kings of Qiandong Mountain, but that swordsman is also a holy rank, two against one, without any pressure, even if he is alone, Same.

With Wu Yi's joining, the battle ended quickly. The lion-headed monster didn't have the ability to escape from the ground squirrel monster. The eye-catching equipment is the holy-level giant axe. This thing is too rough, and it is only suitable for throwing into the forging workshop to decompose materials.

"Xia Yang Luo, thank you Daoist for your righteous action!" Kicking away the corpse of the little demon under his feet, the swordsman clasped his fists to thank Wu Yi.

"It's nothing more than a little effort, chivalrous man Yang is welcome." Wu Yi put away the Tiangang Leifa sword, "I heard that chivalrous man Yang knows the monsters in Qiandong mountain very well, and Pindao intends to eradicate the monsters in Qiandong mountain, so I ask chivalrous man Yang to give me some advice!"

"It turns out that the Daoist is a fellow! I also intend to eradicate the evil spirits, but my strength is not enough. If I can have the help of the Daoist, I will succeed!" Yang Luo said extremely excitedly.

At this time, the "melon-eating crowd" in Shengquan Village finally came out of the houses. Looking at the corpses of monsters outside the village, these villagers were still a little timid.But the situation here is obviously much better than Huangyang Village, not only the clothes are much better, Wu Yi also saw many young children in it.

"Thank you benefactor for saving our village once again. The banquet has been prepared. Please come to the table." An old woman with a wooden stick tremblingly walked behind Yang Luo and said respectfully.

"It's not me who saved you this time, but this Daoist priest, he even saved my life!" Yang Luo wiped his face, put his long hair back, and laughed road.

"Oh, thank you Daoist, and invite the two benefactors to sit down and talk."

The banquet prepared by Shengquan Village is not luxurious, but there is no shortage of wine and meat, which is very rare for a small village that has been exploited for a long time.For Wu Yi who had the same purpose as him, Yang Luo showed great enthusiasm and kept introducing information about Qiandong Mountain.

"There are three demon kings in Qiandong Mountain, namely Jinhou Demon King, Dayue Demon King and Huangfeng Demon King. Each of them has the strength of a holy rank and should not be underestimated. And there are more than a thousand little demons on the mountain, Although these little demons don't gather together on the mountain on weekdays, there are at least five or six hundred of them."

The number is really quite a lot!

"Is the one we killed before the demon king?" If there are only two demon kings left, the pressure should not be too great.

"No! That lion demon is the younger brother of the Golden Roar Demon King. We killed him this time, so we can live forever with the Jin Roar Demon King." Yang Luo shook his head, "Oh, yes, the Golden Roar Demon King is the third brother. The most powerful of the demon kings."

No matter how strong his strength is, as long as he doesn't step into the legend, there will be little change. It is the problem of the Yellow Wind Demon King.Although the Dao system has the ability to limit the ability to escape from the earth, he can't.

"Actually, it's not impossible to limit the ability of the Yellow Wind Demon King." Hearing Wu Yi's worries, Yang Luo hesitated for a moment and said.

"Oh? I don't know what to do?"

"I also heard Granny Lin mention it before, saying that the source of this fragrant spring flowing through the village hides a 'Bi Lingzhu', within the range of the Bi Lingzhu's illumination, the earth escape technique will be ineffective. But This Jade Spirit Orb only exists in legends, it is unknown whether it really exists."

As soon as Yang Luo's words fell, Wu Yi's mission was finally updated.

——System: You have successfully completed the chain mission "Sacrificing to the Gods—Puhua Tianzun", the second link, and you will be rewarded with 3 faith contribution points. (9/[-]) Go to the source of the Fragrant Fountain and look for the magical artifact "Bi Lingzhu".

Not bad, [-] more contribution points than the previous reward, he just needs to follow the mission.

"Regardless of whether the Bi Lingzhu really exists or not, the poor must go there." Wu Yi drank the wine in his cup and stood up.

