The best lord of online games

Chapter 1731 Zuo Ci falls into the bag, Zhao Yun comes to vote

Chapter 1731 Zuo Ci falls into the bag, Zhao Yun comes to vote

Under the high platform of the statue of Tianzun, Wu Yi and the three of them laid out delicious food one after another very comfortably, and started a picnic.

"It's not like we are doing a fierce competitive task, but more like a spring outing." Mo Yun picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus fish with a smile, and tasted it happily.From his point of view, this time the mission is a sure thing.

"You're thinking too much. If it's a spring outing, how could I take you with me?" Wu Yi poured Zhao Xueyin a cup of "Hundred Flowers Drink". She liked the taste very much.

"Boss Wuyi, it makes me sad to say that."

The three of them were talking and laughing while listening to drinks and drinks. Although the food in the game, except for the attributes, can only be eaten by the mouth and has no effect on reality, but this kind of deliciousness is difficult to experience in reality. of.

"By the way, it seems that the competition in the Central Plains has been quite active in the north recently."

"Fatty Jin is thinking of retreating. Once King Dongping is really defeated, he will be able to withdraw to the south ahead of time. He can't stand it anymore, haha!" Mo Yun smiled happily, and he is not the only one who is unlucky. In fact, the ranking of the Central Plains in the original top ten guilds is far higher than that of the Mieyi League, and it once reached the top five.But now they have fallen directly behind the "peak" of their reorganization, why?Isn't it that everyone can see that the Zhulu Central Plains can't stay in the south!The previous battle between Zhulu Zhongyuan and Eternal in Fengyan City completely made Fatty Jin completely lose hope of turning over.

The reason for the competition was that Jiuding City was not affected by the flames of war, so the loss of strength was not as great as that of the Mieyi League, but it was also not optimistic. The demigods were killed by Zhu Rong on the battlefield, and some important generals were killed one after another. crisis.All these things caused the hearts of the guild to fluctuate. Eternal took the opportunity to poach many people. Before the two guilds merged, Yan Yan also went to poach corners, and also poached many elites.

However, objectively speaking, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the overall strength of the current competition in the Central Plains is still much stronger than the newly reorganized "Apex", but who made Calabash City too strong? The big tree in Calabash City is stronger than the Central Plains, and it will only be ranked behind the peak.

Mo Yun couldn't be happy about this!
"It's very difficult to block them by arranging a retreat so early."

"It's not easy for them to leave easily. Didn't you realize that Jiuding City is almost sealed in the south?"

It is not as easy as imagined to move to the Central Plains. Judging from their current actions, they have already decided to use the north as a retreat, but how to move to the north?The city can't be moved, maybe it can secretly make a deal with other forces, sell Jiuding City to recover a little loss, but it will definitely not be sold until the winner is determined between Calabash City and King Dongping.If you want to move to the north, the shortest way is to go through Sanshan Pass, but the guard there is Wang Ben, and you will definitely be beaten and cried if you go there. To the west, there are Xue Rengui and Fan Kuai waiting for them. It is also difficult to go around to the north.Not to mention going east, Fatty Jin was already afraid of being beaten by Calabash City.

Therefore, the Central Plains is now planning a way out, but how to break through is not an easy task.Fatty Jin would definitely not choose to use the teleportation array, the price is too high, even if Fatty Jin voluntarily gave up some supplies and civilians, he would not do it.

"It's a pity, if it wasn't for Donghai Kingdom's constant containment, I would definitely bring someone to stop him!"

"There will be a chance! Isn't he still willing to leave like this now!"

Fatty Jin still had an extravagant hope in his heart, that is, King Dongping could completely defeat Calabash City, and a simple victory could no longer satisfy him.

After eating and drinking for a while, Wu Yi took out the map and looked at it. At this time, there were only a dozen or so red areas marked on the map. These places should be in chaos now, right?Some people, thinking about it, would also hold the same idea as them, and are ready to give up the competition for the last areas, and come here to relax and wait for work.

"Okay, it's time for us to prepare, I believe there will be prey coming soon."

The high platform of the Tianzun statue is not forbidden, unless all three of them have invincible strength and stand on the three corners of the high platform, so it is not realistic to block everyone, but it is enough to block most of them.It's a pity that he didn't learn the space-forbidden formation. It seems that the strengthening of the formation must keep up. After all, his next promotion will become more and more difficult.

