The best lord of online games

Chapter 1734 The decisive battle begins

Chapter 1734 The decisive battle begins

At zero o'clock, when the battle at Guanchao Cliff started, the western and southern fronts also launched counterattacks at the same time. Let alone Sun Bin on the western front, Wang Zhongsi and Hua Mulan on the southern front were in full swing. , although the strongest is no more than a legend, but there are no demigods in the army of the undead. Even if the night is the home of the undead, under the suppression of Zhao Xueyin's Glorious Holy Grail, they will be destroyed all the way, and no one can stop them.

In this battle, Zhao Xueyin's abilities were brought into full play. The super-large skill range exists like a field on the battlefield, and its effect is stronger than that of ordinary legends. Cooperating with Xu Wei and a large number of dawn priests, it broke all the means of the undead army .With the assistance of the peak guild's men and horses, large tracts of land were occupied by the army.

This time, Wu Yi took the lead in destroying the only foundation of Donghai Kingdom in the main world, because the battlefield was too close to the Longxiang Mountains, so close that it could threaten the safety of Calabash City at any time. If not, he would definitely leave these The undead pinned down Wu Zhao!But in order to have no worries about the decisive battle with King Dongping in the future, Wu Yi must completely block the power of the East China Sea Kingdom back to the underworld!
The scourge of the undead in the Eastern Realm was temporarily pacified, and the Iron Tooth City, which had become a city of bones, was completely wiped out like a tide-watching cliff, and the next step was to build the city!At this point, Wu Yi will never shrink back. If he wants to let Wu Zhao at this time, he would be a fool!

Iron Tooth City was captured by two forces, so part of the territory was occupied by Sun Bin, and part was taken by Gourd City, but Gourd City took the land to the east, and Wu Yi planned to build the city on the flattened Tidal Cliff , almost close to the coastline, the navy can help the city share part of the pressure on the city defense.As for the peak guild, Wu Yi intends to support them in building a city further north at the mouth of the Bailong River, which was the site of the Chu army at the time, but not on the ruins of the original Dragon God City, next to the mouth of the sea!
With the support of Calabash City, the peak guild will soon be able to develop its water power. The peak guild will cut off the mouth of the Bailong River. On the one hand, it will be able to control the commercial roads entering the Northland water network. the sea.Moreover, in the future, whether the city goes north to enter the northern Great Plains, or goes south to cooperate with Gourd City to attack Wu Zhao, it will not be a problem.

The two new cities, the one belonging to Calabash City, Wu Yi has already decided on a name, and it is called "Guanhai City". The first city owner is Zheng Chenggong. Grow fast.As for the new city at the estuary of the Bailong River that belongs to the Peak Guild, after discussion between Moyun and Yan Yan, it was named "Zhengbei City". The North City is the springboard to fight back to the North!
The two new cities are rushing to work day and night. If they are fast, they can be put into use in less than five days. After all, many buildings can be repaired slowly after the fact.

Even if Sun Bin took half of Iron Tooth City, so what?Once the war starts, he will face a siege from many sides, and the crisis of the undead invasion in the east has been lifted, will Sun Bin still be assigned to sit in the east?

Of course, it is definitely not enough for Guanhai City to rely on Zheng Chenggong who has not grown up. Hua Mulan was promoted to the new city guard, and Wang Zhongsi temporarily returned to Penglai City.In this battle, Hua Mulan's "command" has successfully entered the top class. Before Wu Yi officially broke with the Hongyu Empire, it is enough for her to cooperate with Zheng Chenggong. The talent of "serving the country with loyalty" has grown slightly, but after she has purified all the land of the undead, she will go to Calabash Sky Island, where she will develop the sacred belief that belongs to Calabash City.

On the deck of the Storm Seagull, Wu Yi asked Zixu who had just come up from the lower floor with some trepidation: "How is it, Master?"

What Wu Yi was nervous about was naturally the Lord of the Devil's Bone. This is a peak powerhouse. If he can use it, this time the decisive battle between him and King Dongping will increase his chances of winning.Wu Yi also asked Shui Dongliu to think of a way, but the bastard said that if he took the shot, the enslavement mark on the Lord of the Demon Bone could indeed be resolved, but the strength of the caster would drop by one level.

If a demigod loses one rank, isn't that a legend? At this stage, legends can have a fart!One more and one less has nothing to do with the overall situation, so Wu Yi can only pin his hopes on Zi Xu.

"It's a bit tricky. I'll think about it after I go to the holy mountain for my teacher."

