The best lord of online games

Chapter 809 Wu Daozi Gongsun Aunt and Shi A

Chapter 809 Wu Daozi Gongsun Aunt and Shi A

"What a powerful assassin!" After Jing Ke left for a long time, Wei Qing exclaimed, this kind of assassin who is elusive and has the ability to kill with one blow has always been talked about by the upper class, but Wei Qing is not afraid of it , This is also in the ancient city of Chongsheng, this is so on a normal battlefield, he is absolutely capable of mobilizing the strength of the army in the first time to shoot this assassin to death.

It is more difficult to assassinate a powerful commander than a general of the same level!

Although Jing Ke in history failed to assassinate Qin, judging from the attack just now, his ability can be called terrifying. Maybe in "The Prosperity" in the future, Jing Ke can complete his regret in history.

"Everyone, be careful. A mere assassin can't affect the overall situation. We still try to find another pass for the tower of dominion." Wu Yi suppressed the storm in his heart, and the last avatar was used up, which made him He was extremely heartbroken, and wondered if he could get some from Ming Ying's old way. If not, then he could only find Zhang Jiao. Zhang Jiao's level in talisman should not be worse than Ming Ying's. yes.

As the level got higher and higher, the Wu Yi lord who was used to cannon fodder became more and more afraid of death!He was completely unprepared just now, but now that he knows Jing Ke's existence, even if he can't find his whereabouts immediately, it is not so easy for him to assassinate key personnel, and once he shows up again, there is a great possibility that he will kill him. its left over.


Just when Wu Yi and his party rearranged their formation and started on the road, in the northeast, in a magnificent palace, where thousands of people were resting and eating, Jing Ke appeared silently.

"Did it fail? What a pity!" The arrogant king sat cross-legged on the ground, propping his forehead with his left index finger, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and there was no sign of regret in his tone.

"The target most likely has only one substitute talisman on him, and he will die next time!" Jing Ke said quietly standing on the arrogant king.

"No need, right now we are still looking for the pass to the Tower of Dominion. If there is a chance to meet in the future, you can find an opportunity to make a move during the battle." The seven bosses of the Seven Sins League have their own trump cards in their hands. Like Long Qi of the angry king, Du Ruhui of the lazy king, Jing Ke is his trump card. Now that the identity of the other party has been determined, there is no need to continue taking risks.

The dungeon of Chongsheng Ancient City was shared by the Supreme Guild. In order to clear this dungeon, the Alliance Guild jointly pulled out more than [-] legions, but they never expected to meet other competitors in the dungeon. On the first floor, he fell under the pursuit of the Legion of the Ancient City. His luck was good, he gathered three legions of his own, and the trump card Jing Ke blocked the Luocheng Legion that was alone on the second floor and wiped it out. Out of the ancient city of Chongsheng.

But Zhizunbao's team was also unlucky. They encountered Wu Yi first, and then they were blocked by Chang Yuchun and his party in the central teleportation formation on the second floor, and died in the teleportation formation. Even the extremely valued Long Qi was also eliminated early up.There were only two Legions of God's Chosen who entered the ancient city on their side. After the Supreme Treasure was cleared out, he was the only one left. The legions of other aboriginal generals could not communicate until they met.

The arrogant king's profession is a curse priest. His relationship in the Temple of the Underworld has developed well. He has worshiped a senior member of the Temple of the Underworld as a teacher, so he has a special building, the Cursed Underground Palace, and can produce special units of curse priests. His Cursed Legion is Composed of Cursed Priests, an auxiliary-oriented legion, it is still a bit difficult to fight alone, but once you have helpers, the outbreak of combat power is completely different.

Cursed Priests, Jing Ke's Assassin Legion, Chen Dao's White-Erced Army, and a Legion of Magicians from the Heavenly Guild can be regarded as able to get along in the dangerous third floor.

However, it is difficult to compete for the final customs clearance reward, and I don't know how many of their troops are still on the third floor. If they can all gather together, then he doesn't mind clearing the field first.

"I heard that Zhang Han was planted in Xiaguang City. It seems that we have to find something for the Wuyi boss who is making a lot of noise!"


Clothes Club
Shi A had been guarded mindlessly by Zhang Chuchen before, unable to beat him again and again, so he could only hide in the mansion, but today, the helper he applied for finally arrived. On the one hand, he also wanted to lure Zhang Chuchen to show up again. The sooner this matter is resolved, the better. After all, the "guard" is borrowed, and it is impossible to protect him all the time.

"Ning Sheng, this neon clothes club is the most famous in Dongping City, and the girls are all very charming." Shi A said and gave Ning Tianhao a look that any man could understand.

"You're doing well here!" Ning Tianhao's whole body was covered in a large black robe. Although he was a strong man of the holy rank, he was extremely incomplete, even in Calabash City.

"Haha, it's necessary for work. This is the best place to make friends with high-level people in Dongping City." Shi Agan laughed.

As soon as he arrived in front of the Neon Clothes Music Square, a plump woman with revealing clothes and coquettish makeup greeted her: "Hey, isn't this Mr. Shi? You haven't been to this music room for a long time."

"Isn't this here? By the way, is my old position still there?" Shi A smiled and raised his index finger to touch under the woman's chin, which had a bit of "adulterant sex".

"Yes! Of course! Your Master Shi greeted you in advance, how dare you not keep it for you."

"That's good!" Shi A smiled and took out a blood-colored pearl the size of a pigeon egg and placed it in the woman's palm, taking advantage of the opportunity.Ever since Gourd City established a stable trade relationship with the Sea Clan, there has been no shortage of things like pearls, many of which have been sent to Shi A for the establishment of information channels.

"Huh? Your place seems to be much more lively than before."

The woman put away the pearls with a look of surprise, and said: "That is, the owner of the workshop recently invited Mrs. Gongsun to live in the music workshop. Oh, by the way, you have not seen Mrs. Gongsun before, and Mrs. Gongsun's sword dance is amazing. , A few days ago, the people of the palace invited Mrs. Gongsun to perform in the palace."

"Oh? Then today is going to be an eye-opener."

At the same time, Hongfu also went to Dongping City, and found the target person, the painting saint Wu Daozi!But Wu Daozi was even more reclusive than Leng Ling. The two parties had no friendship at all, so it was not so difficult to get Wu Daozi's paintings.Therefore, Hong Fu could only follow Wu Daozi temporarily, looking for opportunities. After Wu Daozi entered the Clothes Club, she also bought a place at a high price that made her extremely heartbroken.

 The shame of codewords in Internet cafes exploded, but fortunately, there was no interruption today, and people were flashed.

(End of this chapter)

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