The best lord of online games

Chapter 1732 The First Battle of the Storm Seagull

Chapter 1732 The First Battle of the Storm Seagull

Zuo Ci completed his resurrection on the Heaven Prayer Platform in Gourd City, but to lift the seal on him, he still needs to complete the follow-up task of "Baptism of God". But this task can only be done by him, the lord.He is very busy today, and he hasn't got the Heavenly Spirit Stone yet. Today's task of offering gifts to the gods must not be given up, and there will be big actions after midnight.

Although Wu Yi also wanted to restore Zuo Ci's strength immediately, there was no way, and things had to be done step by step!However, some things can be done in advance, that is Zuo Ci's equipment!Although Zuo Ci would be a demigod powerhouse with full "intelligence" as long as he lifted the seal, but without equipment, it is impossible to exert overwhelming strength.

Today, Zhao Xueyin and Moxin can exchange for two "Seeds of Divine Origin" respectively, which are all reserved for Zuo Ci. Given his relationship with the Taoist sect, it is not difficult to get the equipment for Taoist priests with talisman seals. The decisive battle between the city and King Dongping is equally important to the Taoist sect. You must know that the original agreement was that the entire southern territory of Calabash City, the beliefs belong to the Taoist sect. Even if it is used as an investment, the Taoist sect will try to arm Zuo Ci as much as possible. Yes, the two "seeds of divine origin" in Wu Yi's hands are improved on this basis.

This matter has already been handled by Mingying. He was originally the elder of Fu Zhuanfeng's abdication. It is undoubtedly suitable for him to come forward. As for Zixu, he needs to prepare for the big operation in the early hours of tonight, such a small matter of running errands , don't bother him.

However, when Wu Yi was preparing for the mission, he learned of Zhao Yun's visit. This is good news. Zhao Yun arrived before the end of the God's Descending Day. Needless to say, it must be to participate in the decisive battle with Dongping City. Brush achievements.He can come to Calabash City, the meaning is very clear, if not to join Calabash City, why come to Calabash City?

It has to be said that after long-term development, Calabash City has now become an existence that all forces in the world have to face up to!The stronger the power, the more talents will come to take the initiative to contribute. After all, no one will choose a power that has no future or has come to an end for no reason.

Zhao Zilong, the white horse and silver spear, has nothing to say about his appearance. He is definitely the existence that is close to the peak of handsome men in the Three Kingdoms, and he can be evenly divided with Zhou Dadudu.This is not the first time Wu Yi has met Zhao Yun. He has met and chatted with Zhao Yun many times before in the northern battlefield.Zhao Yun is not a person who will pretend to be profound, so after meeting Wu Yi, he directly explained his intentions.

The famous general sent to the door is still a top famous general, how could Wu Yi refuse!However, as soon as Zhao Yun settled in Calabash City, Chang Shanmeng's old friends probably wouldn't be in a good mood. He had set up the table, but in the end Zhao Yun flew away. Should the guild change its name? Throw it away!

However, no matter how good Zhao Yun's transmission is, he can't shake Lu Bu's position as the number one military general of the Three Kingdoms. Therefore, his potential in "force" must be slightly lower than that of Lu Bu, and he is definitely not as good as "Wu Sheng" and "Wu Sheng". Guan Yu, who has been awarded the title of "Wu Caishen", has much lower potential in "command" than in "force".

But these are not problems. Calabash City has many potential bonus attributes. With these potential blessings, Zhao Yun's future is still unlimited.Moreover, Zhao Yun still has the opportunity to develop in an all-round way. He has some potential in terms of military strategy and internal affairs, not to mention too much. If he has the opportunity, he can try to challenge the title of "third-class all-rounder". Add a lot.

Zhao Yun's current attributes are "command" 92, "force" 96, there is no way, he has squatted in Wuzun space for too long, Tong Yuan can only give him resources in "force", and it is limited.So, if Zhao Yun doesn't come out of the mountain again, he will really have to make soy sauce.

Wu Yi's next arrangement for Zhao Yun is very simple. First, he will go to Wei Qing as a general to participate in the decisive battle against the Dongping rebels. Brush "Command", with the strength of a demigod to support it, even if you lead the army alone, there will be no big problems.

After Zhao Yun was arranged, Wu Yi continued his last three rounds of tribute missions to the gods. Until the evening, the mission was finally successfully completed, and the Tianling Stone was finally obtained. Such a palm-sized thing is actually equivalent to the quota for three artifacts. .

