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Chapter 801 The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand

Chapter 801 The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand

Just when Wu Yi and his party were resting in front of the academy again, a major event was discovered in the western part of the empire.

It is not uncommon for a group of people with yellow scarves to be active in towns and mountains. Except for a small team from the Temple of Light to show off the lower limit at the beginning, whether it is the empire, Taoism, or the strongest Moshan King in the west, Xiao Qiheng, They all turned a blind eye to this, and did not take any countermeasures.The power of the Yellow Turban has been developing in the west, northwest, and southwest, almost half of the empire's territory, and has developed countless believers. Like Xue Qiqi on Mount Mo, who built the Taiping Temple in his own power and wanted to embrace the Taiping Dao. Not a few.

After all, as long as there is a concept of peace, it is equivalent to having a Taoist soldier in the territory, and the legal system is scarce, which is a common problem of the power of God's Chosen at this stage.Magicians, Dao soldiers, and Lefang's singing, dancing, and Le Sanji are the most common types of legal units at present.The magician is better. After the territory reaches the city level, you can apply for the magic academy from the empire as long as you spend a little more money. If you find the master through the door, you can also apply to the Daomen Holy Mountain, but there will be some influence on your own strength. The Lord of the Chosen in the rebel camp will be miserable. The Holy Mountain does not accept applications from the rebels at all, so the power of the rebel camp Now almost all of them are Taiping temples.

Finally, although the troops of the Lefang Department are common, there are no more than five God-Chosen ones. The singer of the Calabash City and the Aquarius of the Zodiac have conquered one of the four beauties, Yang Guifei Yang Yuhuan, Has a dancer girl. Recently, it was rumored that Cai Yong brought his daughter Cai Wenji into the Angel City of the Heavenly Guild, so it is very likely that the Heavenly Guild has Le Ji. Apart from this, other news has not been confirmed.

Relying on this method, Zhang Jiao and Tai Ping Dao have a very strong foundation among the God's Chosen, allowing the Yellow Turban to radiate to farther regions.

However, in the past few days, the Yellow Turbans who had been acting high-profile suddenly disappeared. Some of them were just low-level believers, and they could not receive tasks from these people, which surprised many players who wanted to do Yellow Turban tasks.Zhang Jiao's forces follow the civilian route, so the threshold for contact is very low, but it is extremely difficult to get to the top. Brother Jiao is also a thigh with a background in the Hongyu Empire, otherwise a wanted man in the empire can be so arrogant?

After holding back for a few days, the yellow scarves finally reappeared, but the place where they appeared was the capital city of Shu, and there were hundreds of thousands of them, all of them were fully armed, only the yellow scarves around their heads or helmets made the first person who found it sure No mistake.

Shu Capital City is next to Moshan City, and further north is the area that was affected by the invasion of the Demon Realm.At this time, so many heavily armed Yellow Turbans appeared in the capital city of Shu, the purpose is self-evident!

The long-awaited Yellow Turban Uprising finally broke out?

However, the Yellow Turban Army at this time was obviously different from the peasant army in history. They were well-equipped, and coupled with religious "brainwashing", they were like fanatics who had been bloodied.

It is indeed extremely difficult for the Chosen One to get into the upper echelons of the Yellow Turban faction, but it is not impossible. For example, Xue Qiqi, who was the first to hug Brother Jiao's thigh as the leader of one faction, and his main force plotted against Xue Rengui on the Red Leaf City battlefield, so He didn't have much strength to support the first battle of the Yellow Turban Uprising, but he was still the person with the highest status of God's Chosen in this battle.

No one doubted that the Yellow Turban Army would lose in front of the capital of Shu. Zhang Jiao held back his big move for so long, and if he was blocked in the first battle, where would his morale be?Where is the face?Those who are interested only want to see the combat effectiveness of the Yellow Turban Army!Regardless of whether there will be hostility in the future, it is essential to understand the strength of the various forces.

But the battle of the Yellow Turban Army surprised all the "observers", Nima is too pitiful!After entering the capital of Shu, all the villages and towns encountered along the way surrendered with flags raised. There was no real war at all, and they just took over the land along the way.Although we know that the west is the home of the Yellow Turbans, there must be many hidden lines in the major towns, but this is too exaggerated!
There are many reasons for the failure of the Yellow Turban Army in history, but one of them is that the general is too scumbag and there is no decent counselor, but this time, this will not be a problem.Although the fighting along the way has reached its extreme, everyone also knows the identity of the vanguard general of the Yellow Turban Army, Jing Si!
Jing Si, not many people know about it, but this girl is really fierce. He has fought more than 150 battles in his life, and he has never lost a single one. people.Just by looking at this simple introduction, one can tell how perverted this guy’s ability is. Now the famous generals under Zhang Jiao’s command are still unclear, and the counselors and famous ministers are even more difficult to find. But with Jing Si, one knows that the current Yellow Turban Army is absolutely not The Yellow Turbans in history are better than that.

Most importantly, the current Jing Si is already a holy rank!If you fight against him, you have to weigh yourself first, otherwise you will be beheaded and seize the flag, and your morale will be directly extinguished.

The Yellow Turban Army was in full swing, and when they reached the capital of Shu, the morale of the army had already reached its peak.


Originally, the melon-eaters thought that they could finally see a real battle, but before the siege battle was halfway through, the defense of the capital city of Shu suddenly stopped, and then a signal was sent out in the city, followed by Shan Xiongxin, the city owner of the capital city of Shu The heads came out and Kaesong surrendered!

The first battle of the Yellow Turban Army can only be described in one word!Nima, the city lord of the Shu capital city, is so useless that he doesn't even know he's been emptied.Zhang Jiao took down the entire Shu capital almost without bloodshed. With the Shu capital as the foundation, the Yellow Turban Army will then conquer the world.There was another rebel army, which was even worse for the Hongyu Empire, which was sending troops to fight the fire. I don't know who the empire will send to deal with the Yellow Turban Army this time.

——System: Zhang Jiao, a wanted criminal by the empire and Taoist traitor, sent troops to attack the capital of Shu, holding high the banner of "the sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand" to rebel.

At the moment when Shu Capital City changed hands, three consecutive system messages let all players online know about it, and immediately after that, three more identical system messages appeared.

——National Division Order: Those who kill Zhang Jiao can go to the Holy Mountain to receive a piece of legendary equipment and a piece of holy pill, and kill Zhang Liang or Zhang Bao to receive a piece of holy equipment.

The new national teacher Yuan Tiangang "speaks" again, and the bounty hanging on Zhang Jiao's head has been raised again. Not to mention the legendary equipment, you can know the use of the Po Sheng Dan just by looking at the name. It must increase the success rate of being promoted to the holy rank, but it is not Know exactly how much you can improve.But speaking of it, the reaction from the Taoist sect was the same as when Zhang Jiao rebelled against the Taoist sect. He did not take any action other than offering a reward. Moreover, what is even more weird is that since there was no reaction from the empire this time, even the reward that was offered at the beginning was not given. No promotion, complete silence.

(End of this chapter)

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