The best lord of online games

Chapter 1741 The temptation of the king, the contract of destiny

Chapter 1741 The temptation of the king, the contract of destiny
"Boss, can we replace Lu Junyi with Wu Mingche?"

"Have you thought about it?"

"Think it over, think it over, and change to Wu Mingche."

"OK then."

Huang Chao, who led a group of defeated soldiers into the mountains, was finally dug out by the people of the peak guild. Although Wu Yi was a little regretful, he was his own after all, so it would be good to change it, anyway, the meat would be rotten in the end In your own pot.Originally, Wu Yi planned to use Lu Junyi, the number one fierce general in Liangshan, as an exchange. Although the heroes of Liangshan have certain limitations and upper limits, they are no different from other heroes of the great era, like Lu Junyi, who is known as the number one fierce general in Liangshan. Potential, the most outstanding aspect of "force" may not reach 99. Even with the bonus of territorial potential, it will take a lot of time and resources to become a demigod, but there is absolutely no possibility of reaching the top. Not being able to become a peak powerhouse is not indispensable for the current Calabash City.

Originally, Wu Yi also thought that the pinnacle guild didn't need a strong commander, and it was enough to have Li Dingguo to support the scene. Anyway, they have been fighting behind Calabash City for a long time.However, since they wanted Wu Mingche, Wu Yi didn't object. It didn't make much difference to him whether to trade Lu Junyi or Wu Mingche.

Although Wu Mingche is one of the 72 famous generals in the Wu Temple, he is a little transparent, and his record is more defeats than victories. Calabash City already has enough commanders who have the potential to stand alone in the future. He has no more resources for Wu Mingche. up.For example, Wei Qing, who has reached the top and is developing towards the road of invincible commander, Geng Yan, who is only one step away from the "Sage of Soldiers", and even Lu Bu, who only needs to reach one hundred in "force", and can also achieve super-flowing feces in "command" Barely stand alone, let alone Huo Qubing, who may double the hundred in the future.Even Hua Mulan, with the blessing of the territory attribute, has the possibility of reaching the top, but her growth is a bit late, and Wu Yi will tilt her resources to Huo Qubing, so Hua Mulan can only wait.

Next, with Huang Chao, the progress of Calabash City's conscription will be much faster. As long as the troops in each major area are replenished, the next step can be taken.

The harvest in the south is still going on. During this period, Dongyue City has been crying to Wu Yi from top to bottom. Feng Sheng, who originally occupied Dongyue City, was also packaged and sold by these officials and returned to Dongyue City. Shi Tianze on the battlefield accepted it easily.

So far, Wu Yi has won the five cities of Dongyue City, Dongping City, Hongye City, Nanyue City, and Jiuding City. Jiuding City will gain more benefits, but how could Wu Yi agree, Jiuding City is already in his pocket, how can he spend money to buy it?The negotiations between those high-level and peak guilds in the Central Plains are still going on. Wu Yi did not participate, but he has the right to deny the result. No matter what the two sides negotiate, if Wu Yi is not satisfied, he can directly veto it.

Wu Yi did not give up the Nine Cauldrons City to the Peak Guild. He would not let go of even an inch of land in the south. After receiving part of the power from the Central Plains this time, the power of the Peak Guild will soar again and break into the top ten. It is not a problem to be listed, and he can completely support the peak guild to go to the north for development.

After recruiting Huang Chao, Wu Yi also casually gave him the title of Conscript Commander, and asked him to use his ability to recruit troops from city to city. This time Wu Yi had to win a large number of territories and a large population , The next conscription pressure is not great.

"My lord, Grand Duke Yunlin has arrived in Calabash City and wants to see you!" Just as Wu Yi was arranging some captives who had just surrendered in Dongping City, Xun Yu sent someone to send the news.


Why did Yunlin meet him at this time?Do you still want to persuade him to be loyal to the Hongyu Empire?He is God's chosen one, and he doesn't have any special feelings for Hongyu Empire.As for Yunlin, even though it was an exchange of benefits, he also helped him a lot. Let’s see each other. He had already withdrawn the people who had been placed in the empire before, but he was afraid that the emperor would vent his anger on these people if it took too long. .

