The best lord of online games

Chapter 1719 Can Synthesize "Enlightenment" Scroll

Chapter 1719 Can Synthesize "Enlightenment" Scroll

While Yang Luo was making final preparations, Wu Yi started his first missionary journey in Shengquan Village!

Under the oppression of the monsters, these villagers were like frightened birds. The younger brother of the Jinhou Demon King died at the entrance of their village, and they had no way out.For the request of the benefactor who saved them, they almost obeyed their words, but if they agreed to it, God only knew how devout they were.However, this is enough for Wu Yi. As long as he flattens Qiandong Mountain in the future, many of these villagers will naturally worship Dao Zun devoutly.

"Daoist, the preparations are ready here, and we can leave for Qiandong Mountain at any time!" Not long after, Yang Luo finally mixed several materials into what he needed, and his whole body was full of vigor.

"No hurry, let's go to the surrounding villages first." When the final task is completed, he will have no time to go back and recruit believers. He will go to clean up his face now, and how many believers he will eventually fall depends on God's will.

"The surrounding villages?"

"Let's go, it won't take much time, and we won't delay the business."

It took another hour, and the two finally arrived at Qiandong Mountain.Qiandong Mountain is not high, only about [-] feet high. There are countless caves around the mountain. These caves are the lairs of little demons. There are three temple-like buildings in different positions of Qiandong Mountain. The cave of a demon king.The three demon kings are not together, this is their chance, as long as they move fast enough, they have a chance to kill one demon king before the other two demon kings react!
This breakthrough point is naturally the weakest Huangfeng Demon King among the three Demon Kings!

At the holy level, even combat-type professions can fly, not to mention swordsman is a high-speed profession.The two rushed into the cave of the Yellow Wind Demon King, without giving him any time to react, they immediately killed all the younger brothers of the Yellow Rat Demon.

"Bold! You dare to break into Qiandong Mountain, you are dead! You are dead!" Huangfeng Yaowang jumped up from the king's chair, looking a bit cheesy.

"You're dead? Daoist sees you are dead this time!" With the experience of fighting the ground squirrel demon last time, Wu Yi naturally knew how to make a move.After strengthening himself to a good state, he simply used the "Sword Qi of Tiangang" to fight close to him, and Yang Luo assisted him from the side.

Huangfeng Yaowang's strength is average, not to mention one hit two, seeing the situation is not good, even if he wants to run for his life.

"Where are you going!" Seeing that the chinchilla was about to run away again, Wu Yi revealed the Bi Lingzhu hidden under his cuff, and under the brilliance of the biling pearl, the ground escape of the chinchilla instantly failed. He landed on his face in an extremely embarrassing situation, and piaji slapped the ground.

"What is this? Why is my king's evasion technique ineffective?" The squirrel lay down on the ground with a terrified expression. The evasion technique, which has always been invincible, had failed, which made it difficult for him to accept it for a while.

"This is something that kills you!" Wu Yi didn't give the squirrel monster time to deal with it, and the sword slashed continuously, making the squirrel monster roll on the ground and scream at the same time.

Unreconciled, the chinchilla tried the ground evasion technique for the second time, but failed again as expected. His strength was not a match for the two, and he had no fighting spirit. He only wanted to escape, which made his performance even worse. If you want to drag the other two demon kings to rescue, that is completely wishful thinking!Wu Yi didn't give the squirrel demon the slightest chance, and then beheaded him with a sword, completing a good start. In less than 3 minutes, the squirrel demon hardly put up too much resistance except for two ground evasion techniques.

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly!" Yang Luo put the long sword back into its sheath and sighed. Before thinking about it, he almost died at the entrance of Shengquan Village, but now Huangfeng Yaowang, one of the three major demon kings in Qiandong Mountain, Already lying dead in front of him, this change is really too fast.

"The battle has just begun, so knight Yang, don't take it lightly!" Wu Yi bent down and picked up the two items left by the chinchilla, a small cloth bag, and a piece of broken...paper?

When they rushed into the cave of the Yellow Wind Demon King, they had already been exposed, and the little demon and the other two demon kings who stayed at Qiandong Mountain might appear in the next moment.No, quite a few little monsters have already arrived, but the death of Huangfeng Demon King frightened these little monsters, and they escaped from the cave at the first time, without launching any attack on the two of them.

Black wind bag: a magic weapon, open the mouth of the bag to release a black gust of wind, equipment requirements: Taoist professional, demon clan, witch clan.

