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Chapter 803 Humans and wolves are broken, the Holy Guard

Chapter 803 Humans and wolves are broken, the Holy Guard
Facing the charge of the Wolf Cavalry Legion, the opponent didn't have any fear, and even the formation didn't change, so they charged straight forward.

This is too arrogant!Infantry and cavalry confront each other. Even if the distance cannot allow the cavalry to reach the maximum speed, it can still obtain a certain degree of combat power bonus. As long as the infantry is trampled over by the cavalry in the first place, it can be said that there is almost no way out.

Although the fighting method chosen by the opponent made Wu Yi feel a little relaxed, he would not stand aside and watch the show. At this moment, the magician and Taoist soldiers broke out the strongest attacks. They are all in good condition now, and the enemy There was only one legion, so naturally there was no need to control the skill value, so Qin Yuliang also led the white soldiers to go around.

The goal of this battle is to lose nothing!but……

"Glory!" Facing the flood of attacks, the wolf cavalry regiment also arrived in front of them, and the infantry regiment suddenly burst into a roar that shook the sky.

——System: You are "gloriously challenged" by the Holy Guard, defense -10%, the recovery effect of life and skill is halved, and lasts for 5 minutes.

Praetorians!It turned out to be the Imperial Guard!

The arms that can bear this name are not simple, just like the Imperial Guard of the Hongyu Empire, which is one of the strongest arms. Today, the entire Hongyu Empire has only such a unit that bears the name of the Imperial Guard.

Wouldn't the Holy Guard be of this level?That is the ninth-level legendary rank, an invincible unit comparable to most mythical units!

However, the next action of the Chongsheng Imperial Guard instantly confirmed Wu Yi's guess. When the Golden Wolf Warrior rushed to him, he stopped, holding a big knife in both hands and posing an attack posture. When the wolf's claws and spears stretched out in front of the eyes, the swords in the hands of the first row of holy guards slashed down, and at least half of the first row of golden wolf warriors in the half-charge state were chopped into two pieces, including humans and wolves. .


Seeing the scene in front of him, Wu Yi really wanted to see the scene where the Datang Modao team was "shattered", it should be the same, it was too violent!Faced with such a scene, it is difficult for soldiers to maintain morale, especially when there is no strong commander.In the ancient city of Chongsheng, the legion is the unit, and there is no way to set up a commander. Therefore, even if multiple legions come together, the bonus attributes between each other are completely separated.

Among these people, only Qin Liangyu is a qualified commander. Not to mention Wu Yi himself, none of the four famous general attributes meet the standard, and the talent is also of the lord type. Zhu Rong and Lu Xiangyun are all violent elements. If there are no soldiers Destruction is equivalent to the destruction of the legion. This setting is okay. At worst, all the soldiers will be thrown away, and the tactics will be much more flexible.

These Sacred Guards are definitely at the ninth-rank legendary level. No wonder they only faced one legion this time. If there were four of them, even if they were of the same type, it would be enough to destroy them in a short time. After all, these are not scattered warriors, but legions!

The Wolf Cavalry Corps was the first to rule out Zhu Rong, a violent lolita. The gap between the ninth-rank cavalry and the legendary guards was too great, but the charge of the cavalry would not stop because the first row fell. The first row fell, followed by the second row, followed by the third row.

In this bloody and violent scene, Wu Yi also discovered some problems. There is no doubt that the fighting power of the Chongsheng Guards is very fierce, but their attack frequency is not high, and the damage of the second knife is obviously not enough. The exaggeration of the first cut is most likely related to the characteristics of the arms, and the legendary arms may have more than six characteristics.

Under the cover of Zhu Ronghe and the two French troops in the rear, the Wolf Cavalry Legion finally overturned the Holy Guards in the first row under the impact of the third row, but they crashed to death in the second row in the hands of the Praetorian Guards.If no change could be made, it is very likely that all these golden wolf warriors would crash into the sword wall of the Holy Guard.

It's a pity that Zhu Rong's "Summon the Balrog" is still cooling down at this time, otherwise the Balrog is undoubtedly the best choice to destroy the formation of the Imperial Guard.

Fortunately, Zhu Rong had already ordered the army to slow down after the first row of Golden Wolf cavalry was chopped into pieces. When the fourth row of Golden Wolf cavalry was killed, the latter were able to control their speed, and they all circled around. Obviously, To deal with these imperial guards head-on, the white-armed soldiers are more suitable than the golden wolf cavalry. Not to mention that the level of the white-armed soldiers is higher than that of the golden wolf cavalry, and Qin Liangyu's ability to command troops far exceeds Zhu Rong.

Fury of Vulcan!
The charging cavalry was hacked to death by the infantry, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to Zhu Rong. One of her strongest attack methods broke out immediately, and boundless flames engulfed the intersection in an instant. Uninterrupted blast into the sea of ​​flames, followed by Qin Liangyu led the white soldiers to block the advance route of the imperial guards.

After this short period of observation, everyone also had a certain understanding of the abilities of the Chongsheng Guards. The attack power of this unit is the strongest Wu Yi has seen so far, but their flexibility in terms of combat effectiveness is very low. It's not high. If it's a defensive counterattack, it's really desperately strong like the charge against the wolf cavalry before, but if it's a mobile battle, it's far less exaggerated.

——System: Congratulations on successfully annihilating the fifth-level legion "", and you have obtained "Arms Promotion Stone" ?

A brutal battle!Especially for the Wolf Cavalry Corps, more than two hundred people died in battle, and the incomplete establishment was cut down by nearly half in an instant.However, this is also a loss of carelessness. If the Wolf Cavalry Legion hadn't launched a charge so rashly before, the loss would not be so exaggerated.

The drawing fragments obtained this time are what Wu Yi is most interested in. The big swords in the hands of the Chongsheng Guards gave him too much shock. Calabash City also produced a unit like this, think about the feeling, it's cool!

Unfortunately, apart from him, neither Lu Xiangyun nor Qin Liangyu had obtained the blueprint fragments of the Destroyer Saber, and they all had quite a few troop advancement stones.

Troop promotion stone (special): After taking it, soldiers have a certain chance to be directly promoted to the first rank.

This attribute is really simple and rude!After the ninth level, the soldiers can be promoted to the third level of earth, sky, and legend, but this thing is only for the soldiers. The soldiers can be promoted successfully, but the generals can't be trained after they are killed. Even if they are promoted to dozens, what's the use?This can only be equivalent to a one-time consumable, and it is somewhat similar to the Yellow Turban Warrior Transformation Talisman Zhang Jiao gave him, except that this promotion is permanent, as long as he is not dead, it will always be maintained.

(End of this chapter)

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