The best lord of online games

Chapter 1753 Tragic, 2 losers

Chapter 1753 Tragic, both sides hurt

Under the shadow of the dark moon, the battle strength of the Youyue Legion instantly increased, and each undead was covered with a layer of water-like brilliance, carrying a layer of strange sacred aura.

This round of moon shadow is too eye-catching, it strengthens not only ordinary soldiers, but also the strong.But after this division of troops, there is not even half of the Youyue Legion, and the powerhouses allocated are not the opponents of Wei Huo and the Red Moon Clan after joining forces. Since they have an absolute advantage, the powerhouses above naturally cannot Any variation may be tolerated.

A round of red moon then rises, and the red moon and the dark moon coincide. The two different moonlights cancel each other out, and the light is dim. Finally, a scene like a total lunar eclipse appears. The center is like a black hole, leaving only a circle of faint light. halo.Mingyue failed, and the legion battle below was once again brought back to the original situation by Wu Yi.However, even if it is an absolute advantage, the Youyue Legion is still fighting to the death. To put it bluntly, the purpose of this part of the Youyue Legion is to procrastinate, and when the entire Youyue Legion arrives, it will be the time to decide the outcome.

It's just that they can drag it until then?

From time to time, strong men fall from high above the sky, and the holy light fills the entire battlefield, crushing, absolutely crushing, whether it is the battle of the strong above or the legion battle below.On Wu Yi's side, he used all his strength to protect the army, and tried his best to protect the army from the influence of the surrounding legends and holy rank confrontations, so as to reduce losses. After returning, the twilight barrier will inevitably replenish his troops, but this will affect the settlement score, so Wu Yi would rather consume more supplies than keep these angels as much as possible.

The duration of three bottles of holy water is only 3 minutes, but in these 3 minutes, after the opponent's cards are broken, it is enough to form a crushing trend.Wu Jiutian and Li Yunlong have returned to Wu Yi's side again. They have done what they should do, and the next step is to harvest, so they don't need to supervise the battle.

Fortunately, none of the undead soldiers had morale, otherwise just this desperate atmosphere would have collapsed the army.It won't take long, 5 minutes at most, and this battle will be declared over. There are not many strong men left in the Youyue Legion, and even if they want to run, they have already lost their chance.

But at this moment, the death sky in the west violently churned, and something seemed to fly by at high speed.

So fast? !

Unexpectedly, the reinforcements from Youyue Legion would come so quickly!

"You finish!" After discovering the enemy's trace, Wu Yi made a decision immediately. Now the remaining enemies have no resistance. The strength of Wu Jiutian and Li Yunlong is enough to end the battle. The enemy's reinforcements have entered the battlefield. Now It is obviously too late to leave, so we can only continue to fight!

Due to the advantage of crushing before, the loss of his angel army can be said to be minimal, with less than [-] deaths in battle, which is already quite rare in a battle of this scale.

Wu Yi's discovery of the enemy's trace was completely a secret reminder from Luo Mengxin above, so when he changed his formation, the strong above had already taken out their trump cards to block the arrival of enemy reinforcements.A hurricane arrow rushed into the death screen. After the arrow passed by, a tornado raged, and a large area of ​​the death screen was violently torn apart. The separated death screen could not be closed for a long time.


The cyan arrow light exploded deep in the death sky, and the huge storm that exploded instantly emptied a large area of ​​the death sky, and the figure of the enemy appeared from it. It is not difficult to see from the standard equipment on those soldiers that this support army also belongs to the Youyue Army!
A round of "dark moon" appeared above the battlefield again, and this time, the shadow of the dark moon was more real, the water-like moonlight fell on the battlefield with a hint of gloomy power of the dark.Under the illumination of the "Mingyue", Angel's strength was immediately weakened to a certain extent, and the recovery speed of skill value, skill coverage and so on were all affected.

However, only the previous scene reappeared, a round of red moon lifted into the sky, and slowly coincided with that round of "Mingyue". "Moon Shadow", this is the racial ability of the Red Moon Clan. There is a little bit of similarity between the Red Moon Clan and the Undead Clan. Under the light of the Red Moon, their combat power will be greatly increased at the same time.There is a saying that has been circulated in the Twilight Barrier, only when the red moon hangs high, is the time when the Red Moon Clan really exerts their full strength.

