The best lord of online games

Chapter 1742 Get on the bus in Xiaoyue City

Chapter 1742 Get on the bus in Xiaoyue City


After sending Yunlin away, Wu Yi speeded up his arrangements. Before that, he had too many little tricks secretly, and it was not too secretive. On the side of righteousness, then simply flip the cards earlier.Anyway, now he also has the advantage of the geographical advantage. The increase and reinforcement are faster than the empire, and the conscription can be done step by step. His troop allocation is not complete. Does the empire have much troop strength in the south?

In addition, the north has already passed the impact of the long snowstorm, and the vast plains have once again revived, and the lush grassland has become the best granary for the herdsmen.However, the natural disaster has passed, and the war has come again. The development of Calabash City in the north cannot always be stagnant. War is the best resource for the growth of famous generals. Next, Wu Yi will do his best to train Huo Qubing. Naturally, he cannot be dragged down because of the south. To grow, the high-level arrangements for each theater need to be completed in advance.

All the captives of the Dongping rebels captured before have surrendered, including Zhang Fu, who has been detained in the Hulucheng Prison.

Wu Yi in the north does not plan to release too many people for the time being. Huo Qubing, Li Zuoche, Lu Bu, Ma Chao, Zhebie, Pei Min, Li Xiaogong, and Li Mi are Lu Bu's military advisers for the time being. The north does not need to expand the territory for the time being, and mainly plunders. So there will be no Armageddon involving millions of troops.Moreover, Ma Yicheng is presided over by Ma Zhou, and has been promoted to a second-class city at present, and the guard is Li Xiuning, who has already been promoted to a super first-class city.In fact, Li Xiuning also participated in the battle against the East China Sea, but not as a commander. Her own fighting power is not very good, so she has no sense of existence, which makes her feel no pleasure in revenge. When she repeatedly asks for the destruction of the East China Sea, she must To take her.

In this regard, Wu Yi is also quite helpless. Now all the remaining power of Donghai Kingdom is in the underworld, and the intelligence of Calabash City is seriously lagging behind. Maybe Donghai Kingdom will disappear sometime soon.However, Wu Yi still agreed. After all, including the potential bonus of the territory, Li Xiuning hoped to grow to the level of "Soldier Saint".

In addition to the north, there is also the east border, where Sun Bin has been presiding over the construction of the defense line, and no one dares to underestimate the existence of Sun Bin.However, Wu Yi's next priority is to clean up the south, and the deployment of the eastern border will remain unchanged for the time being. Zheng Chenggong is in charge of the navy of Guanhai City under construction, Hua Mulan is the guard general, and Wang Meng is temporarily transferred to Guanhai City. On the one hand, there is no crisis for the time being, and we just need to keep our heads down and develop. It is enough to have a fortune-telling to shield external forces. After all, the location of Sky Island is changing all the time. Shui Dongliu can temporarily invite you to Guanhai City.In addition, Wang Zhongsi still guards Penglai City.

Once war broke out in the east, Guanhai City would definitely be the enemy's first target. Otherwise, if Sun Bin sent his troops south to attack the capital of water or Penglai City, he would definitely be cut off by the garrison forces of Guanhai City.Wu Yi is very aware of the gap between a super-class commander and a soldier saint, not to mention that Hua Mulan has only just stepped into super-class, but Guanhai City is close to the coastline, and with the assistance of the navy fleet and Shui Dongliu, it is still possible to block Sun Bin's attack Yes, and, as long as the Kraken doesn't cause trouble in the East China Sea, Yu Dayou's main navy can also support it at any time.

As long as it can stop Sun Bin for a while, it is enough. When the south is settled, the initiative will return to his side, not to mention that there are still people from the Tianzunguan line in the east.He turned against the Hongyu Empire, and the Taoist sect is at most like dealing with Zhang Jiao, issuing a so-called arrest warrant, and those who should support secretly will still support. Now the Taoist sect still maintains contact with the Hongyu Empire, and only divination Supported.

As a Taoist sect of the state religion, how could it be possible to support Xiao Chenguang who stood behind the Temple of Light!

The rest is the south. First, Geng Yan led Xun You, Li Cunxiao, Shi Wansui, Cheng Yaojin, Wang Bodang, and Zhao Yun all the way, and they will target Xue Rengui all the way.In addition, for the time being, Shi Tianze is in charge of the military and political power of Dongyue City, the newly descended Zhang Fu is in charge of supervising the construction of Antao New City in the ruins of Antao, and Geng Gong is stationed in Jiuding City.The rest of the power is all in Wei Qing's hands, and he must concentrate his power to deal with Wang Jian or other military gods who are likely to come.

