The best lord of online games

Chapter 1754 Unifying 1 South, Dragon Veins are Born

Chapter 1754 Unify the South, Dragon Veins are Born

Returning to the angel outpost again, the meritorious officer began to settle the settlement. In the end, Wu Yi won 350 million military exploits and a reward for a legendary equipment creation quota, and the equipment creation quota can be upgraded by consuming military merit, that is to say, as long as he has If you have enough military exploits, you can get a place to create an artifact.

But there is no rush now, the sacred artifact produced by the Twilight Barrier is definitely the top, and you can consider preparing a set for Xu Wei in the future, let's wait for the results from Zhao Xueyin's side first.

After this tragic battle, they got a two-day rest period. Wu Yi planned to take advantage of this time to go back to the territory to have a look. Geng Yan went to the East Territory, but Shi Wansui stayed. The three armies came from different directions To clean up the south, Calabash City needs to send a large number of officials to receive a large number of territories every day, repair the town, reopen fertile fields and mining areas, sort out local specialties, and strive to make these territories profitable and productive as soon as possible.

One by one, Wu Yi looked at the harvest lists from various places in the south, including prisoners of war, materials, talents, and the distribution of resources in various places. Behind the lists in each city and various places, there are follow-up development plans.The harvest is not insignificant, the only regret is that the population is much smaller than expected, but he has laid the foundation now, and the population will soon improve.

Xue Rengui of Melting Fire City did not run away, but became a prisoner, and the same was true for Fan Kui. Li Yuanba and Li Cunxiao teamed up, plus Geng Yan, who was in charge of the overall situation. It's hard to die!

Clearing up the south, let a large number of talents be imprisoned in the prison of Calabash City, not only generals, but also political officials. As for the talents of various deputy grades, he doesn't need to worry about it. They almost occupied the city and they surrendered immediately .With so many captives, it seems that he will have to take some time to recruit and surrender. After all, he has acquired more than [-] new cities, and these places need talents at all levels to develop and restore.

——System: Sun Chuanting successfully occupied Ximan City, and the prestige of the territory increased by [-].

Ximan City?
While Wu Yi was checking the information on the South, another new system message appeared. During this period of time, he could receive such system messages from time to time, sometimes several a day.However, the meaning of the system information this time is different. Tinghai City is the city closest to the west in the southwest. Therefore, when the army of Calabash City entered the southwest, Tinghai City was the first to take down. The way to retreat, and Ximan City is the most southwestern border city in the world.After taking Ximan City, even if the battle report from the front line has not been sent back, he still knows that the whole south has completely fallen into his hands.

What is left now is to re-plan the southern defense zone, assign garrisons, repair damaged towns, arrange officials to develop the place, and invite businessmen from all over the world to do business in the south.Dongping City is also a first-class city, and it can be developed as a pure commercial capital in the future.As long as the military disaster can be kept out of the south, it won't take long for the south to become the center of business in the world. He only needs to sit back and watch the world rise, and he can gradually widen the gap with other forces, and the gap will only become more and more bigger.

"My lord, Mr. Zhang from Sky Island sent someone to send a message, please go to Sky Island."

at this time?
"What's the matter? Is it urgent?" Wu Yi was about to go to the prison to recruit prisoners. Even if they couldn't surrender all of them, some people would roll down as long as you gave them the steps.The territory that has nearly doubled in one fell swoop, the talents in his hands now seem dwarfed by comparison.

"I don't know, I didn't say it!"

"Okay, I got it." Zhang Ruilin wouldn't look for him if he had nothing to do, and it's okay to go to Sky Island first, and there won't be much delay.

The development of Sky Island is very fast. In terms of the scale of buildings alone, it is already close to Gourd City. There are not many mineral resources on Sky Island, only two or three places, and the reserves are not large, but it is very suitable for advanced planting. Under the nourishment of various large formations, the output will not be low.

The Hall of Stars has already been built, and its style is slightly different from the one in the imperial city. Now Kuai Xiang intends to build a miracle building, and he is working hard to improve his abilities. Obviously, he is very crazy, so the newly built Hall of Stars , the attributes are far beyond the attributes on the blueprint, and a very fancy attribute is attached. Whenever it is night, a part of the star map in the hall will be projected into the night sky, making the night sky more bright.

As soon as the Hall of Stars was completed, Xu Negative moved from the Temple of Morning Sun to the Hall of Stars. Now the permanent resident of the Temple of Stars is Xu Wei, a famous angel.But when he arrived at the Hall of Stars, Wu Yi didn't see Zhang Ruilin who was looking for him.

"Where is Ruilin?"

"He has a surprise for you, come with me." Xu negative smiled, obviously she knew something.

