The best lord of online games

Chapter 1755 Jia Xu's Poisonous Scheme

Chapter 1755 Jia Xu's Poisonous Scheme

Dozens of people have been pulled out of the prison, and these people will be filled in the south, at least there will be no restrictions on development.

The southern side is temporarily calm, but the Hongyu Empire is frantically increasing its troops to the east, and these reinforcements are all from Shenyu City.Although the Liu family separated and Liu Bang became a traitor, the Liu family in Shenyu City had no choice but to help the Xiao family stabilize the world due to the restrictions of the destiny contract signed by their predecessors.As a last resort, Wu Yi could only simultaneously increase troops in the Eastern Territory. In any case, it was impossible for him to give up the foundation of the Eastern Territory.

The members of the Holy Sword Guild in the Central Region also followed the army of Shenyu City. Now that the Gourd City has become a trend, the Holy Sword must delay the time for Gourd City to enter the Central Region in order to fight for living space, and intervene in the battle between Gourd City and the Hongyu Empire. War, this is also a last resort. None of the current player forces is an opponent of Calabash City, including the Seven Sins League, which is known as the number one guild. The gap in top power is too large, and this cannot be changed by numbers.

The Holy Sword Guild is located in the central region, and its territory has never been affected by wars. The family is well-off, but there is also a very serious problem, that is, the growth of famous generals in the power is not enough. This is a common problem. Famous generals need experience. Relying on a hard pile of resources, super first-class is already the limit. Although the Holy Sword Guild has been actively participating in the battles of all parties, the efficiency is still a bit low, and the number of people who can practice is limited.

In addition to Yu Wang, there should be military gods in the Hongyu Empire, such as Sun Wu and Wang Jian, even if they didn't show their strength to the outside world, their names speak volumes.Therefore, at this time, even if Wu Yi transfers Wei Qing to the East Territory, there will be no good results. In the end, it will only further force the whole Hongyu Empire to fight him, and there will be no advantage.Why didn't Sun Tzu go out?This shows that the will of the Hongyu Empire is not unified, and Sun Wu has no heart to swear allegiance to the Hongyu Empire!Let them die in silence now, there is no need to jump out and be the first bird, Jianguo is already busy enough for him.

The larger the territory, the more restrictions will be imposed on the contrary. The key city passes everywhere cannot be ignored, and the troops will be more scattered. If you want to fight the world in an all-round way, you need at least two military gods, many of whom are equivalent to soldiers. Characters are the only way, otherwise it will be hard to see from the beginning to the end, as long as there are two or three enemies to cooperate, they can beat him in a hurry.

Therefore, Wu Yi's attitude towards the Eastern Realm has always been that it is enough to be able to procrastinate, just to train soldiers and generals, and he has arranged enough forces to sit in the Eastern Realm. Block for one hour and three quarters.

Looking at the west, it is also a direction for the expansion of Calabash City in the future, but because of Zhang Jiao's existence, this place will not be his first choice.Calabash City is not the spokesperson of Taoism, but Zhang Jiao is more similar, so it is not suitable for him to meet Zhang Jiao's swordsman prematurely. As long as he is strong enough in the future, the relationship between him and Zhang Jiao can actually end peacefully .

Lian Po and Meng Wu teamed up to make a mess with the rebels in the west, and a large number of refugees went south, which made Wu Yi cheaper in vain.However, in the chaotic war, characters like Xu Da, Tan Daoji, and Xie Xuan all grew up very quickly, and the strength of Lian Po and Meng Wu was a huge hidden danger. If the stalemate continued like this, the two might overturn.

The northwest battlefield has not changed much. Li Mu and Wu Qi have temporarily stabilized the line of defense, but every counterattack has had little effect. The Moyu side has reorganized the area they occupy, and the thick smoke from the volcano has almost covered the entire northwest sky. .The Hongyu Empire is not afraid of winning the government and has joined the Demon Realm. The Raging Flame Temple can stand on the side of the Demon Realm because of the compatibility of attributes, and the Raging Flame Temple is a power of the gods, which is more compatible.But Yingzheng is different. His foundation is the army and the people. These are all human races. Human races cannot adapt to the volcanic environment. This is more extreme than the cursed land of the underworld.

The two major army gods suppressed the Northwest, and it has to be said that the strength of the Demon Realm is strong. If there are no new variables, the Northwest may fall into the hands of the Demon Realm.

The situation in the north has not changed much for the time being. The rebels, the Golden Wolf Nation, and the Imperial Army are entangled. During this period, Ran Min fought against Bai Qi once. Ran Minqi missed a move, but retreated quickly. The loss is not big, and now Meng Ao, who went north, temporarily restrains Bai Qi. Both of them are warrior saints. If they can win or lose, there will be another military god-level figure.

