The best lord of online games

Chapter 1740 Cleaning up the south and preparing to build a country

Chapter 1740 Cleaning up the south and preparing to build a country

King Dongping fled to the south, the overall situation in the south has become clear, and the world is shocked!If there are no other changes in the future, there is at least a [-]% chance that Gourd City will unify the south. Once Gourd City completes this step, there will be a third vassal power second only to Hongyu Empire and Jinlang Kingdom!Even if the final battle is not over yet, Calabash City has squeezed into the ranks of first-class forces with its strong hard power.

A large number of captives were captured by the Calabash City army, and the armies from all walks of life attacked the rebel towns everywhere like a race. At the same time, the Eternal Guild, which had invaded the southwest by taking advantage of the chaos, also slowly returned to the seal with a large number of captives and supplies. Yancheng, due to the failure of the attack on Sanshan Pass in the Central Plains, the Eternal Guild has also jumped to the rebel camp. Naturally, it is impossible to pass Sanshan Pass, so they can only migrate westward from Fengyan City. Go around to the west, and then turn back to the territory.This not only takes a lot of time, but also requires a lot of contacts, otherwise, there is no way to be safe along the way.

In the south now, there is no soil for the rebels to survive!
Although the Eternal Guild will carry out a terrible long march, the worst thing is to compete in the Central Plains. No matter how miserable the Eternal Guild is, it will at least make a fortune. However, the migration plan before the Central Plains has failed, and it is difficult for Brother Jin to maintain the guild. He can only take a group of high-level talents he can master first, and flee to the north through the teleportation array. Now no one dares to buy it in Jiuding City, even if it is a jumping price, no one wants it. As for using the teleportation array to transfer civilians, it is a complete loss. business.

Before the decisive battle between Calabash City and the Dongping rebels was decided, many high-level members of the guild could still wait and see, but once the Dongping rebels were defeated, these people couldn't sit still!They didn't want to go to the north with Brother Jin, which meant that most of the guild's foundation could not be taken away, they couldn't bear it!Since you don't want to leave, you can only surrender. Surrendering to the Hongyu Empire is meaningless, unless the Hongyu Empire sends more troops to the south, no, even if it is to increase troops, it will not work. There must be another soldier who can resist Wei Qing God, otherwise the whole south will change hands, it is only a matter of time.

Therefore, if you want to reduce the loss as much as possible, you can only surrender to Calabash City or the Peak Guild!
In the power system of Calabash City, apart from Wu Yi and his wife, there are no more players, so players who join Calabash City will be placed in the Sky Eye Studio or the Peak Guild, so it doesn’t matter who they surrender to, anyway, in the end They will all be placed in the peak guild.

Prisoners of war, rations, armaments, ordnance... After a large amount of spoils were sorted out, they were transported to Dongping City in batches.Dongping City is also a first-class city, but Wu Yi didn't change the seat of government. Even if he wanted to change it, he would have to wait for the construction of the empty island in the future and Jianguo to move the capital directly. Moreover, in his opinion, Dongping City is no better than the Calabash City he developed carefully. powerful.

Wu Yi also returned to Dongping City along with the logistics army. The first thing to repair the city was to repair the teleportation array. When the teleportation array was reopened, Kou Xun also came to Dongping City at the first time. He will preside over the restoration, governance, development, etc. of Dongping City.The current Kou Xun is only one step away from being super first-class. As long as he completes the work of Dongping City, it will not be a problem to step over that threshold.

The growth of the internal affairs officer is too slow, but it is not only the Hulucheng family, all forces are like this!But it will be fine in the future. As the territory becomes larger and larger, the growth rate of the chief political officers in various places will naturally be greatly increased. That is to say, in fact, the growth rate of the internal affairs officer is not only related to his own potential, but also related to The scope of his governance is related to the size.In the past, Wu Yi didn't have many territories, and at most, he would let these people manage a city, but it will be different in the future. His next goal is to clear up the entire south. With enough growth platforms, those talents under his command will naturally be able to Grow up quickly.