The mobilization of high-level officials only takes half a day at most, and the new troops recruited by each city gather towards Hongye City. Calabash City captured a large number of prisoners of war in the previous battle. As long as these prisoners of war are retrained, they will soon form an army.Once they turn against the Hongyu Empire, the first to start the war will not be Wei Qing here, but Zhenhai City!Zhenhai City is already the only city controlled by the Hongyu Empire in the southeast. Rising Sun City has already surrendered secretly, the high-level power has been taken over by the people of Hulu City, and Zhenhai City has been "surrounded" by Wu Yi's forces.

Under such circumstances, Zhenhai City has no vitality. The essence of Zhenhai City is the East China Sea Fleet, but now the East China Sea Fleet has been closely watched by Yu Dayou. There is no way to retreat!At that time, as long as the Navy cooperates with the Sea Clan Legion in Calabash City, there is a great chance of forcibly taking over the East China Sea Fleet.

After everything was arranged, Wu Yi rushed to Xiaoyue City. If he wanted to fight for world hegemony, he had to absorb more forces for his own use. After all, the Undercurrent Temple is too weak to be considered a collaborator at all. It is attached to Calabash City, and it is precisely because of this that Wu Yi usually takes good care of the Undercurrent Temple in Shuidongliu. After all, he has a great dominance over the power of the Undercurrent Temple.

At present, there are only two real cooperation, that is, the Hai Clan and the Dao Sect. The Witch Clan is not counted for the time being, but Zhu Rong is in the middle as a link. The relationship between the two parties is very close, but now he has enough power to pull him together The witch clan is not a big problem, after all, the clan land of the witch clan is also a special space under the poisonous dragon pool at the southwestern end.

Going to Xiaoyue City this time, Wu Yi intends to formally send an invitation to Xiaoyue City!Since Xiaoyue City entered and exited, intending to avenge, and intending to pass on the mechanical arts, it is impossible to be alone in this troubled world, and everything in Xiaoyue City is built on the powerful mechanical arts, and the mechanical arts rely far less on materials. Stronger than conventional forces.

What should Xiaoyue City do if they want to obtain resources?Either be a "mercenary" like before, or occupy an area by yourself, organize puppets and demons to dig, or simply support a puppet force.However, it is too late for Xiaoyue City to develop on its own or to support the puppet forces. After all, the ordinary population is at most a labor force for Xiaoyue City, and the resources they need are relatively extreme. To support the human race, they need Well rounded, they don't have the talent for that!
Therefore, it is an excellent opportunity for Wu Yi to come to the gate now. Before Xiaoyue City agreed to join forces to break through Dongping City, it was an excellent high-end.

"City Master Wu, I wonder how you think about my previous proposal?" On the top floor of the central tower of Xiaoyue City, Wu Yi and Wu Shaoyang, the city lord of Xiaoyou City, started another round of secret talks.In fact, when Huang Yueying came, she had already brought Wu Yi's meaning, but Xiaoyue City didn't agree at that time, she just said that she had to think about it, and finally agreed to join forces to break Dongping City first.

"Lord Wuyi should have heard about my affairs in Xiaoyue City, right?" Wu Shaoyang didn't answer Wu Yi directly, but instead asked.

"That's right, but the specifics are not clear." In Wu Yi's view, the problems in Xiaoyue City are all old legacy problems. They don't fight for hegemony or develop their beliefs. As long as they have enough strength, it is not difficult to solve them. It is far easier than cooperating with those god-type forces. After all, the god-type forces also involve the division of belief areas.

He has already committed the entire south to the Daoist sect. Excluding the two seas, it is equivalent to three-ninths of the entire world, so it is doomed that it will be difficult for him to win over all the gods.Unless he can unify the world in the future, the remaining powers of the gods may be forced to bow to him. Leaving aside the already disintegrated Elemental Temple, the Temple of Light and the Temple of Underworld both want to dominate the world's beliefs. Taking advantage of the opportunity in Calabash City, they will never come to Calabash City to eat before the general situation is settled anyway. They actually have the strength to compete for the position of the state religion, why not fight for it?
"We have three enemies in Xiaoyue City. If the lord is willing to cooperate with us, he must accept this blood feud." Wu Shaoyang said in a tone that has not changed for thousands of years.

