The best lord of online games

Chapter 1720 Zhang Yufeng's Chapter Report——The True Version of "The Dragon Sutra of Regre

Chapter 1720 Zhang Yufeng's Reward——The True Version of "The Dragon Sutra of Regret"

When Wu Yi returned to Calabash City again, it was already past noon, and he didn't know if the feng shui duel on Zijin Mountain had started. This task was delayed for too much time, so Wu Yi hurried to the imperial capital.On the way, Wu Yi was still busy contacting the studio and the peak guild. He needed to purchase a large number of enlightenment scrolls of various levels. Since there are scrolls to improve "intelligence", it is difficult to say "command" and "politics", but there must be improvements Scroll of "Force".

All charged!

Even he and Zhao Xueyin can't use the scroll to increase "force", but they can trade with other forces!I just don't know what is the synthesis ratio of the scrolls of each level.

This is the first day of God's Descending Day. Whether it is the town controlled by the rebels or the town under the name of the Hongyu Empire, it is full of festive atmosphere, especially the imperial capital. In order to eliminate the shadow brought by the war, the emperor even It cost money.But the jubilation here didn't make Wu Yi half stop. As soon as he came out of the teleportation formation, he immediately left the west gate and went straight to Zijin Mountain.

From afar, you can see a virtual battlefield unfolding above the Zijin Mountain, like an empty island floating in mid-air, and the God of War arena has opened!
It's still too late!But it doesn't matter, he is just a spectator in this duel, if Zhang Yufeng's victory or defeat is not very important to Calabash City, he can just wait for the result in Calabash City.In order to ensure the safety of the two sides in the duel, the Daomen blocked Zijin Mountain one day in advance, non-related personnel were prohibited from entering, and there were eight half-gods holding formation maps in eight directions. This is the west of the imperial capital. The holy mountain can also mobilize the strong to kill at the first time, absolutely foolproof, not to mention that the two duels are both peak master-level figures, before the winner is decided between the two of them, if there is a foreign enemy to disrupt the situation, What we have to face is the lineup of heavenly kings.

Wu Yi is not considered an outsider, and his status in the Taoist sect is not low. If he wants to enter, naturally no one will stop him.Climb up Zijin Mountain, and come to the ruins of the incomplete God of War Palace on the top of the mountain. In the ruins is the clone of the God of War wearing a dragon-patterned gold armor and an angry face mask. The battle between Zhang Yufeng and Luan Feiyun in the virtual battlefield above has reached a fever pitch. The duel in the game is very different from the regular professions, every move is majestic and majestic, the earth turns into a shape, and every gesture is like a fairy coming to the world.

So strong!
Zhang Yufeng at this time is more than 01:30 points stronger than when he was in Calabash City. This is the peak strength in the world. Even Xiang Yu and Li Yuanba, who have been invincible in an era in history, are still a little behind.

In the battle between the two top Feng Shui masters, the mountains, rivers and rivers in the virtual battlefield are constantly collapsing and churning, and earth-yellow dragons of earth energy dance wildly in the battlefield.Fengshui masters are the ones who know the mountains and rivers best, but the Fengshui masters are also the most destructive to the mountains and rivers. If it is not in the God of War arena, the duel between these two people can completely destroy the west side of the imperial capital, and even more so. It will directly affect the imperial capital.

Looking at the battle above, Wu Yi sighed in his heart, the five peak masters of the Taoist sect did not have a parallel importer, and Luan Feiyun, who was duel with Zhang Yufeng, still did not have the Fengshui Peak inheritance artifact.At this time, Wu Yi also had to be thankful that the Taoist school admitted that this was a civil war, and Luan Feiyun also abided by the original promise of the teacher's school. Since it was a civil war, the inherited artifacts would naturally not be able to appear in this duel. Not even a [-]% chance of winning!
The two people in the battle looked like equals. After fighting for so long, no one had a clear upper hand, but it would be soon to decide the outcome, because the battlefield was about to completely collapse, which also indicated that they could use The power of the veins is running out.

At this moment, the two people on the battlefield burst into loud roars at the same time, and Zhang Yufeng's eight earth-qi dragons charged forward with a huge golden compass phantom on their backs.On Luan Feiyun's side, there is only one divine dragon of earth energy, but this divine dragon has a larger body and more powerful martial arts, and it is carrying Tanlang, Jumen, Lucun, Wenqu, Lianzhen, Wuqu, Pojun, and Zuofu on its back. , You Bi Jiuxing.