Whether it was before or now, the Red Moon Clan is just passively responding. The so-called "seeing the tricks and breaking the tricks", never actively released the Red Moons.

"The situation is not good." Seeing the enemy's reinforcements, Li Yunlong's face was a bit ugly. It is a trivial matter to take them to clean up the remnant army behind him, but how should the new enemy in front of him deal with it?They had invested a lot of resources in order to make a quick decision before, and there were not many left in their hands.

"Now you can't run away, so don't keep any hole cards. If you can win, at least you won't lose." Wu Yi looked at the two rounds of moon shadows overlapping high above the sky and shook his head. He had no choice but to war!The Red Moon Clan and Wei Huo can run away, but they will definitely be hunted down along the way. By then, a lot of people from the Legendary and Saint ranks will definitely die, and the enemy is not too strong to be invincible, right? ?
"After this battle, I'd better go back and farm the skeletons honestly. This first battle was frightening. Dude, I almost had a heart attack." Li Yunlong prepared to take out his last hidden treasure with a bitter face. The next step.

"You're a man, you're like a mother-in-law every time." Wu Jiutian waved the magic wand in his hand, grasping every minute and every second to bless the angel army. The hand of the angel helped her to clear up her combat achievements. Although every time an angel kills an enemy, she may not even get one-twentieth of the combat achievements, but the accumulation of small amounts of money, if you can kill [-] enemies in one battle, the points What came to her was also an extremely terrifying number.

Wu Yi smiled and didn't speak. He knew very well what Li Yunlong was thinking, which was just complaining. Even if he really lost this battle, as long as there is a chance next time, he will follow.As for him now, he is also blessing the angel army with various states, including the "five spirit mantra" with Taoist damage, so although the angels are pure sacred creatures, every attack they have is mixed damage.

Although "Mingyue" and "Red Moon" look very similar, they are still different in essence. The "Mingyue" of the Youyue Legion is generated with special artifacts and magic circles, while the "Red Moon" of the Red Moon Clan It was summoned through the combined efforts of the racial ability "Moon Shadow".Therefore, the ability of the Red Moon Clan can take the initiative, and since it is a combination of racial abilities, which is equivalent to joint spellcasting, it can naturally summon more than one round of "Red Moon".

In this way, a strange scene appeared in the sky above the battlefield, the same day in September!

Except for the red moon in the center that coincided with the "dark moon", which became like a black hole, leaving only a halo on the outermost circle, the other eight rounds of red moons all exuded bloody red moonlight, adding a little bit to the battlefield. The atmosphere of killing.

Reinforcements join the battle, and the war expands again!
The part of the Youyue Legion that I encountered before has basically been wiped out, and the strong ones followed suit, bursting out with all their strength as soon as they made a move, so that the Youyue Legion who came to support had to divide the battlefield, and the army formed an array to kill Wu Yi. Come.This support army is stronger than the enemy army they just destroyed. This can be seen from the strength of the opponent, which is nearly [-]!

The holy water in the angel's hand had been exhausted before, and now he could only fight recklessly. There were still a few projection scrolls of the "Dawn Shrine" in Wu Yi's hand, which could last forever.

Now that there is no trick, let's fight, [-] vs [-], nearly twice the difference in strength, but Wu Yi plans to give it a go!A war god of military power, who seemed to be made of pure gold and looked like Wu Yi, appeared above the angel army.

Before Wu Yi gave up fighting against God of War with military force, he just wanted to save more angels, but now it is impossible, the more he drags on, the disadvantage will only increase, and he must fight quickly.Now he is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, and he is not afraid of death!As long as the You Yue Army can be killed as much as possible in this process, then what if the entire army of [-] angels is wiped out!

The God of War took shape, the Five Thunder God Sword Art and the Quartet Divine Soldiers fought one after the other, the phantoms of the four holy beasts lined up around the battlefield, and the boundless golden thunder exploded, all kinds of prestige mixed together.


