The best lord of online games

Chapter 1721 Xiang Yu VS Li Yuanba

Chapter 1721 Xiang Yu VS Li Yuanba

Xie Xuan stormed Hongwang's city several times, but he had already retreated. Hongwang's support for the empire has always been limited to financial resources, and military is only for self-defense.This is not the first time Wu Yi has come to Hongwang City. After all, he is the richest person in the world, and many things in business cannot get around this "God of Wealth".Since it was a hero's banquet, it was impossible to just eat and drink. Anyway, when God came to the sun, Wu Yi simply brought Zhu Rong and Li Yuanba along, taking advantage of this opportunity to save face.

When Wu Yi came to Hongwang City again, the sky was getting dark, and a sea of ​​lights lit up in the city, embellishing the whole city like a vast "sea of ​​stars".When Wu Yi arrived, Princess Xueqing of Hongwang's Mansion came to greet him in person before the teleportation formation, which was considered a great deal of face.But Wu Yi knew that the reason why King Hong gave him face was not only because of the cooperation between the two parties, but also the reason why Zhang Yufeng won the battle at Zijin Mountain at noon today. The relationship between Zhang Yufeng and Calabash City is not a secret.

"Lord Wuyi, you are late!"

"I'm sorry, Princess Lao has been waiting for a long time, and I hope you can accept it with such a small gift!" Wu Yi repeatedly accused him, and gave Sun Simiao a bottle of Huaxiang Wan, which he had recently researched.The quality of this elixir is very high, but its attributes are quite wonderful. It can make the body of the user exude a floral fragrance, and the floral fragrance is twice as attractive to butterflies. It is easy to see the scene of colorful butterflies surrounding the body. It is definitely a woman's smug Supreme weapon.

Although this Huaxiang Pill has no limited attributes, it is the most sought-after elixir at the moment, none of them. I have to say that women's money is easy to make!
"Ah, Huaxiang Pill, Lord Hou, just one bottle?" Princess Qingxue looked at the three words on the pill bottle, opened the pill bottle and sniffed it carefully, with a look of surprise.

"It's all for you!" Wu Yi took out two more bottles, which only Sun Simiao could refine. Now that Sun Simiao was busy with books, he would only allocate a small amount of time for alchemy every day.

"Thank you, Lord Hou!" Princess Qingxue smiled wide-eyed. There are ten Huaxiang Pills in one bottle, and the effect of each pill can last for three days. Three bottles are enough for her to use for three months. "My Lord, please!"

The hero banquet in Hongwang Mansion has already started, but due to the restriction of Hongwang’s status, it is impossible to truly include the heroes of the world. We can only invite people from all levels of Hongyu Empire’s lineup. There is no bounce back.It has to be said that the face of the God of Wealth is great. This hero banquet almost included nearly [-]% of the world's forces. Here, Wu Yi saw Xiang Yu, Liu Bei, Min Ran, Su Shi... and the meeting of the major guilds. Chang, one of the few adventurers who "go through the back door", the strong aborigines in the field.

Coming to this hero banquet, Wu Yi returned to Calabash City with some talent in mind, and there should not be a few people who followed with the same idea.

"Hey, isn't this Junior Brother Wuyi? If you're not in the territory, prepare for the battle. Don't you be afraid that King Dongping will directly flatten your Calabash City after the sun descends?" Wu Yi and the other three followed Princess Qingxue to the banquet and looked at it. When the banquet hall looked like a "dancing demons", a disgusting voice came from the right side of several people.

"Who are you? Can you speak! Even if it's Ping, we're the ones who pacified the traitor King Dongping!" Zhu Rong quit, and immediately turned his head back, his anger rising, and he unconsciously squirmed. There was a layer of flame.Li Yuanba on the side also stared at him with murderous eyes.

Wu Yi looked back and saw that he was a troublesome person, Sun En, the current peak master's disciple of Shengshan Formation Peak, and the biggest opponent who will compete with Zixu for the next peak master!Moreover, this person is a historical figure, the second leader of the rebel army who rebelled as a Taoist priest after Zhang Jiao.

Of course, Sun En's strength is far inferior to Zixu's, otherwise Zixu would not have a chance, and it is not surprising that he would trouble Wu Yi. big factor.

"So it's Senior Brother Sun! Senior Brother doesn't serve Master well on the holy mountain. If you always attend such occasions, you won't be afraid that Senior Master will think you are angry and let you go?" Wu Yi held Zhu Rong and said with a smile.The two sides are destined to be unable to live in peace, even if Zixu gives up competing for the position of Peak Lord, it is the same, so why should Wu Yi be polite to him!As long as Zixu succeeds in ascension to the throne, his status as the disciple of the peak lord means nothing!

