The best lord of online games

Chapter 1736 Wang Ben's Chapter Horse Spear

Chapter 1736 Wang Ben's Return Carbine
——System: You are blessed by the drum sound of the dragon emperor's war drum, morale +25%, damage immunity +10%, and the attack comes with 1% extra dragon damage and 1% water damage.


The confrontation between the Chinese army started again, and the two gods of war fought fiercely high above the battlefield. Every time they collided, the entire battlefield would shake slightly.The Dragon Emperor War Drum is an artifact of war. It has to be said that its effect on the battlefield is very outstanding. The double 1% extra damage seems to be a very low value, but because it is a percentage bonus, the stronger the bonus target, the more natural the effect The stronger it will be, the more valuable it is than a fixed value.This is only a positive state for the friendly army, and the drumbeat will also have a stronger negative state for the enemy army. With this increase and decrease, the gap will be widened.

When the two armies are at a stalemate, the war returns to the soldiers again. They strive for superiority on the frontal battlefield and weaken the upper limit of the strength of the army that the enemy's commander can mobilize. As long as the advantages can be continuously accumulated, there is a chance to lock victory.As far as the configuration of the army's arms is concerned, Calabash City is stronger. Whether it is the average level of the arms, the types of the arms, or the characteristics of the arms, they are all higher and richer.

Amidst the resounding sound of the Dragon Emperor's drums and drums, Wei Zifu and Li Shishi also brought their respective legions to do their best, as well as Zhao Xueyin's konghou performance, and the drum warriors of the original Drum Tower City... all kinds of sound waves Department of attack echoed on the battlefield.The sonic attack has always been the most extensive of all occupations. In terms of the development of vocal units, Gourd City has never stopped. Now the three types of units, singing, dancing and music, can barely be regarded as one of the characteristics of Gourd City. It's just that Jing Hong Wu Jian Ji usually won't play in the first battle.

If the deployment of troops in Calabash City is comprehensive, then the strongest troops of the Dongping rebels are the earth and wind magic troops!The Temple of the Earth and the Temple of the Wind fully supported King Dongping in this decisive battle. Not only did they send a large number of strong men to the town, but the army also provided support. Otherwise, how could the strength of the Dongping rebels recover so quickly.

The fierce battle between the two sides was bloody, and the tragic atmosphere became more and more intense. The air forces of both sides have also been dispatched. The Dongping rebels are Flying Dragon Knights and Black Eagle Knights. The number is not large, but there are a large number of magicians. Hang and beat.The air force configuration here in Calabash City is a bit messy, such as Griffin Knights, Five-Colored Peacocks, Celestial Daoist Soldiers... especially Five-Colored Peacocks, this is the heart of the magic department. After cleaning up with the Black Eagle Knight, the five-colored peacock is absolutely smashing against the legion magician!
The "Gate of Heaven" arranged by Zhao Xueyin did not show up at this time. Not only her, but also the many Fengshui formations, and the backhands arranged by the Fire Witch Department did not move. Wang Xizhi and others were also waiting for more. A good opportunity, an opportunity to make a final decision!The same is true for the opponent, it is not the time for the final decisive battle, so don't rush to use these backhands.

Wu Yi mixed in among the Celestial Daoist Soldiers, and directly opened the "Nine-breathing Supreme Method" to guide the Nine Heavens Thunder. Now that he is fighting with a large army, he doesn't need to think about skill CDs or mana control issues. When the strength value is reached, it is time to rest. There is no need to play the whole game if you don't play.

There are many legends and a large number of holy rank powerhouses in the two armies, and even if the soldiers are fighting with the gods of war, they can take care of the army with the power of the army at the same time. The power of the army can resist the skills of some strong men. There are also attacks from war equipment, especially war equipment. The war equipment in Calabash City is quite exaggerated. If there is no protection from the army, it will definitely be a terrible disaster for the soldiers.

As his attributes get higher and his equipment gets better and better, Wu Yi's combat power is also rising in a straight line. Now, under the premise of no outsiders disturbing him, he has been able to guide eleven lightnings of the Nine Heavens, and the damage is definitely enough Letting the powerhouses of the legendary level change their colors, killing the legendary is not a problem.It's just that in the battle of the strong, there is generally no chance to give him time to hold back his big move, and fighting the strong is not like fighting an army. When the soldiers in the army are facing an attack, they often want to avoid it. way to avoid!
The roaring thunder dragon bombarded the yellow cloud with the power of the army one after another, breaking up many of the army's power. As long as it can consume the power of the enemy's army, even if it can't destroy an enemy, it is not a loss, after all The strength of the army is directly related to the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the entire army, and is related to the endurance of the upper air force God of War.