Waiting on the holy mountain?
The current Zixu is preparing for the critical moment of the campaign. When he goes to the holy mountain, it will probably be the time when he is absolutely sure to win the position of the leader of the formation peak.It seems that for the time being, the Lord of the Demon Bone can only be sealed and imprisoned in the deep sea prison.It's a pity that if he can find another fragment of the Phoenix Clan's clan weapon, he can go to ask for the god beast, and it is definitely not a problem to use the power of the gods to lift the enslavement mark on the Lord of the Demon Bone. However, looking for the Phoenix Clan Artifact fragments are like looking for a needle in a haystack. After one piece after another is found, it becomes even more difficult to find it again.

If you can't deal with the Demon Bone Lord, the gains from this battle will be quite limited. Guanhai City is just a single-handed arrangement against Wu Zhao. The equipment has dropped a lot, but they are all of the dark attribute, the strongest skeleton family. The family device is completely useless.Wu Yi still wanted to subdue the Great Demon Bone Lord, so it was naturally impossible to sell the skeleton family's clan weapon back to the skeleton family at this time.

Let's keep these equipment for now, don't rush to take it out and change it, and it will be used when the famous undead general grows up in the future.In addition to the family artifacts of the skeleton clan, there are also two artifacts, two semi-artifacts, and twelve pieces of legendary equipment. The artifacts belong to the Lord of the Demon Bone. If you want to subdue him in the future, the equipment must be returned to him. Wu What Yi can really control is just a semi-artifact and six pieces of legendary equipment.

When the war started in the Eastern Territory, other parties did not rest. Meng Ao of Longjiang Estuary personally led the Meng family army to attack Dorgon's camp at night. The crisis of the undead invasion had been resolved. Then after he defeated Dorgon's army, , they will march all the way to the north to reinforce the war in the north.Regardless of whether it was late at night or not, the Demon Realm army once again launched a fierce attack on the Great Wall. Even in the face of two military god-level figures, they were not at all timid.At the same time, Lian Po and Meng Wu in Xuanwu City also divided their troops into two groups and went south to suppress the rebellion.

Relatively speaking, the north affected by snow water is not in a hurry to go to war for the time being.In addition to the aboriginal forces, the player forces are also unwilling to be lonely. First of all, the Three Realms and Purgatory, the two top ten guilds that were originally a death alliance, finally completely tore their faces, and their swords and soldiers faced each other.At the beginning, the two guilds reached an agreement to compete against Cao Shen in a "peaceful" way. In the end, they missed a move in Purgatory and missed Cao Shen. The Wings of Judgment, whose resentment accumulated to the limit, directly declared war on the Three Realms. The matter is over, and it can be considered that the face of other allies has not been brushed off, and they also need a direction for expansion, and the war is inevitable.

The strengths of Purgatory and the Three Realms are pretty much the same, and there will definitely be no results in a short period of time. Moreover, neither of the two major guilds has voluntarily withdrawn from their "alliance" for the time being.Wu Yi would definitely not intervene in this kind of battle, and Changshan League would not intervene either. The rest depends on how the unavoidable Xue Miracle and Eternal will choose.

In fact, the real culprit for such a result should be Wu Yi and his Calabash City, because the road to the south was blocked by him!The Three Realms and Purgatory are both rebel camps, and they could have developed to the southwest. Xue Rengui doesn't have many troops, and he can't defend the entire southwest. However, because of the existence of Calabash City, it doesn't make any sense for the two guilds to develop to the southwest. , once King Dongping is defeated in Calabash City, the next step is to unify the south. At that time, Wu Yi will definitely not care about allies or not. Now Gan Ning brought the storm seagull down the underground river overnight, and will soon appear in the West Sea. At that time, with the help of the power of the sea, it will be too easy to take the Southwest.

In fact, to a certain extent, the Three Realms and Purgatory hope in their hearts that Gourd City will be defeated. If Gourd City is defeated, they will have the opportunity to develop to the south. Not much, at most, both sides would be hurt by King Dongping. With the background of Gourd City, even if both sides were hurt, it would be quick to recover. On the contrary, King Dongping, who was confined to the south, was far less resilient than Gourd City, which controlled the sea route.

Not only the Three Realms and Purgatory, but also Eternity. Although they used the power of Gourd City to take advantage of the previous battle against the Central Plains, they also took advantage of the situation to occupy Fengyan City. withdrew to the south.

