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Chapter 805 The Real Habayashi Army

Chapter 805 The Real Habayashi Army
"Wei Qing?!"

When he walked around to the battle area and saw the melee teams, Wu Yi was shocked, it was Wei Qing and his Habayashi Legion!Moreover, there is only one legion of the Habayashi Army, and Wei Qing has no other helpers.Didn't he meet other allies' teams along the way?How did he lead an army to the third floor?
"Help!" At this moment, Wu Yi's mind was full of doubts, but now was not the time to ponder these things. Helping Wei Qing solve the battle first was the right way.However, the number of Habayashi Army is quite large, more than six hundred, which is much stronger than the Wolf Cavalry Army that followed Wu Yi.

Wu Yi didn't need to open his mouth, Lu Xiangyun had already made a move at the first time, a huge space blade flew into the battle group, the opponent of the Habayashi Army was also a sacred guard, but facing this When it was a super unit, the performance of the Habayashi Army was far from that of the Wolf Cavalry Army, and it even had a faint advantage.

By the way, I almost forgot that the group of Habayashi troops under Wei Qing's command is no longer at the ground level, but at the sky level!In terms of level, it is only one level lower than that of the Chongsheng Imperial Guard, plus Wei Qing's attribute bonus and lieutenant general's bonus, it is normal to suppress the opponent. After all, the opponent's legion leader is just an ordinary character. The main reason for killing here.

"Wings for the country, like a forest!" At this time, all the Habayashi soldiers roared, and the sound shook the sky. At the same time, all the Habayashi soldiers emitted gleaming white light, and the white lights were connected to each other, like a huge wing.

Wings for the country, like a forest!These eight characters represent the Han Yulin Army, and they used to shout, but now this eight characters obviously have an extraordinary effect.The Habayashi Army, which had been suppressing the Sacred Guards, was now more courageous, and its combat effectiveness was instantly increased.

Habayashi Army:
Level: Ninth Tier Heavenly Level

Attack: 420
Defense: 400
Life: 7000
Skill: 5000
Feature 1: Thousands of Miles Strike - Movement Speed ​​+15%, Stamina Consumption -15%.

Feature 2: Immovable as a mountain - Defense +15%, and the damage received is immune to 15%.

Feature 3: Glory—Morale +20%, 75% chance to be immune to negative status, 5% chance to cause double damage to the target.

Feature 4: Unyielding Soul - During the battle, for every 10% decrease in health, the attack will increase by 5%, up to a maximum increase of 30%.When the life is lower than 30%, the attack comes with a 10% blood-sucking effect, and when the life is restored to 50%, the blood-sucking effect disappears.

Feature 5: High morale - immunity to "intimidation" abilities, morale will not decrease in disadvantaged or even fatal situations,

Skill: Wings for the country, such as Lin Zhisheng - Passive: Every thousand Habayashi soldiers on the battlefield can get 1% life bonus, 0.5% damage immunity, up to 30% life value and 15% damage increase immunity.Active: Increase the probability of attack, defense, damage immunity and one-hit kill by a certain value. The more the number of Habayashi soldiers, the higher the value of the bonus. It lasts for 10 minutes, no consumption, and the skill interval is two hours.

Charge - Damage +18%, requires a minimum distance of 20 meters from the target, every 10 meters, damage +2.5%, damage increased by up to 25%, consumes 150 skills.

Piercing - kills 500, after penetrating the first target, it can continue to cause damage to the targets behind it, with the "charge" skill bonus, 25% chance to cause double damage to the target, consumes 100 skill.

Flying Feather Arrow - can shoot at long-range targets while running, kills 400, penetrates +25%, and has a 50% chance of causing "bleeding" effects on the target.

Nine Feather Spears—Nine spear shadows burst out in an instant, like a peacock spreading its screen, causing range damage to the front. Each spear shadow has a lethality equivalent to 125% of its own attack. The nine shadow guns are stacked, with 25 % chance to cause one-hit kill damage to the target.Consumes 300 skills, and the skill interval is 90 seconds.

So strong!This is the real Habayashi Army!
Although compared to before, the current Habayashi Army has only added a characteristic and a skill, but Wu Yi dares to boldly assert that the Habayashi Army is definitely the top of the heavenly ranks.The reason is the newly added skill "For the country's wings, such as Lin Zhisheng". The data of the active effect is not clear, but the passive effect can reach the maximum value as long as the army has [-] feathers. What is the attribute? ?
The new feature "high fighting spirit" has no attribute bonus, but it can ensure the most stable performance of the Habayashi Army, and will not be affected by some special skills of generals or military advisers. With this feature, there is almost no need to worry about the Habayashi Army In the event of morale collapse during the war, even if you retreat, you can organize a counterattack very effectively. There will never be a situation like Zhang Han's that is doomed to lose once you retreat.

The growth of the Habayashi Army is almost linear. Both the basic attributes and the original characteristics and skills have been strengthened. The current Habayashi Army is the real ace army!Wu Yi is still very satisfied with the only ninth-level heaven-level unit in Calabash City. As a result, the Habayashi Army has to expand to 3 people, and will "serve the country's wings like Lin Zhisheng" "The passive effect of " is strengthened to the highest level, but it will take a long time, and the training of the heavenly ranks cannot be completed in a few days.

I don't know what the attributes of the Habayashi Army will look like after being promoted to a legendary unit. The horror of the legendary unit can be seen from the attributes of the sky rank.Of course, no matter how strong a unit is, it also needs a good general, otherwise, the angels of the God of Light will not always be criticized by others. The angels summoned from the gate of heaven cannot receive the attribute bonus of the commander, so the combat power is only their own. Every time an angel appears, people can't help but have an illusion of "this is cannon fodder" in their hearts.

There is no way, the people of the Temple of Light always open the gate of heaven in the most dangerous place, so the angels will fall down as soon as they appear. With Wei Qing's ability, he can lead the ninth-level troops into the same number as the angels. of fighting.

Under the outbreak of the Habayashi Army, coupled with the strong output of Lu Xiangyun and Wu Yi, the combat power quickly came to an end. In Wu Yi's eyes, the battle was not thrilling, but the casualties of the Habayashi Army were not large in the end.

"I've seen you!" As soon as the battle was over, Wei Qing and Tao Lu, the deputy general of the Habayashi Army, dismounted and led a group of Habayashi troops to salute Wu Yi.

"I didn't expect to meet you here!" Now, the five legions from Hulu City who entered the ancient city of Chongsheng, except for Ma Zhong's Dragon Slayer Legion, have all gathered. This has to be called luck, after all, the two major alliances are now Competing for this dungeon, there are more than twenty legions entering the dungeon. Even if some of them are unlucky and perish on the way, four legions of Calabash City can gather on the third floor, which is really rare.

Wei Qing has gained a lot after developing in the ancient city alone for so many days. Wu Yi will receive system information about the major legions from time to time. Just the reinforced Habayashi Army of the Legion Baoyin has seven times, and the Dragon Slayer Legion is less , only five times.When we met now, Wu Yi also handed over all the fragments of the drawings in his hand to Wu Yi, there were nearly thirty copies.

Fragment 3 of "Sixth Heaven Demon King's Standard Mask Forging Blueprint"!

This is what Wu Yi drew from a pile of scraps of drawing paper. The one in his hand is Fragment 2. Judging from the blueprint, the drawing is only divided into three fragments, which means that he is only short of one fragment 1. A complete forging blueprint of the Sixth Heaven Demon King's standard visor was produced by the Armament Research Institute!However, it is not that easy to obtain this Fragment 1. The harvests of the four legions have not been able to combine into a complete blueprint, which is really speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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