However, some of Zhao Xueyin's skills have the effect of probabilistically interrupting skills. As long as they are not angels, feather races, and other races that can fly by themselves, other flying depends on skills. If the flying skills are interrupted, they will naturally fall from the sky. When you get down, you will follow up with skills and be affected to a certain extent.


Zhao Xueyinfei started to play lightly at a position almost at the same height as the statue of Tianzun, Wu Yi also held up the Tiangang Leifa Sword, and the "Nine Profound Sword Qi" with the longest range began to brew, and Mo Yunfei played it at a higher level High above the sky, the golden longbow in his hand has been drawn into a full moon.Now that the decision has been made, Wu Yi has no intention of saying hello to every team member first, so just do it!
Players below the holy rank would definitely not be able to take their three combos. The first team that approached them all died before they even had a reaction. After the death, Mo Yun quickly flew over to collect the spoils.Now the players have just started to come gradually, and the flow of people has not yet reached the peak, so the battle is ups and downs.

"Someone is in ambush!" Under the same three-combo attack, an approaching team exclaimed.

Ambush me, my uncle is going to destroy you in an open and honest way!

However, those who can resist the meeting package must be the holy rank. Finally, a stronger team is here. The stronger the strength, the more demon crystals in the hand.

The attack continues, see how much you can resist!

Wu Yi unconsciously moved his sword forward for a while. He was used to using thunder-type Taoism, but except for the Jiuxiaoshen Thunder Curse, the range of thunder-type Taoism was far inferior to that of Jiuxuan Sword Qi.Amidst the high-pitched and passionate music, five thunderbolt sword shadows and a hurricane that exploded in front of them completely swallowed the three of them, without giving the other party any more chances to speak, they directly blasted and killed them forcefully.

If it is just a parallel importer's holy rank, there is a big gap with the current Wu Yi. As long as there is no special life-saving means such as "substitute charms", it is basically a matter of two or three moves. Even if there are special life-saving means, it is nothing more than a lot. Die once, nothing changes the ending.

As the player squads were wiped out one by one, Wu Yi's team quickly gained more Yaoyuan crystals, but this situation did not last long.After learning that someone was squatting guard, the teams that came one after another no longer rushed forward, but waited for other teams at a distance. At this time, whether they were enemies or not, their purpose was the same, and Wu Yi and the others undoubtedly touched the interests of everyone. Regardless of whether there will be another chaotic battle in the future, anyway, at this time, these people have reached a high degree of consensus, that is, to clear Wu Yi's team from the field first!

The current Zhao Xueyin is better than Wu Yi in determining her identity. She is the only angel among the players, and she is a professional musician. You don't need to get close, as long as you hear the unique tone of the four-winged holy light harp from a distance, you can be sure it is her.

An increasingly powerful Gourd City is not in everyone's interest. If Zuo Ci falls into the hands of Gourd City again, their life will be even more difficult. This is one of the reasons why these people can reach a high degree of agreement.However, Wu Yi is not afraid of this at all. Players below the holy rank are all instant kills for him. No matter how many they come, it doesn't make any sense. Just Zhao Xueyin's continuous AOE damage is enough for them to suffer.Parallel holy rank is not much better, only those players who have made up one of the strength or intelligence to ninety and reached the real holy rank can barely survive under him for a while, and it is just for a while.

There are two types of scrolls on God's Descend Day this time, and there should be not a few players who take advantage of this opportunity to make up attributes, and many of them are over 95, but as long as they don't reach [-], and the first-class title is not promoted to the super-first-class title, then there is no chance. Man can challenge him!Regarding his own strength, Wu Yi is still quite confident. After all, he has no obvious shortcomings now. Whether it is attributes or equipment, the number of titles is the highest in the world. flat.

War is imminent!
But Wu Yi didn't take the initiative to attack. He was afraid of being "stealed".Zhao Xueyin's music has been uninterrupted, covering this area like a field, as long as it crosses the line, it will receive the corresponding effect.

Wu Yi and the others seem to be playing to protect Athena now, just waiting for the enemy to come to their door!

This time there were a lot of people rushing up, and all the strong were on the front. There were many allies from Calabash City among them, but as Wu Yi said, the tasks of famous generals depend on their abilities. Top famous generals, who wouldn’t want it?Should allies back down?People don't owe you anything.In addition to the strong men who pressed forward, many people poured out from different directions, rushing towards the statue of Tianzun.

