Chapter 1752
——System: Geng Yan successfully captured Molten Fire City, leading +1, awarded the title of "Siege City and Looting Land", and the prestige of the territory increased by [-].

——System: Geng Yan's "command" attribute reached 99, the title "Super-class Famous General" was promoted to "Soldier Saint", and he successfully comprehended the commander skill "Combined Vertical and Horizontal", his talent grew, and his reputation increased by 25.

It was already the next day for Geng Yan to pacify Molten Fire City. At this time, Wu Yi had once again arrived at the Battlefield of Doomsday God, following Wei Huo and his group.

The south has been completely pacified, and the rest is just a matter of time. It is a surprise that Geng Yan can take advantage of the trend and step into the Holy Land of Soldiers.If it wasn't for the fact that the south hadn't eaten, Wu Yi would have wanted to transfer Wei Qing to the east, and take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of Wu Zhao as well.But I really can't eat it. When King Dongping swept across the south, the population of the south had already dropped sharply. To defend the south, a large number of troops were needed, not just Sanshan Pass.

At this time, the more land he occupies, the easier it is to arouse the hostility of the various forces.At the moment, in everyone's subconscious mind, the Xiao royal family is still the master of the world. If he seizes the Eastern Territory at this time, he will occupy nearly half of the world. When that time comes, those rebels will still Do you want to fight against Hong Yu Empire?At that time, he was the enemy of the world!

The current Calabash City is still far from the strength to fight alone in the world. If it wants to expand, it must first digest the south and consider it after the founding of the country.The matter in the Eastern Territory is not in a hurry. Wu Zhao has been left far behind by him. This difference is far from being able to be reversed by a few top historical figures.At this time, Wei Qing must sit at the Sanshan Pass to block all enemies going south and allow enough time for Calabash City. However, Wei Qing can't go to the east border, but Geng Yan can!
Now that Geng Yan has reached the Bing Sheng Realm, even if his foundation is a bit worse than Sun Bin's, but relying on the advantage of the location, he will definitely not lose.It's good to be stable, now Wu Yi doesn't want to think so much, as long as stability is enough.There is nothing wrong with the main world now. He only has a one-day rest period on the Doomsday God Battlefield. If he doesn't come back, he will have nothing to do with military power.

It just so happened that he was not needed in the main world, so he temporarily focused on the battlefield of the Doomsday God, and just waited for the result.The negotiation between Wei Huo and the Red Moon Clan has been completed. The two parties will cooperate in the expedition, regardless of priority, but the Red Moon Clan has the right to choose the battlefield and the timing of evacuation.What's more, for this expedition, the Red Moon Clan also assigned [-] angels to Wu Yi's command. In this way, Wu Yi is equivalent to controlling an army of [-] angels, which is not a small force.

"Why do you have so many more people than before?" Wu Yi developed Wu Jiutian and Li Yunlong more than three times the number of troops when they led the expedition.

"You are now the commander-in-chief of an army of [-]. If we don't increase the size, you won't be able to drink a sip of soup even if you hug your thighs." What's the difference between skeletons?In the previous battle, not only did Wu Yi get huge benefits, so did they. The rewards far exceeded the resources they invested in. Naturally, they wanted to do something bigger this time.

"Haha, you really know how to say it." Wu Yi smiled. It doesn't matter if you increase the size, it can also be useful on the battlefield.

"By the way, with the addition of the Red Moon Clan this time, what kind of target should we find suitable for?"

"Who knows, just follow along, we don't need to worry about this."

"It's true that we don't need to worry about this matter, but what I'm worried about is that this time our strength is twice as strong as last time. I'm afraid it will not be easy to meet the enemy next time. This risk..." Wu Jiutian said with some worry .On the current battlefield, Hades Fortress holds the dominance. Although they come out like this, although they have the advantage of strong mobility, once the enemy comes to them, they will definitely not be weak.

"The timid ones are starved to death, and the bold ones are starved to death. Now we are just hugging our thighs and have no right to speak." Wu Yi also understands Wu Jiutian's worries, but if he doesn't want to take risks, how can he get a windfall.

"That's right, Miss Wu, it's too late to say these things now."

The three of them murmured softly along the way, the first encounters were small groups of wandering enemies, they were completely crushed, without the slightest pressure, they couldn't even stop their speed, they pushed all the way!The strongmen of the two strongman groups were scattered in the [-] angel army. With them, Wu Yi didn't have to worry about using the strength of the army to deal with sudden sneak attacks all the time.