Why hasn't Wang Ben arrived yet?
Wu Yi, who had depleted his skill points, retreated from the front line. If the two sides did not intend to put the victory on this battle, it would not be long before the two sides had to retreat again.Although Sanshan Pass is not close to Hongye City, but with the marching speed of top famous generals, it should not be far away now. If Wang Ben is approaching, can Li Jing retreat?Aren't you afraid that all the rear troops will be taken away?

This is not to blame Wu Yi for thinking too much. According to the normal situation, Wang Ben should indeed play a role right now, but what he doesn't know is that Wang Ben is not only not approaching the battlefield of Hongye City, but is getting farther and farther away. .

Just as Wang Ben led his army overnight to help the Red Leaf City battlefield, at dawn this morning, the Central Plains, led by Du Yu, dispatched the main force to attack Sanshan Pass.Now Brother Jin is like a frightened bird. Although Wang Ben is far from reaching the peak of his potential at this time, no matter how Wang Ben attacked Sanshan Pass when there was Wang Ben, now Wang Ben leads the army to leave. In his opinion, it is the best timing.Although Sanshan Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the characteristics of the military fortress make the city defense of the pass stronger, and the defense advantage is greater, but without Wang Ben and the main force guarding the pass, what else is he afraid of?
In Jin Ge's heart, winning Sanshanguan has become the starting point for the Central Plains to rise again!It was precisely because of this that he gave up the cities in the southwest that were almost undefended at this time.

However, the defense of Sanshan Pass was stronger than he expected. Even if the guard Wang Ben was not there, he was extremely tough. What surprised him even more was that Feng Changqing was replacing Wang Ben to guard the pass!Although this famous general in the Tang Dynasty was far inferior to Wang Ben, he was still a famous general in any case. He played a defensive battle in a satisfactory manner and played the city defense of the pass to the fullest.

However, even if Zhulu Central Plains is now squeezed out of the top ten guilds, but the old man is still there, it is absolutely impossible to defend Sanshan Pass with only Feng Changqing and less than half of the defenders!
However, just as Du Yu commanded the army to launch offensives again and again towards Sanshanguan, Wang Ben, who was supposed to have entered the battlefield of Hongye City at this time, appeared like a ghost, blocking the back road of the Central Plains, and will be in the Central Plains This main force was blocked at the Sanshan Pass.

Wang Ben actually shot back at this time!
It's not surprising that Wang Ben, a famous general at this level, has the ability to "cross the sea without concealing the sky" and "passing through the warehouse secretly". It's only because Zhulu Zhongyuan didn't expect Wang Ben to feint at this time!You know, in order to prevent Wang Ben from returning to aid Sanshan Pass, Zhulu Zhongyuan waited until this morning to attack Sanshan Pass. Who would have thought that they would fall into Wang Ben's trap completely, and Wang Ben would come so timely. Obviously It is certain that they will take this opportunity to attack Sanshan Pass. Wang Ben's previous scene of rushing to help overnight was just a time to lure them into the bait.

The growth rate of the village is not too slow recently, but it is still not as good as Wang Ben who graduated as the number one graduate of the Military Seminary. Strong guard?The army of the Central Plains, who was blocked at the Sanshan Pass, did not have the right time, location, and harmony, so how could there be a chance of a comeback.

Another disastrous defeat made Brother Jin extremely desperate, and he couldn't figure out why one of the top ten guilds suddenly couldn't get along!
Du Yu died in the battle, Tai Shici died in the second battle, Ju Yi died in the battle, Ji Chang died in the battle... This time the loss in the Central Plains was greater than ever before. The back road was completely sealed off, and they would definitely be wiped out before the Sanshan Pass this time, but even so, they only escaped a remnant army, and the main force of the elite was completely wiped out.

It was said before that the comprehensive strength of the Central Plains is much stronger than that of the newly reorganized Peak Guild, but after this battle, the guild's ranking really has no water at all.And this battle completely wiped out the last hope of making a comeback in Brother Jin's heart!