"Surprise?" Wu Yi shook his head with a smile. These two people were still playing with him mysteriously, which made him more interested.

Wu Yi didn't ask any more questions, and followed Xu Negative all the way to the north. He also kept looking at the surrounding buildings along the way, because [-]% of the people on the empty island had devoted themselves to the construction, and now the construction has been pushed to the periphery. Naturally, there are not many people.However, these buildings are far more exquisite than those in Calabash City.

The more he looks at it, the more satisfied Wu Yi is. This will be his royal city in the future. If he can get the mechanical city plan of Xiaoyue City, he can continue to build a small mechanical city, flying above the empty island, as a royal palace. Just like the imperial capital.

All the way to the north, the two of them walked through the busy construction site and entered the mountains. The range of mountains on Sky Island is not large, not comparable to the Longxiang Mountains, but the peaks are quite beautiful, because they are separated by barriers. The external environment and climate, so even if the empty island is suspended above the sky, there is no snow, and the climate on the empty island is like spring all year round.

Into the mountains, could it be...

Wu Yi's eyes lit up immediately, he already had some guesses in his heart, and his mood was a little excited.

Not long after entering the mountains, Wu Yi saw Zhang Ruilin. At this time, Zhang Ruilin was standing in front of a cold pool. Not to mention, this kid was thin and small at the beginning, but now he has a bit of chic and unrestrained air, a bit handsome.

"What surprise are you going to give me, kid?" Wu Yi walked to Zhang Ruilin's side and asked with a smile.

"My lord, please look!" Zhang Ruilin pointed to the cold pool, Wu Yi looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a golden dragon the size of a palm swimming freely in the blue waves in the cold pool.There is dense light golden cloud and mist around the golden dragon, its scales and claws are clear, and its majesty is revealed in its handsome appearance.

"This is..." Wu Yi burst into a smile on his face.

"Dragon veins! Newborn dragon veins!"

Zhang Ruishuang's words confirmed the thoughts in Wu Yi's heart, and the dragon veins were finally conceived. It can be said that his first step in building a country has been completed.

Dragon Vein: Level 1, bound to the "May Day" forces.The strength of all city defense barriers in the territory +25%, the probability of natural disasters erupting in the territory or the intensity after the outbreak -25%, the production of all resources in the territory +25%, the probability of resource mutation and upgrading +25%, and the popularity of the people +100%. Leader potential +1%, comprehension +10%.Consuming a lot of territory fortune will reduce the attributes of the dragon veins. If the territory fortune is consumed too much, the dragon veins may collapse.

Dragon veins, this is dragon veins!

Looking at the little golden dragon swimming back and forth in the cold pool in front of him, Wu Yi was pleasing to the eye, but it was a little smaller, but this was not a problem. As his power continued to grow in the future, the dragon veins would continue to grow.The dragon veins of the Hongyu Empire are at the ninth level, but considering the current situation of the Hongyu Empire, they should have dropped two or three levels, right?

The appearance of the dragon veins is tantamount to digitizing the attributes of the fortune of the territory, which is the first step towards the transformation of the fate of the country.And this little golden dragon is just the embodiment of the dragon's veins, it can not only appear in this cold pool, it can appear in every place of the entire mountain range.

The dragon's veins are special, and there are only three people who can make it show up. One is Wu Yi, the power master, and the other is the national teacher and land teacher after the founding of the country.The abilities of the national and earth masters can be enhanced by using the dragon veins, but they dare not use this unless it is absolutely necessary. The cost is too high, and the dragon veins may drop a level or two directly.

"Your Excellency has recently won a large number of territories. Otherwise, the dragon veins would not have been conceived so quickly." Zhang Ruilin said with a smile beside Wu Yi.

This is also true, a large number of territories, even if they have not yet been produced, will greatly increase the fortune of the territory. With enough fortune of the territory, the birth and breeding of dragon veins will naturally accelerate.As long as he digests the entire south, the dragon veins will naturally be upgraded, and there may be more than one level.With the dragon veins as his background, the growth of talents under his command will accelerate again, and the number of new talents will also increase greatly.

"By the way, now that the dragon veins have been formed, how can we build a country?" Wu Yi suddenly thought of a question, turned around and asked Xu Negative.Now that the dragon veins have been conceived, but he has not received the task of founding a country, how can he start the task of building a country next?
"It's very simple. Just go up to the sky and pray for the transformation of the dragon veins. When the first transformation of the dragon veins will bring about the destiny of the country, then you can take advantage of the trend to build a country." Xu negative said simply.

"So simple?" This process was a bit unexpected for Wu Yi. He thought there were some complicated steps. It turned out to be the "Prayer" task of Qitiantai.

