The best lord of online games

Chapter 806 Dragon Emissary

Chapter 806 Dragon Emissary

With Wei Qing and Habayashi Army together, the combat power of Wu Yi and his party skyrocketed instantly, but the opponents of the six legions that Wu Yi was worried about did not appear, but the level of the enemy's legion increased. Legion.

There are only three types of arms in the ruling city. The first type is the Holy Guard, which is also the highest level of arms in this dungeon. Air Cavalry, Eagle Guard of the Empire, Ninth Heavenly Rank.The arms here are all above the ninth level, and there is no legion below the fifth level. The combat power is extremely explosive. Fortunately, the ancient city legions on the third floor are all acting alone, otherwise it will be difficult to move here.

——System: Congratulations on annihilating the seventh-level legion "Empire Wall" and obtaining "Arms Promotion Stone"? 5, "Legion Seal (Life) (Purple)"? 1, "Sacred Destroyer Sword Standard Forging Blueprint" Fragment Five? 1.

It turned out to be a seventh-level legion!
With the bonus of two lieutenants, even if the ability of the main general is far inferior to Wei Qing, it should not be underestimated after all. It is by no means comparable to the legions they bullied before. Fortunately, there is the Habayashi Legion, otherwise it would be really difficult to fight.

However, the stronger the opponent, the higher the reward.

Legion Seal (Life) (Purple): Bless the military flag, life +3%, the same seal cannot be used repeatedly.

This is the first purple legion seal that Wu Yi obtained. As for the other legions, except for Wei Qing, who had previously obtained a purple legion seal that enhanced movement speed, all of them had only blue ones.However, he does not intend to use this Fang Baoyin for his Tianzun Legion to strengthen life, and it is more suitable for the front-line troops. Now the Yulin Army is the number one trump card of Calabash City, so it is natural to give priority to strengthening him with high-level resources!

The blueprint of the Doomed War Knife was divided into five fragments, and now he only has three in his hand, but he has two copies of the same Fragment Two.

After sorting it out, Wu Yi handed over the treasure seal of General Wu Yi to Wei Qing. The other generals present, no matter whether it was Zhu Rong or Lu Xiangyun, Wu Yi had invested a lot of resources in them, and it was not enough for such a small thing. And jealousy, as for Qin Liangyu, it was just an allied army.

"My lord, I got a pass!" Wei Qing handed back a deep purple gold-painted scroll while receiving the legion seal.

——System: Habayashi Army Legion (military flag) HP +3%.

Wei Qing's harvest in the ancient city of Chongsheng is considered the biggest among the five legions. Although the current Habayashi Legion is still only level six, the basic bonus of the legion is probably not weaker than that of the seventh-level legion. Of course, the seventh-level legion The legion has one more lieutenant general than the sixth-level legion. Even if the basic attributes can surpass it, it is still not as good as the seventh-level legion.

Wu Yi focused on that scroll. Except for the cheating blueprint fragments, the spoils in the ancient city of Chongsheng are all high-quality goods, such as the qualification certificates obtained on the second floor.

Tower of Dominion Pass: Hold the pass to enter the Tower of Dominion.

"The Tower of Ruler? Is that the tall tower?" Wu Yi unconsciously looked at the tower that was getting closer and closer. The closer he got, the more everyone felt excited about this magnificent and exquisite miracle building. shocked.The giant tower gives people an illusion like a sky pillar. The golden tower of the giant tower is also carved with dense reliefs. Unfortunately, the content of the carvings cannot be clearly observed at the current distance.

"It should be. This is called the ruling city, and only this divine tower is qualified to be called the ruling tower!" Wei Qing nodded, looking at the tower with a different color in his eyes.

Although Calabash City also has a large number of special buildings, none of them can be compared with this ruling tower, and it is unknown what kind of special effects it has. If you can get the architectural blueprint of this tower, then...

"It's up to you to hold it. If you have a chance, go in and have a look. Maybe you can gain something." Wu Yi handed the pass to Wei Qing again. This pass is actually the same as the qualification certificate. That is to say, a pass can only allow one legion to enter the Tower of Domination, but the Tower of Dominion is different from the Beidou Barracks and Academy. It is not clear whether it will encounter battles. Naturally, it is given to the most powerful Habayashi Legion first.


Qiandong Mountain, this time is the time when the leveling crowd is the largest, but at this moment, all the players in the mountain seemed to hear a dragon chant vaguely.

"An illusion?" A warrior who swung a knife and beheaded a black bear in front of a huge cave in the mountainside scratched his head and muttered to himself.

"You heard that too?" The assassin player next to the warrior suddenly looked at his companion with a ghostly expression.

"Damn it! There are dragons in Qiandong Mountain! A giant dragon or a divine dragon?" After hearing the endless conversation between the two, the 12-member team suddenly became agitated.

"It should be a giant dragon. The group of divine dragons is very small, and their growth is at least at the god level. Even if they appear, it cannot be at this time." A bearded uncle in a white priest robe analyzed with his right hand propping his chin.

"It's funny, I'm still talking about this now, Conan is possessed, find it quickly! Even if it is a giant dragon, as long as it can trigger the mission, it is a treasure!"

"Yes! I still want to switch to Dragon Knight!"

At this moment, the entire Qiandong Mountain became noisy, and almost all the leveling teams were all over the mountain looking for the legendary dragon.

At this time, in front of a bare cliff in the north of Qiandong Mountain, a small "black hole" suddenly appeared above, and a figure fell from it, and the dragon chant that affected the entire Qiandong Mountain came from the other side of the black hole. from one end.

"Ouch!" The face in the middle hit the ground first!
"These old dragons, can't you use a normal way, my old lady's beautiful face!" The rose-colored swordsman's strong outfit outlined the woman's beautiful figure, but she carried a handle on her back that seriously didn't fit her figure. The huge sword is more than 180 centimeters wide and [-] centimeters long. It is definitely a heavy weapon. The sword body is dark gold, and the surface has dragon scale textures.

The person who "falls" suddenly is Hong Fu, an adventurer player who entered Dragon God Island before. He stayed in Dragon God Island for nearly a week, but he didn't see many dragons. There have been meetings on how to "handle" her.I don't know if it's because the lifespan of the Dragon Clan is too long. This meeting of the elders was also ridiculously long. It lasted for five days. In the end, a bunch of old dragons gave her the status of an envoy of the Dragon Clan, and at the same time let her change jobs. Became a reserve dragon knight.

Apprentice Dragon Emissary: ​​Gain the friendship of dragon creatures.

There is no title with any bonus, and it is still under assessment, but with this identity, she can travel freely between Hongyu Empire and Dragon God Island. As long as she can complete this mission, she will be able to become a regular, not just an envoy of the Dragon Clan If the status of the dragon knight becomes regular, the career of the dragon knight can also become regular.

(End of this chapter)

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