The best lord of online games

Chapter 1762 Sea God Inheritor, Xiang Yu's True Purpose

Chapter 1762 Sea God Inheritor, Xiang Yu's True Purpose

——System: The second ring of "The Rise of Great Powers" was successfully generated. (2/9) "Longshou Mountain Divine Gold", snatched ten copies of the divine gold from the Altar of God held by the traitorous guards on Longshou Mountain.The task is limited, only one legion with a unique name in the territory can be selected to participate, and the number of entrants must not exceed [-]. Except for the head of the legion, other generals and strong people are not allowed to participate.If the task fails, [-]% of the territory fortune contained in the dragon veins of one's own side will be cut off.

When Wu Yi returned to the Qitian Terrace again, the second ring had already been generated. This was a war mission. Compared with the difficulty of the first ring, Wu Yi also had a certain evaluation in his heart. He would definitely not be able to do it by himself. The risk is too high to be necessary.If the strong and other generals cannot enter in advance, the pure commander, even Wei Qing, has no advantage. After all, there are only [-] troops, and the strength of the army that can be transformed is limited. On the contrary, generals who develop both uniform and martial arts have more advantages .

In order to be sure, Wu Yi still decided to let Lu Bu come for a walk!
Anyway, he stopped all the wars that could be stopped before, and everything made way for this mission of nation-building. Except for the east, the other areas were on the defensive, and the guards could be mobilized at any time.After Lu Bu conceived and bred the dragon veins on the empty island, he grew up again, and now he has reached 96 "command" and 99 "force". As long as the enemy is not too exaggerated, Lu Bu can take it down.

In order to hurry up, Wu Yi didn't plan to let Lu Bu take the legion on a long journey by sea, and went directly to the military teleportation formation. Anyway, it was only a [-] army, and it wouldn't consume much energy spar.

The rewards he got from the first ring task made him a little confused. Strengthen the "Power of Destiny"?Can it be understood as strengthening luck?It seems that destiny represents more than luck. If he succeeds in founding a country, then he is the lord of a country. What is the destiny of a lord of a country?Talents such as generals and counselors are also part of the destiny of the king, right?
While Wu Yi was working hard on the mission of nation-building, Hulucheng's fleet also received Xiang Yu's troops in Half Moon Bay in the northwest and sailed down with the wind.In the current West Sea, apart from several major oceanic forces and Zhao Kuangyin, there are no other forces. Even the fishermen dare not go fishing in the sea.

But this is good too, so the fleet will reduce the risk of exposure, but this is not enough. In this battle, Wang Meng, as a naval strategist, went out with the army and temporarily hid the entire fleet by "crossing the sea with the sky".As long as it is not exposed in advance, the risk of this trip will be reduced to the nearest!
At night, the watery moonlight cast by the waning moon cannot illuminate the sea, and the lights of the lighthouse in Xihai City cannot illuminate the fleet covered by the effect of "crossing the sea with concealment".When the fleet approached, they forcibly canceled the effect of "Crossing the Sea" with an attack, and countless seal arrows were nailed around Xihai City. Since it was a plunder, it is absolutely impossible for important people in Xihai City to bring important things with them at the first time. transferred.

With such an exaggerated range, even the holy flagship of the Xihai Fleet cannot achieve it, but the Storm Seagull can!If you get any closer, the effect of "Crossing the Sky and the Sea" cannot be concealed. After all, Wang Meng is not yet a "seeking saint", and his ability is far from reaching the height that matches his fame.

In an instant, the siren of an enemy attack sounded over Xihai City, and countless masters rushed out of the city. As long as there is a chance, breaking the space blockade is definitely the first step and the most important step when defending the city.

The invading fleet docked, and the violent firepower poured down on Xihai City. The army on the cover ship forcibly landed, and the main weapon of the Storm Seagull "Mie Shen-Destroy Storm" also began to charge and prepare, and Xiang Yu was even more aggressive. The halberd stepped up into the air, and golden-red flames shot up from his whole body. Even in the endless artillery fire, the focus of the battlefield was forcibly gathered on him.

Xiang Yu is so famous in today's world, different from the reputation of other masters of power, he gives the world the perception of "invincible"!Invincible overlord on the battlefield!The number of demigods lost in his hands has exceeded two hands. The name of invincibility is definitely not called out of thin air, but actually killed.