As far as Wu Yi is concerned, the current situation in the world is not bad, no one except Hongyu Empire should trouble him, he has enough time to develop and settle.

There are two seas!Wu Yi will not give up on the control of the ocean. There are too many resources in the vast and infinite sea. Compared with the inland that has been developed for countless years, the ocean is obviously richer.Right now the East China Sea is fairly calm, the main force of the Sea Monster is not here, and the Sea King Beast can't come through for the time being, and the Sea Monster has never faced Gourd City squarely. In their eyes, the only ones who can compete with them for the control of the sea are the Sea Clan !The Sea Emperor Beast is strong, but its brains are not enough. As for the Sea God Temple, it is nothing more than their vassal.

In the West Sea right now, the sea monster, the sea clan, and the sea emperor beast are fighting constantly. The sea emperor beast will not unite with any force, and it is impossible for the sea monster and the sea clan to unite, so the three parties are fighting independently.Hulukong Island is far from being developed, so Wu Yi will not take the risk of taking the empty island, but the storm seagull brought by Gan Ning played a big role in the war, and every battle the sea clan revolves around the storm seagull Hit, the loss is relatively small.

The Sea God Temple has not participated in the battle for the time being. Although the Sea Demon Emperor ordered them to fight many times, they were all rejected by them with various reasons. The Sea-Monster Clan freed up their hands, I am afraid that the Sea God Temple will not be able to stay in the West Sea.The Sea God Temple wants to rise again, so naturally it refuses to work for the sea monster, and has been secretly seeking the support of the Sea King Beast, but it has never been successful.

For this matter, one of the five members of the Sea God Temple died in battle, which caused quite a stir at the time.It's not that Wu Yi didn't have the idea of ​​playing the Sea Emperor Beast, but only the Sea God Scepter is far from enough!
"My lord, the envoy of Lord Bravery seeks to see you!" Just as Wu Yiaccurately tried the copy of "The Way of the Counselor" again, the servant of the Lord's Mansion came to report.

Brave man?Xiang Yu!
What is Xiang Yu sending someone to see at this time?The relationship between them is more based on Sun Ce. After all, they are too far apart, there is no conflict of interest, and there is not much to cooperate with.

Let's see each other, Xiang Yu has a lot of talents under his command. Recently, his territory has also developed rapidly, and the battlefields on the east and west sides have been pushed out of the scope of the territory. Although the territory has not expanded much, the foundation of the territory has. With a substantial improvement, it can be regarded as a firm foothold in the north.

Back in the mansion, Wu Yi saw Xiang Yu's emissary, but to his surprise, the person who came was not Sun Ce. He originally thought that Xiang Yu would send Sun Ce to talk to him. It's too much, he can't refuse.But this time it was Zhou Bo who came, it seemed quite formal.

"I have met the lord." Upon seeing Wu Yi, Zhou Bo immediately got up and bowed to salute.

Wu Yi has now rebelled, and it is obviously inappropriate to call him the title of Duke of Dongping given to him by the Hongyu Empire, and Wu Yi's current status is far more noble than the Duke of the Hongyu Empire.In troubled times, strength determines everything!
"Mr. Zhou, you don't need to be too polite. I don't know what the reason is that the brave man sent you here this time?" Wu Yi asked straight to the point.

"My lord wants to have an in-depth cooperation with your lord."

"Cooperation? There doesn't seem to be much room for us to cooperate." Wu Yi was a little puzzled. Although he had also planted some forces in the north, this force was far from enough for Xiang Yu to face up to, right?Still in-depth cooperation, cooperation for what?Most of their previous collaborations were in the commercial field.

"Xihai City!" Zhou Bo spat out three words with a smile.

"Shen Yonggong has an idea about Xihai City? Is this too far away?" Hearing Xiang Yu's goal, Wu Yi's first thought was that Xiang Yu's mind was out of order. Xihai City is Zhao Kuangyin's administrative seat, facing the sea in the west Even if Lian Po is in the west now, there is still Moshan City in the middle. If you want to go around, you will be blocked by King Moshan and Zhao Kuangyin, and you will have to kneel in an instant.

Besides, even if there is really hope to win Xihai City, what use is it to Xiang Yu?For him, this is completely an enclave. Linhai has to face threats from sea monsters, sea god temples, sea emperor beasts, and sea clans. What's the point of occupying it?Even Wu Yi is unwilling to take over that special position now, it is a bottomless pit.

