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Chapter 1725 Soul of Flame Dragon, Gate of Purgatory

Chapter 1725 Soul of Flame Dragon, Gate of Purgatory

Amid the cheers of the festival, all forces are making arrangements urgently. The seven-day truce is a good thing for some forces, but not for some forces. For example, Zhang Jiao, such as Yingzheng, their enemies need time After seven days, waiting for them will be another difficult battle.

As for Calabash City, Gan Ning and Yu Dayou have already switched defenses, and they can act immediately as soon as the sun comes down.In addition, after Wei Liao died in battle, the empire immediately transferred Sun Bin from the south to fight the fire. Sun Bin had no soldiers, and he was almost turned into a contractor in the south. The entire defense line, as for the task of rebuilding Molten Fire City in the south, was handed over to Xue Rengui and Fan Kuai.Under the strong pressure of the undead army before, both Wu Zhao and Wu Yi lost a lot of territory. At present, Donghai Kingdom is doing its best to transform these lands. Seven days are enough for Donghai Kingdom to transform these seized lands into elementary " Land of the Dead".

The breath of spring came together with the coming of the gods. The snow disaster in the north has passed, the snow is slowly melting, and the snow water flows into the streams and rivers. Seven days is enough for the Golden Wolf Kingdom to return to its breath.Since the Golden Wolf Kingdom went south, the war has never stopped for a day, and they need to recuperate more than other forces.

Time is like running water, and four days have passed in a blink of an eye. Today, Zuo Ci's mission will appear. Before that, Zhao Xueyin also collected enough faith contribution points and exchanged for two "Seeds of God Source", one of which was Lu Bu's Fang The Tianhua Halberd has been upgraded to the artifact level, and one of them remains untouched.Now that Wu Yi wants to exchange for the Heavenly Spirit Stone, it is even more impossible to upgrade his Tiangang Thunder Sword to the artifact level.

"This task is so troublesome!" Looking at the detailed task details, Wu Yi felt a little headache, it was more troublesome than he expected, but considering Zuo Ci's strength, no matter how troublesome it should be.

"That's right! Even if Zuo Ci is really captured, Zuo Ci still has a seal on his body, and he needs to continue to do the corresponding task of God's Baptism." Zhao Xueyin nodded in agreement.Zuo Ci's attributes will not be weakened after his resurrection, but a seal will be added to his body, and the seal will be released only after completing the corresponding task of baptism of God.

Zuo Ci has undoubtedly grown to the upper limit of his potential, his "intelligence" is full, and his various titles and specialties are gorgeous. Even without equipment, he is still a rare powerhouse in the world. If he can be equipped with suitable equipment, then he is enough to last To raise one side of power, with one person's power, not to mention how strong the power is, but it is enough to live in a corner with power.

If such a strong man does not make the chosen ones in the world go crazy?

"Wei Liao missed this time, I don't know when he will be released."

"Who knew!" When Wei Liao died, he was in the Bing Sheng realm. So far, among the player forces, there is only one Wei Qing who has reached the "Bing Saint" realm. There are quite a few demigods, but there is only one Bing Saint!The original Yue Fei had already completed the inheritance, and his art of war and talent had been passed down, so he probably would not arrange for his resurrection.

As for Wei Liao's "Wei Liao Zi", it is still unclear whether it fell into the hands of the East China Sea Kingdom or whether it is still in Wu Zhao's hands.This kind of real book of war is currently the most fierce competition among players. After all, everyone has seen too many military gods in the holy realm of soldiers. The abilities in it have long been guessed. There is no Bing Sheng yet, so the preparations should be made as early as possible.

"Teams have been arranged for the studio and the peak guild, but according to this task format, the uncertainty is too great."

"Do your best!"

The task of competing for Zuo Ci is divided into three days, that is, three rounds. After each round, there will be a point ranking. Only the top tenth teams are eligible to enter the next round.And the task only allows God's Chosen to participate, and each task team is limited to three people, and Wu Yi and Zhao Xueyin are still one person behind, so they found Mo Yun, who had turned into the Yu Clan, how could the original Mieyi League be ten? One of the strongest guilds, as the guild leader, even for the sake of face, he should reach the holy rank.

The three holy ranks are all high-speed flying occupations or arms, unless the mission space is a lava environment, there is no limit.But even so, there is no guarantee that it will be safe. There is no way, there are too many opponents, and the participating teams will definitely exceed [-].