The duel between the holy and the dead!Although Wu Yi's side has a lot of momentum, the real results are far from as good as imagined. The Youyue Legion side protects the whole army with the strength of the army, and a large number of undead creatures are summoned to further strengthen the army. , and the confrontation between the surrounding legends and holy ranks is always affecting his army of angels.This is also the most incomprehensible part of the undead,

The loss of the angel army was very fast, and Wu Yi, the commander, was also forced to participate in the battle with all his strength. While bursting out output, he also had to command the army, command the army, the cannon fodder personnel of Wu Jiutian, Eternity, and the Peak Guild. The previous battle was too much. The attack seemed weak.Wu Yi didn't pay attention to the situation on the other side of the strong war. He didn't have the energy. With the continuous death of angels, the power of the army he could control was getting less and less. , he must pull enough Youyue Army to back up, and exchange heads with the Undead Army. If it is a one-to-one exchange, it will definitely be a blood loss.

After a burst of berserk eruption, the military power of the God of War slowly dissipated on the battlefield, leaving only a large array of four-sided magic soldiers still in effect.The strength of the army that can be mobilized is as low as the lower limit that can maintain the military strength of the god of war, and the power of the god of war will dissipate on its own.There are only about [-] angels left under Wu Yi's command, and only [-] are due to the fact that the combat power was transformed into the strength of the army before, and the combat power is not complete, while the Youyue Army has more than [-] troops.

Twenty thousand against sixty thousand!
Of course, half of the Youyue Army's [-] soldiers were summoned later.

Jedi counterattack!

Now Wu Yi has no way out, even if it is the last soldier, he must continue. As for the side effects of the specialty "Jedi Counterattack", he no longer needs to think about it. The angel army can't last until then.The Jedi counterattack started, and the Angel, whose combat power had declined sharply, finally recovered a bit of combat power, but it was still far from enough.

8 minutes!During the 15 minutes of the Jedi's counterattack, the remaining angels only persisted for 8 minutes, and the [-] angels were wiped out so far!

However, although the army is destroyed, it does not mean that the war is over. Except for the main battlefield, the legion battle on the Doom God battlefield has never been the focus, and the focus is on the strong!The entire army of angels was wiped out, and there were only about [-] soldiers left in the Youyue Army, but only about [-] of them were regular troops, and the remaining [-] were accumulated through continuous summoning. The cannon fodder is not a big threat.

Without the entanglement of the army, Wu Yi can finally show his personal combat power with all his strength. He can't deal with the demigod now, but there are not many people who can kill him in the legend.The sword is in the sky, the nine stars are in the ring, and the thunder is all over the sky.Although Wu Yi's "intelligence" attribute has been stuck at 95 and has not moved, his combat power has never stopped increasing, because the title of "Inverting the Universe", no matter which of the four famous general attributes grows, it will increase his strength. Combat power, the difference is only in how much.

In the legend, except for a few who touched the threshold of demigods, or who crushed him with equipment, they were generally not his opponents.

The Youyue army needs to defeat his angel army, there are only [-] regular troops left, and there is almost no army that can be mobilized. A self-made war can't threaten the strong, and the next one is just a target.

The legends on the battlefield of the doomsday god, no matter how scumbag they are, they will have at least one or two pieces of legendary equipment. As long as they have the strength, killing the strong and exploding their equipment is definitely a good way to get rich, just like Wu Yi now.

In the nine rounds of "Red Moon" bonuses, the powerhouses of the Red Moon Clan are extremely powerful. They kill the demigods of the Youyue Legion one after another. The gap in the number of powerhouses is gradually widened, and the advantages continue to expand. When it comes to follow-up reinforcements, they can only be forced to withdraw temporarily, but only a few strong men escaped, and none of the army left.

——System: Congratulations on defeating the first and third armies of the "Youyue Legion" in Hades Fortress in a row, and the reward command is +1.

It is not easy to win such a tragic battle, and it is not surprising to use the opportunity to grow.In fact, it’s okay if the attribute of a famous general is below 95. As long as you win a battle of this level, you will basically have a certain chance to trigger growth, but it will be difficult after 95. Looking at Wu Yi’s current "intelligence" attribute, basically It doesn't move anymore.

After this battle, both parties suffered losses. Youyue Legion was not completely wiped out, and none of his [-] angels were left. Some of the strong members of the Red Moon Clan and Wei Huo's team also fell, but the harvest is absolutely unprecedented. !They wiped out most of the Youyue Legion in this battle, which was definitely a rare victory for the Twilight Barrier that had been suppressed all along, and the rewards would certainly not be small.Although Wu Yi buried [-] troops, if he wanted to replenish troops, the rewards would definitely be affected to a certain extent, but it would be far more than once.

(End of this chapter)

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