Now that they are competing in the Central Plains, if they want to move away from the south, there is no other way but the teleportation array, why don't they go?If you continue to stay, it will be nothing more than a slow death. In the end, no matter whether King Dongping will rule the south or Calabash City will rule the south, no other forces will be allowed to exist, even allies!There are only two roads before Brother Jin. One is to completely attach to King Dongping. The resources and talents in his hands can be arranged and dispatched at will by King Dongping, and the rights of the aborigines are completely abandoned, and only the player guild is retained.But there is one problem, that is, the current King Dongping has not yet defeated Calabash City. If King Dongping loses in the subsequent decisive battle, the result will definitely be worse than now.

The second is to take advantage of the value of competing in the Central Plains now, and sell the entire guild as a package, but to whom?Who is going to take over this mess at this time?It is inevitable that the price will be lowered. The problem is that even if it is a big fire sale now, it may not be able to sell it!As for selling to Calabash City, it's not like Brother Jin didn't think about it. Graces belong to grievances, and business belongs to business. Who would have trouble with money?But now the peak guild has been secretly poaching members of all levels of his guild, coupled with Calabash City's status as the hegemony in the south, it is better to use force to annex the Central Plains than to spend money to buy it!
The loss of this defeat is too great, and the impact is too great. He, the guild leader, can no longer hold back. People in the guild will become more fluctuating, and the shareholders of the guild will probably be even more eager to plan their way out. .Being a guild is like this. Maybe it will develop very quickly, but the power will be extremely dispersed. Unlike Calabash City, most of the famous generals are under the name of Wu Yi, and only a few are conquered by Zhao Xueyin through tasks. Anyway, they are husband and wife , no inconvenience.But the guild is different. The historical celebrities in the guild may come from many players, and these players are all high-level or shareholders of the guild. Once these players leave, they are likely to take away those famous generals that belong to them.

At this time, it is necessary to fight for loyalty. The lord with the greatest power and power will definitely be based on the territory, even if it is a guild.In one faction, no matter who the famous generals originally belonged to, they have to obey the orders of the lord in name. If there is trouble to the extent of "separation", the lord will take advantage of it, because those famous generals who do not belong to the lord originally, It is very likely that the object of allegiance has been transferred during this period of time. At this time, even if it was the famous general you subdued, you will not be able to take it away.Of course, there is another possibility, that is to poach famous generals with low loyalty. If successful, they may also take away more people when they defected from the guild.

This kind of thing is all by means, and now the Central Plains is obviously on the verge of collapse, even if it goes to the north?Too many forces have been crowded in the north, and there is no room for them to survive.Now the only one that still has time to develop is the Central Territory, but even if you borrow the skin of a small guild in the Central Territory, change your face and jump back to the Empire lineup again, it is impossible to return to the top.

Therefore, under all kinds of internal and external troubles, it is inevitable that the Central Plains will fall apart, and what remains will depend on which forces can carve up this former top ten guild!
The Central Plains has collapsed to the end, and there is no way to recover. Naturally, the peak guild will not miss such an excellent opportunity to strengthen itself. The East China Sea Kingdom has been cleared from the main world. Pulled to the southern battlefield to make a fortune, but they are far away, and they won't be there for a day or two.Guild executives like Mo Yun and Yan Yan have never stopped poaching the Central Plains. Now that such a major event has happened in the Central Plains, they will naturally follow up immediately and increase their poaching efforts.

His eyes turned back to the Red Leaf City battlefield again. After a fierce battle, the two sides retreated in tacit agreement again, and returned to the defense line with the corpses of their soldiers who died in battle.Now neither side is sure of winning, so they are playing very cautiously.The reason why King Dongping is not in a hurry to decide the outcome with Calabash City at this time is because he is still negotiating with other forces and wants to win more reinforcements at this time to increase the chances of winning the decisive battle. For the interests of the entire south in the future, King Dongping will naturally make a big promise, and it is certain that several parties will be moved by him.

Wu Yi also didn't sit still. When Huang Yueying acted according to his plan, he also sent a mission to the Daomen holy mountain to ask for help. You must know that if he wins, the entire Great South will be the unique belief area of ​​Daomen in the future , at this critical moment, how can the Taoist sect not show more sincerity.

Wu Yi didn't know King Dongping's plan, but if his plan went well, the winner would be decided within two or three days!

(End of this chapter)

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