The best lord of online games

Chapter 1724 3 Mao Zhenjun, the target of the sky spirit stone

Chapter 1724 Sanmao Zhenjun, the target of the sky spirit stone
Transforming equipment is faster than upgrading artifacts. As long as the materials and gold coins are in place, it can be completed in a quarter of an hour. It only takes half an hour for Wu Yi to transform two pieces.

Sighing ring (semi-artifact): Dao system skill effect +85%, damage immunity +25%, element resistance +50%, "intelligence" attribute bonus effect +10%, with storage space of [-] cubic meters, with skill " The sigh of all beings".Wearing requirements: Taoist professionals.

This is Wu Yi's spoils of war against the unlucky Skeleton Monarch in the Doomsday God Battlefield. Before that, due to the large amount of ghost attribute bonuses, he could use less than half of the attributes, but now it's better.However, as far as semi-artifacts are concerned, this attribute is still a bit shabby, but it doesn't matter. After all, this is a piece of space equipment, and most of it is in the storage space.

In general, after this modification, the attribute of the Ring of Sighing has been slightly improved. Although the cost of the modification is more expensive than expected, it is definitely worth it.Relatively speaking, the transformation attribute of the "soul law chain" is much more perfect.

Soul magic chain (semi-artifact): Taoism skill effect +100%, skill value upper limit +100%, damage immunity +25%, "Thunder" system Taoism damage level +1, "Thunder" system Taoism attached "Paralysis" effect +50%, immune to most of the "spiritual" negative states, with special effect "Revenant of the dead".Comes with skills "Rebirth", "Magic Vortex".

With these two semi-artifacts, Wu Yi's strength has been greatly improved. With his current equipment, he almost doesn't need to change it to the legendary level.As for whether to upgrade the Tiangang Thunder Sword directly to a divine weapon, we will wait until the last day to see.

There was nothing left and right, Wu Yi waited for another half an hour, and finally waited for the newborn Dragon Slaying Sword, oh no, it is no longer the Dragon Slaying Sword.

Golden Dragon Slashing Sword (artifact): Attack +900, sword speed +35%, attack with "bleeding" effect that can be stacked up to fifteen layers, "armour-breaking" effect +75%, effective against domains, enchantments, and energy Shield and other special defense damage +50%, attack with additional "gold", "wind", and "tear" attribute damage, strengthen the probability of critical kills, serious injuries and disability, and "force" attribute bonus effect +10% , with the skills "Slaying the Dragon" and "Thousands of Winds".Equipment requirements: demigod level.

With this golden dragon-slaying sword, Pei Min's combat effectiveness can be increased by at least [-]%. If it can be paired with a high-speed artifact-level boots, it will be perfect.After all, there are very few people who can equip a whole body of divine weapons. Generally speaking, as long as there are one or two key divine weapons that match their own abilities, it is enough to sit on one side.

Returning to Calabash City again, Wu Yi specially sent someone to send the Golden Dragon Slashing Sword to Beidi, and it must be handed over to Pei Min as soon as possible.Later, in the decisive battle with King Dongping, Pei Min can be temporarily transferred back to the south. After all, the north is not even the second center of gravity. It doesn't matter much if you fight more or less, let alone there is another one in the north. Lu Bu.

It was getting late, and Wu Yi originally thought that he could go offline earlier today, but unexpectedly, Zixu's Taoist boy came to the door, saying that Zixu had something important to ask him to go to the Tianzun Temple in Penglai City.It's rare, this is the first time that Zi Xu called him, it seems that it's a big deal, no wonder the election of the peak master has to start early?

Following Wu Yi, he rushed to Penglai City non-stop. When he entered the sutra hall where Zixu was practicing, besides Zixu, there were three middle-aged Taoist priests sitting here, and the three of them looked a little bit like brothers. ?It was the first time for the three of them, Wu Yi. Although he didn't have much communication with the master, over the years, he has met almost everyone he should see.Could it be that these three people were foreign aid that Zixu sought?
"Today I specially called you here mainly to introduce you to the three Taoist priests, Mao Ying, Mao Gu, and Mao Zhong. I will also do my best to help you fight for the world."

Mao Ying, Mao Gu, Mao Zhong?Isn't that Zhenjun Sanmao! ?

Wu Yi was shocked, this is a big fish!I didn't expect the old Taoist Zixu to have such a helper. Sure enough, those who dare to fight for the peak master can't have no cards in their hands.