"I'll go with you!" Yang Luo also stood up.

"No need, Pindao still has a little bit of ability to find objects. Yang Xiashi will rest in the village for the time being. After Pindao comes back, we will make the next step." This task is not difficult for him, although his divination skills are crucial. Time is always off the chain, but since you already know the approximate scope of things, there is no reason to fail!

After bidding farewell to Yang Luo for the time being, Wu Yi followed the Fenfang Spring all the way upstream. This stream formed by the confluence of spring water is not wide, but only about one meter, and the water volume is very small. In this desert, it is reasonable to say that it may stop at any time. flow.But in fact, according to the old village head of Shengquan Village, this fragrant spring has been flowing for hundreds of years. Although the water volume is much smaller than it was at the beginning, it has never stopped flowing.

The source of the Fragrant Spring is a small pool, and in the center of the pool there is a column of water rising upwards. Obviously, the source of the water is under this column of water.After arriving at the destination, Wu Yi started his first divination today.

"Going down, is it under this pool?" The hexagram interpreted by the system made Wu Yi a little confused, so he had to go down to the pool to find it.The space under the pool was not large, and he searched for it several times without any results.

Did the divination go wrong?This is not surprising, given his level of divination, most of the time it is impossible to guarantee [-]% accuracy.Forget it, since you can't find it, let's do another divination.

"Return it!?" The second hexagram is exactly the same as the first hexagram, so it can't be wrong, it can only be that Wu Yi didn't fully understand the result of the hexagram.

He even rummaged through the mud at the bottom of the pool, how could he get down?
No matter, this is just a mission space anyway, so destroying it will have a certain impact, and it's not a big problem. Wu Yi, who doesn't want to waste any more time, directly starts attacking the bottom of the pool. Since the hexagram tells me to go down, then I will go down!Under Wu Yi's attack, jets of water exploded on the pool, and the mud under the pool was stirred up, making the whole pool turbid.

Not long after, with a loud roar, the whole pool vibrated violently, and a waterfall-like water column rose from the bottom of the pool to the sky. On the top of the water column, there was a gray statue of nearly ten feet.This idol is at the source of the Fragrance Spring!The water volume of the fragrant spring has been greatly reduced, and it is also because of this statue?

Without the suppression of the god statue, the cold spring water is gushing out from the spring frantically. I believe that it won't take long for the downstream stream to widen more than a part.Wu Yi got out of the pool, wiped the spring water on his face, and looked at the statue on the side of the pool.This statue is dressed in Taoist robes, with a dharma sword on its back, with its right hand pinching the dharma formula on its chest, and its left hand behind its back casually, giving people a feeling of being in the air, with a strong Taoist style.

Before Wu Yi could take a closer look at the statue, a system message attracted his attention.

——System: Congratulations for rediscovering the lost Tianzun statue and getting an extra reward of [-] Faith Contribution Points.

Can you do this?

Wu Yi was a little surprised. He could get [-] faith contribution points as a reward just by finding a statue of a god, which was almost as fast as he could do the third-ring mission.

correct!The god statue can be said to be one of the symbols of the gods. Now that there is a god statue, it is completely possible to use the god statue to develop believers. According to his previous experience, no matter whether it is Huangyang Village or Shengquan Village, these villagers have no faith. God, if they are all developed into believers of the Dao system, can they still get additional rewards for faith contribution points?

After all, there are only three rounds of serial missions per day, and if you want to get more rewards, you can only dig out the mission itself as much as possible.

The more he thinks about it, the more Wu Yi feels that this plan is feasible, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, it will not delay too much time anyway, and as long as he flattens Qiandong Mountain in the end, then he will be the well-deserved savior in the hearts of these common people, and he will do what he says at that time .Speaking of which, when chatting with Yang Luo before, I heard that there are dozens of small villages around Qiandong Mountain. Although the number of people in each small village is not large, the sum of them is quite considerable.