"Mo Yun, you handle those trumpets!"

There are quite a few teams that the Grand Duke will participate in this mission. If you gather the Yaoyuan spar together and take away the Yaoyuan spar from those who have given up at a high price, the number will definitely be quite a lot.What are these people thinking? Wu Yi knows very well that only those who have absolute confidence will wait until the end, and those who don't want to submit the task as soon as possible and try their luck.

But how could Wu Yi let them get their wish, the Nine Heavens God Thunder Curse!

These people are not bosses, and they don't need the continuous superimposed damage of the Thunder Curse of the Nine Firmaments. What Wu Yi values ​​is the damage range of this skill. To deal with these people, the basic damage is enough, and it will not be pity if it is interrupted at any time.

As for those who desperately rushed towards the statue of Tianzun from other directions, many of them must be bait and cannon fodder. A team of three people only needs to gather all the demon crystals in the team on one person, and the person who dies will die. If they can "trade" all the demon crystals, the remaining two are undoubtedly the best candidates for cannon fodder.

Moyun cooperates with Zhao Xueyin's super-wide-range AOE, it is very easy to clean up these people, and there must be many people secretly thinking about the troubled waters.

In the bright lightning, the corpses of several players fell to the ground, but more people rushed out of the impact range of the lightning. Those who can complete the attributes at this stage will definitely not be bad in equipment, at least it is a holy level, even if No matter how high the damage of Wu Yi's thunder-type Taoism is, it is impossible to kill these people in seconds with the first Nine Heavens Thunder. However, the "paralysis" effect attached to the thunder-type Taoism also greatly reduces the speed of these people. As for the flying skills, Wu Yi Yi Du took advantage of the protection of the array map to resist, not to mention Zhao Xueyin's support behind him. If you fight for milk, who is the sacred profession afraid of?
The second Nine Heavens Thunder followed, and after Hailong Jinjiao's magical weapon level was raised to eighth, the casting speed of the Thunder System Taoism increased by 25%, which also reduced the time he spent guiding the Nine Heavens Thunder by four points One, the interval between each Nine Heavens Divine Thunder is naturally greatly shortened.But these people are not stupid, they are very separated from each other, the Nine Heavens Thunder cannot envelop everyone, and those who were not hit escaped with their lives. Those who were hit by two Nine Heavens Thunder one after another, Coupled with Zhao Xueyin's injury, there is almost no way out.

Right here, a beam of light flashed like teleportation, and suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Xueyin. It was not the teleportation effect of the space magician, but the effect activated for dead objects.The opponent really had a good plan, sacrificing a chance of surrogate death, trying to open a breakthrough from Zhao Xueyin.

Wu Yi immediately interrupted the follow-up guidance of the Nine Heavens Thunder Curse, and now the people around are very scattered, and continuing to guide the Nine Heavens Thunder will only delay his attack rhythm.Turning around, the five thunder gods with five swords in one were stuffy on the opponent's head. Zhao Xueyin's equipment was not bad, so it was not so easy to die.

As more and more people died in battle, those who secretly wanted to fish in troubled waters couldn't help rushing out to grab the demon crystals that exploded from the ground, but most of them turned into corpses, and Moyun kept sweeping The Yaoyuan spar on the ground kept distracting and shooting arrows at the same time.Although they couldn't stop everyone, they got definitely more than half of the quest items.

——System: Congratulations, you have handed in the most demon crystals, and you will be rewarded with a "Soul Gathering Pill".

Wu Yi, who had returned to Gourd City once again, had a thumb-sized black pill in his hand. When he crushed the Soul Gathering Pill, a black wind blew up on the praying platform, and a figure slowly condensed in the center of the praying platform.

——System: Zuo Ci was successfully resurrected and joined Calabash City.

Zuo Ci is finally in the bag, and this mission is more beneficial to them. If they compete for the number of participants, they will have no chance.But now Zuo Ci has been revived, but all this is not over yet. Zuo Ci's attributes are still in a sealed state, and follow-up tasks are still needed to undo the seal on Zuo Ci and let him return to his peak state again, but there is no rush for the follow-up , anyway, no one is competing with him.

And at this time, Zhao Yun also rode his little white horse into Calabash City, and the meaning of his coming to Calabash City at this time is self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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