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Chapter 1735 The Great Wall collapsed, and the northwest was in a hurry

Chapter 1735 The Great Wall collapsed, and the northwest was in a hurry

Finally finished!
After completing Zuo Ci's baptism of God mission, Wu Yi has also completed the final preparations.Naturally, he also received the news that the Battle of Red Leaf City had begun. This battle is undoubtedly related to the life and death of Calabash City. If you win, you will be able to reach the sky in one step. If you lose, it means that the good situation will be ruined. Now, and whether I can sleep well is another matter.

No matter what, this battle cannot be defeated!

Now Wu Yi has done everything he can do, no!There is another ally that can be won, but he doesn't need to go to this matter, Huang Yueying is more suitable, he should go to the battlefield to watch.But now, he should go offline and sleep first, no matter how worried he is, it is impossible for him to guard 24 hours a day, then he will really become a fairy.

In a battle of this level, the role he can play is close to nothing, staring at it is just for peace of mind, and it won't be able to tell the winner in a moment, and in two hours, it's time for my wife to go online .

While Wu Yi was sleeping soundly, the battle on the front line of the Northwest Great Wall became more and more fierce. The Lieyan Temple, who had just joined the Demon Realm camp, was eager to perform, and immediately used his trump card when he came up.The Mitu Mountains outside the Great Wall have already been completely transformed into lava terrain by the Demon Realm. Here, the Raging Flame Temple has an absolute home court advantage. It uses the sacrificial array to arouse the power of the earth fire, combined with the endless lava of the elemental world, which arouses the doomsday-like So-so sight.

Suddenly, the Great Wall collapsed for hundreds of miles, and endless monster creatures entered the Great Wall!

This time, the Raging Flame Temple obviously took advantage of the surprise. If it had been known in advance that the Raging Flame Temple had defected to the Demon Realm, it would be impossible for the coalition forces on the Great Wall to guard against it, but such a small accident broke the balance between the two parties.The Demon Realm army brought endless lava across the border. This cannot be reversed by the strength of the army. Even if there are two commanders of the God of War here, they still cannot change the impact of the natural disaster-like environmental changes on the army.Just like an army falling into the sea, those who should be drowned will drown under the effect of the army's power, not to mention that lava is far more terrifying and lethal than sea water.

This is simply a disaster. Without stabilizing the formation and morale of the army, even a military god can do nothing.


Li Mu and Wu Qi's army was defeated all the way, so they were forced to abandon the Great Wall defense line, retreated to a position where the lava could not spread, and then hurriedly reorganized the defense line.This is not because the Flame Temple is too strong, but because the foundation laid by the previous Moyu is too good!The Raging Flame Temple perfectly took advantage of the environment to break through the impenetrable Great Wall defense line. There is only one such opportunity, and the Raging Flame Temple perfectly grasped this opportunity!

When it comes to Yingzheng, apart from the Great Wall, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor and the Twelve Golden Men come to mind, but there is no news about these for the time being, and it is not known whether the power of Yingzheng has not yet reached the casting conditions. An incomplete Great Wall is already so strong. The Mausoleum of the First Emperor and the Twelve Golden Men are not too bad. If Yingzheng ends early, the remaining two items will probably not have a chance to be reproduced in "The Prosperous Age". up.

Far away, the Great Wall has been breached, the strongest line of defense has been lost, and the situation in the Northwest has once again become precarious!The invasion of Demon Realm this time is completely different from the first time. Not only is the power invested by Demon Realm even greater, but the situation in the main world is far worse than before. Appearing in the northwest region, it will be even more difficult to regain the Great Wall defense line at that time.

All of a sudden, battle reports like snowflakes spread to the world, and letters of pleas for help were sent to the imperial capital immediately, and the power of the Holy Light City was continuously mobilized to fill the front line.This is undoubtedly worse for the Hongyu Empire. Other forces can ignore the situation in the northwest, but the empire must support it!The Hongyu Empire has lost control of the entire west, the north is still barely stable, and its control over the south is getting weaker and weaker. The decisive battle between Calabash City and King Dongping, no matter which side wins, is very important for the empire. It's not a good thing, it's best to hurt both sides.The rest of the Eastern Territory... is hard to say.