Wu Yi hadn't seen Yunlin for a long time, and even the last cooperation was made by Zhenhai City's deputy city lord.Seeing Yunlin again, Wu Yi felt that the old duke who had devoted himself to the Hongyu Empire was getting older, like a candle in the wind, which might go out at any time.It's a pity that no matter how hard he tries, the Hongyu Empire will never return to its former glory. All this was doomed when Emperor Wu fell. This is not Xiao Chenguang's problem. it's the same.

"Grand Duke, it's been a long time. You have to take care of your health." Wu Yi said this sincerely, without even half a sarcasm.

"Hehe, I don't have two years to live with my old bones. If I don't take care of myself, it's the difference between two more days and two less days." Yunlin laughed at himself, looking a little lonely.Wu Yi understood his mood at this time very well. After all, the Grand Duke was conscientious and dedicated to the empire, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see any hope.

Yunlin sorted out his mood, then changed the subject, and continued, "I came to see you this time because I want to make a deal with you."

"Deal? Oh, what deal?" Wu Yi was a little curious. With his current strength, the Hongyu Empire continued to make deals with him, which was undoubtedly seeking skin from a tiger.

"The empire grants you a kingship, but the condition is that you must be loyal to the empire forever!"

Wang Jue?

Wu Yi was a little surprised. Apart from the fact that Hongyu Empire had a king with a foreign surname when it was founded, there has been no king with a foreign surname since then. Kings with a foreign surname like Prison King were also inherited from that special period.Not any country can be called an empire. Only the existence that dominates the world has this qualification. For example, the East China Sea Country and the Golden Wolf Country can only be called kingdoms. The prince of the empire just has more power, and of course there must be other benefits, such as dragon veins, the attributes are definitely not simple, and it is by no means comparable to the illusory territorial fortune.

But having said that, after all, the title of prince is within reach, but the founding of a country is still far away.

Wu Yi never expected that the Hongyu Empire would throw a prince to him directly!
"Grand Duke, even if I say that I will be loyal to the empire, do you dare believe it?" Wu Yi smiled slightly. A prince is indeed quite attractive to him. After all, the attribute of the battle flag of power given by the mere title of Marquis of Pingdong is already enough. Not bad, let alone Wang Jue.But Wu Yi felt that it was definitely more than just what Yunlin said, loyalty?This thing can’t even be seen on the attribute panel. Today’s loyalty and tomorrow’s rebellion happen almost every day. As for the agreement, it’s just a product of compromise. As long as there is enough strength, it can be torn at any time. significance.

"Of course I don't believe it!" Yunlin replied bluntly, but then added: "Since His Majesty has made such a choice, he must have prepared for it long ago. This is a contract of destiny. Once signed, both parties cannot violate it, otherwise they must pay the corresponding price." You are God's Chosen One, it's ridiculous to talk about loyalty with you, so it's better to add a heavy insurance, with the contract of destiny, everyone will have no worries."

Destiny contract?What is this?
After Yunlin's explanation, he finally understood what the so-called destiny contract is. To put it simply, it is a system contract. The rights and responsibilities of both parties, as well as the price to be paid for violating the contract, are all written into the contract. If there is any problem, it will be enforced by the system.However, the contract of destiny is very rare, even the gods cannot make it. Only a very few have been handed down from before the age of the gods. It is said that the Ning clan, the prison king of the Hongyu Empire, signed the contract of destiny with the Hongyu Empire in the first place. A hereditary king, so even if the Ning family has a different heart, they can't directly jump out to rebel against the Hongyu Empire. I just don't know if there are any loopholes in the original contract. The Ning family supports it now. Liu Bei, maybe it's the way to break the situation from the side.

The same is true for the Liu family of Shenyu City, otherwise why would the Liu family control Shenyu City, which is known as the second imperial capital, for generations?Liu's method of breaking the situation is even simpler. Separate the family and directly remove Liu Bang's family tree. This will give Liu Bang some benefits, and will not let the entire family be tied to the chariot of the Hongyu Empire.