"Hmph, I didn't expect my junior brother to be so slick as a lord. I hope you can still have such a stubborn attitude after God descends into the sun." Sun En glanced at Wu Yi with a sneer, and turned around with a few friends around him. leave.

"Brother Wuyi, why don't you let me beat that guy?" Zhu Rong grumbled dissatisfiedly.

"Forget it, don't affect everyone's mood because of a mangy dog!" Wu Yi smiled and shook his head. No matter how useless this bastard is, he is still a demigod. Otherwise, he would not be qualified to compete for the peak master. , the equipment on his body is not bad. It is almost impossible for Zhu Rong to take him down. After all, Zhu Rong's "force" is not yet full.

"This Daoist Sun is really..." Princess Qingxue smiled wryly and shook her head. Fortunately, Sun En knew each other well, otherwise she, the host, would be in trouble. "Master Hou, please do your own thing. There are still some songs and dances that need to be prepared by Qingxue, so I won't accompany you any longer!"

Wu Yi smiled and nodded. This hero banquet was mixed with various forces, and there were not a few people who were enemies with each other. It should be very exciting next time!

"Uncle!" At this moment, an excited voice came from the front, and Sun Ce's handsome and handsome figure walked over quickly.

"Not bad, not bad! You already have the aura of a hero, but you still need to work harder. Under the demigod, it will be difficult to get ahead in this troubled world." Wu Yi patted Sun Ce on the shoulder. Wu Yi still took good care of this eldest nephew, and would send some small gifts from time to time, which made his relationship with Sun Ce even deeper.

The presence of Sun Ce also allowed Hulucheng and Xiang Yu to maintain a close relationship. Although this cannot guarantee that the two sides will not fight each other in the future, at least this relationship can reduce the crisis in Mayicheng in the north.

"Uncle, don't worry, the master said, according to the current growth rate, my nephew will not be long before entering the demigod state." Sun Ce said proudly, patting his chest, but when he saw Zhu Rong and Li Yuanba behind Wu Yi, his eyes fell instantly. I was discouraged.

"That's good! That's good!" It seems that Xiang Yu has invested heavily in Sun Ce, otherwise Sun Ce would not have touched the threshold of demigod so quickly.With Sun Ce's performance in history, his potential, "force" 99 is the limit, maybe not yet, whether he can go further depends on his circumstances.However, as long as there are enough god-level resources, it is possible to break through the upper limit of potential!
At this moment, the singing and dancing in the center of the main hall ended, and Hong Wang, who was the host, stood up. After a scene, the first special event of the hero banquet began, the hero arena!There happened to be a God of War avatar outside Hongwang's Mansion, which could open a virtual battlefield. Anyone who was interested could participate, and the final winner would receive an artifact as a reward.

It's a big deal, Hong Wang actually took out an artifact as a prize on such an occasion, and it's an accessory that can be used by all professions!As soon as Hong Wang's words fell, many people in the hall were eager to try it. This is a magical weapon, and its value is immeasurable.

Under Hong Wang's leadership, the home venue of the hero banquet was temporarily moved to the front yard of Hong Wang's mansion. Those who are interested in participating in the hero competition can sign up in advance, and then arrange a two-two duel.The first ones to stand up are the legendary powerhouses. Obviously, it is impossible for them to get the final reward. You must know that there are still many demigods in the venue, but it is still possible to gain prestige by appearing on the stage now. There are not many opportunities for heroes to show their face in front of them. Anyway, it is a martial arts arena, not a life and death arena. Even if they lose, they will not die.

"Ce'er, go try it too, this is a rare opportunity." Seeing that Sun Ce beside him was also eager to try, Wu Yi patted him on the shoulder and said.As for himself, he is only at the strength of the holy rank, so he doesn't want to be ashamed, and in his capacity, he doesn't know how to go up to "play a monkey show". After that, he can let Li Yuanba compete for it. After all, it is a magic weapon , is totally worth fighting for.

"Yes!" Sun Ce responded, and excitedly ran to sign up.

"Brother Wuyi, I also want to go and have fun!" Zhu Rong was originally a lively master, so he was willing to miss such an opportunity.

"Don't worry! You can go again when there are demigods coming!" Wu Yi repeatedly comforted, if she played directly, there would be no such legends.

"it is good!"