In today's entire world, even if the central region has not been affected by the flames of war, there are not a few forces that are ready to move, so the troops in some strategic places must not be taken away.If there is no way to support it in terms of military strength, then it can only support the strong!There are too many aspects that Hongyu Empire needs to deal with right now, how much can the strong one take out?

Fortunately, the invasion of the Demon Realm is also a hidden danger for Zhang Jiao, so at this time he did not send troops to the north to cut off the back road of the Northwest Theater, but just watched the fire from the other side and waited for the refugees going south to deal with Lian Po's invasion.

If today's world is still ruled by the Hongyu Empire, then in the face of the invasion of the Demon Realm, everyone will fight against the Demon Realm with one heart, but in the current troubled times, there are too many people who do not respect the Hongyu Empire. People are willing to consume their own strength for the sake of the so-called righteousness. For all forces, every strength is to transform into a greater advantage. No one wants to go into this muddy water.

As the sun rose, countless waves of black smoke rose from the northwest land. The large expanse of lava caused the temperature of this territory to rise for no reason. The armies of all parties were struggling to stop the demon army, but they did not wait. With any reinforcements, the battle becomes more and more unfavorable. The Demon Realm relies on its absolute superiority in strength and does not go head-to-head with the coalition forces at all. It continues to expand from the side. The logistics army in the rear begins to invest resources in some important areas. While transforming the environment, Build a city on one side.

Obviously, Moyu intends to fight steadily and erode the Northwest land step by step. As long as they still have the advantage of the home environment, no matter how they play, it will be beneficial to them.

Wu Yi slept until noon, and the food was warm in the pot. Obviously Zhao Xueyin left it for him. After eating in a hurry, he went online.Teleport from Calabash City to Treasure Moon City, and then from Treasure Moon City to the Red Leaf City battlefield.

As the day of God's Fall passed, the Doomsday God's Battlefield was reopened, but Zhao Xueyin was not in a hurry to go to the Doomsday God's Battlefield to gain merits. She was also very worried about the war here, so she joined Wu Yi's shift to join the battle.

"What's going on?" When Wu Yi arrived, Zhao Xueyin was setting up the "Heaven's Gate" magic circle in the rear. She also knew the iconic skill of the Temple of Light, but with her strength, she wanted to support this ultimate goal. The skill is very difficult, so it needs the cooperation of the magic circle.The enemies this time are not undead, so the two skills attached to the Holy Grail of Glory are far less useful than "Heaven's Gate". Anyway, even if you summon a group of "cannon fodder", they can still play a certain role, otherwise the bright Why does the temple use this skill in almost every battle?
"The main forces of the two sides have temporarily stopped fighting. Now it is the partial army that is fighting. The opponent hasn't played any cards yet. They can barely withstand it."

The main force of the two sides, that is to say, the Chinese army led by Wei Qing and Li Jing, with the strength of Bing Sheng, can destroy some demigods, so when the main forces of the two sides confront each other, both demigods are very cautious.But when it is not necessary, the main force of both sides will not fight to fight for endurance. When it really hits, it means that the strength of both sides may be on the verge of exhaustion, unless they have absolute confidence in their strong lineup. Hitting that level is too risky.

When the two sides are resting and fighting against each other, the strong have more room to play. It is common for you to come and go with each other to make some insidious tricks to take advantage of some small advantages.

"Don't be afraid, the other party's hole cards have not been played, so our hole cards have not been shown as well! It is good for us to hold on for a while, and it will be beneficial to us if we procrastinate." Wu Yi's words are definitely not nonsense, because the position of King Dongping's power, once The decisive battle will inevitably be attacked from all directions. The longer it is delayed, the greater the loss will be. Wu Yi dares to assert that as long as it is delayed for half a month like this, the forces of King Dongping will fall apart!

Wu Yi's idea is very simple, just procrastinate as long as he can, just as he still has some arrangements that have not been completed.

"By the way, the Great Wall in the northwest was opened by the demon army, and the defense line of the Great Wall has been lost." Zhao Xueyin suddenly mentioned something about the northwest. Wu Yi didn't pay much attention to that area recently. It's too far away. He's okay.