The small cloth bag is a magical weapon. If it is used to attack, it can at most be equivalent to a ninth-level wind magician. It can be used in some special environments and occasions, and it may be able to achieve unexpected results. Effect.Put it away first, there is no time to think too much right now, as for that scrap of paper...

The God of Thunder oracle: It is seriously incomplete, and the content of the oracle can no longer be discerned. The "thunder" attribute resistance effect is +85%, and the "thunder" attribute skill damage is +15%, which can be used as materials.

Good stuff!No matter how broken the oracle is, it is still an oracle. Regardless of the content of the oracle, just the material of the oracle is a well-deserved miracle. I didn't expect that the chinchilla had such a treasure. What an unexpected harvest.

However, it is too wasteful to use this treasure as an accessory. The super high lightning resistance is not very useful when facing legends, and the thunder attribute profession is not the mainstream. , to see if he can improve his Tiangang Leifa Sword, it just so happens that there will be a divine craftsman on the day of the divine descent, and a divine craftsman will be in charge.

At this moment, there was a roar like breaking rocks and gold from outside the cave, which caused the entire cave to vibrate violently, and the roar was accompanied by up to five negative states and continuous damage.

"The Golden Roar Demon King has arrived!" Yang Luo pulled out the long sword from his waist with a serious expression. He had a trace of fear in his heart for the legendary strongest demon king of Qiandong Mountain.

"Probably two!" Wu Yi put away the incomplete oracle of Thunder God, "Go out first to attract their attention, and Yang Xiashi will find a chance to break the tricks of the two demon kings!" The task of dealing with the two demon kings The items are all on Yang Luo's body, this bait can only be made by him.

"Daoist be careful!"

It can't be delayed anymore, this roar has been going on, the more they drag on, the worse their state will be, as long as this roar continues, it will be meaningless for him to eliminate the negative state on his body, as soon as his front foot is eliminated, his back foot will be hung up again , his status resistance attribute doesn't seem to be effective in this roar.

Wu Yi immediately rushed out of the cave with Yujian at the fastest speed. At this time, an ambush must have been laid outside the cave. If he wants to break out of the ambush circle, he must catch the opponent by surprise!However, the idea is good, but many times the reality is very different from the simple idea.As soon as Wu Yi rushed out of Huangfeng Demon King's cave, he slammed into the "mountain wall". It was the body of Dayue Demon King. His ability gave him almost invincible defense, and his body was like a hill. Daoism hit him, almost like scratching an itch, it didn't break the defense at all.

He bumped his head into the body of the Dayue Demon King, and Wu Yi immediately borrowed the power of the shock to soar into the sky. Fortunately, his reaction speed was mediocre. After Jian Guang, a huge slap followed closely with the sound of howling wind.

quick!Must be faster!

Wu Yi struggled to escape the pursuit of the Dayue Demon King, and when he turned around, a divine thunder curse landed on the roaring Jinhou Demon King. Unfortunately, he had too many negative states and his strength was seriously damaged. God Thunder Curse, even if the Golden Roar Demon King does not have a thunder-resistant treasure, it will not pose any threat.But he has no choice, he can only play "acrobatics" in the air while constantly swaying his skills, even if his strength is damaged, the damage is not something those little monsters can resist. The two big monster kings are fine, but the little monster But one piece died.

His arrogant performance naturally caused the anger of the two demon kings to soar, and they besieged and killed him. The damage caused by the two demon kings was horrific.At this time, Yang Luo finally sneaked out from the cave. After glancing at the battle outside, he immediately took out a fist-sized crystal bead and threw it in the direction of the Jinhou Demon King.But before the crystal beads could fly to them, they exploded in the sound waves of the Golden Roar Demon King.

Seeing this scene, Wu Yi's heart suddenly sank, but after the crystal beads exploded, a large piece of dark green mist was released. After inhaling the dark green mist, all the monsters temporarily lost their voices, and the Golden Roar Demon King also instantly " Misfiring".Without the suppression of a "false field", Wu Yi's negative state was instantly contacted, and his strength returned to its peak. He immediately turned around with his sword and launched a strong attack on the Jinhou Demon King. The "invincible" of the Dayue Demon King is still there, so don't worry about it for the time being He, first forcibly kills the Golden Roar Demon King.

Yang Luo helped Wu Yi temporarily block the Dayue Demon King. It would take more time to break the "invincibility" of the Dayue Demon King, but at least he gave Wu Yi a chance to single-handedly challenge the Jinhou Demon King, and he still lost the strongest. The ultimate move, the Golden Roar Demon King in the "semi-disabled" state.There was no suspense in the ending. After a while, the Golden Roar Demon King was beheaded. No equipment was exposed, and two top-level metal materials were left behind.