However, Wu Yi is the chosen one, and there must be more restrictions written into the contract. Otherwise, as soon as the Hongyu Empire handed over the entire south to him, he could transfer the territory to his wife and continue to build the Hongyu Empire On the contrary, Xiao Chenguang was really angry and vomited blood.

There are two choices before Wu Yi, one is to go to the Imperial City of the Empire and sign this destiny contract with Xiao Chenguang face to face, then he will be the prince who owns the whole south!The inland is divided into nine parts: East, South, West, North, Southeast, Southwest, Northeast, Northwest and Central Region. As long as Xiao Chenguang accepts the olive branch thrown by him, then Wu Yi will own the whole area including Southeast, Zhengnan and Southwest. The south is a huge fiefdom equivalent to three-ninths of the entire world.However, correspondingly, he also had to send troops to help the Hongyu Empire put down the rebellion in the entire north and west. Once the contract was signed, there was no other way if he wanted to work hard.

Two, naturally he just refuses and continues his path of striving for world hegemony. However, this is tantamount to tearing the face off with the Hongyu Empire in advance. He will definitely get the name of Dayi first.

Wu Yi thought about it for a long time, and finally shook his head, "I'm sorry, Grand Duke, these conditions are too harsh, please forgive me for not agreeing."

Since there is an opportunity, why not try hard to get it!Anyway, it's just a game, how can Wu Yi be willing to be a "watchdog" prince.Xiao Chenguang doesn't need to give it to the whole south, he has the strength to take it himself!Even if the Hongyu Empire can draw another military god-level figure to the south to stabilize the situation, it will only be a delay. The longer the battle, the faster the empire will collapse.

The best way for the Hongyu Empire to break the situation now is to lose its indifferent face, take the initiative to abandon some hopeless theaters, and concentrate its efforts to quell the rebels one by one.The background of the Hongyu Empire is far from comparable to that of the Donghai Kingdom and the newly-built Golden Wolf Kingdom, and it is still very strong even now.Of course, it cannot be said that Xiao Chenguang has no courage, but his method of ascension to the throne is a bit dishonorable, and since he ascended the throne, he has lost his country and territory again and again, and almost all the famous generals of the older generation were killed in battle. There is friction on the ground, and the whole empire is not of one mind. Sometimes it doesn't matter what he says.

"You really don't think about it anymore? As long as you sign this contract of destiny, the whole Nanfang will be your fief, and it will be hereditary!" Yunlin's face was a little ugly, but he still didn't give up and wanted to be the ultimate good fight.

"Grand Duke, isn't it a little ridiculous for you to talk about hereditary succession with me, a God Chosen?" Wu Yi shook his head. No matter how real a game is, it is a game after all, and it will end one day. The title passed to his son, and then his son to his grandson?The Penguin has no heritage value, let alone this.

"In that case, this is for you. This is what I promised you at the beginning. I am no longer the lord of Zhenhai City. In the future... there will be no time for us to meet again." After finishing speaking, Yunlin stood up with a gray face. , and handed Wu Yi a volume of imperial decree.

"I'll see you off!" Wu Yi took the imperial decree and didn't open it immediately. Since the lord of Zhenhai City is no longer Yunlin, it can be regarded as breaking his last ties. The city will be the first to fall.

After sending Yunlin away, Wu Yi sat in the flower hall and drank alone. The imperial decree Yunlin gave him was only one sentence, pacifying King Dongping, the emperor rewarded him for his merits, and raised his title to Duke, titled "Dongping". Duke Dongping!If he had previously agreed to the deal with the Hongyu Empire, then he would be the new generation of King Dongping.

Even now, Xiao Chenguang has taken advantage of him and named him "Dongping"!This is to use him as an example for the world. As long as those rebellious kings are put down, they can get the same treatment as him.

The duke title that he dreamed of at the beginning has no meaning to Wu Yi now, let alone just an empty title of duke, even the battle flag of power has not been replaced, let alone the reward, even a gold coin nothing.This time Wu Yi rejected the olive branch offered by the emperor. Everyone knew what was going to happen next, and even the last bit of extravagant hope had been shattered.

Now he needs time to digest the results of this battle. Similarly, the Hongyu Empire also needs time to prepare for his next massive expansion. It depends on when the real war breaks out.

(End of this chapter)

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