"What!? How come, wasn't it fine before? Why was it suddenly breached?" The reason why Wu Yi was so nervous was entirely because of Li Mu. He is Li Mu's back route, so he has great hope in the future. Those who accepted Li Mu, but died in battle like this, those are all empty talk, look at the unlucky Wei Liao who died before, missed the wave of God's Descending Sun, and have not arranged for resurrection until now, this is just a soldier, if For the God of War, it will be even more difficult.

Such characters, in the hands of players, are completely capable of changing the power structure in an instant. Naturally, it is impossible to send out batches of them casually like super-class characters.

"The Flame Temple has joined the Demon Realm camp! Judging from the information, the current situation in the Northwest is very difficult. If Yingzheng has no follow-up cards, it is likely to be completely destroyed."

Yingzheng, Qin Shihuang!
This player feels like, bull!He has too many auras that other people can't match. Although Xiang Yu is extremely strong and almost invincible now, most people are still more optimistic about Yingzheng, including Wu Yi.Will he be finished so easily?
"It's a pity! If it wasn't for our side at a critical time, Zhu Rong was also borrowed by the Wu Clan, otherwise Zhu Rong could have been sent to help Li Mu." Wu Yi said with some regret.Although he has special feelings for Qin Shihuang, if Yingzheng is really going to end like this, he can sigh at most. What he thinks is that it would be perfect if he can take this opportunity to bring Li Mu back to Calabash City.

The lava environment is the home field of the Demonic Creatures and the Flame Temple, and it is also the home field of Zhu Rong. She is going to the Northwest Battlefield, and she will be really strong. Not to mention, at least at the critical moment, there is still a great chance to save Li Mu's life.Although the value of the God of War is much higher than that of the God of War for a certain force, the reason why the God of War is not as good as that of the God of War is that it relies too much on the army. Once there is no army, the probability of not being in the chaos is at least [-]% above.

It's a pity, now he really can't find suitable people to support Li Mu, and he only hopes that Li Mu will not fight too hard.

While Wu Yi and Zhao Xueyin were chatting, the Chinese army started to gather again under Wei Qing's order, and they may join the battle again at any time.Leaving aside the Chinese army for the time being, the two partial armies on the Calabash City side are led by Shi Tianze and Zhebie respectively. The generals on the side facing Dongping City will definitely not suffer a disadvantage, but the key lies in the confrontation of the high-level combat power of the two sides.

In the confrontation between partial armies, Wu Yi can't play any role, so he still plans to follow the Chinese army to eat a big pot. As for how to enter the legendary level, he has asked Zixu and Shui Dongliu respectively before, but the answer he got was All the same, there is no shortcut for the God Chosen, only by constantly challenging the limit.In other words, it is to constantly participate in the strong battle, as long as you accumulate more, you will always cross that line.

Therefore, this decisive battle is also an opportunity for Wu Yi to advance to a higher level!
And when the battle in Red Leaf City became more intense, the Eternal Guild also went south. It is true that as long as Calabash City defeats King Dongping, they will have no way to develop in the south, but this is not the victory yet!They wanted to take advantage of this perfect opportunity to grab a wave in the southwest. The cities in the southwest still belonged to the Hongyu Empire. In order to plunder better, the Eternal Guild raised the flag of rebellion and jumped to the rebel camp.

This time, Li Yunlong didn't want to occupy much territory. He just wanted to plunder more supplies, more people, and talents in various fields. Pen, fill fill the foundation of the guild.As for the matter that was agreed at the beginning, to help the Purgatory Guild fight the Three Realms, the meaning is good, what good is it for them to help Purgatory fight the Three Realms?The power distribution of the three guilds from north to south is Three Realms, Purgatory, and Eternity. In other words, Purgatory is just stuck in the middle of the two guilds. Yes, it may be swallowed back by purgatory at any time in the future. The current Three Realms is a good example.The Three Realms and Purgatory consume each other, which is of great benefit to Eternity. If these two guilds are not weakened, how can Eternity have such a chance to rise?
And when the Eternal Guild went south to plunder, the Central Plains was also about to move, but they didn't want to take the opportunity to plunder resources, they wanted to take this opportunity to break through the blockade of the empire's defense line and open the passage to the north.

Sanshan Pass!
Now Wang Ben has led the army towards Hongye City. As long as they take this opportunity to take Sanshan Pass, it is tantamount to reserving a retreat. Once the situation in the south is unable to recover, they can use Sanshan Pass to withdraw from the south at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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