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Chapter 808 Killer Jing Ke

Chapter 808 Killer Jing Ke

——System: Dragon Slayer Legion (military flag) attack +1%.

Wu Yi and his party were approaching the Tower of Dominion with difficulty. The closer they got to the tower, the higher the frequency of battles would be. Moreover, they could hear battles coming from a distance from time to time.However, because the distance is too far, it is impossible to find out the identity of the distant team, but those who can climb to the third floor are undoubtedly the strongest legions in the hands of the current players. Wu Yi's ability to go to the third floor is entirely the result of hugging his thighs, and he still has three points of luck in it.

At this time, Wu Yi received information about the Dragon Slaying Legion, and Wu Yi, who was looking forward to meeting Ma Zhong, completely gave up.

"+1%?" The cyan quality legion seal, it is impossible to appear on the third floor, maybe this guy is still nesting on the first floor!

Fighting along the way, they failed to obtain the second pass for the Tower of Dominion, and they also failed to collect the blueprints for the Destruction Saber, but the group obtained a large number of unit advancement stones.Although each battle, each legion with more can get 20 yuan, but Wu Yi has four legions to collect together. If you are lucky, you can get more than 60 yuan at a time.

Now he has a full 300 yuan in his hands, and with the addition of Wei Qing and Habayashi Legion, the casualties in each battle have also been greatly reduced.Wu Yi didn't expect these advancement stones to make Wei Qing's troop training expertise go further. That's unrealistic. It's not so easy to get legendary-level troops. It's the right way to focus on Lu Xiangyun, which is much less difficult.

"Let's get started!" Wu Yi handed all the promotion stones to Lu Xiangyun. There are not so many earth magicians. He still doesn't believe that Lu Xiangyun can't comprehend it.

Since there are not many promotion stones, Wu Yi didn't waste time testing the success rate of the promotion legend of the heavenly ranks. The promotion rate of the ninth rank is about 60.00%, which is quite good.

——System: Lu Xiangyun gained some experience in military training by observing the promotion of soldiers in his army.

Three hundred legion magicians took promotion stones at the same time, and in about 2 minutes, as each one was successfully promoted, the system information about Lu Xiangyun was also refreshed. Looking at the legion magicians surrounded by golden light, one after another Paying attention to the system information from time to time, my heart seems to be in my throat.

Experience, or experience!Fuck, I have collected hundreds of tips, and it is endless. Seeing that the golden light on most of the successful legion magicians has slowly dissipated, could it be that they still cannot succeed this time?
The large area of ​​golden light has been silent, and only a few last promotions are left. The 300 yuan promotion stone is enough for 190 legion magicians to successfully trigger the promotion. The probability exceeds 60.00%, which is higher than the previous one.

——System: Lu Xiangyun has successfully comprehended the specialty "Training Troops", and the reward rate is +20.

When the last legion magician was promoted, Wu Yi finally heard a voice like the sounds of nature, and finally succeeded!This is equivalent to throwing all the gains of the four legions on one person, and it is finally worthy of his efforts.

The attributes of the training specialties are the same, but there are differences in the types of arms. For example, Wei Qing can train the basic infantry and cavalry in addition to being able to train the Habayashi Army, and the level can reach the ninth level. Infantry can only reach Tier [-] at most.The same is true for Lu Xiangyun. His current military training specialty allows him to train eighth-level space magicians, but he cannot train magicians of other departments or even the most basic infantry.

In this way, Calabash City finally has a fifth-line legion magician, but it is temporarily unusable in this sacred ancient city, but the reward of 48 command points makes him finally have the appearance of a legion commander. His command value has been hovering below [-], and his talents and specialties have no bonus to soldiers at all, so his command ability has become the lowest among all the generals in Calabash City. Now his command has reached [-], which still hasn't changed. fate.

Now the Air Magic Corps has more than two hundred prefecture-level legion magicians, which can be regarded as a great increase in strength.

But just when Wu Yi was feeling refreshed, a cold light suddenly appeared on the back of his head.

"Be careful!!!" Wei Qing and Qin Liangyu exclaimed almost at the same time, their fighting power was not enough for them to respond to the rescue immediately, and Zhu Rong and Lu Xiangyun, who had the strongest personal fighting power, came to the rescue immediately , but even the fastest Lu Xiangyun couldn't catch up.

——System: You were attacked by Jing Ke's "Picture the Poor Dagger" and suffered fatal damage...

The cold light hit the back of the head, and the fatal attack directly caused the instant kill effect. Amid Wu Yi's astonished expression, his body disappeared very abruptly.

——System: The avatar will take effect automatically, the avatar will disappear, and the substitute death will be completed.

In a blink of an eye, Wu Yi's body appeared five meters north of the original position under a luminous package, that is, Wei Qing's side. Wei Qing, who immediately reacted, immediately dispatched the Habayashi Army to kill Wu Yi The guardian is in the center, and the position where Wu Yi stood just now left a small black humanoid mark.

so close!Fortunately, there is still one substitute talisman that Mingying gave him before, otherwise he and his Tianzun army would have been sent out of the ancient city of Chongsheng just now.

And the person who assassinated Wu Yi also showed his figure at that moment, Jing Ke?Why did Jing Ke appear in the ancient city of Chongsheng?He is an assassin. Logically speaking, he should not have the ability to command troops, but he may have special arms. His existence should be like Lu Xiangyun. The combat effectiveness of the legion does not matter, what is important is him!
Jing Ke will assassinate him, so one of the distant battles they heard before is from the Seven Sins Alliance. Which guild does Jing Ke belong to?Alliance of Seven Sins?Supreme?Heaven?Jing Ke's assassination ability is far superior to that of Shi A who was conquered by Wu Yi before, and the famous general is also far superior to Shi A. This guy must be careful, let alone him, even Wei Qing's level is extremely easy to be assassinated.If Jing Ke really has a special unit, it must be the Assassin type. It may not be too outstanding in a frontal battle, but it is very likely that surprises will have unexpected effects.

"Huh?" Jing Ke looked at the black marks on the ground, then at Wu Yi who was heavily protected, turned around and disappeared without saying a word.He avoided most of Lu Xiangyun and Zhu Rong's attacks, resisted some non-fatal injuries and left. His stealth skills were so effective that even the two masters couldn't find the direction in which he left. No trace was left, only Zhu Rong was left bombarding the surrounding open space with a wide range of flames as if venting.

 Power outage in Internet cafe, embarrassing

(End of this chapter)

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