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Chapter 802 Rule the City

Chapter 802 Rule the City
——System: Zhang Jiao, a wanted criminal by the empire and Taoist traitor, sent troops to attack the capital of Shu, holding high the banner of "the sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand" to rebel.

Qin Liangyu completed her advanced studies in the academy, but she didn't know what kind of improvement she had obtained.After an hour of rest, the state of the soldiers of the major armies had returned to their best condition, but just as everyone was about to continue their march, a series of system messages made Wu Yi slightly stunned.

Zhang Jiao finally couldn't help but do it!

Zhang Jiao's stepping up to the stage will be more beneficial to Calabash City. Calabash City is one of the most important places for Zhang Jiao to "sell stolen goods". The greater the power of the Yellow Turban, the more loot he will get, and Wu Yi can also share it from it. to more benefits.

Wu Yi was not too surprised by the actions of the Yellow Turban Army. After all, he had a very close relationship with Brother Zhang Jiao, and he had already felt some signs before.Wu Yi was a little surprised by the reactions of the Daoist sect and the empire!

Since Yuan Tiangang took over the position of the national teacher, he has issued two national teacher orders, all of which are about the rewards offered by Zhang Jiao brothers. This also represents the Taoist opinion on this matter. In Wu Yi's view, this is most likely a Taoist Expressing dissatisfaction with the new emperor in this way, Xiao Chenguang relied on the support of the Guangming Temple to ascend to the throne, and the two were completely tied together. Now what the Guangming Temple is doing is completely eroding the influence of Taoism in the Hongyu Empire force!
The battle for belief between the gods is no worse than the current war on the surface of the empire. The silence of the empire on this matter is most likely a secret rivalry between the two gods.However, Xiao Chenguang, the emperor, is really a sad reminder. Just after he became emperor, the prince rebelled. In addition to the impact of the invasion of the Demon Realm, the new emperor did not even dare to change the year name. Now he still uses Emperor Wu's year name. "Shenwu", after that, the empire was full of flames, and the change of the reign name seemed to be in the foreseeable future.

The background of the Hongyu Empire is extremely deep, otherwise it would have been impossible to suppress the ambitious major gods. However, most of these powers are in the hands of the royal family. The royal family is not equal to the emperor. In the past, Emperor Wu could integrate these powers, but Xiao Chenguang But without this prestige, there are many people in the royal family who are dissatisfied with him.

"Hehe, if there is another jihad between the gods at this time, the Hongyu Empire will collapse immediately, right?" Wu Yi figured out the key point and muttered to himself.

But now, it's not up to the God Chosen to intervene in the affairs between the empire and the gods. The most important thing at the moment is to clear the current dungeon!Due to a series of accidents, Wu Yi and the others have already spent too much time here, and they don't know how the Supreme's men are progressing.

Zhu Rong led the wolf cavalry army in front, the Tianzun army and the air magic guide army were in the middle, and Qin Liangyu led the white-armed soldiers to press down. This formation can be put in a defensive position at the first time no matter what kind of emergency it encounters. shape.

With a clear goal, this time Wu Yi and his party did not continue to detour, but took the straight main road leading to the city center and went straight all the way.

During this period, they encountered another attack from the Legion of the Ancient City. Just as Wu Yi expected, there were four legions on the other side, one cavalry, one cavalry, one priest, and one fire magician.Wu Yi and his party's four legions are insufficient in strength, but they can use the terrain to retreat to the side streets as soon as they encounter an attack. As long as they are not on the main road of the ancient city, the melee of the eight legions cannot be fully deployed. Coupled with Zhu Rong's mindless restraint of fire-type occupations, the battle was safe and the team suffered little loss.

The second floor of the ancient city of Chongsheng, that is, the center of the military area is a huge square. In the center of the square is a huge altar-like teleportation array. However, there is no movement in the teleportation array at this time. Covered by the light curtain, that is the effect of the teleportation array being turned on.

"However, it's so strange that there is no guard army in this kind of place. Could it be that someone came here first and cleared out the guard army?" Wu Yi looked at the golden hexagonal spar in his hand, and there was no such "key" , the teleportation array in front of you is unusable.

It doesn't matter if there are no guards, one less battle means one less loss!
"Let's go, let's go to the teleportation array!"

This teleportation array is obviously of military grade, and the number of teleportation arrays that can be transmitted at the same time is far beyond that of ordinary teleportation arrays. When Wu Yi embedded the golden "key" in the center of the teleportation array, with a weak "key" With the sound of "buzz", a light curtain rises on the teleportation array.The teleportation array was activated, and the golden crystals slowly melted in the light curtain.

This is a one-time key, but it is enough to teleport four legions away.

As the golden liquid melted by the golden spar flows over the surface texture of the entire teleportation array, the light curtain that blooms in the teleportation array becomes more and more high, but when the light curtain covers all the figures standing on the teleportation array, the teleportation starts up!

After the transmitted light dissipated, Wu Yi unconsciously looked towards the sky. When he saw the unobstructed high altitude, Wu Yi's heart was filled with surprise and joy, the third floor!Really reached the third floor of the ancient city of Chongsheng!
"A mere lowly citizen dares to sneak into the ruling city and seek death!" Just as Wu Yi's surprise arose, a burst of shouting exploded in his ears.


Wu Yi suddenly looked vigilantly at the source of the sound. There was no teleportation array under his feet, which meant that they were teleported randomly. The teleportation was different every time the central teleportation array on the second floor was turned on. It is tantamount to eliminating the method of dungeon legion sitting on the sidelines and waiting for other teams of their own side.However, Wu Yi was surprised when he saw the enemy in the distance.

Only one legion?
Wu Yi searched around desperately, but couldn't find other enemies. If there were no invisible enemies, then the opponent really only had 1000 people!

How can this be?

Regardless of Wu Yi's surprise, the other party had already killed him with neat steps.This is an infantry regiment, covered in golden armor with exquisite patterns printed on the surface of the armor, as well as visors and cloaks, even compared to the guard suits equipped by the Habayashi Army. It has a long handle and a big knife, which is somewhat similar to the Mo knife of the Tang Dynasty.The opponent's legion commander also used quite a weapon, but it looked more majestic and did not have a mount.

Infantry, no matter how exaggerated their appearance, they are still infantry. As long as they are infantry, except for a few types, cavalry can be bullied to some extent. Therefore, Zhu Rong led a group of golden wolf warriors to rush out first. The magician and a group of Taoist soldiers also immediately blessed the wolf cavalry with a series of auxiliary states.

(End of this chapter)

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