In this way, only the Demon King of Dayue was left. During the period when Wu Yi killed the Demon King of Jinhou, Yang Luo was beaten into a rather embarrassing situation, but he also successfully used the means he prepared to destroy the "Monster King" of the Demon King of Dayue. Invincible", that's enough.

Nine Firmaments God Thunder Curse!
Wu Yi ascended to the sky, intending to use his strongest means to end this last enemy.

Under the boundless thunder, the Dayue demon king only resisted four thunder dragons and was blasted into pieces. The three major demon kings were all killed in battle, the little demon was killed and injured, Qiandongshan was destroyed, and his last mission was also completed. It's done.

——System: Congratulations on completing the ninth ring of the mission "Sacrificing to the Gods—Puhua Tianzun", rewarding you with [-] faith contribution points.

——System: Congratulations on completing the chain mission "Sacrificing Gifts to the Gods—Puhua Tianzun", you will be rewarded with a piece of magic weapon "Spring Wind and Rain", a volume of "Scroll of Enlightenment No. 60", a piece of "Sacred Blood Jade", and five faith contribution points thousand. After [-] seconds, it will automatically teleport away from the mission space.

——System: Congratulations, you have reached the hidden conditions in the mission, and you will get an extra reward of [-] faith contribution points.

A series of task information was displayed, and the rewards were not bad. There was actually a piece of blood jade, which is the most advanced energy spar except the sky spirit stone, and the previous attempt was considered a success, and I got an extra reward again. And the reward was higher than expected. Fortunately, he didn't wait until the final task was completed before developing believers. He forcibly teleported after 60 seconds, so there was no chance.There are [-] Faith Contribution Points for the entire mission, plus two additional rewards, it is [-], which is only [-] short of [-]. For a single round of missions, this gain is already considerable. If the subsequent missions If he can maintain this efficiency, then he can exchange for a "Seed of God Source" for up to five rounds.

Taking advantage of this last bit of time, Wu Yi looked at the other two rewards, a magic weapon, and a scroll.

Spring Breeze Turns into Rain: A magic weapon that can increase the growth rate of crops in the territory. After each use, it will be used for three days. It can also be used as the core of the formation "Spring Wind Turns into Rain", which will increase the effect of the formation by 50%.

Not bad, Calabash City also has a large array of "spring wind and rain". Adding a formation core can increase the effect by [-]%, which is already quite rare. After all, the core reward of the mission should be faith contribution points.

Scroll of Enlightenment No. 1 (can be synthesized): After using it, the Chosen One whose intelligence is lower than [-] can immediately get an intelligence +[-] reward.Ten "Scrolls of Enlightenment No. [-]" can be synthesized into one "Scroll of Enlightenment No. [-]".

The effect of this scroll is equivalent to a Tianzhi Pill. If that's the case, it's meaningless to Wu Yi, but he noticed another property of the scroll, can it be synthesized?The fifth enlightenment scroll?

Does Scroll No. [-] also have an effect on characters with an "intelligence" of over [-]?It is very possible, otherwise what is the meaning of ten in one?Although Gourd City has a lot of resources to improve "force" and "intelligence", they all stop at the threshold of [-], not only Gourd City, but also the whole world. Famous generals whose attributes are above [-] can only rely on growth!Even if one consumes divine items such as divine power crystals, they must experience growth to be manifested, and cannot be directly improved.

Like Wu Yi now, with an "intelligence" of 93, for players without potential, it is almost only possible to grow up by making outstanding contributions in the battle of beheading demigods. Even though 93 is only two points away from the super-class 95 , but for players, it is like a gap like a natural moat, and it is very likely that they will be stuck for a lifetime.

Since Number [-] can be combined into Number [-], then Number [-] is very likely to be able to combine into Number [-], and Number [-] can be combined into Number [-]... Even if he is not sure whether he can get the reward of Number [-] Scroll of Enlightenment for each round of tasks, But he can completely synthesize the enlightenment scrolls of No. [-], [-], and [-], and it is easier to obtain the low-level enlightenment scrolls. As long as he is willing to invest in it, it is entirely possible for him to rush to the super class during this time of the gods. , As for the legend, we have to think of a way.

It's a pity that this kind of scroll can only be used by God's Chosen, otherwise, using this method can completely create two or three super-class celebrities for the territory, and now it can only strengthen itself.

(End of this chapter)

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