Crushed all the way, the army kept turning, and went deeper and deeper into the north, into the control area of ​​the Hades Fortress, the army hardly stopped for a moment.

At this moment, the heavy death sky above turned into the face of a demon god, roaring and pressing down.


For a team like theirs that harvests in the outer battlefield, it's okay if they don't make a big fuss, but if it does, there will definitely be a special pursuit team to surround them.After that, it is no longer that they are looking for the enemy everywhere, but the enemy is looking for them. In this way, the risk is greatly increased, and the efficiency is also improved.

As the face of the demon god in the air was pressed down, the strong men from the Red Moon Clan and Wei Huo's side broke away from the range of the army and soared into the sky. Areas, barriers, seals, and various high-level defenses were built into one piece. A defense system like a barrier.Wu Yi also immediately mobilized the strength of the army and summoned the God of War.

Although he has just stepped into the threshold of a first-class commander, with the addition of various titles, he is already close to the super first-class level in terms of the strength of the army. This is the benefit of a high-level title. The key to the gap lies.

The military god of war summoned by the commander is generally related to the commander's own occupation. The military god of war summoned by Wu Yi is also a Taoist priest in appearance.However, the ability of the military god of war is based on the military combat system. Even if the appearance is a Taoist priest, the skills will not be pure, and it is absolutely impossible for super long-range skills such as Jiuxuan Jianqi and Jiuxiaoshen Thunder Curse to fall on the military combat system of the military god of war. God's body, otherwise it is invincible!
The military God of War summoned by Wu Yi only inherited three skills from Wu Yi, one is the "rejuvenation technique" of the recovery system, the other is the "Square Magic Array" of the formation system, and the last one is the "five skills" of the attack system. Thunder God Sword Art".If we only talk about the effect on the army, his military strength is definitely not as good as those pure commanders. Moreover, there are few commanders in the legal system, but he has an advantage in fighting against the strong.

The skills based on the military god of war are definitely stronger and sharper than Wu Yi himself, like the "Four Square God Soldiers", if it is Wu Yi's deployment, it will take time, unless it is a formation map, but the military god of war can do it with a wave !It's a pity that his "command" attribute is still too low. If he can reach a super first-class level, then it won't be a big problem for him to use the power of the army to kill demigods.

With the attribute bonus of the title "Inverting the Universe", in fact, he can follow Xiang Yu's path, that is to bless himself with the power of the army, and [-]% of the other three famous general attributes can be added to "intelligence" In fact, he has a better foundation, whether it is personal combat effectiveness or the ability of a strategist.

The face of the demon god, under the impact of many demigods, has been washed away before falling down, and a large area of ​​the surrounding death sky is instantly evaporated, and a large number of black shadows are exposed. These mysterious black shadows have a unified system Equipment, on the black background, there is a round of silver moon shadow.

Youyue Legion! ?
The Youyue Legion has a higher ranking and stronger strength in Hades Fortress than the Poison Curse Legion they encountered last time.

The battle became intense in an instant, and the surrounding death curtain filling the "hole" in the center couldn't shrink at all, and then large pieces were evaporated, and the collision between domains burst into bright light, the space was turbulent, the earth trembled, and the moon The legion's regular army had to be forced to give up its absolute home field, out of the scope of the death sky, and away from the battle zone of the strong.

Four or fifty demigods are fighting fiercely, let alone a first-class commander, even a soldier saint will have a hard time!

The Youyue Legion wants to suppress the battle zone of the demigods, but those people of the Red Moon Clan are really fierce. Relying on their natural abilities, they are basically stronger than most of the human races of the same level. The strong man of the Red Moon clan is the arrow, directly dragging the battlefield of the demigod to the high sky.Except for the demigod, the legendary and holy ranks have stayed, and they will assist the legion in the battle.

Legends and holy ranks, this is a very strong force, but to be honest, their joining is not a good thing for the army. The legends and holy ranks on their side are left behind, and the same is true for the other side. Ordinary soldiers are destructive, just the aftermath of the battle can kill a whole lot.

In order to strengthen the angels and increase the power of the army he can obtain, Wu Yi did not intend to procrastinate, and directly took out the projection scroll of the "Dawn Shrine", and all the angels immediately used a bottle of holy water under his order .Under the shroud of the projection of the Dawn Shrine, the Angel Legion burst out with terrifying power of holy light in an instant.