"Three? Which three?" Regarding Xiaoyue City's enemies, Wu Yi only knows two. One is the Raging Flame Temple who has already devoted himself to the Demon Realm and is currently making troubles in the northwest, a hereditary prison king of the Hongyu Empire. The only foreign surname is Wang, the Ning family.The blood feud between them is doomed that they cannot coexist. Wu Shaoyang now makes it clear, that is to say, if they accept Xiaoyue City and their enemies, even if they surrender to Gourd City in the future, Wu Yi will not It is unacceptable, let alone form an alliance with it, even if it is an expedient measure.

Wu Yi felt nothing about the Raging Flame Temple and the Ning clan. The Ning clan had always been extremely low-key, and they had only sent one or two demigods to come forward several times. The specific strength was unknown.But he probably knows the situation of the Flame Temple. He wants to win over the Witch Clan and raise the Undercurrent Temple under him. Naturally, he will not want any of the Four Elemental Temples.

"There is also the Zhao family. Most of the forces that framed me in Xiaoyue City have disappeared in the long river of history. Now there are only these three families left."

"Which Zhao family?" Zhao is the most common surname, and there are quite a few big families with the surname Zhao in the Hongyu Empire.

"Qingping City Zhao Clan!"

"Zhao Clan in Qingping City?" Wu Yi is still unclear. Qingping City is just a small city in the central region, and I haven't heard that there is anything special about it. What kind of big family can there be there? What Wu Shaoyang said is probably The location of the other party's ancestral land.It doesn't matter if you don't know the details of the other party, as long as it is not an existing force under his command, how can a family be stronger than the Hongyu Empire?He is going to create a rebellion against the Hongyu Empire now, what is there to be afraid of if there is another deadly enemy.

"No problem! Xiaoyue City helps me fight for the world, and I will accept all your blood feuds!" If you want to take off faster, you must get the support of more forces, and there must be no internal chaos. It was because those forces that supported him were fighting for power internally that they missed the best time. If the Temple of Elements had made up its mind earlier, King Dongping would have ruled the south long ago.

From this point of view, Xiaoyue City is undoubtedly the best ally. They only have five decision makers, and they will not interfere with the internal power of Calabash City, nor do they have the energy to do so.Although the five puppets in Xiaoyue City are all demigods, none of them are top-notch in strength. They focus more on mechanics, so the battle depends more on Xiaoyue City itself.And they don't want to use Xiaoyue City to take the lead. Once they encounter a crisis, they are likely to be destroyed again. Therefore, it is undoubtedly the best choice to cooperate with Gourd City. Five demigods, plus Xiaoyue City, plus a huge army of demons , The ability to cooperate in combat is absolutely first-class, like this sneak attack on Dongping City, it is absolutely impossible to guard against.

"The lord is really domineering! We have no objection to the cooperation with the lord. As long as the lord provides us with enough resources, we will definitely cooperate with all our strength." The title can be heard, but because of the conversion to the puppet family, there is really no change in tone and voice.

"Of course!" Xiaoyue City needs to create an army of demons, and the resources it needs are mainly minerals. Wu Yi is about to take over the entire south, and he has some sea resources. It is not difficult to support Xiaoyue City.

With the addition of Xiaoyue City, even if the Hongyu Empire drops a military god to the southern battlefield in a vacuum, the outcome will not be changed in any way, on the contrary, it will hurt its own foundation even more.

"By the way, I wonder if I can buy some mechanical technology from Guicheng in the future?" Wu Yi asked suddenly.

Although Huang Yueying has been doing her best to research, there is still a huge gap with Xiaoyue City's mechanical technology. After all, Xiaoyue City's technology has been accumulated through countless generations, while Huang Yueying has only one person. What the puppet clan bought was not their top technology.The role of mechanics in war is still not small, especially war equipment. If it can have a crushing level advantage in war equipment, then the navy can ignore the role of the commander to a great extent. The same is true for city battles, city defense battles, and field encounters.Powerful war equipment, to a certain extent, can gain a considerable advantage in the strength of the army. Facing the artillery fire, it is impossible for you to block it without the strength of the army. As long as the opponent consumes the strength of the army Above this, that is the advantage.

It has been a long time since Calabash City has made a breakthrough in terms of war equipment. Now that it is on the same boat with Xiaoyue City, it is natural to try to go further in cooperation in other areas.

"Yes, after all, Yueying is also our disciple, and that child has the potential to surpass us."

 There is no reduction in updates. It used to be two chapters with [-] words in each chapter, but now it is [-] words in one chapter, and the number of words in the daily update has not changed.

(End of this chapter)

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