"I'm sorry, I'm late." Mo Yun flapped his white wings and flew out from the teleportation array. The feather clan and angels are really similar, and it's hard to tell them apart just by appearance.

"It's not too late, it's not the last round anyway."

"Are you ready? If you are ready, let's go. After this, we still have to do the task of offering gifts to the gods!" After all, Zhao Xueyin's ability to fight alone is not as good as Wu Yi, even if it is the task of offering gifts to the gods, he chose the light god , Most of the undead encountered in the mission, but the speed of collecting contribution points still cannot keep up with Wu Yi.

"Let's go then!"

——System: You have entered a special space—the ruins of God War. Due to the restriction of the "Forbidden Space Barrier", the flying height cannot exceed five meters.

——System: Eliminate the soul of the Yanlong who stole the divine power in the "Ruins of God War".

Surrounded by ruins, ravines, broken statues, collapsed temples, among the ruins, there are countless dead souls wandering unconsciously, everything is like the end of the world.

"Troublesome!" Zhao Xueyin sighed, this environment is a little unfriendly to them.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to be so unlucky." Mo Yun's face was also a little ugly, and he bumped into the forbidden air barrier as soon as he came. You know, whether it is him or Zhao Xueyin, fighting at high altitude can have greater Wu Yi's advantage is the same. His high-speed Yujian also needs a certain amount of space to turn, and a mere five meters is far from enough.

"Do your best. After all, the sum of points for the three rounds will be calculated at that time." Although Zuo Ci's final ownership is not determined by the sum of points, it will play a certain role in the end. Played a certain help.

"This quest space is not small, and it's not easy to find the quest target, why don't you try divination first?" Zhao Xueyin suggested, the quest only gave one target, nothing else.

"Okay!" Wu Yi really didn't have much confidence in his unreliable divination skills.

Throwing a fortune-telling coin like a magic stick, the fortune-telling is successful, but whether the fortune-telling is correct can only be known after verification. "Go here and have a look!"

Fortunately, although there is a "Forbidden Space Barrier", it is not complete, and there are still five meters left. Otherwise, with this ruined terrain, if you want to leave alive, you may not be able to complete the task in three to five days.Although the number of dead souls wandering in the ruins was huge, without the existence of the holy rank, Zhao Xueyin alone was enough to sweep them away, so the journey was very smooth.

It's just that Wu Yi doesn't understand. Since there is a scoreboard, the gap in points must be widened. If all teams are directly facing the mission target, where does the gap in points come from?Brush those souls?It shouldn't be so, if that's the case, it will be a fight for time, not ability.

"I seem to have found the wrong place." Mo Yun looked at Wu Yi with a smile, and the three of them turned around twice in the area displayed by the divination, not to mention the soul of the Yanlong, they didn't even find a hair.

"As expected, let's do it again." Unwilling, Wu Yi took out the divination coins again.

"No more, look over there!" Zhao Xueyin stopped Wu Yi's meaningless behavior, and pointed to a collapsed temple in the distance. There was still a small piece of that temple standing. It must be the most likely place, the surroundings and the place where it came from, whether it is the ground or the building, there is not even a piece of intact place, and the high half of the palace wall in the distance is particularly eye-catching.

Following Zhao Xueyin's expectations, the two were a little embarrassed. Before, they only focused on searching in front of their eyes and didn't look too far away.

The three of them immediately turned around, and Wu Yi took the lead. Who made him the most resistant to beating among the three!Moreover, neither Zhao Xueyin nor Mo Yun are suitable for melee combat. After Mo Yun transferred to the Yu clan, his career has also changed to the unique job of the Yu clan—the master of the sky, which belongs to the special bow class.

"It seems that this time it was right!" As the three of them approached the ruins of the temple, the surrounding temperature increased significantly. Even though Yanlong lost his dragon body, his natural ability was still there.This special phenomenon has undoubtedly exposed the existence of the Flame Dragon Soul.

"I'll force it to come out!" Zhao Xueyin's four-winged holy light harp was set to the maximum, and it flew quietly in front of her. Even if the Flame Dragon Soul retained its innate ability, it still remained unchanged." The existence of the attribute of "death".As long as it is of the dark attribute, it will be restrained by the holy light attribute. Zhao Xueyin has developed in the twilight barrier for so long, and her equipment is not bad, and the coverage of her skills is becoming more and more terrifying.