Sky Spirit Stone (Gold): Energy spar.

Even if the attribute is only four words, it does not change its status in the Taoist sect!
After "offering" the Heavenly Spirit Stone to the old Taoist Zixu, Zixu became more and more satisfied with this confidant disciple, but he didn't express much, their interests have already been closely linked together.

After exchanging the Sky Spirit Stone, he still has nearly [-] Faith Contribution Points left, which is too far away from exchanging for the "Seed of God Source". He can only exchange for some uncommon rare materials that may be used in the future. The "nectar" of the longevity tree, after harvesting a batch of longevity tree production in the morning, Wu Yi is willing to brush away this foolish thing, anyway, he will not waste a single contribution point on it, whether it is his face or What's the matter, the production is too bad, and the most valuable is just a No. [-] martial arts scroll, Mao Yong.

At this time, Mingying, who went to run errands in the holy mountain, also came back, and brought eight pieces of equipment for Taoist talismans. The lowest level is legendary level, and there is also a semi-artifact and an artifact.From their point of view, as long as Calabash City defeats Dongping City, the south will be in the bag ahead of time, and the left and right are just a little equipment, which is far more cost-effective than sending out elite forces to fight by themselves. Of course, Zhang Yufeng's help is indispensable partial side.

After the equipment is in place, two pieces of legendary equipment with the best template attributes will be sent to Shengong Island for reinforcement. In this way, Zuo Ci has three artifacts, one semi-artifact, and four legendary pieces before he can lift the seal. Equipped, such a card is enough for him to compete with Li Yuanba for the title of the number one powerhouse in Calabash City.

However, Taoist Fu Zhuan is definitely not as good as Li Yuanba in duels. Zuo Ci can compete with Li Yuanba [-]-[-] right now, but in the future Li Yuanba will probably be able to fight two Zuo Ci without any pressure.

After dinner, I went offline and continued to struggle. At this time, the countdown to the day of the gods has entered, and the battle will start again after midnight tonight.There are still a few hours before zero o'clock. Wu Yi took advantage of this time to start Zuo Ci's "Baptism of God" mission. There is nothing to say about this mission. There will be another price to pay for Zuo Ci's influence.

Can a top character be bought with gold coins?
So no matter how expensive this task is, you still have to do it!

It wasn't until eleven o'clock in the middle of the night that Wu Yi completed nearly three-quarters of the baptism of God mission. The planned time had come, so the mission could only be put on hold temporarily. Wu Yi arrived at the port of Penglai City, and the East China Sea Fleet had arrived as planned. !
The storm seagull has been parked at the port of Penglai City for three days. As long as the minds of the undead in Donghai Kingdom are not completely wattled, they will be more or less vigilant.In fact, this action is far more than just the navy. As long as they fire, Wang Zhongsi and Hua Mulan on the southern front, Sun Bin on the western front who just took office, and members of the Peak Guild will all cooperate in the counterattack.

In the seven days of God's descent, Donghai Kingdom has indeed digested all the previously expanded land and transformed it into the land of the dead. However, if Donghai Kingdom does not bring back the main force of the underworld this time, it will definitely not be able to hold these territories.Therefore, even if it is the worst ending this time, it will once again push Donghai Kingdom back to the circle of Iron Tooth City. If the Taoist gates of the underworld are strong enough, then Donghai Kingdom will disappear in the main world again.

The lineup this time is not weak, but the main force is still on the navy side. After all, Wu Yi can't tolerate the storm seagull making half a mistake.This time, in terms of battleships, there was only one Storm Seagull out of Calabash City, which was also the core of this operation. The East China Sea Fleet was all present as the escort fleet.

As Calabash City became stronger and stronger in the south, the relationship between Wu Yi and Yunlin was also changing. At the beginning, it was Yunlin who "cared for" Wu Yi. Get more benefits.But it is different now. In a word, the wings of Calabash City are hard, and Yunlin can no longer restrain him, so the relationship between the two will naturally change, just like now Yunlin's title is still higher than Wu Yi, but there is no longer. As in the past, if the method is called to Wu Yi, it will come, and if it is waved, it will go. On the contrary, Yunlin is carefully maintaining the relationship between the two parties.

There is no way, anyone who is not blind can see now that Gourd City has become a major trend, once Gourd City defeats King Dongping, and Hong Yu Empire has not turned around by then, it is time for the two sides to part ways.Yunlin was powerless to stop this, he could only hope that this day would come as late as possible.