In addition to ordinary prisoners of war, the captured high-level generals were also escorted to Dongping City one after another. In the current prison, Li Cunxiao, Lu Junyi, Wu Mingche, Xiong Tingbi, and dozens of aboriginal generals have been imprisoned.Because when Geng Yan captured Dongping City before, King Dongping had already taken the important personnel who stayed behind to evacuate through the teleportation array, so the civil servants had almost nothing to gain. In addition, the nobles held a considerable part of the power of King Dongping. , so the proportion of aboriginal generals in the army is also unusually high, and many of them are "true nobles" who only occupy the pit, no matter what they do, and have lieutenants in battle!
Li Cunxiao was Li Yuanba's old opponent. At the moment when the battle was decided, Li Yuanba would naturally not let him run away. In addition, the lord had repeatedly explained that the strong can capture as much as possible.In terms of speed alone, Li Cunxiao is faster than Li Yuanba. There is no way, who made Li Yuanba's whole body of equipment weigh as much as a mountain, but there is a fast runner in the middle, Lu Bu!

Under the joint pursuit of Li Yuanba and Lu Bu, even if Li Cunxiao had a desperate heart, he would be beaten until he could not take care of himself.

In addition to Li Cunxiao, Zuo Ci, who fought in the first battle, also captured a strong demigod, but he was an aborigine and belonged to the Fengshen Temple.The rest are just some legendary powerhouses, and Wu Yi is not unwilling about this. The demigod is the top combat power at the moment. Except for siege, it is impossible to capture alive unless he can be crushed in a single fight .

In fact, Wu Yi wants Huang Chao more than people like Lu Junyi, Wu Mingche, and Xiong Tingbi!After all, there is no shortage of generals at this level in Gourd City, and they are not irreplaceable. On the contrary, Huang Chao, this guy has a special ability to recruit troops, which can greatly shorten the time for training and forming an army. This is what Wu Yi needs most at the moment.

However, Huang Chao didn't participate in the battle of Hongye City, nor was he in Dongping City. He was the conscription governor personally appointed by King Dongping, and he didn't know where he fled to now.

It's useless to be anxious now, as long as Huang Chao hasn't escaped from the south, there is still a chance, and, even if King Dongping is not dead, he has already given up the entire southern foundation, the army is completely lost, and the generals are also lost More than [-]%, in today's world, there is no room for him to make a comeback. Next, King Dongping has no other choice but to live under the fence. The power of King Dongping, with his withdrawal from the south, Li Jing's defeat In an instant, it was destroyed.

Therefore, the captives who were captured, except for those who had a deadly feud with Calabash City, would be relatively easy to recruit. As long as he gave them a step, these prisoners would definitely not refuse.

The only pity is that none of the Three Heroes of the Wind and Dust participated in the battle of Hongye City!
Just when Wu Yi was full of sighs, the materials he needed were also delivered from Calabash City by special personnel. Next, he was going to take advantage of this time to use the strengthening opportunity rewarded by the system. Anyway, with the guarantee of the system, it was 100% successful , so he plans to add more messy things into it, maybe there will be unexpected gains!

As for those who died on the battlefield, the historical figures originally belonging to the rebel army, under the demigods and soldiers, all went to the platform of prayer. Wu Yi had already missed the opportunity and would not fight anymore.Now the super-class historical celebrities who died in battle will no longer be on the redemption list of the Doomsday God Battlefield, but will go directly to the Tiantai. There is a special team squatting in front of the prayer platform, there is no calabash city, but there is a pinnacle guild.

"It's still mainly thunder-attributed materials. It's easier to get top-quality attributes by taking the specialization route. This is the experience gained by those blacksmiths in the territory." Wu Yi used the strengthening opportunity rewarded by the system, a huge eight-sided The shape, light and shadow instantly appeared in front of him, and the light and shadow were densely covered with complicated textures.

Wu Yi placed the Tiangang Thunder Sword in the center of the light and shadow, and then put pieces of materials he selected into the light and shadow. The incomplete Thunder God Oracle must be indispensable.

"It's almost the same. Seventy or eighty pieces of materials have been added. Although there is a system to back it up, it is definitely impossible for the magic sword to be strengthened into a hammer. But according to the normal situation, if so many materials are added, the final one will come out. It’s still in the shape of a sword, but it should be as big as a door panel, right?” Seeing that there are still a lot of materials at hand, Wu Yi thought for a while and gave up the idea of ​​continuing. Anyway, the rest are just ordinary goods, which are dispensable s things.

——System: Please confirm the materials you put in again. After the enhancement is activated, it will be irreversible.


After Wu Yi confirmed it, the huge round of light and shadow began to rotate and shrink rapidly, and finally formed a blue-purple light cocoon to wrap the Tiangang Thunder Sword in the center. ringing sound.

Wu Yi stared nervously at the light cocoon in front of him, which is the key to his further strength!
——System: Congratulations on strengthening the legendary "Tiangang Leifa Sword" to the artifact-level "Thunder Emperor-Sealing Magic Sword".