Let her take the shot, there is no need to step into the scope of the temple to take risks.


Following the holy sound of Zhao Xueyin's harp, circles of holy power expanded in all directions along with the sound. Affected by the sound of the harp, the soul of the Flame Dragon hidden in the temple erupted for a shocking explosion. Dragon chant, circles of flame waves spread from the temple.Then, a huge flame shadow shot up from the temple.

I don't know how this flame dragon soul was formed, but the proportion of the fire attribute is higher than that of the dark attribute. If it is a pure fire attribute, it is the spirit of the flame dragon, which is the existence of the god rank !

From the appearance alone, Wu Yi is temporarily unable to determine the real strength of the opponent. Without domain, he should not be a legend, but he must not relax. After all, it is a task related to Zuo Ci, and it will definitely not be that simple.And even if the ultimate goal of the mission is too difficult, it doesn't matter, anyway, the quota for the next round of missions is to intercept the top tenth team on the points list, as long as the points are ranked in the top tenth, you can safely get the first round of eligibility.

If the Flame Dragon Soul is so strong that even the three holy ranks can't pass, then it really only depends on the points.

The Soul of the Flame Dragon is also affected by the air-forbidden barrier in this space, and cannot fly higher than five meters. However, as soon as the Soul of the Flame Dragon appeared, a ball of dazzling golden light burst out from its mouth. Yingguang formed a tall flame gate in front of it, and there was a strange blood-like pattern on the flame gate, which attracted the surrounding flames, forming a bloody red gate.

There is a vortex of flames in the center of the gate, from which flame creatures continuously drill out.

——System: The soul of Yanlong opened the gate of purgatory at the cost of sacrificing an incomplete artifact.

What's this?play call?
"Stand back!" When Wu Yi saw a flaming dragon emerging from the gate of purgatory, his face was a little ugly.

Oops, all the fire creatures came out, and none of the three of them could restrain the fire attribute. The holy one was sure that the underworld was right, but when it came to other attributes, except for the judgment-type attacks, the others seemed a little weak.At this time, Zhao Xueyin's ability is not very easy to use. Although her attack range is large, the damage it does to these fire creatures is a bit too low.

Because the fire element is the body of the element, its form is not fixed. There are humanoid forms and various beast forms. Different forms represent different levels. Like the flame dragon, it has nothing to do with the dragon family. It just looks like a dragon.

"It's too exaggerated, so many?" The scene in front of him scared Mo Yun, this is an army of fire elements, the difficulty of this task is a bit exaggerated.

At this time, Wu Yi finally knew how to widen the points gap between the teams.There are definitely only a handful of teams that can destroy this Flame Dragon Soul, and the more important thing is to see how many waves they can survive under the gate of purgatory.It's a pity, if only Zhu Rong could come, Wanke!Even if she stands still, these fire elements can't do anything to her.

"Attack the flame dragon's soul outside the gate of purgatory as much as possible!" Wu Yi didn't want to give up, he didn't want to pass the level in such an embarrassing way of scoring points.

Wu Yi swallowed three different types of fire resistance pills. With Sun Simiao around, Gourd City has a huge reserve of pills, and there is no shortage of resistance pills of various attributes. Although it cannot be completely immune, it can resist a large number of pills. s damage.

Zhao Xueyin was behind Wu Yi, and the sound of the harp remained uninterrupted, while Wu Yi activated the "Nine-breath Supreme Method", using the Five Thunder God Sword Art to continuously cleanse the fire element coming out of the gate of purgatory.There is no way, he has to stop these continuous fire elements from rushing over, and the mere ninth-level fire elements, combined with Zhao Xueyin's damage, even if the range of the Five Thunder God Sword Art is maximized, it is enough to kill instantly. Those bottom legends are bad.

"Damn it, there's no angle, shit air-forbidden barrier." Mo Yun was a little depressed, the air-forbidden barrier restricted him too much, and the purgatory gate was more than five meters long, like a "shield" , guarding the soul of the Yanlong without any dead ends.Zhao Xueyin's sonic attack is not affected by these, but the bow and arrow are miserable, they can't shoot through.

"Wuyi, put your skill range towards the Flame Dragon Soul, and I will give you the fire element in front." Mo Yun couldn't touch the Flame Dragon Soul even with the range skill, so he had no choice but to help deal with the Fire Element .


(End of this chapter)

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