"The founding of a country must be recognized by the heavens and the earth, and we can only pray to the sky, but the task of the test will definitely not be easy. The adults had better be mentally prepared. If they fail, the fortune of the territory will be damaged, and various natural disasters will fall on the entire territory. However, With the current gathering of the master's territory, even if it fails, it will not cause the dragon's veins to collapse, and there is another chance."

"I know, there's no rush, prepare first, and wait until you're ready." Wu Yiping calmed down. Now the South still needs a certain amount of time to stabilize, and a lot of power can't be drawn out. Wait, we have to ask him Whoever is needed can be mobilized at any time.Although he now occupies the entire south, so that he has a deep background, even if the test fails, it will not cause the dragon veins to collapse, but the loss of the territory's fortune and the natural disasters in the entire territory are too hurt.

hold on!The more anxious you are now, the more error-prone you are!

"Continue to leave it to you, and let me know if you have anything to do." The matter has been clarified, and Wu Yi is also planning to leave. He now has the foundation for building a country, and he is far ahead of other player forces. Many, others haven't even touched the door yet.Since the level of the dragon's veins is directly linked to the size of the territory he controls, then he should continue to expand the scope of his control.

Inland expansion requires too much power, so he doesn't plan to do it, but he can choose a few resource-rich islands in the East China Sea for development. An island doesn't need many people, and it doesn't take too much to simply develop basic resources, or mine. With a large number of personnel and garrison forces, no talents are needed, and the fleet only needs to go back and forth once a month. Even if it is completely wiped out by the Kraken attack, there will be no loss.

Step by step, as long as the sea monster is completely driven out of the East China Sea in the future, he can also develop a lot of island cities in the East China Sea, and further expand the original territory of the Hongyu Empire.

After returning to Calabash City, Wu Yi immediately went to the prison. Now there are hundreds of nearly a thousand people detained in the prison, and more than [-]% of them are aborigines, including the nobles of the original Hongyu Empire and the local wealthy families. It's easy to recruit, as long as Wu Yi gives them some benefits, they will work hard for him.

There are still many talents in these big families. With their connections and abilities, he can also grasp the south faster, so as long as their conditions are not too much, Wu Yi agrees.And with Wu Yi's current power, these people didn't dare to impose any excessive conditions, they all seemed cautious.

The rest are a few difficult characters. Wang Ben doesn't talk to him at all. Now that Feng Changqing has surrendered, Wu Yi intends to let him temporarily guard Haicheng, but a super-class commander is a little bit close after all. , simply let Li Cunxiao go there, at least block most of the western forces, and give the south an absolutely safe environment for development.

After that came Xue Rengui and Fan Kuai. In the continuous battles, the generals of the Yang family had already been wiped out. Fan Kui didn't know what he was thinking. prison.

"Grandpa, why did you rebel? Why? Is the empire sorry for you?" Xue Rengui still called Wu Yi "Grandpa", which is the title given to him by the Hongyu Empire, and the meaning is self-evident.

"That's right! But things in the world, sometimes you can't say right or wrong. I know your talent very well. I also understand that you can't let go of the Hongyu Empire, but the Hongyu Empire really Hopeless."

"If the father-in-law takes action, there is hope that the empire will be reunified. Hasn't the entire south been completely cleared of the rebellion before?" Xue Rengui said unwillingly. It is true that the situation is very good.

"You think things are too simple. The Hongyu Empire has come to this point. The rebellion is only a small aspect. The emperor relies on the Temple of Light to ascend the throne. He must strive for greater benefits for the Temple of Light. This indicates that All the top forces in the world will be reshuffled, is this possible to be peaceful and excessive?" Although his current power is not weak, he has to admit that today's world is still in the hands of the top forces.

"Is the father-in-law the spokesperson of the Daoist sect?"

"No! But Daomen have invested in me to ensure their future interests." There are many god-type forces in Wu Yi's forces, and Daomen is only the largest one. If he wants to curb the influence of Daomen in his power in the future To grow stronger, in regions other than the south, you can only give as little as possible to the Taoist sect. Even if you give it, you can't just give it to the Taoist family. In a city, there must be multiple gods to balance, so he will not be the spokesperson of the Taoist sect. .

But if he does not act as the spokesperson, there will be other forces to do so.

"I can understand your heart for the Hongyu Empire. If you can help me, you don't have to participate in any future wars with the Hongyu Empire." Seeing that Xue Rengui stopped talking, Wu Yi continued.

"You should think about it carefully."

Xue Rengui can be regarded as one of the top players in history. He really wants to conquer him. Now he needs to give him time to think about it. Unlike Wang Ben, he doesn't have so many entanglements, so he still has a good chance.

(End of this chapter)

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