"So fast?" Wu Yi was a little surprised, it was really unexpectedly fast, it only took about 1 minute after the enhancement was turned on!But this time the enhancement also achieved his goal, the Tiangang Thunder Sword, oh no, it is now the "Thunder Emperor - Sealing Magic Sword".

The sound of thunder and lightning fell silent, and the cocoon of light dissipated slowly, revealing a three-foot magic sword with a silver thunder pattern. The lines of the sword body were slightly curved, and it was more fierce and majestic than before.

Thunder Emperor—Sword of Sealing Magic (artifact): Attack +950, ​​Taoism effect +100%, skill consumption -30%, thunder system Taoism level +1, ignores 45% of the target's defense power and various special defense effects, Can guide nature to drop lightning as an attack.Each attack has a 35% chance to have special effects "seal the devil", "exorcise evil spirits" and "dark thunder".Lightning domain effect +25%, "intelligence" attribute bonus effect +10%.Comes with skills "Thunder Descends" and "Thunder Emperor Oracle".Equipment requirements: Taoist occupation, demigod.

Seal Demon - Seal all basic skills of the target for [-] seconds.

Exorcism - 50% chance to remove a random beneficial status from the target.

Dark Thunder——For targets blessed with this state, the damage received from lightning-type Taoism will be increased by 25%.

Thunder King's Advent——Status 300: Thunder King is possessed, within 100 seconds, the effect of Thunder Taoism +50%, the casting speed of Thunder Taoism +50%, damage immunity +24%, and the skill interval is [-] hours.State [-]: Lei Jun's avatar consumes all of its skill points (minimum [-]), and summons Lei Jun's avatar to descend. The combat power of Lei Jun's avatar is proportional to the "intelligence" attribute of the caster, and it is subject to domain bonuses. The duration is proportional to the skill value consumed by the summoning and the "intelligence" attribute of the caster, and the skill interval is [-] hours.

Thunder Emperor Oracle - in the name of God Lord Thunder Emperor, endow all our members on the battlefield with the ability to attack with additional thunder attribute damage. To activate, a certain proportion of thunder attribute resources will be consumed, which lasts for three hours.

It has to be said that an artifact is an artifact, and its attributes are far from comparable to legendary equipment. With this "Thunder Emperor—Magic Sealing Sword", Wu Yi's combat effectiveness will undoubtedly be a little stronger.In particular, the state of "Sealing Demons" has been preserved, which is simply the restraint of legal professions!Although it only seals basic skills, not all skills, the reason why basic skills are called basic is because they are used frequently and consume little energy. Long enough for a round of eruption, what happens after the eruption?Still have to rely on basic skills to play output.

The state of "Sealing Demons" will undoubtedly seriously disrupt the enemy's fighting rhythm. Don't underestimate the mere five seconds. Sometimes the winner and loser, life and death are decided in an instant. If the character is too bad, The basic skills will probably be sealed until death.

"Thunder Emperor Oracle" is considered a war-type skill, and it is not used on weekdays, but I don't know how to consume it.In general, Wu Yi is quite satisfied with the results of this strengthening.

However, what is embarrassing is that the "Thunder Emperor-Feng Magic Sword", which has been upgraded to the level of an artifact, has also been upgraded to the demigod level. Wu Yi, who has just entered the legend, needs to give "Thunder Emperor-Feng Magic Sword" "Magic Sword" plus some seals can be used normally.With the seal, the relevant attributes will naturally be weakened to a certain extent, and the divine weapon attribute that has been upgraded to the eighth level is also temporarily invalid because the Tiangang Thunder Sword is strengthened to "Thunder Emperor-Sealing Magic Sword" and needs to be completed again. The relevant divine soldier missions can continue to be opened, but with Wu Yi's reputation, it shouldn't be a problem to keep him in the eighth-level divine soldier status.

These are not a problem. Next, he has a lot of time to slowly do the task of magic soldiers, and the copy of "Road of the Counselor" of the super-class strategist. If he wants to win the whole south, he needs to take it step by step. This does not require him Don't worry, grab the land you can grab now, and it won't be too late to digest it for a while before proceeding to the next step. After all, the strength of Calabash City is also not small this time, and all major areas need to be filled.As long as he occupies the entire south, he should have enough territorial fortune to cultivate dragon veins and complete the first step of nation-building!

Clean up the south and prepare to build a nation!This is his main goal next, and everything will revolve around this.

(End of this chapter)

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