"The disciple has met the three uncles!" Wu Yi saluted the three of them one by one. Sanmao Zhenjun was the founder of the Maoshan sect in history. Even if such a person is not well-known by the world, he is definitely a demigod. There is no doubt about this, even if there is a gap with Lie Yukou, he is still considered a strong demigod.

"Nephew, you are welcome, you are a new star in the Taoist sect now, and your every move is closely watched by those old guys on the holy mountain." Mao Ying stroked her long beard hanging down her chest, nodded with a smile, and said to Wu Yi The attitude is extremely satisfied.

"That's right, a hero in troubled times, I haven't had such a character in many years." Mao Gu also nodded in praise.

"Brother, we have been living in seclusion in the wilderness, and we don't have any good meeting gifts for nephew Wu Yi. Why don't you just let me stay in Calabash City for a while?" Mao Zhong finally spoke, but his words were aimed at his superior. Mao Ying said.


Wu Yi couldn't believe his ears, this is a demigod sent to his door!Even if Mao Zhong stays in Calabash City, he will be just "foreign aid" like Tianzunguan and Mingying, and not completely belong to his subordinates, but since he stays, the meaning is very clear, he will support Calabash If you don't want to play in the city, as long as you don't ask too much, you should be fine.In this way, when the decisive battle with King Dongping was over after the sun descended from the gods, there would be another strong man to assist in the battle.

"Welcome, supremely welcome! Master Uncle has any request, feel free to ask!" On Zixu's side, he can't have too much hope, after all, the change of the peak master of Formation Peak cannot be as long as that of Fengshui Peak. time.Maybe when he fought the decisive battle with King Dongping, he couldn't get the support of his master, so he could only figure out a way by himself.

"The fine wine in Calabash City is famous all over the world, and a jug of fine wine every day is enough."

"Enough! Good wine!"

Sanmao Zhenjun is Zixu's supporter, and the remaining two should focus on Zixu's side.

"Didn't you raise a little ghost? The three fellow Taoists are experts in raising ghosts. If there is anything you don't understand, you have to be open-minded and ask for advice." Zixu then nodded to him again.

Raise ghosts!To be honest, although the template of the Huaishan Demon is good, his combat power has long been unable to keep up with his strength. The role of the evil ghost is often not as good as his casual Five Thunder God Sword Art. The Huaishan Demon has long been his weapon. Chicken ribs, if you can raise the evil spirits to the holy level, it will be different.

"Really?" Wu Yi happily took off the ghost-raising gourd hanging from his waist. Maoshan Taoist, isn't that professional in catching ghosts? It's common sense that he is good at raising ghosts.

"Gourd City's special product, Gourd City, has long been heard by the poor, and it is indeed a rare boutique." Mao Ying took Wu Yi's ghost-raising gourd, flipped through it, and commented.In the process of raising ghosts, ghost-raising gourds are also particularly important. Gourd City's special products have been continuously improved, and there are already gold-quality gourds, but the production is extremely unstable, sometimes only three or five are produced in a month.

Gold, that's the ultimate quality, which is usually called magic material!

The gourd is also the only gold-quality material produced in Wu Yi's territory. So far, he has not even released a golden-quality gourd city. After all, gourds are extremely versatile. Raise fine wine or elixir, and it can also be used to refine Taoist instruments.Wu Yi's ghost-raising gourd was refined from the golden quality gourd city.

"If the uncle likes it, I still have some of my nephew's territory, and I will give some to the three uncles at that time." The gourd demon derived from the special gourd has limited the output of the golden quality gourd city, and there is nothing that can increase the output in a short time way.

"Then the uncle has the audacity to accept it." A Taoist priest who is good at raising ghosts, how could he refuse the best gourd!
Mao Ying opened the gourd for raising ghosts and released the evil Huaishan ghost from it. A black shadow came out of the gourd in an instant, and let out a strange laugh of "Jie Jie".The character of the Huaishan evil spirit has always been extremely bad, and he likes to be mischievous. Sometimes he does not obey orders, and his brain is not very bright. She, like now.

The Huaishan Evil Ghost, who had just emerged from the gourd of raising ghosts, saw the lineup in the scripture hall, and was suddenly pinched by the neck like a rooster crowing. The four old Taoists in the scripture hall gave it a With a sense of oppression like a god and demon, under fear, he directly used "Duoshe" on Mao Ying.This guy has never considered whether it will be successful with "Seizing the House", and what the price will be after the "Seize the House" fails.