However, Wu Yi didn't have much thought about this, the winner is king!The strong naturally have more dominance, while the weak can only choose passively, and the road will become narrower and narrower.

As soon as God's Descending Day ended, the world returned to chaos again!
As far as Dongping City did not choose to start a decisive battle with Calabash City overnight, since the other party was not in a hurry, Wu Yi was naturally not in a hurry, so procrastinating like this would undoubtedly be beneficial to him. What about the baptism task?As long as there is one more top powerhouse, he will have a better chance of winning.

Pei Min, Mao Zhong, Zhao Yun and others had already rushed to the battlefield of Hongye City overnight, and Mayi City in the north was temporarily shrunk, so Lu Bu, Ma Zhong and other strong men were also temporarily transferred to the battlefield of Hongye City. This time, Wu Yi almost overwhelmed the nine Become the main force!The demigods include Li Yuanba, Lu Bu, Pei Min, Shui Dongliu, Mao Zhong, and Zuo Ci. Although Wu Yi's mission of baptism of gods has not been completed yet, Zuo Ci has already entered the army first. While completing the task, Zuo Ci can join the battle at any time.There are even more legendary-level powerhouses, Xiao Mohe, Yang Dayan, Zhao Yun, Ma Zhong, Gongsun Aunt, Wei Zifu... In addition to historical figures, there are also many legendary-level aborigines. A demigod is only one step away.

In addition, there are members of the Fire Witch Department headed by Peng Yun, a group of Feng Shui masters supported by Zhang Yufeng, and Wang Xizhi and Wu Daozi who were originally "vacating" in Ghost Crab City.Not to mention a large number of war equipment, just three of the super-powered thunder cannons, various types of magic beams, barrier generators, and Tianhong's magic phase army are also temporarily placed in the rear as a reserve army.

This is all Wu Yi can come up with now!
On the Dongping rebel side, there are only half of the Temple of Elements left. Since the Temple of the Earth and the Temple of the Wind are still clinging to King Dongping, they naturally don't want the Dongping rebels to lose this battle, and their support for King Dongping will be more thorough than before. !However, apart from holy wars, the powers of the gods will not have the determination to die, and will always leave a way out, so the Temple of the Earth and the Temple of the Wind will fully support King Dongping in this decisive battle with Calabash City, but they will not overwhelm all net worth.

At four o'clock in the morning, under a violent earthquake, the decisive battle began, and Li Jing's army took the initiative to attack!

After all, Wu Yi was a step too late. Zuo Ci's baptism of the gods was still a tail away from being completed, but it would only take half an hour at most, and it would not cause too much impact. Zuo Ci could be used as a trump card , it will be more effective to be unexpected.

His eyes temporarily focused on the Red Leaf City battlefield.

This earthquake that almost covered the entire Hongye City was not a natural disaster, but a method of the Earth Temple. It was originally only a defense line against Wei Qing, but it was countered by the Taoist Feng Shui master at a critical moment, making the earthquake impossible. The difference affected the two armies. Of course, the range of the earthquake was magnified several times, and the power was naturally far less than the original plan.

Li Jing VS Wei Qing!

Both of them are "commanding" 99 soldiers. Li Jing will take advantage of his exclusive military book and military formation, but this advantage is far from enough to dominate the entire battlefield.On Wei Qing's side, Shui Dongliu, who landed on the shore, did not have the invincible strength he had when he was at sea, but he regained the Dragon Emperor's War Drum. The Dragon Emperor's War Drum was originally a weapon of war. It was because Wei Qing's army had an advantage.

A battle of this level will definitely not be resolved in a day. The strong will not fight desperately as soon as they come up. After the strength of the two armies is almost exhausted, the strong will be able to dominate the battlefield more easily.

And at the time of the decisive battle in Hongye City, Geng Yan from the Eastern Front also led an army to enter Dongping City again. The strong men were all concentrated under Wei Qing's command. Naturally, there were no strong men on Geng Yan's side, and the strength was only 15. , so it is completely impossible to break through the shrunken Dongping City.The purpose of Geng Yan's expedition this time is similar to the last one, to ravage the city of Dongping, plunder resources, plunder population, and plunder everything that can be plundered. At the same time, he is ready to reinforce Wei Qing at any time.

In addition, Xue Rengui on the western front and Wang Ben on Sanshanguan also sent troops one after another, intending to double-team the Dongping rebels.However, Xue Rengui led the army into Peacock City, intending to take this opportunity to regain some of the lost ground, but Wang Ben came straight to Hongye City.

(End of this chapter)

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