Chapter 807

"The Giant Dragon Appears in Thousand Cave Mountain"!
This post with no picture and no truth has become a popular post on the "Prosperity" forum in just an hour. If only a few people heard the sound of the dragon chant in Qiandong Mountain, such a post will definitely be sprayed It's a liar, but hundreds of thousands, the entire player in Qiandongshan heard it?

After this post appeared, Qiandongshan suddenly became popular. It was originally just an ordinary leveling point, and at most there were only more than a thousand people, but because of this unconfirmed news, Qiandongshan flooded in instantly There are tens of thousands of people, many of whom are experts who have reached the seventh level.It is even more impossible for the reporters of the major radio stations and the intelligence personnel of the forces to miss such an opportunity.

Tens of thousands of people almost dug Qiandong Mountain three feet into the ground, but still nothing was found. It was time for the Analytical Emperor to appear on the stage. Some people thought that the dragon just passed by Qiandong Mountain, and just screamed. The limit height of the dragon's flight Far beyond ordinary flying creatures, so only the sound is heard, and it makes sense that no one actually sees the dragon.Some people also think that there is a secret realm in Qiandong Mountain. The secret realm is hidden by a special formation, and there is no correct way to enter, so they can't find it.

All kinds of analyzes emerged one after another, some people left, and more people rushed over. For a while, the entire Qiandong Mountain couldn't practice normally at all.

And when Qiandong Mountain was in a storm, the perpetrators had already arrived at Pegasus City. The war in the north did not have the slightest impact on this place. It is said that this place is blessed by the gods. The specific reason is unknown, but the rebels never approach here. , the imperial army will not bother here, the capital of art is still the capital of art, there are more than dozens of masters from all walks of life here at any time, even if there are masters, it is not uncommon, Pegasus City is also the favorite of nobles The place I came from is different from other places in terms of clothing, food, housing, and transportation.

Hongfu, as you can tell from the name, she is a fan of Hongfu girl Zhang Chuchen, her original occupation is a swordsman, pay attention, she is a swordsman, not a swordsman!The swordsman is more light-hearted, with a bit of chivalry. In the words of a friend, her chivalrous disease is already terminally ill.But between the swordsman and the dragon knight, she decisively chose the dragon knight. Thinking about the heroic posture of standing on the back of a dragon with a dragon spear in hand, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep.

In her opinion, the task this time is not difficult. Open a dragon's lair and bring one of the items back to Dragon God Island!Of course, she didn't need to open the dragon's nest. She didn't have the ability to open a sealed dragon's nest. The elders gave her the address of a giant dragon living in the human world and asked her to find this dragon's help.

The goal is given, and the person who makes the shot has also given it. If this kind of task is not simple, what task is simple?The only pity is that the high-end tasks of the Dragon Clan are high-end, but the rewards are very expensive, but this only refers to money, such as some occupations, skills, and the defective equipment in their eyes is still very generous. For example, Hong Fuxin's dragon knight's exclusive giant sword is defective equipment in the eyes of giant dragons, but this so-called defective product is already rare in the eyes of players at this stage.

"No. [-], Rainbow Avenue, this is here." Looking at the "Leng Mansion" in front of him, Hong Fu was shocked, "What a luxurious mansion!"

The giant dragon really deserves the title of "Mobile Treasure House". How much would it cost to buy such a luxurious mansion in Pegasus City where every inch of land is expensive?

Hong Fu stepped forward and knocked on the closed door of the mansion. It's really strange that such a big mansion doesn't even have guards standing at the door. Which one of the other mansions on this rainbow avenue doesn't have eight majestic men standing in front of the door? High-level guards.

Soon, the door opened a gap with a "squeak", and a middle-aged man dressed as a butler looked at Hongfu and said, "My lady, this is a private mansion, and no strangers are accepted. .”

"Excuse me, please inform me, the little girl has brought some important news from Lord Leng's hometown."

"My lord's hometown?" The middle-aged butler's face suddenly became extremely strange, obviously he knew where the so-called Lord Leng's hometown was.

Hong Fu also understood that she would definitely not be able to get through with just a few words, so she took out her identity token as a trainee dragon envoy and handed it to the housekeeper.This token represents her identity, it is also a piece of equipment, and it can be upgraded. It is only silver level now, and it should be able to be upgraded to gold level after becoming a regular.

"Please wait!" The butler took the token and looked it over and over several times, but although he knew some details about his master, he was still not sure about these things.

Soon, the butler reappeared and invited Hong Fu who was waiting at the door to enter. After entering the Leng Mansion, Hong Fu was even more surprised. Illusion, the flowers in the garden are in full bloom, and they are all rare varieties.

"Come on, what are you looking for with this deity?" In the living room, a young man in a dark blue robe lazily glanced at Hong Fu, and said impatiently.

"The little girl is here to invite Master Leng to open the Dragon Lair of the Deep Frost Dragon Emperor." After staying in Dragon God Island for so many days, Hong Fu also has a certain understanding of the strength division of giant dragons. They are all holy ranks, and legendary ranks are the core combat power of the dragon clan. The elders are all demigods, and they are the top existences among the demigods. The current Dragon God Island is a parliamentary system and is managed by the elders.It is said that there used to be dragon kings and dragon emperors in the dragon clan, and the dragon kings were all strong men at or near the god level, and the dragon king is even more exaggerated.

According to the elder who gave her the mission, this Leng Ling is a legendary water dragon.

"Open the Dragon Lair of the Deep Frost Dragon Emperor? This is a hard job, don't go!" Leng Ling refused decisively.

"What? Master Leng, this is the request of the Longshen Island Presbyterian Church!" Hong Fu was greatly surprised, isn't the elder of the Dragon Clan the biggest!

"So what, do you have the holy dragon golden sword bestowed by the elders? If you don't have the golden sword, I can refuse it."

Holy Dragon Golden Sword?Nima, never heard of it!I was cheated!

"Of course, if you can give me a fine painting of Wu Daozi, I'll help you once, otherwise, you'd better go back to Longshen Island to find other helpers." Leng Ling changed the subject and continued.

Hongfu is speechless, at this moment she can't wait to have a aunt's towel patted on the dead dragon's face, wouldn't it be great if the dragon really likes treasures? Why do you like paintings? Everyone says that Wenqing is a disease. Let a doctor show him!

By the way, whose painting is he talking about?Wu Daozi?Isn't that a painting saint!

(End of this chapter)

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