"We don't want Xihai City, we only need people and resources! Now Zhao Kuangyin is fighting with Zhang Jiao in the west. As long as we move fast enough, it will not be a problem to win the first battle. At that time, we will need to borrow the invincible battleship that your lord has in Xihai. Fang's army boarded the ship in the northwest and headed south all the way, and the landing battle was also fought by us."

It has not been a day or two since Lao Zhao and Zhang Jiao fought, and the losses of both sides were not small, but if Zhao Kuangyin wanted to dominate the west, he had to kill Zhang Jiao first. Strength, how could such an opportunity be missed.

After listening to Zhou Bo's explanation, Wu Yi finally understood that Xiang Yu was planning to plunder, and it was the same reason as him to put Huo Qubing and Lu Bu in the north. The reason why he chose Xihai City was because he valued the value of Calabash City. Storm Seagull can absolutely suppress the sea power of Xihai City. Even if Zhao Kuangyin wants to retaliate afterwards, he will not be able to hit him.

This is really a poisonous plan!

If this thing really happened, then Zhao Kuangyin would not be able to recover from the setback, but at least he would suffer heavy losses, and he might lose the initiative and be counterattacked by Zhang Jiao.Perhaps this strategy came from the hands of Du Xu, a poison man is worthy of being a poison man, but Zhao Kuangyin really couldn't take revenge on Xiang Yu afterwards, but he could turn his head and disgust him!
"I can do this myself." Wu Yi shook his head, and attacked Zhao Kuangyin secretly. What he had in hand was the necessary condition. Xiang Yu could send some soldiers at most, even if he didn't have Xiang Yu, he could do it himself.The reason why he didn't do this before was because he couldn't move his hands temporarily. When he digested the whole south, he would clean up all the forces in the two seas at any time. Under the threat of storm seagulls, the city defense was just a decoration. .

Since you can eat alone, why share Xiang Yu's pie!
"That's true, but if you do it yourself, I'm afraid it will be difficult to take the opportunity to eat up the entire West Sea Fleet, right? What's more, time is waiting for you! By the time your lord can take his hand, it's not too late, but it's definitely not as rewarding as it is now." , as long as your lord agrees, my lord will go out in person in this battle, and there will be absolutely no mistakes."

Wu Yi secretly weighed in his heart, now is indeed a good time, Zhao Kuangyin never thought that he would make a move at this time, after all, now everyone in the world can see that he is struggling to win the whole south right now, and it will take some time To digest the layout, there is not much power that can be adjusted.Attacking Xihai City by the navy alone may be cut off at any time, and the results that can be obtained will not be too great.

"To perfect this plan, I have to pay a very high price. If the Kraken cannot be contained in advance, this plan will not succeed at all." Now that he said so, Wu Yi basically agreed to join hands with Xiang Yu Once you get old Zhao out, the rest is how to distribute the benefits.

"What my lord means is that the West Sea Fleet belongs to your lord. The high-level talents captured after breaking the city will be divided equally between the two sides, and the supplies will also be divided equally. The population belongs to my lord."

"Whether the West Sea Fleet can be blocked is still unknown, and you can't help anything about the West Sea Fleet. This can't be counted in the total spoils. It's no problem to give you the population, and even the supplies can be all I will give it to you, but I want [-]% of the talents!" Wu Yi is now preparing for the founding of the country, and there is a shortage of talents in all aspects. He now holds a lot of territory. Even if he accepts refugees, the population can slowly increase. As long as It is not a problem to prevent the flames of war from coming to the south, except for the talents.

"My lord is just joking. If your lord takes [-]% of the talents, isn't it a waste of our hard work? The talents are still divided equally, but you can choose first! Your lord only needs to take care of the sea related matters, and we will take care of the rest. , such a distribution plan is already quite generous, if the adults still disagree, I am afraid that this cooperation will not be able to continue."

This is probably Xiang Yu's bottom line, the talents are divided equally, and he chooses first. Who are Zhao Kuangyin's subordinates?As far as he knows, Li Si, Zhou Yu, Wang Xuance, Xiao Qiao, Yu Yunwen, Lan Yu, etc. Among them, Zhou Yu is bound to the West Sea Fleet and does not need to be divided with Xiang Yu. He has the priority, so as long as this battle is successful , then he might get Li Si, Xiao Qiao has married Zhou Yu, as long as he is among the captives, Xiang Yu should not rob him, and this is not counting the aboriginal talents at all levels.

"Okay! But then we both need to make detailed plans to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Then go back and report to my lord here."

(End of this chapter)

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