At this moment, both of them took out their trump cards, just for the last fight!The people watching on Zijin Mountain couldn't help but mention it at this moment. Most of these Taoist priests support Luan Feiyun. After all, Luan Feiyun has been the peak master for nearly 200 years, and his connections are unimaginable. There is probably only Wu Let Yi alone support Zhang Yufeng.The remaining neutrals hope that both of them can survive after the winner is determined. After all, both of them are the peak combat power of the Taoist sect, and no matter how bad they are, one will survive. The main battle will be another battle between dragons and tigers, and the entire Fengshui Peak may decline because of this. If this is the case, even Taoist sects will be hurt.


With an earth-shattering loud noise, the arena of the God of War began to disintegrate and shatter, and the entire battlefield was covered by a khaki earth atmosphere, and the figures of the two of them could not be seen.But what is certain is that this duel is over, otherwise the God of War arena would not have collapsed.

It's over, but who wins?Or did the two really die together?

At this moment, everyone on Zijin Mountain was staring nervously at the piece of earth energy that slowly dissipated along with the virtual battlefield. Outside of Zijin Mountain, there were also many strong men from other forces who were paying attention to the outcome of this battle. , For these people, they are looking forward to the end of the two duels, because the Dao Sect is too strong, and only by weakening the Dao Sect can they gain more benefits in this troubled world.

At this moment, a figure fell from the slowly dissipating cloud of earth qi, it was... Luan Feiyun!The Taoist robe of the peak master on his body is so eye-catching that he can be identified at a glance.


"Peak Lord!"

As Luan Feiyun's body fell from the virtual battlefield, mournful cries erupted from Zijin Mountain.A peak master has just fallen. For the Taoist sect, this is a civil war. Such a loss is the most worthless, but it is inevitable.


Zhang Yufeng won! ! ?
Even now, Wu Yi can't believe that all this is true, it's thrilling!What a thrill!In the last blow, the two sides seemed to be evenly matched. Even at that moment, no one could be sure who would win.The strengths of the two are similar. If you want to win, you must do your best, but once you use all your strength, it will be difficult to stop at the critical moment. Moreover, this confrontation between the two represents the entanglement between the two parties for thousands of years. , It is impossible to keep your hands.

However, although Zhang Yufeng won, he was also seriously injured, even standing in mid-air was very reluctant.However, there was a strong man guarding him in the center at the first moment, whether it was to guard against possible enemies in the dark, or those fellow disciples of Zijin Mountain who were heartbroken by Luan Feiyun's death in battle, it was very necessary.

Just win!

For Wu Yi, it was enough to see Zhang Yufeng win with his own eyes!I believe the Daoist sect will do the rest, and according to what Zi Xu said before, Zhang Yufeng's entry into Fengshui Peak should be a certainty, but I don't know how long it will take to complete the transition of power, and his identity will be completely different in the future.I believe that with his support for Zhang Yufeng all the time, he will definitely repay him when he takes the position of Fengshui Peak Master. What's more, his only son is still in Calabash City, and the Zhang family's re-emergence will also be based on Calabash City. Knowing the starting point, in the final analysis, they are people on the same tank.

In a good mood, Wu Yi rode the moonlight donkey down Zijin Mountain slowly, and when Zhang Yufeng entered Fengshui Peak, his status in the Taoist sect would rise accordingly.He didn't go back to Calabash City for a while, and just went offline in Kowloon City, and in the afternoon, he found the avatars of the Taoist gods in Kowloon City to complete tasks, and then went to Hongwang City to participate in the hero banquet in the evening.

But before he could return to Kowloon City, a middle-aged Taoist priest chased him with his sword and handed him a dark brown wooden box, "Junior Brother Wuyi, this is a gift from Peak Master Zhang."

"Gift?" That's right, it seems that Zhang Yufeng knew that he had arrived at Zijin Mountain, so he gave him a "reward" so soon, and he didn't know what was in the wooden box, so it probably wouldn't be too shabby.

"The position of the peak master has been determined?" Wu Yi was a little surprised, so fast?Luan Feiyun just died, don't you need to think about his feelings?