Wu Yi Yujian flew in front of the statue, and only then did he realize that there was a green orb hanging with a red knot under the little finger of the statue's right hand.

Bi Lingzhu: quest item, water magic weapon, which can restrict spells such as dungeon, and can only be used in this round of quests.

It takes no effort at all!

It's a pity that this is just a quest item. If it is a general-purpose magic weapon, it can kill many monsters with this thing alone. Most of the earth escape ability in "The Prosperous Age" is included in the racial ability of the monster race, just like the ground squirrel monster, this ability is not generally strong in escaping, as long as it is not in a water environment or a lava environment. "Isolate" the special environment of the earth, and it can take effect. Without special restraint methods, it is difficult to prevent the opponent from escaping, and the nausea effect is increased to MAX.

Once you have the item, go back and talk about it first!

When Wu Yi returned to Shengquan Village again, the corpses of monsters outside the village had been disposed of, and only the traces of fighting were left to honestly describe the previous battle.

"Have you found it?" Yang Luo greeted Wu Yi with an expectant look on his face.

"I found it!" Wu Yi took out the Jade Orb, the green light in the orb was really beautiful.

"Great! In this way, the threat of the Yellow Wind Demon King will be reduced by half. Next, we only need to find a way to eliminate the unique moves of the Golden Roar Demon King and Dayue Demon King. The success rate of leveling Qiandong Mountain will be at least Five to one."

[-]%?That's only [-]%?

"What is the ultimate move of Jinhou Demon King and Dayue Demon King?" Huangfeng Demon King is the weakest of the three demon kings, and his escapism can only be used to escape, and breaking his evasion technique is just a precautionary measure. He just ran away at a critical moment.

"According to the news brought back by the seniors who went to Qiandong Mountain to eliminate demons, the golden roar demon king's unique move is 'Golden Lion Shocking Soul Roar', and the roar can form a sound wave space that is close to the realm. will be lost in a short time. The Dayue Demon King can use the power of the mountains. On Qiandong Mountain, his strength is not weaker than the Golden Roar Demon King. If we don’t break their tricks first, we have no chance of winning !"

So perverted?Originally, he thought that with his strength and a holy rank support, he could directly rush to Qiandong Mountain, but now it seems that he is completely overthinking.If there is only one pseudo-field, he can still resist it, but if there are two, he really can't help it, and he is not sure whether only the Huangfeng Demon King has the Thunder Anti-Treasure, or all the Demon Kings have it. , if there are all three demon kings, then his unique skill is also abolished.

"Does Knight Yang have a clue?"

"Before the next step, I asked many experts, and finally found a solution, but there are still some key materials missing. In order not to waste time, the two of us will search separately next, how about it?"

"no problem!"

——System: You have successfully completed the chain mission "Sacrificing to the Gods—Puhua Tianzun", the third link, and you will be rewarded with 4 faith contribution points. (9/[-]) Go to the sandy sea in the west, kill the Demon Armored Scorpion King, and get the Scorpion Orb.

The third ring is to find objects, there is no difficulty, and all rewards are lower than the previous two rings.This is the fourth ring, and it took nearly two hours. The S-level difficulty task took more time than Wu Yi expected. Fortunately, the next few rings are all combat tasks to collect materials, unlike the third The ring is simple and simple, but it takes too much time.

Next, Wu Yi spent nearly an hour and a half to complete the tasks from the fourth to the eighth rings, and successfully collected five pieces of materials. The reward for each ring task is a thousand faith contribution points. It only lasted about 10 minutes, and the rest of the time was spent on the road.After that, he has to be faster, otherwise he will not be able to catch up with the Zijin Mountain Fengshui duel at noon, and he will not have time to verify his previous conjecture.

Returning to Shengquan Village again, Yang Luo had already returned here, and Wu Yi handed over all five materials to him.

"It's finally all together. Daoist Master, please wait a moment. I still need to reconcile these materials to a certain extent."

"Next, there will be the knight Lao Yang!"

"It's my job!"

(End of this chapter)

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