It is precisely because of this that Wu Yi said that this guy is not very smart!An evil spirit whose combat power is not even at the holy level launched "Seize the House" against a demigod. As you can imagine, Mao Ying stretched out her right hand and directly prevented the Huaimu evil ghost from launching the "Seize the House" skill. "Not bad! Very good! It's beyond the expectations of my nephew to have such an evil ghost."

"For this evil ghost, my nephew also spent a lot of effort, but after reaching this point, I can no longer make an inch of it. I also ask my uncle to explain my nephew's doubts."

"Ghosts are different from undead. They belong to special existences, and the conditions for their growth are naturally quite different. Raising ghosts is a rather cumbersome process. With my current status as a nephew, I'm afraid I don't have so much time to take care of these things. How about this? The evil ghost is temporarily handed over to Pindao to help you train it, and it will be returned to you after the training is completed, it can be regarded as a meeting gift for the nephew."

"Then I will have Mr. Lao, what materials are needed, I will prepare them later." Good man!It seems that he is really not what he used to be, and such an expert is so partial to him, this is also an investment, right?

"No need, this poor man can still get it out."

The omnipotence of Taoist priests is due to the endless emergence of various means, but at the same time, the time required to form is far longer than other professions.If Mao Ying could help him raise this Huaishan evil ghost, he would be able to occupy a place even in the legend class in the future.

Afterwards, Zixu talked to Zhenjun Sanmao about some more things, Zhenjun Sanmao left first, they still had some important things to do, Mao Zhong would come back to Calabash City on the last day of God's Descending Day.

"Master, when is the Peak Lord's election?" After sending off Sanmao Zhenjun, Wu Yi couldn't help asking Zixu, knowing the exact time, he should make plans early.

"Three years later!"

"This... so long?" Three years, by then, the day lily will be cold, even if Zixu can sit on the peak master's position, what's the use?

"Do you think it's that simple to run for the peak master? Unless the teacher can crush that kid in terms of strength, the old peak master will definitely procrastinate as long as he can, buying more time and more support for his disciples By."

This is also the case, the current battle between the main line of Formation Peak and the line of Tianzunguan can be traced back to a very long time, if anyone can keep the position of peak master in their own line, anyone will fight for it.

"It's a pity. Originally, I asked Master Uncle Yuan to help me find out if there are any unowned sky spirit stones in the world. I didn't expect that the only one that was calculated by divination was actually in the hands of the East China Sea. Now we can't get in the underworld. Let's get started, even if the East China Sea Kingdom is really destroyed, that Heavenly Spirit Stone will be sent to the Holy Mountain as a trophy." Zi Xu said with a full face of regret.

"Sky Spirit Stone?"

"The effect of the Heavenly Spirit Stone on our formation master, the master should have taught you before!"

Daoist formations have a great demand for energy spar. The stronger the formation, the higher the level of energy spar required. Some formations in Gourd City are centered on the blood jade, and the top-level The formation method needs to be driven by the sky spirit stone, which is the case for the god formations in the age of the gods.

In the current main world, even the sacred blood jade is quite rare, let alone the sky spirit stone, which only exists in legends. The Taoist sect had reserves at the beginning, but in the long years, time and time again. During the crisis, the reserves of Heavenly Spirit Stones had long been exhausted, and all the rest were used for the defense of the Holy Mountain.

Zixu needs the Heavenly Spirit Stone, and Wu Yi has no way to search for it in the treasure house of Donghai Kingdom, so he can only exchange it with the Sun of the Gods. However, the faith contribution points required to exchange a piece of Heavenly Spirit Stone are 30. Moreover, it is only available at the main god of the Dao department. Zhao Xueyin has already chosen the gods of the Guangming god department for his mission, so he can't help him. He has already spent [-] faith contribution points before, and it is difficult to exchange for the sky spirit stone later.

But now, whether it's the people in the studio or the peak guild, even if the task is dedicated to the gods of the Dao system, it is difficult to guarantee that they can gather 30 faith contribution points.In fact, there are very few players who can do S-level difficulty tasks, and there is only Moxin in Nuoda's Tianyan Studio, and they are not doing combat-type tasks, but deputy-type!
It can only be done by him. Next, we must spend more thought on the strategy mission, and try our best to ensure that each round of missions gets the highest reward. A piece of heavenly spirit stone is equivalent to the opportunity to create three artifacts. But if Zixu can win the position of Peak Lord in advance in exchange for this, then Wu Yi thinks it's worth it.

Zixu's strength is much stronger than Sun En's, but he can't crush the opponent. With the Sky Spirit Stone, it should be enough!
(End of this chapter)

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