The best lord of online games

Chapter 1761 The gift of the dragon vein, the blessing of destiny

Chapter 1761 The gift of the dragon vein, the blessing of destiny
"The next thing is up to you." Wu Yi handed over the collected power of the veins to Zhang Ruilin, and he couldn't help with the next thing.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will do my best." After speaking, Zhang Ruilin landed on a ground full of cracks, integrated a small part of the power of the earth veins into the compass in his hand, and sealed part of it into the ground under his feet.After that, a miraculous scene appeared. The cobweb-like cracks on the land began to heal slowly by themselves. Although they could not be completely closed, tender green grass sprouts appeared in some places.

With the injection of the power of the earth veins, the small land under Zhang Ruilin's feet has regained some vitality, but this is only temporary. If the earth veins cannot form a cycle to regenerate themselves, the power of the earth veins like duckweed will soon disappear. Dissipated again, but wanted to rebuild the leylines, let alone Zhang Ruilin, even if his father came, he couldn't do it.

Next, Zhang Ruilin used the compass to measure, constantly changing the direction, and every time he reached a new position, he would seal a small part of the power of the earth veins into the ground.Only by allowing the earth to recover temporarily, can we see the big from the small, and find the possible range of Denglongtai from various traces.

This is a professional field, and other people can't help, so we can only give Zhang Ruilin a quiet and safe environment as much as possible. As long as there is a phantom, he will be killed immediately, and Wu Yi will continue to use the power of these generals. Gather them up for a rainy day.

"My lord, this is the place, you can't go wrong!" After nearly two hours of searching, Zhang Ruilin finally stopped, and after repeated confirmation, he said affirmatively to Wu Yi.

"Here? Then how to reunite the soul of the dragon vein?" Wu Yi looked around. The terrain here is indeed quite high, but the surrounding area is full of unknown building fragments. After a long period of weathering, these fragments have completely disappeared. Nothing like the original.If you don't use feng shui to explore the terrain, you can't fix the point at all.

"You can try it, but it requires a lot of power of the earth veins. Rebirth is impossible, and reunion is only a moment at most." Zhang Ruilin said with some embarrassment. Wu Yi mentioned this mission to him in advance. Inheritance, reuniting the soul of the dragon vein is a breeze, but he never expected that the environment here would be like this, which is already beyond his ability.

"One moment is enough!" The mission only said to reunite the soul of the dragon vein, as long as it can be reunited, it doesn't matter how long it lasts. "Next, we will continue to follow the previous team and act separately. After three hours, no matter what the harvest is, we will come back here to meet again."


At this point, the task went smoothly, but it took a little time, and it was much easier than expected, which somewhat reassured Wu Yi.The difficulty of the first link of the serial task determines the upper limit of the difficulty of the entire task. If even the first link is extremely difficult to complete, then there is basically no way to do it later.

With the previous experience, the efficiency of cleaning the ghosts is faster this time. Wu Yi doesn't know how big the mission space is. With the high mobility of the three of them, they can go farther to harvest the monsters. Shadow, the harvest in three hours is six or seven times as much as before.

Going back to the ruins of Denglongtai again, Zhang Ruilin's team was already waiting here, and handed over all the collected earth vein power to Zhang Ruilin, Xiao Zhang didn't talk nonsense, and started to get down to business.They didn't have anything to do next, they just waited for the results from Zhang Ruilin, but after waiting for half an hour, nothing changed. Feeling boring, Wu Yi leaned against a boulder, a little lost in thought.

I don't know how long it took, and with an incomparably vicissitudes of the dragon's chant, a dark, tattered figure of the dragon rushed out from the ruins of Denglongtai with a gloomy and cold aura.Although the shadow of the dragon looked very miserable, the dragon's body was several miles long, like a small mountain range. Everyone looked extremely small in front of the shadow of the dragon.And when the shadow of the divine dragon appeared, Zhang Ruilin, who was gathering the soul of the dragon vein in the ruins, was the first to bear the brunt.

"Be careful!" Wu Yi turned pale with shock, he didn't expect such a trap to be buried here!What's this?A mutant after the original dragon veins of Denglongtai died out?

Fortunately, Lu Xiangyun was not far from Zhang Ruilin, so he dragged Zhang Ruilin to open a space door and ran away immediately.It has to be said that the escape ability of space magicians is really first-class.Fortunately, if Zhang Ruilin died like this, not only would he fail this mission, but he would also have no way to explain to Zhang Yufeng.

Wu Yi was a little apprehensive, but everyone else made their moves one after another. Pei Min was the fastest, and a piercing sword qi slashed at the broken body of the black dragon. echoed.The black dragon's body is like a mountain range, with a strong death breath, but slowly, it was unexpected just now, but now it feels... weird.

"Kill it with speed. If you delay for a long time, you will fall short!" Zhang Ruilin, who was taken out of the battle range by Lu Xiangyun, shouted loudly in the distance. His preparations have reached the last step. All in vain.

"Quick!" Wu Yi was also in a hurry, he had reached this point, how could he fail at the last step!
Countless attacks landed on the black dragon. The shadow of the black dragon has no domain, and it moves very slowly. Nothing happened.This is a target, right?Being attacked by everyone, he doesn't fight back, his eyes are dull, but it seems that it is not so easy to destroy this "target".

Wu Yi retreated to a distance and began to guide the Thunder Curse of the God of Nine Firmaments. Everyone also launched the strongest attack. The black dragon's tail swept slightly, and suddenly there was a wave of landslides and ground cracks, and the ruins below were directly blown away. .

"Hurry up!" Zhang Ruilin was in a hurry, this tail at least destroyed [-]% of his previous arrangement, if he had to do it twice, all his previous efforts would be in vain.It’s nothing if the effort is in vain. The main reason is that the power of the earth veins has already been invested. Although this task space is huge, the power of the earth veins that can be collected is also limited. If you fail this time, you will try to reunite the soul of the dragon veins later. It's really slim.

Li Yuanba jumped above the black dragon. The black dragon has no physical body, so the advantages of his strength cannot be fully reflected, and the damage cannot be maximized.At this time, it is Xu Wei and Li Shishi who play a great role. The shadow of the black dragon is entangled with death energy, and the purification of the holy light is the sharpest damage. Needless to say, the attack of the sound wave system does not affect it whether it is an entity or not. Effect.

As the shadow of the black dragon collapsed, large expanses of khaki-yellow leylines rained down from the sky, and the leylines merged into the ruins. Cooperating with Zhang Ruilin's previous preparations, another loud dragon chant came from the ruins. It was reported that a golden shadow of the dragon flew out, majestic and sacred, in sharp contrast with the shadow of the black dragon before.

This is the soul of the dragon vein?It looks quite different from the dragon veins on Hulukong Island.

The golden dragon shadow flew to the top of Wu Yi's head, sprinkled a piece of golden light, and was shrouded in golden light.

——System: You accept the baptism of dragon vein energy, and the "force of destiny" is strengthened.

——System: Congratulations on completing the first ring task of "The Rise of Great Powers". After 15 seconds, the automatic transmission will start, and the second ring task is being generated...

 Make up the one chapter I owed yesterday, and there are two more chapters later.

(End of this chapter)

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