The arena of God of War has already unfolded in the sky above Hongwang Mansion. Unlike the huge virtual battlefield on Zijin Mountain at noon, what is in front of you is just an ordinary arena with a square shape.Two unknown legendary powerhouses have already entered the ring. There is no mission nonsense, and the fight will start directly.One of the two is a swordsman and the other is a wind magician. They are both high-speed occupations. They fly all over the arena, and all kinds of gorgeous skills explode in the sky like fireworks. The swordsman came out on top.

Afterwards, there were constant challenges in the ring. The swordsman failed to defend the second round and was quickly defeated. After five rounds of fighting, it was finally Sun Ce's turn to play.Sun Ce lived up to everyone's expectations, won the victory, and became the new champion. After that, Sun Ce continued to challenge the strong players from all sides. Zhao Ziyun also let Yue Yun play, but he was also defeated, and the growth rate was a bit far behind. It can be seen that Sun Ce, who is a teacher of Xiang Yu, has surpassed his achievements in history.

Going forward, there is almost no need to register in advance to arrange a session, as long as you stand up, you can play directly.Sun Ce defended the ring until the No.11 game, and finally there was a demigod who couldn't sit still and appeared on the stage. The demigod fought the legend without any suspense. Even when Xiang Yu was at the legendary level, he still needed the strength of an army to fight the demigod. Not to mention Sun Ce.

For Sun Ce, even though he was defeated, winning six legends in a row was enough for him to gain a lot of fame, and the next step was the battle of the demigods.

"It's my turn! It's my turn!" Seeing a demigod appearing on the stage, Zhu Rong, who couldn't sit still for a long time, jumped out with a smile. As a saintess of the witch clan, Zhu Rong's reputation has long been known all over the world.She thought about it, and other people would naturally not fight, it doesn't matter if it's early or late, and what's more, as long as Zhu Rong is present, it almost indicates that all other fire-type occupations will be locked up, and they are too restrained. sharp.

Zhu Rong appeared on the stage. Her opponent was a thunder magician, who was also a profession that was good at output. There was no restraint relationship between the two.Zhu Rong is very playful, but at the same time, she is also very competitive. Whether it is the arena or the battlefield, she will go all out as long as she is on the field.

At this time, Zhu Rong has no obvious weaknesses, and after all, the magician is too weak physically. Once he is approached, he will suffer some losses. In the end, there is not much suspense. The thunder magician was suppressed by Zhu Rong all the way. No chance.Soon, the second round of demigod battles began, Zhu Rong won consecutively, and in the third round, Guan Yu appeared.

Guan Yu has titles such as "Wu Sheng" and "Wu Sheng" in history, and his status in later generations is very important, and his potential will naturally be added. Among the generals in the Three Kingdoms period, his potential can definitely be tied with Lu Bu. He directly left his righteous brother Zhang Fei behind, so now Guan Yu has stepped into a demigod, but Zhang Fei has not.

After all, it is a "click to stop" ring point, and many methods will be sealed, such as the Witch God Zhantian Halberd that needs to be fully unsealed at a huge price, and Zhu Rong's talent and the probabilistic resurrection effect attached to the title "Goddess of Zhu Rong", etc. Wait, this is tantamount to sealing Zhu Rong's strongest trump card, and second master Guan deserves to be second master Guan. In this match, Zhu Rong is reluctant to lose.

If it wasn't for the ring, it would be hard to say who would win and who would lose if the two of them were singled out. If Zhu Rong died in battle and resurrected on the spot, it would be whoever bombed.

Zhu Rong returned to Wu Yi with a displeased expression on his face. Originally, Wu Yi planned to let Li Yuanba fight. Li Yuanba's one-on-one ability with the hammer has surpassed Zhu Rong. It will not be a big problem to beat a "poor" Guan Yu.However, Xiang Yu actually stood up at this time.Logically speaking, with Xiang Yu's current status, he would not end up in the competition. After all, he is considered the dominant player, so participating in such a competition would somewhat lose his status.But since he was all up, it was impossible for Hong Wang to jump out and say no, and to Hong Wang, it didn't make any difference to him who won in the end, he was just creating momentum for this hero feast.

Guan Yu is indeed weak, but he is definitely not the current Xiang Yu's opponent. In the end, there is no suspense, crushing, and Xiang Yu added another record to his invincible name.

Xiang Yu is well-known. He is standing in the arena, and there should be no one to play. At this time, Wu Yi continued to send Li Yuanba as originally planned. His idea was very simple. Even if he couldn't win, he still wanted to see it. , How big is the gap between Li Yuanba and Xiang Yu now!
Xiang Yu VS Li Yuanba!
This can be called a duel of peak power!In an instant, the eyes of countless people were attracted.

(End of this chapter)

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