There are many top powerhouses in the world, such as Lie Yukou from Taoism, "Feng Linyuan" from the Temple of the Earth who represents the ultimate defense, and "Wei Guangxu" the Lord of Judgment from the Temple of Light, etc., but after all, these are gods. The leader of the faction does not have many shots in front of the world, but Xiang Yu is different. His name of invincibility is all the way from the battlefield.

In today's world, no one can ignore his existence!

The seal arrow nailed to the periphery of Xihai City was quickly destroyed, but the Storm Seagull was also quickly repaired, and at this time, the charge of "Mie Shen-Destroy Storm" was also completed, and the world-shattering The blow directly landed on the barrier of Xihai City. As soon as it touched the barrier, the destruction storm began to rage instantly. The barrier flickered, flickering, and even the strong Xihai City who went out of the city to destroy the space blockade died. This is the power of a demigod battleship. Even the city defense barrier of a first-class city cannot withstand three or five bombardments from the demigod battleship's main weapon.

Cooperating with auxiliary weapons and the attack of the fleet, Xiang Yu, who was above the sky, also attacked decisively. The power of the army was integrated into the real body of the Valkyrie, and a huge overlord halberd wrapped in gold, red, and black streamers slashed at Xihai City. On the enchantment, directly chopped the enchantment.I have to say that Xiang Yu is very good at seizing opportunities. It looks like Xiang Yu broke the barrier of the first-class city in seconds with his own power. Xiang Yu's invincible reputation is based on a stroke.

With the break of the city defense barrier, Xiang Yu once again smashed through the west city wall of Xihai City, and took the lead in leading the army into Xihai City.At this time, Zhao Kuangyin couldn't care less about sending people to destroy the space blockade. If he didn't stop Xiang Yu who came into the city, his great situation would be over!At this time, Storm Seagull's "Mie Shen-Destroy Storm" can't move anymore, otherwise Calabash City wants to wipe Xiang Yu and Xihai City together.

At this point, the navy led by Gan Ning did not continue to follow up. They have completed the agreement with Xiang Yu. Next, they only need to ensure that the space blockade of Xihai City is not broken, and they can wait for the results of the battle.

"Military Master, does Xiang Yu owe our lord some kind of favor? Otherwise, how could such a good thing happen?" Gan Ning stood on the bow of the Storm Seagull. Recently, he took the Storm Seagull to battle in the West Sea. He grew up very fast. After the battle, it has entered the ranks of the super-class, not to mention how strong it is, but relying on the advantages of armaments, it is enough to gain a foothold in the sea.

Wang Meng shook his head, this is also something he couldn't figure out all the time, but things have come to this point, I believe the truth will be revealed soon.With a combination like Zuo Ci and Storm Seagull to suppress the suppression, I am not afraid that Xiang Yu will not fulfill his promise!

Xiang Yu, who is blessed with the power of a large army, has absolutely no opponent among the demigods, not to mention crushing everything, but there is absolutely no one who can defeat him!If you want to defeat him, the first step is to restrain him with several strong men, defeat his army first, and cut off the source of his army's power. The army god can try it, but is there an army god in Xihai City? ?Obviously not!
I have to say that Zhao Kuangyin's luck is good. Today, the saint of the Sea God Temple is carrying out a new round of preaching in Xihai City. Xihai City is the springboard for the Sea God Temple to "counterattack" the inland. , It’s just that the person who makes the shot can probably surprise the people of the world, the sea emperor, seven demigod-level sea emperor beasts!
In order to take the line of the Sea Emperor Beast, the Sea God Temple suffered heavy losses, but in order to gain more bargaining chips, a lot of Sea God ruins were developed during this period. After all, the sea used to be the absolute home of the Sea God, and even the tide goddess' achievements are far behind. Can't compare, so there are still many Seagod's relics in the sea.

During this process, one of the five ambitious members of the Poseidon Temple died in battle, and the other four didn't gain any crucial gains, so Zhen Mi obtained part of the Seagod's inheritance.In this way, Zhen Mi is no longer just the saintess of the Sea God Temple in name. With the inheritance of the Sea God, it is possible to subdue the Sea Emperor Beast. A large amount of Seagod's power was put into her body, allowing her to directly step into the demigod rank. Even so, the Seagod's power was still not fully attracted, and the rest of the Seagod's power was sealed by her into the inheritance seal between her eyebrows, strengthening it one step at a time. The breath of the Sea God on her body.

It was precisely because of this that she was recognized by some sea emperor beasts. It was only a small part, but it was enough to make her status important in the Sea God Temple, making her a saint worthy of the name.