"Of course, it has been determined before this duel. The winner will be the new peak master of Fengshui Peak. In the end, no matter who wins, the grievances between the two sides will end here." The middle-aged Taoist explained briefly, Then he said goodbye: "There are still many things that need to be finished here, so I won't talk to my junior brother any more."

"Thank you, brother." Zhang Yufeng's position as the peak master has been stabilized, and it's up to Zixu next. The Holy Mountain has been confirmed. The old peak master of Formation Peak will retire this year, and the new peak master will be there before then. OK out.

Wu Yi shook his head, and stopped thinking about these things. While riding a little donkey to Kowloon City, he found the wooden box sent by Zhang Yufeng, which contained a very old-looking book. On the cover was written Three ancient characters... "Dragon Sutra of Regret"?
Isn't that the work of Tang Dynasty Fengshui master Yang Junsong?Are the two the same?

"Long Jing of Regret" (true version) - written by Yang Junsong, a master of Fengshui.The effect of feng shui technique +100%, can cultivate "dragon veins" for one side, and the fortune (or national fortune) of the power territory of the feng shui master holding this book will increase by 10%.

It's really the one written by Yang Junsong, and it's still the real one!But Yang Junsong is obviously not from this era, either in the God Realm,
The attributes of the authentic version of "The Regret Dragon Classic" are quite simple, and it is the simplest of all the authentic books that Wu Yi has ever seen. No less than an artifact!Whether it is the luck of the character or the luck of the territory, it is indispensable in the game. The most important attribute, the benefits of good luck needless to say, everyone knows it, but there are very few ways to improve it. few.

And there is the dragon vein!

Dragon veins, what exactly are they?The ancient Fengshui masters described the dragon veins as a fantasy, and it is even more related to the fate of the country.But what is the use of the dragon veins in the game, Wu Yi really doesn't know, can the dragon veins be raised?But this thing sounds very tall. Since it can be raised, then find a way to raise it. It must be beneficial to the territory and not harmful. Afterwards, I will ask someone to find out the specific function of the dragon veins. Zhang Yufeng may not have time recently.

Forget it, I'd better give this "Dragon Regret" to Zhang Yufeng's son, Zhang Ruilin. This book can only be useful in the hands of a feng shui master. Although his father is like Haoyue and Yinghuo, he is also the strongest Feng Shui master in Calabash City, and his father has ushered in the pinnacle of his life. As the only child of the Zhang family, this kid has a bright future.

As for himself, he has the real copy, but he might not have a handwritten copy!When the time comes, he will just take a manuscript. Anyway, he rarely uses Feng Shui, but he doesn't know what the attributes of the manuscript will be like when the attributes of the real copy are so simple.

After entering Kowloon City, Wu Yi followed suit and went offline. After having lunch with his parents and wife, he continued to go online to collect missions. It took a lot of time to start the serial missions of Nine Rings. He wanted to dig out some hidden elements in the missions. Not to mention, three rounds a day, plus other entertainment, the time is still quite tight.

However, even if it is a war mission, not every link needs to be fought. After all, the core is "giving gifts to the gods", and there are many links to give some wonderful things to the gods.Such a link is regarded as a benefit. With the territory as the backing, no matter what is to be sent, it will take some effort.

The second round of tasks in the afternoon is very easy. He still has time to arrange some affairs in various territories during the "gift giving" session. After the sun has set and the gods have left, they will not be caught off guard by other forces.

The batch of livestock captured by Huo Qubing had been successfully sent to Xuerong City last night. At noon, the relevant person in charge of Fendudu Studio had handed over the rewards to Huo Qubing. The day has risen again.Taking advantage of the opportunity of God's coming to the sun, Wu Yi also gave generous rewards to the generals, officials, and talents from various industries supporting the territory. With people like Kuai Xiang, Wang Xizhi, and Wu Daozi, he has no shortage of artworks, money, etc. Not to mention, the development of Calabash City is very good, and he will not be stingy when he makes a move. It is a wave of loyalty. Unfortunately, there are still too few titles in his hands. , there is definitely no way to cover everything.

After the second round of missions, continue to the third round, but the third round of serial missions Wu Yi stopped when he reached the third round, because it was getting late, and he was about to go to Hongwang City to participate in the hero banquet , in the name of King Hong's "God of Wealth", since he made the move, it would be quite extraordinary to come to this hero banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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