[-] troops!
Even if Wu Yi has a family background, it is quite difficult to arm all these angels, and it still hurts!Most of the concentrated holy water was on Zhao Xueyin's body. He didn't want to provide a bottle of concentrated holy water for every [-] angels, but three bottles of ordinary holy water were still necessary for each angel.He doesn't care what Wu Jiutian and Li Yunlong think, he must first establish an advantage in the battle situation.

The Youyue Legion was killed from the sky of death, and it wasn't the whole Youyue Legion that came, it should be divided up to surround them. That is to say, this battle must not be delayed, and the follow-up troops of the Youyue Legion will catch up if it is delayed for a long time. Now, regardless of the battle of the strong above him, the army battle above him will definitely be fought to the end!

The angel legion erupted with endless holy light. Standing in the projection of the Dawn Shrine, the God of War, who was standing in the projection of the Dawn Shrine, had a golden thunder light flowing all over his body. On the enlarged version of "Thunder Emperor—Magic Sealing Sword" in his hand, the thunder light soared into the sky, and five golden thunder sword shadows Flying out, it fell into the Youyue Army, followed by the Thunder Sword Shadow and exploded, bursting out into a sea of ​​thunder.

Immediately afterwards, a sun-like light wheel appeared behind the God of War, and phantoms of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu appeared in the four directions of the battlefield. Above the phantoms of the four holy beasts, there was a huge, like Physical swords, guns, swords and halberds.

The Quartet of Divine Soldiers!

After completing the two skills, the military god of war instantly scattered a golden cloud, covering the entire angel army.This is Wu Yi taking the initiative to dissipate the strength of the God of War, two skills are enough, and then he must use the strength of the army to protect the army, which is more important than attacking.

The Youyue Legion that rushed down crashed into the vast sea of ​​attacks, but with the protection of the army, the loss was far less than imagined.The legends and saint ranks of both sides fought fiercely around the army, and the commanders of both sides would use the strength of the army to protect the strong to a certain extent.

The "Sifang Divine Formation" is still functioning continuously. Youyue Legion wants to break the formation, while Wu Yi's powerhouses are protecting it with all their strength. Almost all the legendary powerhouses of both sides are piled up around the phantom of the Four Holy Beasts.As long as this big formation exists for a moment, it can widen the gap between the two sides by one more point!The strength of the Youyue Legion in front of you is not much more than that of Wu Yi, as long as the first wave breaks out

At this time, Wu Jiutian and Li Yunlong also took action one after another, leading their people to the periphery of the battlefield, and a large number of cannon fodder launched suicide attacks. These people were temporarily transferred from the main world, and they did not require levels. "Floating" skills, even if you can fly, you don't even have one or two pieces of equipment on your body, as long as you "send" the items into the range of the Youyue Army, it is considered a complete mission.

Every guild has many such cannon fodder trumpets, and the pinnacle guild is the same. Even if they act together, Wu Yi basically doesn't care about the pinnacle's affairs, so this time, the guild also brought a lot of cannon fodder trumpets over. Chances are, they also want to make more money.Although the military exploits cannot be traded, the military exploits earned by these trumpets can be used to exchange for materials and resources, and invested in the next battle.


As soon as they fought, Wu Yi had an absolute advantage. As long as this situation lasts for a little longer, the Youyue Legion will have no chance of turning around.It's not a question of saving now, the angel runs out of one bottle of holy water, and then connects to the second bottle, never waiting.

But at this moment, in the demigod battlefield above, a full moon like a silver plate hung high in the void, and the quiet moonlight fell, and the sacred power was immediately suppressed, and the power of the dark attribute appeared in a considerable increase, especially It is a skill of the Undead Resurrection Department, and it has been greatly increased.When the full moon appeared, in just a short period of time, a large number of undead of all kinds were resurrected and summoned to the battlefield. The soldiers resurrected were all cannon fodder skeletons, and the strong resurrected were also strong, including saints. tier, legendary tier skeletons, ghosts, and bone dragons.

Is this... Mingyue?

But it doesn't look like it!Is this the prototype of Mingyue?
At the beginning, he saw the angel of death who looked like a winged angel in the Doomsday God Battlefield, and now he saw the shadow of the moon that was three points similar to Mingyue.

(End of this chapter)

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