But it's a pity that even if the sea emperor beast is at the seaside, with seven enemies and one, it is still not an opponent at all. The strength gap is too big. The "force" of these sea emperor beasts is only 99, and one hundred is not so good. The gap can be seen from the difference between the military god and the soldier saint, not to mention that Xiang Yu mobilized the power of the army to bless himself with his superb "command", and his combat power exceeded the limit that "force" could achieve.A demigod who can't even reach a martial god, why should he be restricted?Almost in a few turns, he was chopped twice.

At this moment, a clear beam of light shot out from Xihai City, and the beam of light shrouded Xiang Yu in it. Then, the beam of light turned into a gorgeous and simple mirror. At first glance, Xiang Yu seemed to be in a mirror, Xiang Yu slashed with a halberd, but only a long crack appeared on the phantom of the precious mirror, but it did not completely break it.

At the same time, a figure appeared behind Xiang Yu very abruptly, leading him to rush out along the crack in an instant, space magician!And it is definitely of the demigod rank!
"So that's how it is!" Looking at the wonderful scene above Xihai City, Wang Meng suddenly realized that if he couldn't get the details of the phantom in the mirror at first, he would understand the moment the space magician appeared.

Broken Mirror!
Unexpectedly, Duan Kongjing, one of the Nine Great Soldiers, fell into the hands of Zhao Kuangyin, and Xiang Yu got the news.Among the nine divine weapons, the strongest is the Divine Martial Sword, also known as the Tianzi Sword, but in terms of mystery, the most mysterious is definitely Duankongjing!
The ability of the space department is already strong, coupled with the "exclusive" magic weapon of the space magician, the sky-breaking mirror, it will definitely become the top combat power in the world!Because of their professional characteristics, space magicians have almost no natural enemies. As long as they don't seek death or be crushed by their strength, they will never die, not to mention how many people they can beat.

Space-type occupations are not truly invincible, and there are many occupations that can limit their abilities. Taoism accounts for three of them. Fortune-tellers, Fengshui masters, and formation masters can all do it, but they all need to be prepared in advance, and the timing is difficult to grasp. There is also a sealer.But if there is a space-breaking mirror, it will be even more difficult to restrict them.

Xiang Yu has a demigod-level space magician under his command. If he can get the space-breaking mirror again, he will have another top-level combat power in his power, and it will also allow him to have more choices in strategic layout, and he can also have Must have the ability to leapfrog combat.So don't think about it, Xiang Yu's real purpose this time is this empty mirror!

Now I know it seems to be too late, the benefits have been distributed in advance, it is impossible to fight for it, and this time Calabash City has no strength to grab it.

Knowing this, Wang Meng breathed a sigh of relief. If Xiang Yu can get Duan Kong Jing, it is his means. At least there is no problem in the previous agreement, and he should not be too greedy.

"General Gan, get ready and let the fleet set sail." Wang Meng said to Gan Ning after considering the gains and losses.

"Let's leave now? Don't wait for the results here?" Gan Ning asked in surprise, they were not here to watch, what if Xiang Yu made "fake accounts" afterwards?Especially in terms of talents, if there is one more and one less, the loss is huge.

"Don't wait, let Daoist Zuo watch over here, let's block the West Sea Fleet." Now the West Sea Fleet is deterring Zhang Jiao's forces at the mouth of the Butterfly River. After a long delay, when the West Sea Fleet receives the information here, There may be any unnecessary changes. Since Xiang Yu wants to take off the empty mirror, they can't suffer. They must not let the West Sea Fleet run away!They don't need to participate in the battle in Xihai City, Zuo Ci is here to take care of the handover after the event is enough.

In the current scene, Xihai City has no manpower to break the space blockade, even if there is, Zuo Ci's help is not a big problem.It can be said that if Zhao Kuangyin had no other backup, Xihai City would not be able to survive this catastrophe.Xiang Yu is stronger than the world imagined!It really takes courage to face him head-on, not to mention the army, even the strong can make him cringe, give birth to a heart of despair, domineering, domineering, which is fully reflected in him, even in personal People who are not weaker than him in terms of strength will definitely be at a disadvantage in the process of confronting him. After this battle, probably all the forces in the world will study carefully. When they face Xiang Yu, what should they do? coped.

 Four thousand words, a bit late, but it can be regarded as the completion of the goal.

(End of this chapter)

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