Yunlin's current situation is quite embarrassing. It's too late to turn against Calabash City. The gap between the East China Sea Fleet and Calabash City's navy is already very obvious, not to mention that the Sea Clan has always been on the side of Calabash City.Therefore, as long as the actions of Calabash City do not harm the interests of the empire, he will choose to cooperate, so what if he does not cooperate?Is it possible to give an excuse to let Calabash City rebel in advance?What good does this do for the empire?Now the empire's treatment of Calabash City is the same as that of Xiang Yu, neither close nor distant.

In addition to the fleet, there are as many as six demigods sitting in the town, Zixu, Mao Zhong, Shui Dongliu, Pei Min, and a close friend brought by Zixu, Wu Yi also borrowed a demigod from the mermaid tribe .Wu Yi didn't mobilize the forces under Wei Qing's command, nor did he let Xu Neg come over from Sky Island, so it was even more unrealistic for the Hongyu Empire to support the demigods.But Wu Yi thinks it's enough. It's not a problem to fight two at sea, not to mention the fleet, as long as it doesn't expand to the point where the demigod personally invades the tide-watching cliff, then it's not a big problem.

In this operation, Wu Yi went with the fleet, and Zhao Xueyin participated in the counterattack on the southern front. She could be more useful there. There is no demigod on the southern front, so Zhao Yun was temporarily pulled over. After this operation, he will Then, together with Pei Min and others, they rushed to Wei Qing's command overnight.It's hard to say whether the Red Leaf City battle will start at zero o'clock at the same time.

The mighty battleship went all the way north, and the most excited about this operation was Shui Dongliu. This guy's original artifact, the Dragon Emperor's War Drum, fell into the hands of the Donghai Kingdom. He planned to take this opportunity to snatch it back. It is said that it was a high-end Artifact, one of his signatures back then.Although Shui Dongliu has refined two artifacts recently, they are far inferior to the Dragon Emperor's War Drum.

Temporary zero, the fleet has arrived at the predetermined position, just waiting for the avatars of the gods to return to heaven, and the restrictions will be lifted.

This time, it was the real first battle of the Storm Seagull. Previously, Gan Ning at most took the Storm Seagull to conduct various tests near the ice source. The big treasure ship was launched all over the world to show off.This time, it was the first time that the storm seagull showed its fangs in front of the world!

Before Storm Seagull, the invincible warship was the flagship of the West Sea Fleet that has been passed down to this day, and after that, it was dug out from nowhere by the Sea God Temple, and was forcibly named "Poseidon Ship".But these two super warships are obviously incomparable to the Storm Seagull in any aspect, but how strong they really are, even Wu Yi has no idea.

In the dark night, a blurry dark green underworld flame flickered on the top of the tide-watching cliff, like a strange star, and also like the light of a lighthouse guiding the direction of the ship.At this moment, the light of the gods descended again, and countless lights and shadows sank into the night sky against the light of the gods.

——System: The avatars of the gods have returned to the God Realm, and this day of God's Descend has come to a successful conclusion.


The moment the avatars of the gods left, the action began, the Sea Emperor Cannon of the East China Sea Fleet began to recharge, and the entire hull of the Storm Seagull was lit up by the magic circle.The main cannon of the Storm Seagull is called "Mie Shen-Destroy Storm", and its power will definitely make everyone dumbfounded, far from being comparable to the Sea Emperor Cannon.

Just when Wu Yi was preparing to attack, Donghai Kingdom had already taken the initiative to attack. If it was just a passive defense, Guanchao Cliff would never be able to withstand the damage. This was the first time Yunlin used the Sea Emperor Cannon to bombard Guanchao for the first time. When it was on the cliff, it had already been confirmed.Therefore, if you want to defend, you can only take the initiative to drive the enemy away.

In any case, the gate of the underworld under Guanchao Cliff is directly connected to the East China Sea Kingdom in the underworld. Even if the situation in the underworld is tense, it is very simple to mobilize part of the power, and the crossing is only a moment.At the beginning, when this plan was first implemented, Donghai Kingdom only sent a demigod, but now, there are more than three demigods just by seeing, and the undead are good at hiding. How many demigods have been dispatched.

After annexing the Ghost King City and forcibly enslaving the Demon Bone Lord, the strength of Donghai Kingdom is really not weak!

(End of this chapter)

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